Roses and Thorns
Y/N L/N lay in bed, his eyes closed and his breathing slow and steady. The whole room around him covered in green and vegetation. A figure lay next to Y/N, the red headed Poison Ivy stroking his hair with one hand. And inspecting a contract Y/N had signed with other, the contract stipulated that Y/N allowed Derek Powers to transfer funds through Wayne Enterprises accounts, laundering the Roman's money.
For Y/N was under the control of Poison Ivy, who had been drugging him over the course of their little relationship.
And so, as he slept, he found himself in a strange and beautiful place. He was walking through a forest of tall trees, their leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. The air was thick with the scent of flowers, and he felt the warm sun on his face.
Y/N looked around, feeling a sense of peace and contentment that he had not experienced in a long time. He walked on, enjoying the beauty of the forest and the silence that surrounded him.
Suddenly, he heard a voice calling his name. He turned to see Poison Ivy, standing in front of him. She was wearing a green dress that looked like it was made of leaves and vines. Her hair was long and flowing, and her eyes glowed with a strange, otherworldly light.
"Y/N," she said softly. "I've been waiting for you."
He felt a jolt of electricity shoot through his body. He couldn't help but be drawn to her, as if she had some kind of magnetic pull on him.
"What do you want?" he asked, trying to maintain his composure.
"I want you, Y/N," she said, stepping closer to him. "I want you to be mine."
He felt her hand on his chest, and he realized that he couldn't move. He was paralyzed, unable to resist her.
"You're mine now," she whispered, leaning in to kiss him.
Y/N felt her lips on his, and he felt a rush of desire that he had never felt before. He was consumed by her, lost in a sea of pleasure and longing.
As he kissed her, he saw visions of himself as Batman, fighting off criminals and saving the day. But this time, it was different. He felt more powerful, more invincible. He felt like he could take on the world and win.
He heard Poison Ivy's voice in his head, urging him on, telling him that he was the strongest and the bravest. He felt like he was in a trance, and he couldn't break free.
He saw himself in different parts of Gotham, fighting off criminals and saving lives. But every time he did, he felt a surge of energy that he had never experienced before. He felt like he was on top of the world, and nothing could stop him.
As the dream went on, he became more and more connected to Poison Ivy. He saw her as his partner, his equal, his soulmate. He felt like he couldn't live without her.
In the real world, Ivy smiled as she stroked Y/Ns hair, watching him stir in his sleep. As Ivy placed the contracts to the side, she leant down and kissed Y/Ns forehead and allowed herself to drift off into a deep sleep. All was peaceful.
A whole month went by, of Y/N being under the green thumb of Poison Ivy. He would make public appearances at galas hosted by the Roman, with his 'date' Pamela Isley at his side. But with Y/N off the board, it had the unintended side effect of also taking Batman off with him. Crime had been on the rise, the Cold War between the Falcone's and Maroni's had reached a breaking point. Many took Holiday killing Firefly and Killer Moth as Falcone putting his foot down, some of the villains Maroni was hoping to recruit switched sides, and some left Gotham all together. But war had not been declared yet, meaning there was still time to stop it from ever happening.
This was hope that Commissioner Jim Gordon held in his heart every day. Every night he would go to the roof of the GCPD, and shine the Batsignal in the sky. Even though the Bat would not answer, he still held out hope that the Bat of Gotham would answer the call.
It was April 4th, weeks earlier Holiday had struck again on St Patricks Day. Cutting down the Mad Hatter as he was trying to attack a shipment of guns coming into the city. Hatter had planned to use his mind control devices to influence the thugs into handing over the weapons, but he was cut down before he could even get to the location. All that was left at the crime scene was the copse, Holiday's signature gun, and a four leafed clover.
Holiday struck again on April 1st, this time however it was different. Holiday had Zsasz right where he wanted him, clear shot, but he didn't take it. Holiday fired one shot that wizzed past Zsasz, skimming his forehead. Maybe he did actually mis, or maybe it was a sick joke considering the holiday itself.
Poison Ivy watched from across the kitchen table with Y/N sat on the other side. He was mesmerised by her, his normal E/C eyes glossed over with a slight shade of jade. He just signed another contract, with one final one to sign, the signing over of Y/N's shares in Wayne Enterprises to Carmine Falcone.
"You've been such a good boy" Ivy soothed. "The company is such a burden to you Y/N, you should take a break" her voice was bit a whisper but he could hear it like a shout echoing in his mind. "So we can be together" she added, and he seemed to perk up over those words. Y/N's pen neared the paper, but before he could sign a nearby window opened and the wind blew it.
The wind was so strong that it blew the stacks of papers away, causing Ivy to scowl and look at what had opened the window. Catwoman had come to the rescue, flipping downwards and landed on the kitchen in between Y/N and Ivy.
"Mister Wayne, I think you've ever fed your philodendron" the cat burglar declared, narrowing her eyes at the red head villainess. Ivy seemed slightly concerned, although her face soften leaning back into her throne of vines and roses. With a flick of her fingers Ivy sent a massive vine striking towards Catwoman, who knelt down and pushed herself over the vine.
The vine came back around, with a second one in toe. But Catwoman was ready, using her agility and training, Catwoman was able to dodge all the oncoming attacks. Ivy stepped off her throne onto the table, taking control of the vines with a renewed assault. But with her focus on Catwoman, Ivy's control was split, and a rose tied around Y/N's neck loosened, the stream of pheromones Y/N was breathing stopped. He could finally breathe as he felt himself rushed into reality. Fresh air flooding his lungs, his eyes wide and memories of what feeling like mere minutes ago appearing in his head. Y/N did his best to pick himself up, but bis body felt like it weighed a ton.
Ivy looked to see Y/N attempting to escape, so her attention switched from Catwoman to him. With a clench of her fist, the rose re wrapped itself around Y/Ns neck. Cementing Ivy's control over Y/Ns mind as the pheromones flooded his veins once again. Catwoman then tackled Poison Ivy with them landing at the Cat on top, she raised her claws ready to swipe at Ivy but her hand was grabbed by the mind controlled Y/N.
"Stop" he ordered, cold and emotionless. Selina looked shocked while Ivy held a smirk seeing her drone come to her rescue. Y/N threw Catwoman aside, her colliding with a nearby wall and Y/N moving to attack her. He wrapped his right hand around Catwoman's neck and began to apply pressure, meanwhile Ivy picked herself up and looked on smiling.
"This isn't you Y/N" Selina choked out. "She's controlling you somehow-" that's when her eyes caught it. The rose wrapped around his neck causing her to scoff. "Sorry" she fake apologised, bringing both her clawed hands down slicing Y/Ns arm causing him to drop Catwoman and stagger back. Catwoman then leapt at him, claws raised and ready. Catwoman sliced and diced at the suit Y/N was wearing, tearing it, and the plants underneath it apart. Through her connection to the green, Ivy too felt the pain of being torn apart in her being. But Y/N's toros was soon covered in slight claw marks and blood, but it was all in the name of freeing him from Ivy's control.
With a quick pull at Y/N's neck, Catwoman peeled the rose from him. And Ivy held her throat, feeling as it had been slit. Y/N fell to the ground, his eyes returning to their normal colour, and he was drifting in out of consciousness.
"No!" Ivy roared, raising her hands with many vines behind her. "No, no, no!" she repeated, sending a volley of vines in the Cats direction. A horde of vines was sent Catwoman's way, she used her agility and speed to dodge them the best she could. Using her whip to swing herself off the chandelier, Catwoman swung herself downwards Ivy with her leg at the ready. The force of the kick was so great, it knocked Ivy off her little pedestal and to the floor. Ivy's eyes slowly started to close, and was knocked out. With Ivy losing conciseness, the plant life around the room began to wither and die. Some of the smaller plant life disintegrated with the larger green life soon following within the hour.
Y/N groaned as he picked himself up, using a chair to pull himself up. Y/N held his head, memories of what happened while he swayed coming to him. The galas, the dances, what Ivy said and promised when all this was over. "How did-" Y/N tried to say as he was breathing hard. "How did you know?"
"Well you haven't exactly been discreet" Catwoman informed as she hitched her whip to her side. "Appearing with Ivy in public, and signing assets over to The Roman" she informed, with the mentions of such things coming to Y/N.
"I'm calling my lawyers" Y/N said with an angered face. He had a whole army of them waiting, and Gotham certainly had laws in place for such situations.
"Police will be here any minute" Selina said getting in front of Y/N. "Tell them everything you remember then get to bed" she placed a hand on his shoulder. "You look awful Money Bags" she said with an ever so slight smirk on her lips.
"Thank you Selina" Y/N said with honesty.
"It's funny" she said her smile getting bigger. "You said you didn't want a partner but the grin you've had on you face last two months said otherwise"
"Two months?" Y/N repeated looking down in confusion. Both moved over to the broken window, seeing sirens approaching and watching the moon soaked city, with the Bat Signal shining above the city. "It took a while to catch the jolly green Jezebel with her guard down" Selina informed on why she took so long.
"And Holiday?" Y/N asked as his mind slowly started to form back to its original un drugged way.
"Still at large" Selina informed as she saw Y/Ns eyes narrow at the Batsignal.
"Again thank you for-" as Y/N turned, Selina had vanished, gone without a trace. Seemed she picked up a few skills from him. Y/N looked back at the signal, for voice returning to his mind. But for once, both Y/N and the voice agreed on one thing
"Time to Get Back to Work"
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