one hundred five
"Moving In"
-SIX MONTHS PASSED BY. Not much had happened throughout those six months, except for the fact that Adhara and Hermione were fully back together and inseparable.
Something else that happened was that after lots of thinking and consideration, Adhara decided to finally move out. It was tough for her to always have to choose between staying at either Malfoy manor or Potter-Black manor, so she chose to have her own manor.
Thankfully, both her families understood and were excited for Adhara's new upcoming chapter.
Speaking of which, Adhara was inside her new manor, unpacking the few final boxes in her bedroom. Hermione was there helping her, and was there every step of the way, something Adhara appreciated greatly.
Taking out a picture frame from a box, Hermione immediately stopped and stared at it, her lips parting. It was a picture of a couple. The man Hermione immediately recognized, who was Sirius.
But the woman. The woman looked like Adhara.
"That's my mum," said Adhara softly behind her, looking over the girl's shoulder at the picture frame in her hands.
Hermione turned around, pity evident in her eyes. "I'm sorry."
Adhara shook her head, her hands finding their way around Hermione's waist. "Do not pity me, my love." She said, kissing the woman's forehead.
"I don't," lied Hermione immediately, her eyes falling onto the picture frame again. "You look just like her."
Adhara hummed, not looking at the picture frame again. She distracted herself by tucking a strand of Hermione's soft hair behind her ear. "Put it on my bedside table please, will you?"
Hermione nodded, understanding why Adhara let go of her and turned back to unpack, not looking at the picture frame again. She walked over to the bedside table and put the picture frame there, then looked at the white bed frame.
Unlike Malfoy manor, Adhara's new manor was painted white and had lots of windows, so the house would get a lot of natural light. That was what Adhara looked for specifically while searching for a perfect manor.
"If I lived here, I'd change the bed frame to dark red," joked Hermione with a grin as she walked over to her girlfriend, "Out of spite, since you were a Slytherin and I was a Gryffindor."
Something passed in Adhara's eyes. Suddenly, she turned around and put her hands on Hermione's face, cupping it. "Move in with me," said Adhara finally.
Hermione froze. "What?" She asked, unsure if she heard right.
Adhara didn't hesitate as she repeated, "Move in with me."
Hermione was quiet, looking like she was still in shock.
"I'll even change the bed frame to dark red," continued Adhara, kissing Hermione's forehead. "Heck, I'd paint the whole manor dark red for you, Mia."
"Addie.." said Hermione finally, her eyes tearing up in joy. "Do you realize what you're saying?"
"Yes," replied Adhara immediately as she looked into the shorter girl's eyes.
Hermione saw absolute sincerity in Adhara's eyes.
"Move in with me, Mia. I cannot bear waking up without you in my arms."
"I mean I can spend the night whenever you want, but move in with you?"
"Do you not want to?" Adhara's brows furrowed in concern.
Hermione shook her head rapidly. "That's not what I mean!" She immediately exclaimed. "I mean, Addie, are you absolutely certain what you're asking me?"
"Yes, Hermione." Adhara replied, not needing to think twice. She knew what she wanted. And what she wanted was Hermione with her always.
Hermione next to her when she woke up, Hermione next to her when she slept. Hermione in the mornings, making coffee for them. Hermione at night, turning on muggle movies on their muggle television.
Yes, Adhara was absolutely certain.
"What do you say?" asked Adhara, looking into the girl's eyes. "Will you move in with me?"
Hermione bit her lip in thought. "I dunno. Do I get to paint the room dark red?" She joked again with a grin.
Adhara felt herself smile immediately. She kissed Hermione's forehead again. "I'll paint the whole manor dark red, like I already said I would, Mia."
Hermione shook her head. "I'm joking, Addie. Quite frankly, I'm sick of dark red. Besides, as long as I'm with you, no matter what colors are around me, I'd feel like life is colorful."
Adhara swallowed, her throat thick with emotions. "Is that a yes, Mia?"
Hermione nodded, a smile on her face. "Yes, Addie. I'll move in with you."
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