ashtonofbricks: i don't like you
ashtonofbricks: and you don't like me
ashtonofbricks: but i need your help
ashtonofbricks: please
ashtonofbricks: it's calum
[ hemmotional is online ]
hemmotional: well hello to you too
hemmotional: what's wrong with Calum?
ashtonofbricks: he thinks i did something really bad
ashtonofbricks: and he's convinced i don't like him
ashtonofbricks: when it's actually the opposite
ashtonofbricks: he won't listen to me
ashtonofbricks: and he blocked me
ashtonofbricks: i know i told you not to talk to him
ashtonofbricks: but please do something
hemmotional: okay fine
[ hemmotional has left the chat ]
hemmotional: cal
hemmotional: i know you don't wanna talk to me
hemmotional: or anyone right now
hemmotional: but ash is really worried about you
hemmotional: can you please talk to him
[ caluminthehood is online ]
hemmotional: he really does care about you
[ you can no longer send messages to this user ]
hemmotional: i swear
[ you can no longer send messages to this user ]
hemmotional: yeah he blocked me
hemmotional: sorry
ashtonofbricks: do you know where he lives?
hemmotional: uh i'm not a stalker
ashtonofbricks: do you?
hemmotional: yes
hemmotional: he doesn't wanna see me tho
hemmotional: you can't possibly ask me to go over there
hemmotional: it's a death sentence
hemmotional: i'm too pretty to die
ashtonofbricks: you wanna be a part of his life again, right?
ashtonofbricks: you want to be his friend again
ashtonofbricks: go over there and make sure he's okay
hemmotional: yeah
hemmotional: alright
ashtonofbricks: do you know what to do if he's
ashtonofbricks: hurt himself
hemmotional: i've known him a lot longer than you
hemmotional: i know how to deal with him
ashtonofbricks: great
ashtonofbricks: now get your dumbass over there and HELP HIM
hemmotional: wow
hemmotional: i feel like we're really bonding ya know
hemmotional: yes
hemmotional: lemme just express my thoughts here
hemmotional: 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼
ashtonofbricks: go
hemmotional: k i'm leaving
[ hemmotional is offline ]
[ ashtonofbricks is offline ]
Ashton ran his hands over his face, trying to shake all the worried thoughts from his mind. Calum had to be okay, because Ashton didn't know what he'd do if he wasn't.
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