ninety eight
-LUCIUS MALFOY AND HIS WIFE, NARCISSA MALFOY, WALKED OUT OF THE FIREPLACE AFTER USING THE FLOO SYSTEM TO GET TO DUMBLEDORE'S OFFICE. When Severus sent them a letter explaining what happened, they got dressed in less than five minutes and were there.
"Where is our daughter?" was the first thing Lucius asked as they stepped out of the fireplace, his worried wife right beside him.
Headmaster Dumbledore had a grave look on his face. "You can see her right after we decide what to do with this student, Mr. Malfoy." He said, motioning towards the girl sitting infront of his desk.
Alyssa Nott was looking at the ground, her arms crossed as she waited for what was to come. She should've expected being caught. But if she was being honest, to her it was worth it.
Lucius shared a look with Narcissa, seeming to come to a conclusion.
"We want her expelled," announced the woman, fiery evident in her eyes as she looked at the young girl.
Dumbledore nodded. He already had that outcome in mind. He looked at Alyssa and said, "Pack your trunk and your bags, Ms. Nott. You are expelled from Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
Alyssa's face paled. Her parents would never let her live this down. She stood up and opened her mouth, but immediately shut it close after seeing the look on the Malfoys' face.
"Best of luck trying to find a job in the wizarding world here, Ms. Nott." Lucius raised a threatening eyebrow, his arms behind his back. "Especially in the ministry. My advice to you is to return back to America, where I've heard you've lived in the past."
Alyssa scoffed, but turned around and walked out of the office, her footsteps mirroring the anger she was feeling.
"Take us to our daughter, Severus." Narcissa practically begged, her eyes already teary.
When Narcissa and Lucius finally arrived at the hospital wing, the woman had to stop herself from screaming in horror at the sight of their daughter. Instead, she let out a gasp, and held onto her husband for support.
"Cissa." Sirius looked away from Adhara and walked to his cousin, tears streaming down his cheeks. He only flinched when her look of anger turned to him.
"You!" Narcissa snarled, taking a step forward but was stopped by her husband. She pointed a finger at him. "This is all your fault!"
Sirius couldn't believe what he was hearing. "How is it my fault?!"
"Everytime she's out of my sight something happens to her! You never take care of her!"
He let out a scoff of disbelief. "Oh, so I'm the reason she's like this? I'm the reason she snuck out and decided to play quidditch with your son?!"
Narcissa's mouth dropped. She turned to look at Draco, who was quiet and pale. She didn't even notice him, nor Harry, nor Hermione. "You let this happen, Draco?"
Draco nodded, ashamed. It was his fault, wasn't it? He made her play quidditch with them after curfew, knowing it was wrong to do so. Knowing she didn't want to do so. But he just wanted to spend some quality time with his sister and make her happy. He hadn't wanted it to come to this.
"Cissa," Lucius tried, but immediately stopped when he saw her look. Even Lucius Malfoy did not want to be at the end of Narcissa's wrath.
She stared at her son in disbelief, disappointment evident in her eyes. She looked away, trying to stop her tears from falling as she walked towards the unconscious girl on the bed.
Hermione took a step back and tried to let go of the girl's hand, but stopped when Adhara only held onto Hermione's hand tighter.
Even when unconscious, Adhara needed Hermione by her side.
Narcissa noticed. She looked at the bushy haired girl, her anger disappearing slowly. "You're Hermione," mused the woman.
Hermione could only give a nod, words not seeming to come out of her mouth. She was too worried over Adhara.
"She loves you," was all Narcissa could say. Then, she bent down and kissed her daughter on the forehead.
Hermione could only watch, shock in her eyes, but she tightened her grip on Adhara's hand.
"Cissa," tried Sirius, catching her attention. Tears fell from her eyes, and for once, Narcissa didn't care about the emotion she was showing. "Let's not be at each other's throats for once. This isn't about us. It's about her."
"If you took your role as her father seriously, then she wouldn't have been in this position." Anger returned to Narcissa's face. But it was obvious she showed her worry and distress by displaying anger.
Sirius flinched at her words. Then, he replied calmly, "I do. And she still would. You know why, Cissa? Because I respect the fact that she's an adult now and can make her own decisions."
Narcissa scoffed, waving a perfectly manicured hand in dismissal. "You barely respected her existence, let alone her being an adult?"
His mouth dropped open at her words. Narcissa knew he didn't even know about her existence. But he still let it go. She was Adhara's parent as much as he was, if not even more considering the fact she raised her.
"Everyone, out!" Madam Pomfrey's voice caught their attention as she returned to the girl and saw the commotion. "She needs her rest. All of you, out now!"
"We're not leaving our daughter." Lucius stepped up.
Madam Pomfrey glared at him. "I said out, Mr. Malfoy. Let your daughter heal. Do you not want her to heal?"
Lucius nodded, giving his wife a hand. "Let's go, Cissa."
Narcissa took one last look at their daughter, then reluctantly took his hand and nodded.
Slowly, everyone left. The only person that remained was Hermione, who tried to let go of Adhara's hand and also leave due to Madam Pomfrey giving her a look. However, she was stopped when Adhara mumbled, "No." and held onto her hand tighter.
Madam Pomfrey let out a sigh and crossed her arms. "You can stay, Ms. Granger."
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