⋆ ☄︎. · ̊ * 🔭
chapter four
"Why didn't you tell us that you have no money, Ahri?" Seokjin asks her.
Both of them continuously stare at the girl who simply keeps her gaze on the floor.
"He asked you something, Ahri," Yoongi states a matter of fact, impatience dripping through his voice.
Said girl clenches her jaw, hands balling into fists. "I do have money. I just don't have much."
"You know that we can always help you, right? We'll always support you with everything possible, Yona," Seokjin tells her, eyebrows furrowed in worry. He would've never thought that she struggles with money issues—then again, he doesn't know her at all.
"Thank you, hyung." She nods softly, still looking down. "But I really don't want your money. I don't want to be a burden. It's fine"
"A burden? What the hell are you saying? You're only being a burden if you hide everything and act problematic!" Yoongi snaps back.
Ahri sucks in a deep breath to contain her rising anger. "Why were you guys waiting for me?" She asks to change the subject.
"Oh, yeah." Seokjin adds, "We wanted to check up on you. We also start practice tomorrow morning at 5 a.m."
Seokjin chuckles lightly, ruffling her hair. "You're one of the main rappers now, huh?"
"Yeah..." A slight blush heats her cheeks up. She scratches the back of her head.
"Anyway, we'll get going now." The eldest gazes over at Yoongi, secretly sending him a disapproving look. "Go."
"Yona!" Hoseok cheerily yells from the other side of her door. "Wake up and be ready in 15 minutes!"
That only is able to wake her up. She groggily sits up and rubs her with fatigue filled eyes. It doesn't take long for her to swiftly wash her face and get ready. So, with a piece of bread between her lips, she exits her dorm.
Yet she's startled as the seven pairs of eyes instinctively land on her. "Damn, you guys scared me..."
"No swearing in my presence, young lady," Seokjin scolds her.
"Sorry, hyung," she mumbles out while munching on her bread.
Hoseok's eyes light up at the sight of her breakfast. "Can I get some, too?" asks the hungry boy, pointing at the piece of bread. He even delivers her some cute movements in order to persuade her.
"Yes, of course." Yona chuckles at his cutesy actions at first, before parting the bread and giving him more than the half.
"Thank you~" he sing-songs.
Soon on, the group arrives at the company and walk into Si-Hyuk's office. "Hello, BTS!" The man greets them happily, to which all of the members collectively wish him a good morning.
"I hope you guys got to know each other better." He gazes in between everyone. "And I hope there were no fights."
Yoongi and Ahri's gazes clash against each other, yet their eyes are unreadable.
"Of course, sir," Namjoon replies quickly.
"Good. So, today, the staff and I will officially sort your positions in the group. I'm aware of all of you guys' strengths and weaknesses, but we will check everything for the last time today."
"Please stand up and follow me. I'll lead you to the room," he declares while walking outside his office and into another room.
All of them follow him, and soon, they're inside a dance room. The boys have been in this area many times, so Ahri is the only one who looks around the room like a little kid.
"I know that many of you can already dance well, but we would like to choose the official positions." He explains furthermore, "It's about the positions as the main, lead, or sub dancer."
At that, Ahri's eyes widen. Uh-oh... She has never taken professional dance lessons before—all of the dancing she did was out of pure fun. This is gonna be so embarrassing...
Even more nervousness circulates through her bones as she watches how well her members are at dancing. They have trained for years, and it shows, really. "I can't compete, bro..." Ahri mutters to herself in English, scratching her wrists.
"So, Ahri, you're the last one." The mention of her name causes her to jump. "You chose Applause from Lady Gaga. Please stand in the middle of the room and wait until the camera starts recording."
"All right..." She does as the staff says.
Although she tries forgetting about her surroundings, she can sense how everybody is looking her way. They're all waiting impatiently; wanting to know if she's fit for this group that requires great dancing skills or not. All of the unwanted attention causes her breathing to shallow, eyes looking around the room hastily.
The music begins, but everything is inaudible to her. Each of her focuses are concentrated on the people that have their eyes glued on her. It almost drives her insane.
But then, out of nowhere, her eyes land on Jimin. He has a soft smile on his lips, holding his upturned lips into the air. "You can do it," he mouthes, smiling.
Her once horrified eyes loosen up. And so does her body. She seems to reconnect back to reality, breathing thoroughly.
Keeping her eyes on Jimin, she asks, "I am so sorry. Can we play it again?"
"Of course," the staff responds, nodding.
Once again, loud music fills the room. Yona closes her eyes and releases one last deep breath, before moving her body to the rhythm of the song.
Every movement is full of poetry as she dances. Her arms wave around side to side, head swaying smoothly
Time has slowed down for her, which is why she didn't even notice that the music had stopped. Yona halts, out of breath.
"That was great," Si-Hyuk states. "Let's move onto vocals now."
"You were so good, Yonnie!" Jimin runs toward her, a proud smile adorning his lips. "Were you ever in a professional dance group?"
"No." Said girl shakes her head. "I like dancing. I used to dance a lot with some friends."
Nonetheless, Jimin is as impressed as ever. "It's crazy how you're so good without proper practice! You'll probably be at a high rank!"
"Ah, no..." She turns embarrassed, scratching her head while looking down.
"All of you guys did great." The group is back in Si-Hyuk's office, who is quite content with how everything has turned out. "Now onto the sorting..."
As she shifts her gaze to the side, she can see that Jimin is in deep in thought. There are many different feelings splattered across his face, and Yona can only frown upon that; wondering what he's thinking about.
"Okay, so we're done with the dancing part and we decided who belongs into the dance line and who's not," the CEO states.
"Hoseok is the main dancer, Ahri and Jungkook the lead dancers," he announces.
Everyone claps for them, but her mouth is simply agape in shock. What the fuck, I'm not even a good dancer, is all she can think of.
Jimin is just as good as me, more likely, better than me. Her eyes wander to him, and she discovers sadness in his gaze.
I can't do this.
"Um, sir?" Everyone turns to face Yona as she opens her mouth.
"Can I maybe not be along the dance line? I don't want to sound rude or anything, but I think Jimin hyung should be the lead dancer. He's way better and more flexible than I'd ever get, even with much training. I've never danced professionally in my life, and I'm quite certain that he did."
They all stare at her whilst she's speaking, both shocked and confused as to why she would give up that huge spot.
Si-Hyuk manager thinks for a second. "What if both of you are the lead dancers—next to Jungkook, of course?" He turns to ask the now smiling boy.
"And I'm aware that you're not as good as the other dancers yet, Ahri." He looks at her now. "But I want to give you a chance to be. You have a lot of potential, and you are the type of person that needs to pressured to something. You still need a lot of training in various subjects, and I'm giving you the chance to."
Was that an insult or a compliment? All she can do is wonder, lips in a thin line.
Though she still bows deeply. "Thank you."
"Okay, then Jimin, Jungkook, and Ahri are the lead dancers. Let's move onto singing now," he and the staff move out to another room. They all leave.
Just as Yona is about to step outside, she feels herself being stopped by warm arms. "Thank you so much, Yona!" Jimin exclaims gleefully, slightly shaking her around in the hug.
A little bit awkward about the sudden contact, she tries her best in hugging him back. "You deserve it, hyung."
He smiles from ear-to-ear, and then they both move into the other room.
What follows is the sorting for vocals and rapping. Ahri was literally forced to sing a song. She said that she can't sing—at all—but Si-Hyuk told her that everyone is obligated to try out everything.
So, as she had to present her vocal skills, her voice cracked many times and she started coughing profusely in the middle of the song; causing the boys and the staff to laugh.
But her redemption came as she had to rap. Everyone was shocked about her unique and striking rapping skills, mouths gaping apart. They would've never thought that a sweet-looking girl like Yona would spit out those thunderous words.
"Seokjin, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook are the vocalists," Si-Hyuk begins, explaining which positions they are in specifically.
Once he's finished with the vocals, he moves onto the rappers. "Jungkook is also a rapper, alongside Yoongi and Hoseok. And next—I'll have to be honest, I'm not sure on who the main rapper should be. Both Namjoon and Ahri are skilled in different varieties."
"I don't mind being the lead or sub rapper, Namjoon-hyung can be the main rapper—" Ahri starts, but is soon cut off by Namjoon himself.
He clasps her mouth with his hand. "Can't both of us be the main rappers?" He asks in a somehow pleasing tone.
"Two main rappers?" Si-Hyuk asks back in disbelief.
Namjoon and Yon shrug. I mean, it could work, why not? She thinks.
He sighs and massages his temples. "You kids are really something. Good, two main rappers, then."
Both of them fist-bump each other.
"Now, Seokjin is going to be the visual and will go by the name Jin, since it's easier to remember. Jeongguk will be spelled Jungkook," he informs us. "Oh, and before I forget about it. Ahri, I still need the signature of your legal guardian."
Yoongi's hardened state clashes against her, but all she does is nod silently while nibbling on her lower lip.
"All of you are dismissed for today. Practice starts tomorrow at 6 a.m." Him and all of the staff members walk out of the room.
The group leaves, too, and as soon as they have exited the building, Yona grabs Taehyung by his arm.
"What are you doing, Ahri? I have no time for more lies," he says with a quiet sigh, not looking into her eyes.
Yona takes in a deep breath, and then exhales thoroughly. Her gaze was casted downward, but now her head arises in pure determination. I can do this, just say the word.
"Look, Taehyung, I'm really, really—" Due to the fact that she spoke way too fast without inhaling, her breath gets stuck in her throat. She tries again. "I am so... sorry..."
"I didn't want to lie to you, I just want to forget about my past and move on." No matter how hard she tries, her gaze still falls down to the ground. "I apologize for hurting you. It was stupid, and I don't want to excuse my actions. It was wrong."
Truth be told, Taehyung didn't understand some of her said words. He frowns, comprehending that she has mixed up different languages again.
A laugh bubbles up in his chest because of that; her nervous yet cute behavior making him feel more light at heart.
Yet the silence seems unbearable to Yona; not noticing his small, growing smile due to the fact that she's still looking down. Just as her mouth opens to continue apologizing, she gets cut off.
He's swift to just wrap his arms around her and engulf her in a big, warm hug. "I'm just glad that I have you back, Nana."
Yona's favorite fruit is strawberry, since
she's allergic to many types of other fruits,
except for strawberries. In their childhood,
Taehyung and Yona tested out all various types
of fruits to know which ones she's allergic to;
since she only had the knowledge that she's
allergic to fruit, but not to which kind. As
she ate a peach, Ahri went to the hospital
die to her difficulty in breathing. Taehyung cried.
namjoon: quit using the word "butthurt," you're not 12 anymore
jimin: you sound fannytroubled
ahri: a little bootybothered if you ask me
jungkook: someone's having a tushytantrum
yoongi: do you ever think before you speak?
ahri: of course! i think "haha i probably shouldn't say this" and then i say it
ahri: y'all
jimin: all y'all
ahri: all'a y'all
jimin: y'all'll
hoseok, in tears: what the fuck is happening
ahri: seriously, i'm handful, you wouldn't want to date me
taehyung, excitedly: i have two hands!!
seokjin: i mean, he has a fair point
hoseok: i can't believe someone locked us in this closet!
ahri, hiding the key: really such a shame
ahri: so we're made of 70% water right?
ahri: and we drink water too
jungkook: C A N N I B A L I S M
ahri: can you pass the salt?
seokjin: can you pass the classes?
ahri: that's too much salt.
ahri: i think hoseok-hyung is secretly poisoning me
namjoon: why??
ahri: whenever i see him, my heart rate picks up and i start to sweat
namjoon: he's not poisoning you, that means you like him
ahri: that bitch
(jk, ahri would never call hoseok a bitch lolz.)
interviewer: hello welcome, and you guys are?
ahri: hungry
seokjin: single
jungkook: the best
namjoon: ...bts?
ahri: i'm really into murder theories
taehyung, trying to impress: i've been a suspect in four murder cases
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
um,, hi😁
i have accepted the fact that i can't edit this
entire thing because it's more than 200,000
words, and just, no. i have no discipline nor
time for that tbh lmao
the next chapters will be the unedited versions
(there will probably just be minor changes)
and i swear to god it's so cringy at the
beginning for like chapter 10-25. i guess
it gets better from then on🤨
i really fucking hate first person povs, but, predominantly, there will be those in the next chapters.
since i smushed all of the chapters together
in the edited version (that means until this
chapter) it will actually take off after chapter
10. but the chapter will simply be named
chapter 5, and then it'll continue from then
on. the chapters are short too; around 2000
words. after chapter 28 or something, the
chapters will be 4000+ or even 7500+
please trust me when i say that this book
(in the unedited version) gets better after
chapter 30; it's third person pov, better
writing, and no (or at least not many i guess)
cringy scenes.
have a nice day and stay safe! <3
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