ashtonirwin: i'm sorry
ashtonirwin: please answer me
[ caluminthehood is online ]
ashtonirwin: cALUM
ashtonirwin: i'm really sorry for being rude to you
ashtonirwin: please come baaack
[ caluminthehood is offline ]
ashtonirwin: i'll show you a picture of me
caluminthehood: rEALLY!??
ashtonirwin: thank god
ashtonirwin: i thought you died
ashtonirwin: i knew you didn't
ashtonirwin: but you could've
ashtonirwin: do you forgive me?
caluminthehood: of course i forgive you
caluminthehood: why would i hold a grudge on a complete stranger
caluminthehood: i'm not that petty
ashtonirwin: Tom petty
caluminthehood: get out
caluminthehood: not in here with that shit
ashtonirwin: 'scuse you
ashtonirwin: do we need to fight
caluminthehood: no
caluminthehood: i'm smol
caluminthehood: plz don't hurt me
ashtonirwin: i'm not going to hurt you
ashtonirwin: do you think i'm that evil
ashtonirwin: wow i'm a dick
caluminthehood: you're not a dick
ashtonirwin: but i am
ashtonirwin: i'm a bad person
ashtonirwin: i was awful to you for no apparent reason
ashtonirwin: and I'M the one that started this conversation
caluminthehood: it's okay
caluminthehood: i was childish and provoked it
ashtonirwin: but i had no reason to be like that
ashtonirwin: i'm a bad person
caluminthehood: be quiet
ashtonirwin: why
caluminthehood: you're not a bad person
caluminthehood: i forgave you
caluminthehood: we're good
caluminthehood: so shut the fuck up before i smack you
ashtonirwin: damn
ashtonirwin: okay
caluminthehood: so where's that picture of you that i was promised
ashtonirwin: fuck
caluminthehood: never underestimate the power of a smol bean such as myself
ashtonirwin: you keep referring to yourself as a """smol bean"""
ashtonirwin: i will be the judge of that
caluminthehood: maybe
ashtonirwin: ughhh
ashtonirwin: if i show you a picture of me
ashtonirwin: does that mean i get a picture of you
caluminthehood: yes
caluminthehood: if i am blessed with a photo of you
caluminthehood: you can have a shitty picture of me
ashtonirwin: not yet
ashtonirwin: i wanna know more about you first
caluminthehood: trust issues much
caluminthehood: but yeah
caluminthehood: i understand
caluminthehood: what do you want to know
ashtonirwin: tell me anything
caluminthehood: okay
caluminthehood: btw
caluminthehood: if you're a murderer
caluminthehood: make my death slow and painful
caluminthehood: & gory
caluminthehood: lots of blood
caluminthehood: scare everyone
caluminthehood: y'know
caluminthehood: surprise me :)
ashtonirwin: i'm not a murderer
caluminthehood: whatever you say
caluminthehood: ughhh
caluminthehood: i love my dog, Duke
caluminthehood: he is the only person/animal that i truly love
caluminthehood: i have about 0.1638 friends
ashtonirwin: 0.1638?
caluminthehood: he comes over to eat
caluminthehood: that's about it
ashtonirwin: oh
caluminthehood: i love comfy clothes
caluminthehood: like big baggy sweaters
caluminthehood: beanies
caluminthehood: & hugs
caluminthehood: (even though i never get any)
ashtonirwin: can you hear my heart shattering
caluminthehood: so that's the weird noise i just heard
caluminthehood: huh
ashtonirwin: shut up
ashtonirwin: can i see the puppy
ashtonirwin: oh
ashtonirwin: my
ashtonirwin: gOD
ashtonirwin: he is so cUTE
ashtonirwin: i wasn't ready
caluminthehood: he is my prince
ashtonirwin: i think i'd probably die for him
ashtonirwin: he's so precious
caluminthehood: isn't he
ashtonirwin: we got distracted
ashtonirwin: tell me more about you
caluminthehood: i play bass
ashtonirwin: fancy
caluminthehood: badass***
ashtonirwin: you were just saying that you're a smol bean
ashtonirwin: and now you've corrected my words from 'fancy' to 'badass'
caluminthehood: oh you noticed
caluminthehood: didn't think you'd catch on
ashtonirwin: well fuck you
caluminthehood: at least buy me dinner first
ashtonirwin: i'm leaving
caluminthehood: bye bye
[ ashtonirwin is offline ]
[ caluminthehood is offline ]
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