Look at this little baby, you really thought he wouldn't come back?
Y/N's POV:
It's been 3 months you were part of Hydra and lived in Madripoor, and, to be honest, things weren't bad, actually you had quite a reputation built in the high city, and people were afraid of you in the lowest part, because of your inumerous missions involving gossips about an incredible power inside your soul.
People on the QG acted like you were the second in command now, Ophelia's right hand woman, referring you as Madam Y/N, as she was Madam Hydra.
Every combat eas easily won, you felt indestructible, and, started to learn fastly other types of weapons, literally anytging could be dangerous in your hands.
You didn't have friends, Dani and Tron were just normal soldiers you worked from time to time, but you never felt rhe need to involve yourself with someone, and deep inside, you missed your old friends, but that love was covered by the pain of the betrayl.
Sometimes you'd caught yourself tjinking about Steve, scrolling through the blurred camera roll where he took terrible pictures of you two, wich, just made it even more special, and you had that warm feeling inside your heart, reminding yourself of more simple times.
But your thoughts were interrupted when Ophelia made an special meeting, announcing that, from that day on, the Operation Salvation would start, now, integrating the Project C (a.k.a you).
-Our first step will be take control of NY, because of its influence on the world, and, where our biggest threat is-She spoke.
-The Avengers...-One angry guy said.
-Precisely. But, we can't let Kontrol- That was your new action name- take care of everything by herself, we need support.
-Robots? Our army?
-They will help take control of the city.
That's when something popped inside your mind.
-And what about my friend, Wanda?-You asked.
-The Maximoff?-Ophelia showed interest.
-Yes, she didn't know about me, she's someone ee can trust.
-You might be right but...-She thought for a second- We need something already stablished for when we arrive, someone to already go with us. Any other ideas?
You know when there's a cold breeze that passes by and gives you chills? Or when you have the feeling that you want to do something that before you couldn't? That's exactly what happened.
It was almost as you could hear someone saying his name by your ear, seductvely whispering it, until it came out loud through your lips:
-Loki.-They all stared at your direction- I know the God Of Mischief.
To open a portal to Asgard required concentration and a use of your abilities like you never did before, accoring to Dmitri you'd be manipulating both space and time to enter the realm, and after that, fight your way to get the prisioner from there, so you needed to have full capacity and don't get exhausted. Good thing you practiced the last few months.
Before you opened the portal, Ophelia came by your side:
-Are you sure he's gonna agree with your idea?
-Not 100%...-You spoke and chuckled-But he'd do anything for revenge.
That was enough for her. She noddrd and stepped away, you, in your special clothes to travel, positioned yourself.
-And let's start in one...-Dmitri started counting- Two-you could feel the energy inside-...and...-Asgard, Asgard Y/N, concentrate- go!
You opened your eyes, slightly gasping in surprise by seeing the horizont in front of you, completely changed and new.
-Oh my...Gods...-You spoke stepping on the colorful bridge, seemed to be made of some sort of crystal.
The city was golden, bright and had high tech you never imagined before, you almost couldn't imagine how someone like Thor came from on a place where science was so well developed, but it quite made sense Loki was from there. Speaking of the devil, it was not time to distract yourself, therr was still a prisioner to be set free.
You arrived a large castle, in front of two guards, with long and probably sharp weapons.
-Excuse me, I'd like to see Mr.Laufeyson.-You said sassy.
-Who are you?-One answered without changing the serious expression, who were those guys, the royal guards of the queen of England?
-His partner.-You answered smirking and using your powers to push both guards away and open the gates.
Look What You Made Me Do Cover by Postmodern Jukebo, playing (see video in the beggining of the chapter)
-STOP RIGHT THERE WHOEVER YOU ARE!-A huge army appeared in front of you, strong asgardians protecting their kingdom.
-I don't care about your realm. I just want a prisioner.-You spoke but they continued pointing their weapons to you.- Whatever.-You rolled your eyes.
You walked slowly towards them, almost in a runaway, moving with little gestures your hands, burning some, others freezing, distorting, melting, so many possibilities, but even that didn't make them afraid.
Another came close, almost passing his sword through you, but he failed miserably, you held him by the neck, lifting him with your strentgh, and throwed the soldier far away.
-Stop fighting and give Loki to me already.-You sighed bored.
Loki's POV
It was an average day like the others, locked inside that prison, slowly hating that people more and more as time passed, waiting to finally revenge yourself.
But your thoughts were interrupted by a huge noise outside, you observed as the guards on your cell started running to the front gates.
-What's happening?!-You shouted to one.
-Someone's attacking the palace!-The man said in a hush while taking the sword from his belt and leaving.
An attack? Who could that possibly be? Asgard top threat was there, you, inside that cage. Maybe other ice giants? Thanos? Which creature could be so powerful to have access to the realm, to overcame Asgard's security?
Whatever that was, it couldn't be good. If that thing tried to attack you, you'd run, you'd hide, go to a place as far as possible as soon you could get put of that cage. Maybe one of the guards could free yourself in an emergency like that?
-Get me out of this cage!-You shouted.
The guard didn't even think, he just ran away, how dare him...
Too late, whoever that was, it was inside the dungeon, destroying walls like a barbarian, you could hear the footsteps coming closer, as you kept a serious face waiting for the upcoming reveal...
-Lady Y/N...What a surprise.-Loki smirked charmingly inside his cage.
He appeared to be calm, reserved and confident on the outside, but you could see by the little gestures, each way his muscles contracted that he was nervous, as he should.
-I suppose that now you know what you're capable of...-He looked at the walls you just destroyed.
-Indeed. But that's not what I'm here to talk about.-You said.
-You are going to talk? Not Stark or any of your superiors?-He teased.
-Very funny.-You answered ironically- Look we haven't got much time. I'm part of Hydra now.
-And we plan to do an attack to New York soon, and I was thinking-
-To help you? No, thank you, I have no interest in that city anymore.
-Who said "just" that city?-I spoke seductively and he looked into my eyes interested- You even said it, remember? Together you could take control of Asgard again. Help me take control of Earth, you can take everything you want later.
He walked towards you, put his hands on the bars of the cage and stared at you intensely.
-Everything...?-He glanced up and down at your body- What about your friends Lady Y/N?
-I want revenge on them. You can take Thor if you want.-You smiled.
-This side of yours is for sure interesting...-He smirked- Fine. But I'm not part of your organization.
-I'd never obligate you.
-Then-He showed the cage- How do you plan to take me out of here?
You touched one of the bars, making they start distorting until they totaly fell down. Loki lifted his eyebrows impressed, and you noticed when he was just about to try to run away, but stopped him, holding his arm.
-I thought we had a deal God Of Mischief.-You chuckled.
-You really are smarter than the last time I saw you. -He sighed- Alright. But how do you plan to go to Midgard?
-Like this.
You closed your eyes and when you opened again, you were back at the Hydra base where you've left.
-...Incredible...-He muttered amused.
-Kontrol is back!-Dmitri spoke on the radio and went after you both.- So how was it?
-Great, just in the right place.-You answered while Loki still wondered around the lab like a child.
-...That's... our ally...?-Dmitri looked at him unimpressed.
-Yes. And don't be fooled by his cute face, his more dangerous than he looks.
-I'm flattered.-Loki joked on the other side of the room.
-Can we really trust him?
-You want be to be honest?-Your eyes met Loki on the other side of the room, a playful smile in his lips- No.
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