I'm soft after the last chapter. Sometimes I even forget this is a Steve Rogers fanfic because Bucky is too cute. By the way, here's Wanda (i luv her) enough talking, let's go!!
Steve's POV:
You were at Stark's office.
-So Steve, how was it last night? Tell me-He asked.
-Well...-You started to talk.
You were next to Y/N's bakery when Bucky arrived in his bike.
"What is he doing here at this hour?" You asked yourself.
Y/N came downstairs, dressed up, and went with him on his bike. You followed both of them, without anyone notice.
They went to an amusement park, apparently nothing more than that, but you noticed Bucky's way towards her, the shy smiles, the old flirting jokes.
They were on a date.
That's why he asked earlier about it. That's why Y/N couldn't saythe motivefot not coming to train. Because they would have a secret date together.
You saw Y/N getting a plushie from Bucky, you've never seen your friend that happy in a while.
You wouldn't stay there watching anymore, you got on your motorcycle and left.
-It wasn't much actually, game night-You lied.
-Game night? She skipped trainment for that?-He asked curious
-Yeah, game night with that kid and the baker owner. It must be important to her.
-Hm...-Tony kept thinking for a while- Okay then. Oh, about yesterday too.-He remembered- The table.
-About that...She was angry at me.
-Because as you said, you ignored her.
-And she's also researching about Hydra and you got pissed, wich is not just you, I am too.
-I must say that's concerning, I don't even know how you convinced them about the table burning thing.
-I had to come up with something or they would freak out and discover everything.
-Did you see how she burned it though?
-No, but she was most of the time tapping her fingers at the table. And when I looked...
-I didn't know she was able to do that. I asked Bruce to analyze it, he'll come with answers soon. Now, the Hydra problem.
-She's doing a good research, I've found at her folder archives about Red Skull, Madam Hydra and Arnim Zola so far, they were very brief, but still.
-That girl....We need to keep her far from that. I don't know, a distraction, should I give her more work?
-I hage a suggestion.
-Say it then.
-Let her date.
Tony stared at your for a minute, probably not believing at your words. Then said:
-What? Are you nuts Steve?
-I'm just saying...As you mentioned before, dating makes her distracted.
-Distracted from work.
-Distracted from the research.
Tony kept silent, maybe thinking of everything that could go wrong.
-Okay, you are right. Date her.
-I knew you would agree Tony and...-You just realized what he said-Wait what?
-What? You are the best option availble, you already spy on her.
-That's not going to happen.
-Then where will I find someone to keep her distracted?- he got up from his chair and started walking.
-What about Bucky?
He turned at you, his face like a stone.
-Why not? He already likes her.
-That's the problem. And besides, Bucky is instable, he doesn't know about her powers or whatever that is, imagine his reaction when we take her away. We need someone who won't get attached.
-And by that you mean me?
-Steve pay attetion, the only love of your life is dead.
-Respect, Tony.
-Sorry, very sad.- Hs spoke with no emotion- Anyway, since you aren't in love with anyone but your country, isn't it better for you to help it? You don't need to love her, I don't want you to--
-Tony I won't do that, this is wrong and you know that.
-I know, but if you don't do it I'll find somebody else, someone who doesn't care about her as much as you do.
-It's not that I care about her. I just think no one should be treated like that.
-Alright Rogers. Then I can't count with you. I understood. -He walked around the room- Maybe Natasha? No, it would be too suspicious. Bruce? He's kind and sweet.
-And is in love with Romanoff.-You completed.
-Damn, you're right. And Sam?
-Sam knows that Bucky likes her, he wouldn't do that.
-Yeah, oh, Thor!
-Thor is always friendly and nice, also good-looking.
-If she gets involved with Thor she will be a target of Asgard's enemies.
-Ah shit, those asgardians.
-Clint can't since he's married, Wanda doesn't even know about Y/N's habilities, and can't know since she's related to Hydra...Vision...Vision is a robot, just Wanda makes him feel like that. And I don't think Y/N would fall for a toaster.
-That leaves Bucky.
-Peter! The kid, how could I forgot.
-He's 15.
-Come on! -He complained- Shit, cupid makes this seem so easy. What should I do? Call someone? Pay someone to date her? What if I call Strange? He seems like he needs a girlfriend.
-Or maybe Coulson? No, I don't want S.H.I.E.L.D involved yet.
-What about that space girl? What was her name...Captain Marvelous?
-That guy from space, the other Peter or--
-What Steve?
-Let Bucky date her!
-Damnit Steve why do you insist on it?
He looked at you for a while.
-You are hiding me something aren't you?-He asked.
-Steve, please understand that it's not just dangerous for her, but for him.
-You saw it yourself, we know Barnes is a good fighter but he'd never be able to win a fight against her, who knows what would happen if she looses control.- He puts his hands at his face tired- Steve you are the only plausible option I have.
-Tony even if I did, it wouldn't work, she might fall for him.
-Steve be a fucking man and seduce her, do something, I don't care. Just make her stay away form Hydra and the soldier. That's my last warning. I will tell her that she can date today, the rest I'll leave it to you.
You left the room, still thinking of what to do.
Bucky was really interested in her, how could you do that to your best friend? And worse, how could you even seduce her? You didn't feel anythingike that for Y/N, the only woman in your life would always be Peggy, manipulate someone like that, without feeling anything, it just felt wrong.
You were still thinking about the other night, you would close your eyes and feel it all over again. The festive atmosphere of the amusement park, the people having fun, you and Bucky laughing, and then he coming closer to you, his lips next to yours and...
-Y/N, Tony is calling you.- Happy entered making you fall from your chair- Uhm...Are you okay there?
-Y-Yeah! I'm going.
You went to Tony's office.
-Mr.Stark did you call me?
-Yes Y/N, I was going to talk about an agreement we made.
-Wich agreement?
-The non-dating one.
You held your breath feeling anxious. Did he know? How would he know? And worse, would you lose your job?
-What about it?- You tried to keep your cool.
-I thought for a while...And since you are doing a good job, I've decided to end the deal and let you date whoever you want.
You blinked twice in surprise.
-Really?-You asked letting a smile escape.
-Yes, just don't forget your work.
-I won't. Thanks sir.-You got out of the office serious, then oustide smiled and jumped.
"Oh my God!!! Wait, date? But did Bucky like mw enough to date? I....And date...I don't even know how to date anymore." You thought.
"What is going on with you Eric? It's like I don't even know you anymore."
"That's ridiculous, I'm still me" he replied angry
"No, you're not the same man I fell in love with. I guess we should take a break. Maybe that way you can come back to your senses"
"Break? You can't leave me!" He got close to you, put a hand on your chin, pulled you close by force and looked in your eyes "remember, you are nothing without me. Who would ever love you? Huh?"
"Eric you are hurting me.." you said as he continued putting strentgh in his hand at your chin.
"You are mine. We are not breaking up. Never. Did you understand?"
"Y-yes..." he let you go and you stayed there, thinking of what type of love was that.
You didn't feel ready. At the same time you liked Bucky and trusted him, but you still felt hurt from your previous relationship. You couldn't just go in a serious relationship right now.
It was almost lunch time and you found Wanda alone at the Avengers floor.
-Hey there.-You announced yourself.
-Oh, hi.-She said seeing you arrive.
-What are you doing here by yourself?-you said looking around.
-Well Vision was busy so I didn't have company today-She gave a bittersweet smile.
-Don't you get along with the others?
-Let's say I've never been a really...sociable person...
-Do you want to have lunch with me?
She looked surprised.
-You want to have lunch with me...?
-Of course.-You gave a friendly smile.
-I'd love to.-She replied and you two went upstairs.
When you arrived at the cafeteria Wanda started to feel bad.
-Are you alright?-You asked.
-It's just...-She looked around, the cafeteria crowded- So much people, thoughts, sounds...
You reminded of yourself yesterday, she was right, all that crowd was overwhelming. You grabbed the food and said to her:
-Come on, let's lunch somewhere else.
-Somewhere private.
You arrived at your office.
-There's no much space, but no one will annoy us here.
-That's good enough for me. -She sat on a chair and you sat beside her, putting your trays on the desk.
-So, Miss Maximoff....
-Oh please, just call me Wanda.
-Ok, Wanda.-You corrected- Why the avengers don't talk to you? I mean you don't need to answer just-
-No, it's alright- She said as she positioned her fork on the plate- I've never had much company in life...My only partner was my brother, Pietro, but be died some time ago and...-She seemed sad.
-I'm sorry for your loss.
-Thank you-She gave you a grateful look- Since then, the only one who truly understood me was Vision. The others are...
-Not compreehensive as him?
-Exactly.-She looked at the bookshelf on the wall- Have you ever had someone like that before?
-I think I had...But we fell apart.
-That's too bad. -She gave a smile- But I'm sure you'll find someone someday.
-I'd like to.-You chuckled.
Mr.Sandman by The Chordettes plays
-I've always seen in american soap operas, girls askimg about their perfect man.
-So you want to ask me what's my ideal type?
-I think it would be fun.
-Alright- You thought a little- Someone taller than me.
-Me too. -She laughed- What about body type?
-I don't know,I don't really care about that.
-Me neither, as long as he is healthy- She then joked- Even though I don't need to care about that with Vision.
You both laughed.
-Bald or with hair?-She continued.
-Hair, I think I already know what you'll answer.
-Both is good for me.
-But Vision is bald.
-But his human form isn't.
-He has a human form?-You asked and she laughed.
You passed some time like that, just talking and forgetting about the world, the worries, any sign of danger who you saw the past few days, just you and her having a nice chat
-Ok, house or apartment?-She asked.
-Hm...Apartments, I'd have a better view from the city. And you?
-I'd want a house, in those tipical calm neighbourhoods.
-With nosy neighbours?
-Not everything can be perfect!-She chuckled- How many kids?
-Oh...You know I've never thought about that. -You chuckled- Maybe one day, but I don't know how many, what will be, will be. But you- You smirked- I'm sure you'd have kids.
-Of course. Maybe two? Three? Imagine twins like me and Pietro I'd love it!-She spoke excited.
-I'm sure you'll be a good mom.
-And you'll be...-She thought for a while- A good mom's friend!- You laughed.- Oh sorry I just called you my friend, we just met and--
-No-You interrupted- I don't mind at all, actually you're such a nice person, we can be friends.
-Do you want to be my friend...?-She asked scared with her eyes glowing.
-Yeah. I mean, only if you want too.
-I do!-She gave a bright smile- Then, we are friends.-You nodded- I've never had friends before, so I might not be good at this- She gave a concerned look.
-It's alright, I've never had much friends either.
-Yes, now- You took your phone- I think you have a cell phone right? We should exchange numbers to talk.
-Alright- She took it out and you two exchanged information.
After that you kept talking for a while until break was over.
Wanda left your office happier than you thought. You imagined how hard it must've been for her. No friends, and now with no family. You couldn't help but relate. She was actually kind of lucky to have her brother by her side. You never had that.
"Mom look, I made a drawing for you"
"Not now Y/N"
"But mom..."
"I said not now!"
You turned to leave, quietly observing her 2 empty bottles of wine at the table and the other one on her hand, half full.
You went upstairs, in your tiny room, and sat on your bed, looking at the drawing you made in class, the teacher was speachless when she saw it earlier. How did she describe it? Unique? No, that wasn't the word...Daunting that's it! Even though you didn't understand why, she was so surprised by it, you thought daunting was a good thing.
Author's note: sorry I drawed this on my phone so it's horrible, but it's a child drawing anyway so please don't care if it's good or not.
You've been drawing that thing for a while now, actually, it always appeared in your dreams, you didn't know what it was, you would wake up, in the middle of the night, covered in sweat, scared by the nightmares and seek your mom for help:
"Mom I'm scared...!"
"Fuck off Y/N"
Then you'd go back to your room, tangle in the sheets and absorve every single sound outside, the tree branches scratching the window, cars driving at the street, and small animals moving in the backyard.
Everytime you tried to sleep those same nightmares would come.
A tank full of water and you drowning in it, then a man, with a blurred face coming next to you, with something in his hands, while your head was stuck, looking at a wall with that thing you draw.
You got back to reality. The drawing. That was the similar thing. Why did you draw that? Was it really like Hydra's symbol? You needed to go see.
-Hey.-Bucky approached you.
-Hi.-You said surprised.
-You okay?-He asked concerned.
-Yeah, why?
-You look very pale.
-Yeah-He grabbed your hand- You are cold, how? Today is not cold at all.
-I don't know, maybe the air?
-Let's fix then-He pushed you to him wnd hugged you. Like one of those teddy bears who hug. His body was warm, making the cold slowly go away, you felt your heart beating more, almost like before he had stopped and now Bucky made it beat again.
-What if someone sees us?-You whispered.
-I don't care.
-Even if Stark comes and yells at me?
-Then I would call him out.- He then looked at you- Besides, a little bird told me his dating rule is over. Isn't it?
-Oh yeah, I was about to tell you that.
-That's good.-He gave a half smile.
-What does that mean...for us?
You two stayed in silence for a while.
-It's been some time I don't date someone-He said.
-Me too-You added.
-If you want to, we can keep things slow for now.
-You'd do that for me?-You asked surprised
-I wouldn't do anything you wouldn't feel comfortable with.
You smiled, he probably didn't know, but those words actually meant a lot for you.
"I'm not in the mood for that now Eric" you said as he kissed your ear.
"Don't be boring Y/N, come on..."he started taking off your blouse.
"I'm not good today Eric, I feel kind of sick, maybe another day"
"You are my girlfriend."
"I am, but maybe we could--"
"I thought you loved me"
"And I do!"
"Then why act like this? I just want you. Do you have other person? Is that it?"
"Of course not! I love only you!"
"Then..." he passed his hands at your thighs "give yourself to me..."
He kissed your neck again, you didn't want to fight, you didn't want him to loose trust in you, so you did as he wanted.
-Are you okay? You've been spacing out a lot-Bucky said waking you up from the flashbacks.
-Hm? I'm okay.-You lied.
-If you want to tell me something you can tell me.
-I just...have a lot on my mind.
-Let's escape a bit.
-That's what you heard, let's go take a walk.
-But I have work.
-You can work later.
-That's how you say it.
Bucky left the building with you.
It was indeed a hot day. People were walking and talking on the streets, birds singing, stores opening and their staff smiling as anyone passed by looking at their showcases.
Bucky looked concentrated glancing at people, at the couples specially, he then suddenly held your hand.
-Why are you holding my hand?-You asked shy.
-Because I like you.-He said.
You blushed, how could he say that so calmly? And so normally? You felt nervous and happy at the same time.
-Do you want me to stop holding it?-He asked.
-No...I like this.-You squeezed his hand a little, he chuckled and you continued to walk.
For a while the troubles were gone. You even thought to yourself that if you were overthinking about the drawing thing, maybe it wasn't really that, you'd probably be mistaken, it probably wasn't like that symbol. You saw that as a sign to stop worrying so much. Looking into that stuff would only hurt you. Maybe research Hydra so much wasn't worth it.
-What are you thinking in that cute little head of yours?-He asked.
-Hey that's my line- You both laughed- I'm thinking to stop thinking.
-What?-He asked confused, you chuckled by his clueless face.
-I'm just realizing I worry too much. You are right, I should relax.
-See? I'm always right.
You chuckled but then stopped as you saw him on the other side of the street. Your face went serious, like a stone, and you stopped walking.
-What's going on?-Bucky asked worried then tried to follow your gaze at the other side of the street.
Your Ex, Eric.
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