-ALMOST EXACTLY HALF A YEAR HAD PASSED SINCE THEY LEFT HOGWARTS AND STEPPED INTO THE REAL WORLD. A lot had happened over the last six months. The post-Hogwarts students got jobs, some continued their education in other countries, and some stepped into the muggle world.
Ron Weasley joined his older brothers' business: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.
Draco Malfoy took over his father's job in the ministry, after Lucius got promoted.
Blaise Zabini moved to Italy, the country he was originally from, and found someone he adored and loved with all his heart. He chose a slow life by the mountains and the sea, instead of the Wizarding life of the ministry.
Pansy Parkinson, along with Hannah Abbott, founded a business called "Gowns and Suits", in which they designed and sold said gowns and suits. They turned it successful pretty fast.
Theodore Nott became a Hogwarts professor, teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts after James Potter, Sirius Lupin, and Remus Lupin quit their jobs.
Hermione Granger became the Minister of Magic.
Finally, Adhara and Harry both became Aurors and shared an office in the Auror department in the Ministry, right across their fathers's office.
"You did not have to sacrifice your life like that, Adhara!" exclaimed Harry in shock after they apparated back into their office.
They had just finished a mission in which they captured three wizards that practiced the dark arts in secret. It would've been fine, if not for the fact that the dark arts were outlawed.
Adhara gave him a look, raising an eyebrow. "That's the point of the job, Harry." She said, sitting down by her desk in their office.
Harry crossed his arms and shook his head, letting it go. Adhara was right. It was part of their job, but that didn't stop Harry from worrying for her.
Their door suddenly opened, making Harry jump, and making Adhara raise her wand at the person by the door. "Black-Malfoy, always on the lookout, I see. Good. A real Auror knows that danger doesn't come with a warning. Always be ready, even when you think you're alone. Now, tell me, how's the job treating you? Or are you still too busy saving the world to talk to an old madman like me?" Mad-Eye Moody stepped into their office with his cane, then curled his lip at Harry. "Potter, you best believe that the next time you jump instead of taking out your wand, I will pick you up and throw you into that fireplace myself. Understood?"
Harry gulped, then nodded and started going through the paperworks on his desk, glaring at Adhara who was openly laughing. "It's not funny, Addie."
"It is!" replied Adhara, still laughing. She sobered up when she noticed Mad-Eye's glare on her, then cleared her throat. "The job's great, Moody. Honestly, it's better and feels safer having Harry by my side."
At that, Harry gave her a small smile. He felt the same having Adhara by his side.
Alastor Moody hummed, then turned around and left the office without another word.
"He forgot to close the door." Harry groaned and stood up, his desk being closer to the door. Just as he was about to close the door, he stopped when he saw who was outside. He grinned and opened the door wide, "Addie, you've got a visitor."
Adhara raised her head from the paperworks infront of her, immediately standing up when she saw who it was. "Hello, minister." She almost teased, with a smile growing on her lips.
Hermione Granger waved a hand with a roll of her eyes. "Oh, Addie. This is the first time we see each other in six months, and that is how you greet your old friend?" She teased right back, her lips quirking upwards as she looked the Auror up and down.
Harry quietly left the office, closing the door behind him, knowing the two needed privacy.
They hadn't talked for half a year. No letters, no mentions of each other, and no seeing each other. Adhara, before taking up the job of an Auror, had spent two months travelling the world in an effort to find independence and much more that came with travelling solo.
In return, Hermione focused on herself as well. She took therapy for a few months in the muggle world, then took the job offer of being Minister.
And for the three months that the two spent working in the same building, they still hadn't crossed paths. They knew it was not the time, yet. For some reason, they felt it.
But when Hermione was finally ready, she gave herself two more weeks to be sure. Two extra weeks of thinking. And when she was fully sure, the first thing she did that day was walk into Adhara's office, where she was at now.
"Only a friend, Minister?" asked Adhara softly.
A hint of emotion passed through Hermione's eyes. "I've missed you, Addie." She replied instead, noticing Adhara's eyes immediately soften at her words. "How about we go get lunch together?"
Adhara didn't hesitate. She grabbed her coat from the chair and put her wand in her holster.
The two past lovers were sitting down in muggle London, both of them having empty plates of already-eaten food infront of each other. Their plates were quickly replaced by two cups of coffee by the waiter serving them.
"How's everything?" Adhara asked, her heart beating faster when Hermione looked into her eyes. Her Hermione.
"Great," replied Hermione truthfully, a ghost of a smile on her lips. "How was travelling?"
"How did you know I travelled?"
"You suddenly disappeared. I had to ask Harry what happened," admitted Hermione, her smile fading away. "You went without a word, Addie. I was worried."
Adhara guiltily looked away, not knowing what to reply to that.
She had gone away without telling almost anyone anything, including Hermione. Especially Hermione.
She hadn't wanted Hermione to be focused on her departure, nor worry for her and think of her while she had to spend time healing. While they both had to spend time healing.
Then, she said, "I wanted to give you as much space as I could, Hermione. Just until you figure yourself out, while I did the same."
"And did you?" Hermione asked further. "Figure yourself out?"
Adhara nodded slowly, looking back at the woman sitting infront of her again. "I did," she whispered.
Hermione nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer. "I did, as well." She finally replied, not a single lie coming out of her lips. "It was hard for me, you know? I didn't realize how much I relied on having you around."
"That was part of the reason why I left," admitted Adhara. Then, she finally paid close attention to Hermione's looks. "You've changed."
And she was right. Hermione's bushy hair was gone, replaced by soft curls framing her face. Her lashes had grown, and her smile seemed more easy-going and less forced.
"So have you," pointed out Hermione.
She was also right. Adhara's half-black half-blonde hair still remained, but it was much longer. And her face had become more defined, more sharp. But at the same time, her eyes were softer. A glint was in them, something that Hermione never had seen before in Adhara's eyes.
"How are you liking your job?" Adhara asked instead of replying, taking a sip of the black coffee infront of her. She paid close attention as Hermione got in a rant about the many obstacles of being a minister, and she did not interrupt even once, a smile on her face as she listened to the other girl.
It took longer than they thought. Time flew faster than they noticed. But finally, Hermione was right infront of her own office, where Adhara had insisted to walk her to.
"I'll see you around?" Hermione asked, her lips quirking up. "Don't disappear again, Addie."
Adhara, instead, swallowed. "I won't," she softly promised, staring deep into the other girl's eyes. "Mia?"
The nickname Hermione dreamt about every night.
Her breath got caught in her throat. All she could do was reply, "Hm?"
"Are you ready to give us another chance?" Adhara asked hopefully, trying to stop her shaking hands from showing. "I promise to treat you right this time."
Hermione smiled, a smile so bright it made Adhara feel all warm inside. "Yes, Addie. I'm ready."
Adhara couldn't help it. She had dreamt of this for over a year. So, she leaned in and captured Hermione's lips in a kiss.
Hermione immediately kissed back softly.
And when Adhara pulled away, she smiled and said, "I'll see you around, Minister." Right before leaving.
Hermione only watched her departure, shaking her head fondly at her antics.
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