-IT WAS THE NEXT DAY. Adhara looked at the time, noticing it was almost three in the afternoon, so she walked into her bathroom for a shower.
Within fifteen minutes, she was done. She got dressed into a plain black shirt, black ripped jeans, and a leather jacket.
She tied her shoelaces and walked out of the room.
As soon as she was downstairs, Narcissa frowned at her daughter's hair.
It was damp and freely opened, which the woman found very un-elegant. "Let me fix your hair, Ara."
Adhara immediately walked the opposite way, earning a laugh from her father, brother, and godbrother. "Nope."
"Ara, your hair's a mess!"
"A mess to you, mother." Adhara pointed out, grabbing a handful of floo powder and shouting out a location before her mother could catch up with her.
Walking out of the fireplace, Adhara dusted herself off and looked around the cafe, eyes stopping on someone reading by a table.
She walked over to her and sat down in front of her, catching her attention.
"You're early." Hermione stated, not knowing what to say at the moment as she put her book away.
"I could say the same thing to you."
They both stayed silent for a few minutes, just looking at each other. "Addie, I'm so sorry-"
"Save it."
Hermione tried swallowing the lump in her throat. "I didn't think of you, I admit I was wrong. I only thought of myself. I'm so sorry, Addie. I really am."
Adhara stayed quiet and leaned back on her chair, not looking away from her even when the waitress came to take their order. "What would you both like?" The waitress asked.
"Two butterbeers." Adhara said, finally looking away from Hermione.
The waitress nodded. "That'll be four galleons."
Adhara pulled out the money and gave it to her, looking at Hermione again when the waitress finally left. "I could've paid for myself." mumbled Hermione. "Thank you, though."
"Don't mention it."
They became quiet once again for a few seconds until Hermione asked, "Will you forgive me?"
"For bringing somebody else as your date even though we had something going on? Or for not trusting me? Or for only thinking of yourself?" Adhara asked, crossing her arms with a frown.
"I.. I didn't know I did all those wrong things." Hermione sighed, disappointed in herself. "Addie, I promise I'll change."
"What made you suddenly want me back, Mia?"
That nickname.
The kisses.
The laughs.
The talks.
The memories.
But most of all... the fact that she was in love with the girl in front of her.
"Alot of things." admitted Hermione quietly. "I want to give us another chance, Addie."
Adhara took a sip of her butterbeer, which the waitress had just brought before leaving to the other customers. "Hermione, you do know that I'm going to break you, right?" She warned for the third time.
Hermione nodded, her shoulders slumping. "I know.."
"And you do know that I've changed, right? You do know that I'm going to enjoy seeing you hurt, right?"
Maybe that was a warning Hermione should've took.
But in Adhara's point of view, Hermione deserved it.
Hermione tried changing her.
Hermione wasn't there for her when she needed her most.
Hermione hadn't thought about her feelings.
And that was exactly what Adhara was planning to put her through.
"I've said it before and I'll say it again: break me. Break me with all you've got. I'd rather be broken by you than be happy without you."
Adhara looked at her with a smirk. "I'd love to."
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