tysm for over 150 votes!!
I know for the most of you it's not that much but I just started that book so it means alot to me!♡
{I hope wattpad did not ruin the gifs. If so please tell me!}
How would EXO react to you self harming? (cutting)
-cries as he catches you doing that
-asks you why you do that
-tries to stop you
-won't stop being by your side
-tells you that he's always here for you
-puts all sharp things in trash or holds you away from them
-tries to stop you
-gets a bit depressed
-always has an eye on you
-is always by your side
-is sad because you hurt your beautiful body
-is gonna stop you
-puts all sharp things away from you and also throws it into the trash
-a bit angry because you haven't told him earlier
-starts blaming himself for that
-cries himself sometimes to sleep
-he would aks you tons of times why you do that
-gets sad and depressed
-will always be by your side since he knows
-can't understand how you can hurt yourself
-cries alot
-can't understand that you hurt yourself
-tries to stop you
-breaks down at dance practises
-can't sleep for days
-tries to always be by your side
-gets depressed
-won't leave your side
-tells you every free second how much he loves you and that he doesn't care that you have scars
-gets sad
-would hold you so tight at night
-has an eye on you
-tries to stop you
-starts crying as he sees it
-throws away every sharp thing you could hurt yourself with
-tries to stop you
-gets really sad
-does not understand how you can hurt yourself
-is not gonna leave your side
-has always an eye on you
-hates himself for you hurting yourself
-is less open up and gets more tired & sad
-tries to stop you
-puts all sharp things away
-blames himself for that
-cries alot
-gets sad
-tries to stop you
-sleeps less
-always by your side
-gets depressed
-aks why you do that
-blames and hates himself for that
-cries himself to sleep
-is going to stop you
-does not understand why you do that
-is always looking at you
-is mad at you and himself
-doesn't know what to do
-blames himself for not being here for you enough
-gets depressed
-asks his hyungs what to do
-tries to stop you
-searches for sharp things and throw them away
-gets really really sad
-is going to stop you
-is always watching you
-gets more quiet
-throws all the sharp things away
-is not asking you why you do that but blames himself as a reason
How would EXO react to you wearing his clothes?
-is going to cuddle with you allday
-wants you to wear his clothes more often
-has a happy smile on his face all day long
-would be a huge tease
-first: asks you with a fake disgusted face why the hell you wear his hoodie
-second: when you're about to put it off he would say that it looks good on you, actually it would turn him on
-third: you would be confused & he has a grin on his face
-looks at you with a perverted grin
-licks his lips
-pulls you to him and starts kissing your neck
-"Baby girl you are gonna call me daddy"
-can't stop smiling
-loves you in his clothes
-cuddles with you in bed allday
-from cuddling continuing with sports in bed
-would not admit that he likes you in his clothes
-kinda like Baekhyun, a big tease
-says that you should not wear his clothes
-he says it looks better on him
-when you're about to put it off he would stop you
-leaving you,like Baekhyun, completely confused
-would not really mind
-still likes it
-gives you a lovely smile
-how about cuddling all day?
-blushes alot
-- Hey, I hope you liked that chapter/these reactions!!
Any ideas of what exo could react to?
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