fifty eight
-ADHARA LOOKED AT THE SLYTHERIN QUIDDITCH TEAM, WHO WERE ALL QUIET, WAITING FOR THEIR CAPTAIN'S SPEECH. "Right." nodded Adhara, starting to pace. "Weasley's keeper and we all know how much I hate him, so- Crabbe, Goyle, what do you both do?"
Crabbe swung his bat with a menacing grin on his face. "Hit him with a bludger as fast and hard as possible?"
"Nice to know you're not as dumb as you look." said Adhara, then looking at Draco with a raised eyebrow. "Focus on the game, Draco. Don't even let your boyfriend distract you."
Draco nodded, trying not to show the way his heart cracked by the use of his first name. It wasn't new anymore. His sister had been calling him by his first name for weeks now, but Draco tried not to think too much about it, even though he felt like something was wrong.
"Pucey, Montague, it's your last year, so please make it the best."
The two chasers nodded, both looking determined.
"Great. Let's go." concluded Adhara, getting her broom and walking out of the changing room with her team.
"-and here comes the Slytherin team with their new captain: Adhara Black-Malfoy- what? Fine. Adhara Malfoy." announced Lee Jordan, someone correcting him.
The Potters and Blacks immediately frowned.
"And their new beaters: Crabbe and Goyle- wow, I guess the Slytherins are going for size instead of skill."
Adhara, who was flying over to the middle of the pitch, turned around and glared at Lee Jordan, earning a wink from him in return.
"The Quaffles are up! Followed by the golden snitch!"
Adhara caught the quaffle midair, earning a groan from Ginny Weasley.
She immediately frowned in shock when she didn't score for the first time ever, making everybody else's eyes widen comically, even Ron Weasley - the keeper - himself.
"Well.. that's quite a shock." Lee Jordan announced over the cheers from the Gryffindors.
Suddenly getting an idea, Adhara gave one malicious smirk to Ron and flew over to her beaters muttering in their ears, "Get Weasley. Now. Injure him as hard as you possibly can."
"YOU CHEATING SCUM!" Lee Jordan was howling into the megaphone, dancing out of Professor McGonagall's reach. "YOU FILTHY, CHEATING B-"
Adhara couldn't contain her glee. Goyle had 'accidentally' threw his bat right at Ron's head instead of the bludger itself.
"JORDAN!" scolded McGonagall over the 'boo-s' from the Gryffindors and the cheers from the Slytherin.
"So, after that obvious and disgusting bit of cheating-"
"Jordan!" growled Professor McGonagall.
"I mean, after that open and revolting foul-"
"Jordan, I'm warning you-"
"All right, all right. Goyle nearly kills the Gryffindor keeper, which could happen to anyone, I'm sure." said Lee Jordan sarcastically into the microphone, groaning when Adhara scored for the fifth time for the passed few minutes. "50-10."
"Draco Malfoy finally gets over flirting with his boyfriend and catches the snitch. Slytherin wins." announced Lee Jordan, sighing into the microphone.
Adhara gave her brother a side-hug as soon as they landed. "Good job, Draco."
"You too, Ara." said Draco. "Party in the Slytherin common room?"
"We're supposed to be prefects. But yes."
Draco laughed, walking away, while Adhara went to invite the Gryffindors and some Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs whom she liked.
Adhara grabbed a glass of firewhiskey as she sat down on the couch in the Slytherin common room, where a huge party was being held at.
Snape never cared for the parties they threw, even going as far as giving them potions to help then with their hangovers the next day.
Salazar Slytherin, (the portrait on top of the fireplace), however, was looking at them in disappointment, but did nothing to stop the party.
Feeling somebody sit next to her, Adhara looked to her side.
"You cheated," said Hermione disapprovingly.
"I've got no idea what you're talking about, darling."
"Yes, you do. You told Crabbe and Goyle to throw the bat."
Adhara shook her head, leaning forwards. "I told them to harm him, not throw their bats at his head."
"What's the difference? Ron's now in the hospital wing." Hermione frowned.
Adhara looked around the party, seemingly uncaring towards what she had done. "Sometimes cheating is needed."
"Needed? Addie, you could've won without cheating."
"Yes, but where's the fun in that?"
"But- but-"
Adhara sipped on the glass in her hands, putting a hand on the back of Hermione's head, making their lips hover over each other's. "It was just a game, my love."
"A game in which he was harmed badly at, Addie! He's in the hospital wing being treated for a concussion!" said Hermione, trying not to show how much she wanted Adhara to lean in.
"So, what? Madam Pomfrey can heal him in seconds."
"What?" gasped Hermione at the fact that she cared so little.
Adhara wordlessly stood up and walked out of the common room, Hermione following behind immediately.
"Addie! What's wrong with you?!"
She sighed, looking around the empty corridor which they were now in. "What do you want, Mia?"
"You.. you've never been this careless! He could've died had he fallen off his broom!"
"But he didn't."
Hermione glared at her. How had Adhara been so careless? "You wouldn't have even cared if he died, would you?"
"Hermione, you're making a big deal out of this-"
"Because you've changed! The old Adhara would've never harmed someone!"
"The old Adhara is gone. And I warned you about that."
"What's going on, Hermione?" Adhara sighed, walking over to her. "What's actually on your mind?"
Hermione's shoulders slumped. "You've changed, Addie.."
Adhara's face was now rid of every emotion. "Yeah, well, it's hard not to after what happened."
"But you've changed so much! You don't care who gets hurt as long as you get your way. You've been ignoring James, Remus, Lily and Sirius, and even Harry. You don't care that you're hurting them, either!"
"I've no longer been ignoring you. Doesn't that say something?"
"But what about them? Why don't you think of them?"
"Why should I?" frowned Adhara. "I don't need them."
"Need? That's all you think about? What about their heart and how you broke it?" Hermione sighed, eyes welling up with tears. "Addie, they want to know if you're ok. They're worried about you. You should apologize to them."
"Apologize for doing what?" Adhara suddenly grew angry, backing away a few steps from Hermione. "Apologize for what, Hermione? Do tell me what I've done wrong. Go ahead."
"You've changed so much! You're forgetting everybody around you! You owe them all an apology!"
Adhara's face hardened. "Why should I apologize for that? Why should I apologize for choosing myself when nobody chose me?"
"We did nothing!" snarled Hermione.
Finally losing her calm, Adhara shouted, "That's the point! You all did nothing!"
They looked at each other for a few seconds before Adhara kissed Hermione on the lips, who immediately kissed back. Adhara pulled away and smiled mockingly, "I advise you to enjoy this while it lasts, Hermione, instead of always having everybody else on your mine except me."
Hermione's breath hitched in her throat. Maybe Adhara was right. Hermione always thought about everyone else except the girl right infront of her. And maybe that was why it wouldn't last.
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