|006,blue bonding|
After the whole cooking thing,the boys left to spar. Leaving y/n to figure out what she should do. Finding it rather amusing how Mikey's playful voice can be heard all the way from the living room.
An idea clicked in her brain. She knew of a way to thank them for letting her stay here.
She would clean the place up. Y/n would always help Leo clean the dojo up after training. But that was back in her world.
Her eyes went around the dirty living room. 'At least it's not as bad as back home' she remarks in her head before grabbing some gloves and getting to work.
"done!" A very proud h/c female says as she gazes at the now clean living room.
The room looked like if the turtles just moved in. There wasn't any trash on the floor anymore. And she had enough time to scrub the kitchen to make it smell and look nice.
The kitchen was also clean. The tiles looked brand new while the table had been neatly cleaned. The cabinets had been organized and she had cleaned the dishes from earlier.
"what the shell"
Unfortunately, Raphael's voice broke threw the air nearly making y/n throw something in minor surprise. She had forgotten about the whole turtles in the dojo
Y/n nearly facepalmed when she remembers about the much needed to be clean dojo.
"you did this?" Donatello asks pointing towards the now dusty y/n.
Y/n's hair was up in a ponytail so that it wouldn't get in the way(or bun if you have short hair). She wasn't expecting for time to fly by so quickly. But in response to the purple clad turtle's question ,she nodded.
Mikey bounds around to see if it looked any different. When his excited chatter was heard,his two brothers went to see what the fuss was about. Wait a minute, two? Y/n looked around not seeing Leonardo.
'he might be in his room' Y/n thought before she started to make her way to the dojo to clean it. Once she opens the japanese style doors she was greeted by the scent of tea and the sight of a turtle meditating.
"y/n?" the blue masked turtle asks as he opened an eye to see her in cleaning gloves and her hair in a ponytail/bun.
"Sorry, but I came in here to clean"
Her respectful voice made him sigh. He had been mediating for a while now. Maybe it was time for tea. He grabs two cups and goes to fill the with tea before seeing Y/n about to walk out.
Y/n stopped dead in her tracks before turning around seeing Leonardo fully looking at her now. He signaled her to join him which she agreed. Setting down the cleaning stiff she sits infront of Leonardo.
"you know..you didn't have to clean for us"
Leonardo's comment made her look surprised. Not by the fact that he knew but by the fact that he hadn't want her to. Worries filled her mind. Had she done something wrong?would they kicked her out?
Leo say the sudden worry and panic flash in her eyes and gave a reassuring look.
"Don't worry,it was honestly rather sweet of you"
Y/n smiled this time which made Leonardo's heart flutter and nearly fly out of his chest.
"It was my pleasure, Leonardo"
Leonardo turned his gaze to look away from her eyes. If he hadn't he would have gotten lost in them and he couldn't have that.
"Leo!come on we have patrol!"
Leonardo jumped up on his feet to go. But he needed to say something to her before he left.
"just call me Leo"
And he left. Leaving behind y/n who was surprised but smiles drinking up the last of her own tea.
Mikey blinks seeing how his brother had been late. Was he talking to y/n? Jealously surged threw his blood making it boil.
But he didn't show it. But he knew one thing. He wasn't gonna let his brother win this tug of war.
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