ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯


Third-person Point Of view

On a bright, clear New York day. Seagulls swoop overhead.

A large passenger shop glides past the Statue of Liberty. Passengers lean over the rails, looking excitedly towards the oncoming land.

As the ship sails closer to New York, a man and woman can be seen sitting on a bench.

The man can be seen wearing an old blue overcoat and the woman a black spotted blouse and a navy coloured skirt with a dark blue overcoat.

Beside the man, known as Newton Scamander, rests a battered brown leather case. Suddenly, the latch on the case flicks open on its own accord.

Newt swiftly bends down to close the latch as the woman, known as Nellie Brooke, giggles at the scene.

Newt, softly smiles at his lover as he picks up the leather case and sets it gently on his lap before leaning down to softly whisper, "Dougal, Seattle down now please. It won't be long."

At Newt's words, a scratching noise starts to come from inside the cage causing Nellie to look at Newt and shake her head and with a smile on her face, the young witch leans in close to the case.

"And maybe, if you're extra good, I'll allow you to help me when I next tend to the Occamy."

The scratching from the cage immediately stops which in turn makes Nellie smirk in satisfaction before looking up to Newt and sticking her tongue out at him playfully.

Newt rolls his eyes but stares at his beloved with the same fond look that's always been directed at her, even when they were teens.

A blush starts to rise on the young woman's cheeks at seeing the look but before she can say anything, the ship starts to come in to dock.

Among the bustling crowds, Newt and Nellie walk down the gangplank of the ship before making their way to customs...


Nellie's Point of view


I look around warily, as both, Newt and I, stand side by side at the customs, a long row of desks by the shipyard, operated by serious-looking American officials.

Newt and I walk up to the custom official and I look to my beloved as he motions for me to take the case from him.

I oblige and take the said case as Newt fishes out both of our passports before handing it over to the customs official who examines them both before looking up to the both of us with one of his eyebrows raised.

"British, huh?"

Newt looks up to the customs official with a nervous look in his eye, not that I can blame him, he's not the only one feeling intimidated by all these American muggles.


"First trip to New York?"


The customs official then turns his head towards me before gesturing towards the case that is now in my possession.

"Anything edible in there?"

From the corner of my eye I see Newt put his hand over his breast pocket which causes me to discreetly smile.

I look back to the customs official and shake my head.


The customs official raises one of his eyebrows.


I quietly sigh in annoyance because as the question leaves the officials mouth, the latch on mine and Newts case decides to flick open, yet again, on its own accord.

I quickly look down and hastily close the latch before looking back up at the customs official.

"My partner and I have yet to get that fixed, ah no."

The customs official gives me a suspicious look before looking down at the case and then back up to me.

"Let me take a look."

I sigh but place the case on the desk so it's between us and discreetly flick the brass dial that changes the case to'MuggleWorthy'.

Newt and I watch as the customs official spins the case towards him and pops the Latches, lifting the lid of the case up.

I quickly peer over the side of the case and breath in a sigh of relief as I see that the contents of the case are two sets of pyjamas, various maps, my journal, Newt and I's alarm clock, a magnifying glass and Newt's Hufflepuff scarf as well as my RavenClaw Scarf.

Finally satisfied with what he sees inside the case, the custom officials closes it before looking back up to Newt and I with a small smile gracing his lips.

"Welcome to New York."

"Thank you."

I give the Customs official a small smile in return as I gather the case while Newt gathers both passports.

As Newt and I exit through customs, I hear the Customs official shout 'Next' to the person who's in the line.


"I really dislike going through customs and security, it's very long."

I smile at the sound of Newt's chuckle directed at my comment. My smile widens as I feel his hand interlock with mine.

"I know, love. The sooner we get Frank home, the sooner we can go back home to England."

I look up at my partner, excitement glimmering in my eyes.

"And start writing the book?"

Newt nods his head as he smiles down at me.

"And start writing the book, exactly."


A laugh passes through my lips as I look around in awe at all the sights that surround me as Newt and I walk down a random New York Street the case in my left hand while my other hand is interlocked with his. I smile as I turn to Newt to see him looking down at the small piece of paper that displays directions that he holds in his free hand.

"New York is much bigger than London, isn't it?"

Newt looks up from the directions he's reading and stops walking. He gently grasps my arm, causing me to look up at him.

"Are you feeling anxious, dear?"

A smile forms on my face as I see a look of concern on his face. A familiar warmth washes over me as I meet my sapphire pools with his hazel ones. I move my hand to his face and cup his cheek.

"I'm fine, Newt. I feel quite the opposite, actually. I've always wanted to go to New York and here we are. It's justβ€” exciting, is all."

Satisfied with my answer, we resume walking, interlocking our hands, once again.

As we turn into the next street, we're met with shouting coming from a small crowd that's gathered outside the City bank. Newt and I glance at one another, silently agreeing to investigate the noise that's intrigued us. As we move toward the crowd, I notice an American woman standing on a small stage that's placed at the bottom of the steps. As I sweep my eyes over the woman's frame, I notice a man behind her, holding a banner displaying hands clutching a broken wand among bright yellow and red flames.

Newt and I go to start walking again but stop as what the woman is saying catches our attention.

"This great city sparkles with the jewels of man's invention! Movie theatres, automobiles, the wireless, electric lightsβ€” all dazzle and bewitch us!" I tilt my head at hearing her words, my intrest now piqued.

Muggles are still a wonder to me, although I've had a muggle mother, I was only with her for three years of my life before I had been taken to a School for Witches and Wizards and spent most of my life there. Three years wasn't enough time, especially for a toddler, to explore and learn the ins and outs of growing up in the world where the Muggles are brought up.

Without speaking a word to each other, Newt and I make our way to the front of the rally. A soft grunt escapes my mouth as I accidentally bump into a woman who's wearing a hat low on her head. She's also holding a hotdog in her hand.

I feel my face go red in embarrasment, the awkward side of me making an appearance. "S-sorry." I silently curse myself at my stuttering. I keep my head down as I move past her with Newt following behind me.

Now at the front of the crowd, Newt and I continue to listen to what she's saying. "But where there is light there is shadow, friend. Something stalking our city, wreaking destruction and then disappearing without a trace."

I place the case down on the floor as I watch and listen to the woman on the stage.

"We have to fight β€” join us, the Second Salemers, in our fight."

I hear a man's voice from behind me, I slightly turn and see a muggle man wearing an ill-fitted suit. I look down and notice that he's carrying a battered brown leather case, one similiar to mine and Newts. I watch as he gently moves past the woman who's holding a hotdog.

"Excuse me doll, just trying to get to the bank β€” excuse me β€” just trying..."

A gasp leaves my mouth as the muggle man trips over the case I had set on the floor. I squeak before rushing over to help the muggle man up with Newts help. I look up at him with wide, apologetic, eyes. "I'm ever so sorry, I had set the case down on theβ€”" The muggle man holds up one of his hands, cutting me off mid-sentence. I close my mouth as he looks at me with kind eyes, no trace of annoyance or anger to be seen.

"It's alright, no harm done."

I let out a sigh of relief as I watch the muggle push through the crowd once more, he moves past the woman who was addressing the crowd and makes his way into the bank. 'What a nice man.' I then notice that the woman had stopped talking and was now looking at both me and Newt, it seems the commotion had got her attention.

The woman looks towards the two of us, a certain gleam in her eye as she now addresses the both of us.

"You, friends! What drew you both to our meeting today?"

Newt and I look to one another before looking around at the crowd of people who now have their eyes set on us. I look back to Newt, wordlessly asking him to answer instead of me, which he does. I watch as he turns to the woman, a small yet awkward smile on his face.

"Oh...we're just...passing..."

Not taking that as an answer, the woman asks another question but this time she looks directly at me with one of her eyebrows raised.

"Are you both seekers? Seekers of the truth?"

There's a beat of silence before I look to Newt as he responds to the strange lady's question.

"W-well, I'm more of a chaser, really. My partner is more of the seeker out of the two of us."

The strict looking woman hums in thought. She continues to stare at the two of us for a second more before casting her eyes back to her audience. I sigh in relief when the womans attention shifts from Newt and I.

"Hear my words and heed my warningβ€”"

I tilt my head, curious about what her warning may be. I look up at the woman in questioning when the sound of a coin hitting the ground catches my attention. Knowning that if I could hear, a specific someone must of as well.

I notice movement coming from the case and peer down to see the Niffler trying its hardest in prying open the leather case with his little paws, I reach down and attempt to catch the michevious creature but miss. I watch with wide eyes as he scuttles off towards where the sound of the coin being dropped came from; on the steps of the bank.

I squeak as I stand up straight and look at Newt from the corner of my eye and see that he's concentrating on the woman's speech, I take this as my time to sneak away. I drop the case quitely on the floor before quickly but silently moving away.

I turn into a nearby alley and take a deep breath before starting to feel myself change and morph. I open my eyes to see that my whole perspective of the world has changed; my hearing is heightened as well as my sense of smell and my sight is now enhanced.

I shake my head before scuttling off, sniffing out the other Niffler's scent. I look up when the sound of the escaped Niffler gets my attention. I make my toward him as he sniffs through a beggars hat, trying to see if he can find anymore shiny objects to stuff into his pouch.

The crafty and greedy creature exits the hat and meets his black beady eyes with mine. I narrow my eyes at him as the other Niffler stares at me in surprise, knowing exactly who I am and that I'm not an ordinary Niffler.

He then moves his eyes behind me which causes me to do the same, wondering what he's looking at but once I notice what orβ€”more specificallyβ€”who he is looking at, I freeze and meet the hazel eyes of a slightly exasperated Newt Scamander. The other Niffler recognises the expression and hurries off into the big building.

I turn to Newt and see him subtly shake his head, silently telling me not to follow and to stay put. I give him, what I hope, is an apologetic look with my eyes before running off, into the City bank and follow after the escaped Niffler.

Before entering the bank, I hear the quick footsteps of Newt chasing after us.


I weave through the crowd of people who are walking around the bank as I try and not get trampled on, as well as seen, by the muggles. My eyes meet with another set of identical beady eyes, I let out a growl as I see the Niffler stealing coins from a muggle's bag. I rush towards him and am about to pounce on him when a pair of hands, that hold a familar scent, scoop me up.

I turn around, still in my Niffler form, and growl at Newt, letting him know that I was close to getting the escaped creature if he hadn't of caught me. I see my beloved wince at the tone of my squeaks. "I know, dear but I couldn't let you do that as the muggles would have seen you."

I look around the bank lobby and see that he's right, if I had pounced when I did, it would have been out in the open, in a clear space where muggles would have seen me. I guess I should have thought that through.

I look back up at Newt and squeak at him, asking him to move into a hidden corner. Newt obliges and walks toward a spot where both of us wouldn't be seen. He sets me down and watches as I close my eyes.

I once again feel all my bones change and feel myself morph into myself once more. I open my eyes and sigh as I sort my, now messy, hair out. I cast my sapphire blue eyes to Newts Hazel ones.

"Come on, let's go and get him before he gets into anymore trouble."

Newt nods his head and grabs my hand as we both set off to catch ourselves an escaped niffler. However, unbeknownst to us, someone had seen everything, they had seen me transform from niffler to human and that someone was not happy.


Author's Note

Who's seen Newt and Nellie? Who saw Nellie transform? Find out in the next chapter!

I hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter! I wish you all a very happy new year and I hope you are all having fun and if you'll old enough to and do drink alochol, I hope you're having a lovely drink and are merry.

I am using the transcript when writing this book, I got gifted both transcripts for both movies and am using them instead of using the movies. I feel as if you can write in more detail when using transcripts.

I hope to post chapter two soon!

Until next time!

Published- 02β€’01β€’2022

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