one hundred one
-ADHARA WAS HEALED RATHER QUICKLY. Quicker than she would've liked, honestly. She wanted nothing more than to be away from everything and everyone, with Hermione by her side. That was what she got for only a few days before she had to leave the hospital wing and Hermione had to get back to her headgirl duties and catch up on the work she missed.
When Adhara stepped into the Slytherin common room, she let out a groan as soon as her friends gave her a big, group hug. "Guys, I cannot breathe!" She tried, but was ignored.
"Merlin's beard! We thought we would lose you!" Blaise exclaimed.
Pansy nodded, relief on her face. "We're so glad you're alright, Ara. Draco was going crazy!"
When the three finally pulled away from Adhara, Draco turned to glare at Pansy. He crossed his arms. "I did not!" He denied immediately.
"Draco, you were running around the dorm room and trashing everything in sight while you paced for hours." Blaise pointed out, shrugging when Draco's glare ended up on him. "What? It's the truth."
Adhara grinned, ruffling her brother's blond hair. "Aww, you were worried about me, Dray?" She almost cooed, pinching his cheeks.
Draco slapped her hands away, glaring now at her. "Obviously, I was worried. Besides, mother has been blaming me for the past few days. She's been sending me howlers!"
Blaise shuddered. "Your mother's scary, Draco. If I were you, I wouldn't go home this summer."
Adhara ignored him and frowned. "But it wasn't your fault, Draco." She pointed out, looking at him in pity.
"Mother has been blaming everyone. Especially Sirius and I," replied Draco with a shrug, accepting it. "And it was kind of my fault. I forced you to play quidditch with us when you didn't want to."
"But I had fun!" Adhara pointed out immediately. And she was telling the truth. She did have fun. She loved playing quidditch with Harry and Draco. The feeling of her hair being swept by the wind as she scored brought more memories to her than she expected.
She would've continued playing quidditch that year, but her focus was on her academics the whole year. Just as she thought of that, her eyes widened. "How many days of classes, exactly, did I miss?"
"Only four," replied Pansy. "I have all the work and assignments you missed out on. It's on your bed in our dorm room. Don't worry, it's not much."
Adhara nodded, giving her a grateful look. "Thank you, Pansy. I appreciate it." She said, then looked at her brother. "Speaking of my bed, I truly miss it and want nothing more than a good night of sleep."
Blaise wiggled his eyebrows knowingly. "You've had the best nights of sleep for the past three nights, Ara. I doubt it would become any better than that."
Adhara rolled her eyes fondly in return, bidding them goodnight as she walked to the girls' dormitories staircase and walked up the stairs. Blaise was right, though. Nothing could be better than waking up with Hermione's hand in hers.
The next night, after a day of classes and catching up on the assignments and essays she missed out on, Adhara decided to take a rest at the Astronomy Tower.
She pulled out a cigarette from her pocket and lit it up with her wand. She turned to the side, looking at the clear dark sky. Her shoulders slumped at that. She wished the stars were shown that night, but they weren't.
Her head snapped to the side when she heard many footsteps.
Sirius Black, Remus Black, James Potter, and Harry Potter were there, walking over to her with matching grins on their faces.
Sirius sat down next to Adhara and slung an arm over her shoulder. "You look much better." He pointed out as he kissed the top of her head. "How do you feel?"
"Better," admitted Adhara, smiling when Remus sat down at her other side. Meanwhile, James and Harry sat down across from her. "How did you all find me?"
"Marauder's map," replied James, waving the map in his hand as if it was obvious. He then gave her the box he was holding. Noticing her look of confusion, he explained, "Lily made you some pastries at home, after hearing about what happened. She couldn't come to visit, so she made you these."
Adhara accepted it with a grateful smile. "Thank you, James. Send her my gratitude, please."
James waved a hand. "Ah, it's nothing."
Sirius tried sneaking one out of the box, getting a slap on his hand by his daughter in return. "Ouch!" He exclaimed, putting a hand to his heart with a gasp. "You wound me, Adhara! You're not going to share?"
"No," replied Adhara immediately.
"She's just like you, Sirius." Remus pointed out with a chuckle.
"Not even a little, tiny bite?" Sirius prompted.
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