Yes bitch, We are finding the truth even if Tony doesn't want to
Another day started, work like usual, talking with your friends, and exchanging shy glances at Steve. There was onlu one thing that was bothering you:
-When are going to give me my father's watch?-You asked Bruce.
-Soon. I promise.-He answered and you could notice he was a little nervous by your question.
-You said that last week. What are you searching so much about it? Can't I help?
-I'm really sorry Y/N but you can't.-He tried to don't make you upset- I will give it to you soon.
You were too annoyed to say anything, you just nodded agreeing with his decision and left the room.
You thought about talking with Tony about it, but you did that already and the result was the same, "just wait a bit more".
The fact that all of that happened and no one gave you a suitable explanation made your blood boil, it was like tehy knew something and were keeping it as a secret from you.
That's what you were talking about with Steve one day:
-And he said that I should wait, what is he doing so much with a simple watch?-You two were at the parking lot after training, under a tree.
-Maybe he's researching the material?-Steve suggested, while he was lied with his head on your lap.
-I don't believe that's the case...It seems like they're hiding something.
-Bruce and Tony. They're the ones always asking about whatever it happens.
-Or you're just overthinking about it, again.
-Maybe it isn't SO bad as I think...-You said while playing petting his hair- But there's definetly something.
You sighed and looked up in the sky, then closed your eyes because of the brightness of the sun, tryuming to don't think about anything.
You just felt steve holding your hand, those liitle moments were just precious to you, all the worries were just vanished away atumatically when you touched or stayed next to him.
Words were not enough to express all the things you felt, let's just say it was like your little and private piece of paradise.
-They will return your watch. I know they will.-He comforted you while he pretended to draw something in your hand with his finger.
-Let's hope you're right.-You felt the wind making your hair fly and mess it up, but you didn't mind.
-You said it was from your father...Ypu always talked about your mom...-He talked slowly- But you never mentioned him. Were you two close?
Steve was in that narrowed circle of people you could open up about this, the other members of this group were Eliza, Manuel and Wanda, even though you prefered not to talk about family topics because it reminded her of Pietro.
-No...He left when I was still a child. I don't have many memories with him.-You answered.
-That's too bad.-He tried to understand your side.
-I met him, for the last time, when I was a teen, my mom had just went to another state.-You just felt like you could tell him that- It was...awkward...and nostalgic in some way.
-Did he want to see you?
-I don't know...It was like he wanted...But not like I was? It was weird, like ot wasn't enough for him. Maybe I wasn't what he expected me to become.
-You have always been enough Y/N.-As he said those words his eyes met yours and you almost cried from emotion.
-Yeah...Or maybe he's just a jerk-You joked and blinked multiple times to avoid the tears.
-You never talked to him since?
-No.-You could close your eyes and remember him, there, at that park you asked him to meet you through the facebook chat.- It was basically him asking how I was, my health, my job, he didn't ask about my mother at all.
-They must've had a hard relationship...
-I remember they screaming-You could still hear their loud voices in nightmares- It just...didn't work out with them...
"Didn't work out" was a light way yo describe what actually happened, the screams, the fights, everything in front of a child. You could remember yourself, hiding under your bed, while you could hear them downstairs, so loud that the walls couldn't hold the sound.
Did they ever love each other? Could love turn into that? You didn't like Eric but you never imagined to fight with him like that even though he was a jerk.
Can love be destroyed like that? Can all feelings be erased like they were nothing from the start? Could you feel that way towards Steve? The idea of hating him seemed to be unimaginable to be true.
-But you still keep his watch.-Steve made a good point.- That means you care about him, right?
-When I talked with him...for the last time, he wasn't angry, he didn't complain...He did have a disappinted face, but the fact that he didn't say that in my face...I don't know, I felt glad to don't be judged for once. I think that deep inside I always expected for at least one of them to love me.
You just realized how sad those words were, you expected them to want you, your own parents.
Steve squeezed your hand giving you support, like "I'm here for you" and that seemed to be enough.
-I think that I just want that watch as a memory from him...
Steve kept silent, he probably didn't know what to say, and you didn't blame him for that, you wouldn't know either if you were at his shoes. Just the fact that he was there was already good for you.
He looked up at you and gave a bittersweet smile, maybe you were just overthinking but, instead of having pity, he seemed to be admired. Admired of how much you passed through. Or that was just what you wanted to hear.
You leaned to him and gave kiss on his forehead, sometimes those precious moments seemed like part of a dream you never wanted to wake up.
There are many activities to do at home. You can watch your favorite show, wash those dying plants at your window, draw, anything.
Or you can just stay like crazy and take all the search of Hydra you made many months ago and continue it.
And that's what you were doing that day.
You locked the doors, the windows, and put some loud music, completly diving into your thoughts.
If no one was going to give you answers than you would by yourself.
Don't Stop Me Now Cover by Melinda Doolittle Playing (see video at the beggining of the chapter)
You separated in notes, "Things I know", that were the basic things, the enemies defeated, that it was created during the second war etc. The other note was "Things I don't know" that were those with no answer, like Vincent, the bomb, the notes, the man on the tower and the lab on ruins. There was then the other special note "Hidden things" wich contained your father's watch, Bruce and Tony's answers, Vincent's true death, the man who fell from the building true death, the purpose of the attacks, why directioned to you.
There was a lot to work in but you couldn't loose hope. You were the only one who could give yourself answers.
Your phone was on mute, if someone tried to reach you they probably would continue trying to.
If a fire started or another attack happened you wouldn't hear. At the same time the study of that case was interesting, stressing but almost therapeutical. It was a time just for you, answering your questions.
And when you mean studying means you, writting crazy theories and singing out loud to the songs playing, then all of sudden getting up dancing while reading some article online about conspiracies of the government.
-So if I can understand this correctly, Tony found something on that lab, but I don't know what it is.-You talked to yourself- He also never told me who hacked my phone and planned the bomb attack, never told me what was the source of the weapon Loki told him about- The list was getting BIG- Then we have Vincent, wich had a VERY suspicious death wich he sais was pure gravity, and the man on the Tower who obviously didn't fall by coincidence but he said he did.
You throwed yourself in the bed.
-I can't find the answers if Tony keeps blocking me to know them.-You concluded- He's the big obstacle here. Bruce gives him backup.
You kept staring at the roof like he would start talking and solve all your problems.
-Is it bad if I start sneaking to discover secrets from my boss?-You talked to the roof, but of course, you had no reply- I'll consider that as a no and start doing it.
And from that moment you started to be suspicious from everything.
You'll have answers.
Steve's POV
You were at an special meeting with the Avengers, the part of the Avengers that knew about Y/N's powers.
-Bruce's been studying this watch Y/N has from her father and that, according to Steve, the Hydra attacker asked her to pronounce the words written in it.-Tony explained- After she read her abilities were kind of, awaken. And she throwed the man out of he building. Now, Bruce, tell us what you've found.
Bruce stepped in front of us and showed models of watches similar to Y/N's.
-As you can see these watches have the same shape and material, I discovered thst they are in fact made in Germany, and some were discovered a long time with members from Hydra.-Bruce stated- But Y/N's watch has a sentence written that, translated, means "Our Time Will Come", and accordibg to what Steve told us, the time here is Hydra's time.
-Why did her powers activated reading it? -Sam asked.
-We think that it might be some brainwash they made on her, just like they did with Barnes and the words that turn him into the Winter Soldier.-Tony spoke.- Pronouncing them out loud as an order makes her remeber this command.
-But it doesn't make sense-You interfered- Y/N didn't turn evil, she just used her powers, she saved me. It's not like the words used in Bucky.
-They actually are, she just had a better control using them, since she never activated the power like that before.-Bruce said- Besides she had other priorities at that momefnt.
-Save Steve.-Natasha concluded.
Tony made a serious face, like he didn't like the motive of Y/N's change of behavior.
-Isn't it dangerous to let her free? I mean, she killed 2 people already, right?-Thor spoke.
-She's not a killer, and it was self defense.-You answered fastly.
-Look I love the kid, but that doesn't mean she's not harmful to people, she is.-Clint said.
-And whar are you going to do? Lock her? That's not right.-Sam stayed by your side.
-We are not doing that, not now, but we have to be one step ahead.-Natasha spoke her mind.
-Well I think that we should just tell her the truth.-You answered- All this mess wouldn't happen if we were just honest.
-Even though I think we should say the truth-Bruce commented- It's not the right moment, she's too instable, who knows what her emotions might do?
-But she's not dumb, she's gonna discover one day-Sam interrupted.
-That's why you shouldn't keep secrets like that!-You were already getting angry at them.
-The schock caused by the truth might affect her deeply, creating the possibility of her causing damage with her powers in an increased level, risking many lives- Vision stated.
-ENOUGH!-Tony shouted and a sudden silence took control of the room.- Look we'll soon make contact with S.H.I.E.L.D, Pepper is taking care of that. Until then no one says anything to her.-He looked at your direction.- Did I make it clear?
Some agreed, others just stayed in silence.
-When are you going to give her watch back?-You said and he stared surprised- You liking it or not it's her father's watch and she wants it back.
-And how do you know that?-He had that irritated look on his face.
-Does it matter? What is important is that you keep your promise and return it to her.
-Did you just hear what Bruce said about the watch? About her powers?
-She just defended herself. The watch didn't give her powers or made her thristy for blood. There's no probkem of giving it back to her.
-Oh really? How can you guarantre that she won't pronounce the words again and turn into whatever the fuck that was?
-Because I know that she won't.-You said confindently.- You should also don't forget that her powers are activated by her emotions, pulling her apart and making her sad won't be any better.
Tony got speechless, Bruce muttered something as "he's right" while the ithers keot observing.
-Give the girl the watch back.-Natasha said.- But if she turns crazy again Steve will deal with the consequences.
-What? No! You can't just think that it won't happen-Tony still wanted to refuse.
-Tony...-Bruce said in his low calm tone- Steve's right, Y/N wasn't happy these days. She might start suspecting why...
The Ironman frowned and sighed admiting that he has lost this round.
-I'll give it to her.-You said feeking victorious.
-No you won't.
-Tony stop being grumpy, you were the ine eho didn't want to give the watch, Steve is her friend, it'll be better if he's the one to give it to her and tak good stuff about you.- Clint said.
-Damn Clint that was very smart for someone like you say, I'm impressed.-Natasha teased.
-Thanks....Wait, someone like me?
-Fine-Tony rolled his eyes and took the watch from a box he kept it- Hope you know what you're doing Rogers.
-Trust me, I know.-You took the watch and left the room like a true champion.
It was late night, you were already falliing asleep when you heard something at your window.
Afraid, you waited to see if something happened, the noise again appeared.
You got up from he bed, grabbed a book and holded it above your head to slam at anyone to defend yourself.
You carefully opened the window and slammed whatever was there.
-OUCH! Y/N stop! It's me! Steve!-You opened your eyes and Saw him, there, on the emergency stairs that were just by your window outside.
-What are you doing here??-You asked surprised.
-I have something for you-He said and took something from his pocket, your father's watch.
-OH MY GOD!-You jumped at his direction and hugged him.- No way! How?-You carefulky received the watch from him.-Steve you are amazing.
-Tony said he finished his research so--
You interrupted him in his sentence and gave him a huge kiss, leaving him amused and breathless by your act. it...-He said still dizzy and smiling shy.
You were too happy to be true, he was like a hero, well, he indeed was. A hero in fire emergency stairs.
You put the watch on a shelf and pushed him into another kissed, a more heated one, so amazing that you wanted to bring him inside.
But you broke the kiss and thanked him again instead.
-Thank you so much-You said still catching your breath.
-It...It was nothing...-He smiled- I probably should go now.
-Yeah...-You chuckled- Thanks again Steve.
He nodded and sent down the stairs, you watched him until he got to his cars, bedore entering he waved again and drove away.
-I think I'm really falling for him...oh God.
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