"Father And Daughter Similarities"
-A MONTH PASSED BY WITH LITTLE TO NO WORD FROM PANSY. Adhara noticed her friend's sudden silence, but she blamed it on the fact that Pansy was obviously seeing someone.
She first noticed it when Pansy was writing letters in their dorm room, a huge smile on her face. Then, she noticed it again when Pansy would blush after looking at the Hufflepuff table during dinner.
Her suspicions were confirmed when Pansy announced that she had a date with a Hufflepuff that weekend. So, she wouldn't be able to go to Hogsmeade with them, since she'd go with her date.
Blaise had a date, as well. So did Draco with Harry. But Draco, after realizing they all had dates except Adhara, tried staying with his sister. However, Adhara was more stubborn than he was and reassured him multiple times that she would be fine and wanted the time alone in the castle.
That was why Adhara was on top of the Astronomy tower instead of Hogsmeade that day. She was looking at the sunset, a lit cigarette in between her lips. She took it out and exhaled, smoke coming out of her mouth.
She was happy for Pansy, if she was being honest. Her bestfriend was finally getting the love she deserved, slowly but surely. In a Hufflepuff, too. Hufflepuffs were known for their soft nature, something Pansy needed in her life.
And Hermione? Hermione hadn't talked to Adhara that whole month, either. In fact, Adhara couldn't remember the last time they talked since their seventh year started.
She put the cigarette to her lips again and inhaled, the familiar and comforting muggle piece bringing her more peace than any human did. She closed her eyes and exhaled, then took a deep breath before repeating her actions.
She was too deep in thought to realize Sirius sitting right across from her. "How'd you find me?" Adhara finally noticed after opening her eyes.
"The Marauder's map," replied Sirius with a concerned look. "Addie, you don't seem alright."
Adhara merely continued smoking, not answering him. Sirius let her be, knowing what the girl must be feeling.
Sirius was not a 'strict father' as Remus repeatedly tried making him be, because he understood the young girl infront of her.
Once, a long time ago, Sirius was the person she was, but in the opposite gender.
So, he knew what she needed. And a strict father was not what she needed. Adhara was not a mannerless girl, nor had a bad attitude or temper, nor was she spoiled. She was well raised, but she went through a lot.
Sirius understood.
Besides, Adhara already had a strict father. Lucius would've been angry if he ever found out his kids drank or smoked. Which was also why Sirius had made sure Remus didn't tell Lucius. Turned out, Remus wasn't even planning on telling Lucius. He had just told Adhara he would to make her not repeat her mistake of drinking.
He motioned towards the pack of cigarettes next to her. "Pass me one?"
She nodded and gave him the whole pack, her own lit cigarette between her lips. Sirius took a cigarette out and lit it up with his wand, putting it to his lips and inhaling then exhaling.
"Do you want to talk about it?" asked the concerned man, but not pushing it much. He knew if she wanted to talk about it, she would. But he also knew Adhara needed a little push sometimes so that she knew it was safe to talk about it. He knew she needed that little push to know she would be heard, if she did decide to talk about it.
"Not really," admitted the seventeen-year-old, looking at the sunset again as she threw her finished cigarette off of tower. "I came here to try to forget."
He nodded understandingly. "As you wish. But don't forget that I am your father, and as much as I don't stop you, I also hate seeing you drink or smoke your pain away."
Adhara gave him a small, genuine smile. "You have understood me more than I ever thought you could." She said in a small voice, tears rushing to her eyes immediately.
Sirius threw away his cigarette after crushing it and immediately stood up, sitting down next to her instead of across from her. He put an arm over her shoulder, closing his eyes and taking a breath when she put her head on his shoulder, accepting his comfort. "Of course, I understand you, Addie. I have been you once."
She didn't stop the few tears that fell from her eyes onto his shoulder. "I don't know what I did wrong," she whispered in a small, broken voice. "Everything that happened to me. I don't know why it happened."
Sirius kissed the top of his daughter's head, then put his chin on top of her head after. "If I could take your pain away, my beautiful Adhara, I would." He whispered, meaning every single word.
"You were also the cause of it once," pointed out the girl, more tears spilling from her eyes. She didn't stop it. She promised herself not to stop any tear that fell from her eyes. She knew she needed to feel her feelings so she could heal from them.
"I know," whispered Sirius again, pursing his lips in disappointment. Disappointment to himself. He was always told by his parents at a young age that he was a disappointment. But he felt it more than ever when he found out he had a daughter, after she was grown up. "I know."
Adhara didn't say anything else. She stayed on that tower, her head on her father's shoulders as she let herself cry.
And Sirius didn't interrupt her. He merely had his arm around her and would kiss her head every once in a while, silently reminding her that she wasn't alone, no matter how much she felt like she was.
No matter how much, to her, it looked like she was.
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