New Year, New Problems
(Warning this chapter will contain an adult scene, I'll give a warning when it starts and ends)
Once again like days earlier, Y/N was sat in the Belfry looking over the evidence of the Holiday Case. The first major hurdle as his role as Batman, whoever this Holiday was they were precise, like a surgeon. Every move calculated, sure that they wouldn't be caught and that ever kill would spook Falcone enough to cause the Godfather to back further into a corner. Even now a private New Year's Yacht party, every person entering the party would be searched for weapons. Y/N had been invited but he didn't know if he was even gonna go, he had to make a public appearance but at Falcone's?
All victims were shot with the same type of gun, no witnesses. Three murders, on three holidays. All victims were associates of Falcone and played major roles within his operations. All shot with the same of untraceable gun. Y/N had narrowed it down to five possible suspects, pictures and interconnecting webs covered the walls of the Belfry.
Salvatore Maroni, he's always been second to the Roman. Notoriously ambitious and the Maroni Family and Falcones have been involved in several Gang Wars, with them currently at peace. Fragile peace but Godfathers were men of their word. Maroni has killed Falcone's men before in daylight, why the cloak and dagger of Holiday.
Carla Viti, Falcone's sister. Runs the Chicago operations. Possibly making a play for control of the family. But if she was Holiday, that would mean she killed her own son. But she is a criminal after-all.
The Joker, homicidal maniac. The Arkham Guard testified that Joker escaped before the first murder. But Joker always wanted to be seen, he would never hide away in the shadows to kill.
The Roman himself. Johnny Viti was about to flip, and Mickey Chen would've possibly testified that Falcone ordered Dent's murder. A motive to silence the first two victims, but why kill his own bodyguard.
The fifth suspect Y/N didn't even want to consider, but after what both Calendar Man and Maroni said he fits. Y/N didn't like thinking about if Harvey Dent could possibly be Holiday but it all fit. Obsessed with taking down Falcone, more than Maroni and any ambitious made man in Gotham. He was turned down for a gun licence last year, psych evaluation showed some wild aberrations.
'Or is it someone else entirely' Y/N thought to himself, looking over all the data. 'Someone I haven't even considered'.
Y/N sighed as he sat forward in his chair. "I knew this would be a burden, but it I thought I'd have more time before I took a big case. Simply strike fear into the hearts of criminals and leave it at be. Never thought I would need to become a detective this soon, and be a good one" he said to himself.
'You can't save anyone. You know that don't you?' the voice asked as Y/N once again gripped the arm rests on the chairs. 'You won't win, you can't win'
"Shut up" Y/N angrily stated standing from his seat sending it rolling backwards and him gripping his face. "Just please shut the fuck up" he swore. Y/N couldn't take it anymore, he was loosing it. He looked to the side of his computer, seeing the invitation from Carmine Falcone for his Yacht Party. If Holiday was to strike at the mob, it would be where they're all gathered in one place.
'What are you doing?' the voice asked as Y/N picked himself up and went to leave the Belfry to return to his penthouse apartment and get ready. 'Get back to the computer and solve this case'.
"Shut up" the elevator opened in front of Y/N. "For once I'm doing what I want".
Later That Night
Y/N found himself standing in the main dining area of the yacht. It hadn't left port yet, and wouldn't for another hour. Carmine was going to give a little speech before the ship departed, most likely him stroking his ego and wanting the gathered people to feel sorry for him. Most of Gotham's wealthiest were gathered, even the Mayor himself. Famous surgeons such as Tommy Elliot, an old friend of Bruce's, to members of the Crowne and Van Dahl families. Hell even some of the Maroni's were in attendance, the two families were supposed to be at peace after all. Many of which came up to Y/N to give their regards as to Bruce's passing, even in Carmines domain people cared more for Bruce Wayne. The man who gave his body and sole for Gotham.
Eventually however, Falcone went up on stage clanging his a jewel covered ring onto a glass into the microphone to get everyones attention. As everyone turned their attention Carmine, he handed the glass off to the side with his son Alberto taking the glass looking less than happy to be there. Alberto had a small stack of logic puzzles under his arm, Carmine making a small jab at this son which wasn't picked by the microphone.
'According to Bruce's notes, Alberto is always seen with a puzzle close by' Y/N thought to himself.
"My distinguished guests. It is my honour to welcome you here tonight. I see a lot of familiar faces. Mayor" he nodded with the crowed clapping. "Your eminence" towards a holy man who was there, probably in Carmine's pocket. "No, I was talking to Sal Maroni" the crowed then erupted in a small laughter with the Maroni's looking less than impressed. "Sal Maroni on my yacht. It's like my father always said, keep your enemies close, and a loaded gun closer" once again the crowed began to laugh, with even Sal Maroni himself cracking a smirk. "Almost seventy years ago, a small group of concerned Gothamites joined together to build something the politicians squabbling in the halls of government could not. Doctor Thomas Wayne and my father built the Children's Clinic to protect families. And if you know us Falcones, there's nothing more important to us than family" at these words, Alberto Falcone behind Carmine seemed to stiffen and look down. "So buon anno! Thank you all for being here, and for our generosity. Let's beat last years total, remember. Cash Only Please" once again the crowed laughed with people beginning to clap.
"One more thing" Carmine spoke up through the clapping. "I would like to acknowledge the great tragedy that befell Gotham just months ago. Bruce Wayne, a Son of Gotham, one of our very own, was taken from us" the mood in the hall began to simmer as Y/N took notice of what Carmine was saying. "To me, Bruce Wayne felt like a brother, or a son I never had. We didn't always see eye to eye, but when we did, we made Gotham Greater. And I know he is still adjusting to his new role. But I hope to continue that work with Wayne's Son, Y/N" a few people shot said man smiles. "To Bruce Wayne" Carmine chanted taking his glass from Alberto and raising it.
The crowed all raised their glasses;
"To Bruce Wayne" everyone chanted with Y/N doing the same. Y/N downed his drink, and went outside for some air.
Y/N leant against the railing, looking out over the city. The ship still hadn't left port so he could see people drinking to their hearts content. It was moments such as these that Y/N allowed himself to soak in the true beauty of Gotham. A reminder for what Bruce fought for, and what he currently was fighting for. People cheering, being happy, enjoying themselves, families together ready to welcome in the New Year. It gave Y/N that sense of remembrance, his mission, and why he was the one who stepped up to fight for the city.
"Figured I'd find you out here" a familiar voice called out to Y/N. He turned, being met with the familiar red head of Pamela Isley. Her fiery was leant over to one side, enhancing her beauty, and her red hair was complimented by a bright red dress she was wearing. Which hugged her body in all the right places, showing off parts of her body teasing men and women who gaze at her.
(Apologies if that GIF isn't the best, damn Wattpad and the 3MB limit)
"You always did enjoy silence" she added.
"Pamela" Y/N greeted as he turned his body fully to face her. Both smiled at one another, with him leaning back. "Didn't expect to see you at an event such like this?" he asked, no offence to her. But a New Year's Gala held by a known Mafia Godfather didn't seem like Pam's type of place.
"Oh?" Pamela said with a smile in a teasing way. "Think this too rich for my blood?" she pressed further. Joining Y/Ns side and leaning onto the railing. Y/N prepared to answer, his mouth moving but no words coming out, stumbling over the right thing to say. This caused Pamela to giggle, "Relax Y/N, I supplied the flowers to this event, and Carmine Falcone himself was nice enough to extent me an invitation" she answered.
"Your business seems to be thriving" Y/N noted at the many successful deals Pamela has had. Many of the offices in Wayne Enterprises was filled with the flowers from her shop, now even the Falcone family were buying from her. Seems that Pamela Isley had really turned over a new leaf. "You don't happen to be interested in a buyout by any chance would you?" he asked, putting on that mask of a billionaire CEO yet again.
"My, Mr L/N. Would you wouldn't happen to be mixing business and your personal life would you?" Pamela teased, taking a small sip from her drink.
Y/N passed for the briefest of moments taking a small sniff from his nose and breathing in the most calmest scent he had smelt in years. It was like a mix of earthy, musky notes with a hint of sweetness, like the scent of fresh flowers mixed with a whiff of decay. Must be the perfume Pamela was wearing, it was an important event so it called for the most important and expensive items.
"You knew me in college Pamela, I was always for mixing business and pleasure" Y/N smiled but stopped and pause. Pondering why he said such a thing.
'Idiot' the voice cursed. 'You're letting yourself get too close to someone else'.
"Well, well, well Y/N" Pamela mused, stepping away from the rail moving closer to the door. "You know mixing such things can be troublesome, but also lead to something both parties can enjoy" Pamela added, opening the door to go back inside. "If you're interested in mixing them, find me around midnight" she finished walking back inside leaving Y/N alone.
'You're a fool' the voice cut in as Y/N shook his head trying to shut it up. 'First Selina, now an old flame who used to be a supervillain. You're pathetic, end things with Selina then break off whatever this is' it echoed as Y/N closed his eyes tightly. The voice was right, Y/N couldn't let such things get in the way while a major investigation was taking place. He knew Selina would be here, she was probably pickpocketing some snob investors right now, all Y/N had to do was find her and end things.
Across Gotham City, in the middle of a large crowed near the centre Jim Gordon and his searched for their friends the Dents. Many Police officers were on duty and patrolling, ensuring that neither Holiday nor Joker would ruin this evening. But as Jim and his wife drifted through the crowed, they found Harvey and Gilda in the middle of an argument.
"As if it matters! I hardly ever see you anyway! I just want a normally life, with a family. But you're obsessed with taking him down that won't even pay me the time of day. I barley even know you. My own husband" Gilda roared, Jim couldn't hear her yelling over the many celebrations going on around them.
"Gilda please, I just know that soon. We will have a normal life, with a family and-and kids. Isn't that what you've always wanted?" Harvey asked, taking his wifes hands into his own. But Gilda knew better, she knew this wouldn't be his last case. But Harvey's eyes moved from his wife to the waving Jim making his way towards them.
"Hey Harvey" he greeted as he and his wife arrived.
"Shouldn't you be working, Commissioner?" Harvey asked in a smug tone.
"I am" Jim responded. "This is one of the largest police presence this city's ever seen. We got caught with our hands down on Christmas, but heaven help Holiday if he tries anything here tonight". The couples tried to enjoy the night, but Jim was caught up in his own work, and Gilda just seemed.....distant.
On the outskirts of Gotham, an airfield with an old crop duster in the hanger. The Clown Prince of Crime was making his play. Three bodies lay around the plane, all gassed with Joker brand Laughing Gas and their faces contorted. Joker was currently loading up the crop duster with large canisters of his gas.
"Dead pilot? Check" he spoke to himself, looking down at said dead pilot with a twisted smile on the corpse, in his disturbingly creepy voice. "Ground crew? Check" he repeated looking down at the two cropped. "Poison gas? Check" Joker then fastened a pilots head piece to his person. "Time to ring in the New Year" he stated as the engine to the plane began to cycle up. "Ladies and Gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts, as I have no idea how to fly this thing!" Joker laughed manically as the plane took off.
Back on the Yacht
Y/N searched through the party, looking for Selina. Following the trail was easy, simply follow the path of people missing rings and watches. Selina was in the middle of speaking to some businesswomen, flirting, praising, giggle at every small and unfunny joke. All in the name of getting her prey to lower their guard. But as Selina saw Y/N approaching her, she broke off from her conversation leaving the woman disappointed. Selina smiled, making her towards Y/N, and he took in what she was wearing. It defiantly fit Selina, showing off her body to lure people in, and take whatever they've got.
(Again apologies for the quality, couldn't find a clearer GIF)
"Well, well, well Mr L/N. Never expected to see you at an event ran by a man so..." Selina looked over at Carmine, a sense of hatred was in her eyes. But when she looked back to Y/N that hatred vanished completely. ".....dishonest on his tax returns let's say" she joked. Causing a small smile to extend upon Y/Ns lips.
"Nice to see you Selina, you look like you're having fun" Y/N complimented, he gestured to her hand back, he could see a gold chain sticking out ever so slightly.
"Oh you know me, I do tend to enjoy a good night on the prowl" she smirked back.
'Idiot' the voice cursed. 'Get it over with'.
"Can we talk....about us" he asked, sincerity in his eyes and it could heard in his voice. Selina nodded, knowing that this was a conversation that needed to be had eventually. The ventured to the bow of the ship with no one in sight.
He felt nervous, like if the wrong words were said his whole world would explode. Y/N knew he had started to catch feelings for her. As the Batman, he couldn't afford to have any emotional attachments that could compromise his mission to protect the city, and stop these murders that were taking place.
"Selina, I need to talk to you," Y/N said, his tone serious yet shacky.
Selina looked up at Y/N, both were close to one another. Her eyes gazing into his own with her catching onto the tone he was taking. "What's wrong Y/N?"
"I think we need to end things between us," Y/N said, his gaze fixed on Selina's.
Selina's eyes widened in surprise. "What? Why?"
"It's not because of anything you've done," Y/N explained, his voice heavy and almost sounding frightened. "It's just that I can't let myself get too close to anyone. It's too dangerous. And I'm afraid of what road this path will take me down. And I can't allow you to get hurt for what might happen if you're caught in the crossfire".
Selina's expression softened as she took in what Y/N was saying. "I understand," she said quietly. "You have a duty to protect Gotham, and I don't want to be the reason that you can't do that" Selina replied as she let out a deep sigh. "You know I can handle myself right?" asked in a smug tone.
Y/N nodded, relieved that Selina wasn't angry or upset. "I know, but this Holiday Case, it's getting more and more dangerous. And I won't be able to live with myself if someone I care about is caught in the crossfire.I hope you can forgive me," he said, reaching a hand over to grasp one of hers in a caring manner.
Selina gave him a small smile. "Of course I do. But in a way you're right, we live on opposite ends of the law, so this was......never going to work" Selina agreed as she separated from Y/N. "And who knows? Maybe our paths will cross again someday" she added, kissing his cheek before returning to the hall and leaving Y/N alone, to ponder his thoughts.
Before Y/N could let her get away, he turned around and spoke up before she was out of sight. "I wanna know, when did you take it?" he asked, showing his empty wrist where a watch used to be.
"Take it from me Y/N" Selina said, flashing him one last smirk before she left. "Around here, curiosity and get you killed" and she made her leave.
Y/N returned her smile, feeling a twinge of sadness in his heart. He thought that he was making the right decision, but that didn't make it any easier. Y/N could hear the voice in the back of his mind, but he did his best to push it away.
'You can never be happy as Batman. Do you understand you pathetic idiot? You've let yourself get too close, if you had focused on the case and not your personal life. Then Holiday would be behind bars and no one else would have had to die'
Y/N stood there, basking in his own despair and wallowing in the loneliness. But soon, dusty called. As an alert on his phone signalled that something had entered Gotham's air space. Using sensors around the city, Batman managed to see through hacked cameras that it was in fact the Joker. Making his move. With the Yacht still docked, and minutes away from leaving port. Y/N ran, pushing passed security as he held his mouth looking as if he was going to be sick. Gotham was more alive than ever tonight, but getting to the Belfry wouldn't be a problem. He lived in this city most of his life, and knew exactly what streets and alleys to take in order to get to his destination.
Back in Centre of Gotham
Harvey and Gilda were still giving one another mean looks, with the Gordons doing their best to stay out of it.
"Gilda, just trust me. As soon as Carmine is behind bars I'll have more time-" Harvey was cut off before he could finish.
"There's always going to be another Carmine. Another big case, it's always been the same. You never change Harvey, I thought you said we'd be happy after the last case. But you're too caught up in your work" Gilda now had tears rolling down her face. "I can't do this, not now!" Gilda then ran off into the crowed.
Harvey looked up, seeing the glances from the Gordons. "Excuse us" Harvey whispered and began to walk off. The Gordons looked upset at the arguing couple, but hoped the two could reconvene soon. But their attention was quickly caught, by a strange buzzing noise. Everyone looked up, to see the crop duster of Joker come streaming down and flying just over their heads. Jim urged his wife to flee, while he tried to rally his men and get the people to safety.
As everyone down below, Joker was in his plane. Reading the owners manual and singing to himself; a rendition of Auld Lang Syne;
"Should all offences be forgot And never brought to trial"
He chuckled to himself as his eyes scanned the pages and and saw why exavtly his gas wasn't spreading across the city. "Oh silly me, the safety HA!" he threw the manual then reached down and unlocked the safety release. Red lights turned to green and Joker's thumb hovered over the 'release' button.
But, before Joker could enact his plan, Batman watched from atop a nearby skyscraper. With the Batwing locked inside the cave, Y/N would need to do things the old fashioned way. Unhooking the grapple gun from his utility belt, Batman fired, with it locking onto and piercing the metal of one of the planes wings. Batman was lifted off, hanging on for dear life and he slowly tried to pull himself up along the one metal wire.
Joker looked back, seeing that Batman had caught up to him "Huh.....shit" he cursed as the Clown took evasive action. He then began to fly wildly, going straight towards a building and pulling up just at the last second. This caused Batman to hit the sides of the building, but he kept his grip firm and tight. "Economy class ain't what she used to be" the Clown joked as he flew deeper into the city.
Batman pulled himself up, getting to the cockpit however it seems Joker had vanished. With a green handkerchief tied around the joystick to keep the plane stable. Just then, hiding on the top wing, Joker swopped down and kicked Batman away. Causing the Caped Crusader to hang onto the landing gear with Joker laughing manically. Batman however pulled himself up, so he was standing on the edge of a wing with Joker doing the same on the opposite side.
Joker stood across from Batman on the plane each on a different wing, ready to engage in their usual dance of violence and mayhem. But as he looked at the Dark Knight, something seemed off. The cowl was different, the build was different, the fighting style was different. This wasn't the Bat he knew. Joker's mind raced as he tried to piece together what was happening. Had Bruce Wayne found a way to change his appearance? Had he been replaced by an imposter? Or had he finally lost his mind and was imagining things?
"What are you trying to prove this stand Joker?" Batman asked, trying to steady himself.
"Prove? Stunt? Joker?" he asked with a twitching eye. "No, wait that one's right" he let out a few giggles.
"Why did you choose Johnny Viti?" Batman then dove for the control stick, with Joker doing the same both trying to wrestle control of the plane back from one another.
"What?" Joker responded.
"And Mickey Chen and Milos Grappa?"
"HAHA you think I'm Holiday?" Joker retorted. "Oh, poppet. I knew you this new you seemed different. You actually care!" Joker then sprayed acid from the flower on his lapel causing Batman to dodge backwards as Joker sat back down in the cockpit.
'He's figuring it out. Joker is one of Bruce's oldest enemies, and he knows you're not him'
"Of course I'm not Holiday!" Joker continued. "If I were him, why would I be trying to kill him!"
"Kill him?" Batman questioned.
"He's the competition!" Joker barked. "And, like the corn kernel always says, I won't be number 2". Joker once again began to fly wildly and erratic, diving only to pull up two seconds later. Causing Batman to hit himself along the metal of the plane and almost fall off, but he stayed. He couldn't let Joker gas the city.
"If it's Holiday you want dead, then why gas everyone in Gotham Square?" Batman asked as he pulled himself to his feet.
"Half the city's down there!" Joker responded. "Which means Holiday is or isn't. I have a fifty-fifty chance. And if I fail, well, at least I've killed a lot of innocent people" Joker laughed once again.
"Why do you care about Holiday?" Batman inquired standing to his feet.
"You really are different tonight. You of all people should Bats, I love a good puzzle" Joker said with spite, and the gears within Y/N's mind began to turn.
Flashing back to earlier tonight, Y/N connected the dot of the Holiday puzzle to Alberto Falcone. Someone who was always fond of puzzles. The motive fit, Carmine had always voiced his disappointed with his son. Alberto would burn down the one thing that Carmine valued most; his criminal enterprise. This chance was slim, but Alberto Falcone could be Holiday.
But Y/N's mind flashed back to reality when Joker spoke up.
"So, when the clock strikes 12:00 do I get a little kiss?" Joker asked, immediately head butting Batman forcing him back to the edge. Joker then clicked the release button, the canisters unlocking and gas slowly beginning to leaking out. Batman then sprang forward, wrapping both his hands around Joker's throat. It took every ounce of willpower Y/N had not to choke the life out of the clown. "I'm taking this as a no?" he asked.
Batman then head butted the Clown, knocking him out clean. The vigilante then took control of the plane, it hadn't reached the Square yet and many of the streets had been evacuated. Batman then steered the plane towards the harbour, grabbing Joker just before the plane crashed into the water with Batman carrying the clown as he grappled them away.
The Bat of Gotham left the Joker tangling by a piece of rope hanging from one of the hands of the New Clocktower located in Gotham Square. With members of the GCPD looking up and smiling knowing that the Bat had saved the day once again. But his night wasn't over, he still needed to confront Alberto Falcone. It was just a hunch, but in this case anything will do.
On the Yacht, Now Left the Docks
Alberto was leaning on a rail at the stern of the Yacht. He was alone, smoking a cigarette and holding a glass of champagne. He was without a care in the world, but soon a figure was walking closely behind him. Selina Kyle, trying to act innocent.
"Alberto right?" she asked holding out her with Alberto taking and shaking it. She joined him at the rail. "Can I ask you a question? I'm trying to imagine what it's like to grow up around all this" Selina's eyes darted around signalling to the Yacht.
Alberto took a puff of his cigarette. "I wouldn't know. Mr Family had me in boarding schools overseas before I could walk" he answered. "Which is fine" he sighed. "I would have never fit in here anyway. I'm an Oxford graduate who's learned more about business than my father could ever hope to understand. Yet....."
"You don't get a seat at the table" Selina finished her sentence. Having her own understanding of being left out from a family.
"Because dear old dad sees me as weak. That I use more brain more than muscles. I like to dissect my enemies, look at the Maroni's. My father would engage them in all out war destroying their business but me?" he started to sound delirious, like a mad man going on a rant. "I would target their muscle, make sure my enemies can't fight back before I finish them. But my father would waste resources with a petty war over a few metres of concrete" he finished, sounding defeated. Alberto had practiced this very speech in the mirror countless of times. "I'm sorry" he apologised turning to Selina. "I don't mean to....why do I feel like I can talk to you?" he asked genuinely, with a soft expression.
"I, ummmm" Selina stumbled. Just then, rather creepily, Alberto began to move his face closer to Selina's, causing the woman to squeal and step backwards. "I can't, we can't" she tried to say.
But something landed on the stern, cape flowing and a grim expression. Batman seemed angry, despite what happened earlier, he still cared for Selina. "Get away from her" he snarled catching the attention of Alberto and Selina.
"Y/-" before Selina could finish the name she covered her own mouth, Alberto being too distracted by the vigilante to notice what she started to say.
"Alberto Falcone, I have some questions for you" Batman stated taking a step forward. "Like where were you on Halloween?".
"You can't be?" Alberto tried to put together what Batman was saying. "You think I'm Holiday? Really?" he asked with a smile. "You've been fed some bad clues" Alberto back up towards the edge with his hands raised.
"But I still solved this puzzle. The rejected son, born to inherit and empire. But cast aside at every chance he had to prove himself" Batman said, stepping even closer to Alberto.
"You're wrong" Alberto replied calmly, doing his best not to escalate the situation.
"You knew taking the keys to the kingdom would take too long. So you decided to speed up to the process, make your father seem weak so you can take the reins" Batman laid out his statement, which did fit. "With potential successors dropping like flies, and the circle getting tighter. You were finally granted a seat at the table, where you could sabotage every corner of your father's enterprise" Batman added, Alberto's hands slipping against the railings.
"You've got it all wrong!" Alberto replied. "I want control off the family but not like this" Alberto added. From inside the Yacht, people could be heard counting down to midnight.
'Ten, Nine, Eight'
"I wanted my dad to look at me and br proud and changes I made before I take control"
'Seven, Six, Five'
"But he would never listen. But that doesn't mean I would try to take down my own father. I still love him, he's my father"
'Four, Three Two'
"All I ever wanted was for him to notice me. For him to care for-"
A gunshot rang through the air, just as the fireworks went on. Batman and Selina looked on seeing Alberto holding his chest as blood seeped through his suit. Alberto dropped his glass of champagne, his breathing getting difficult as he looked up to see the shooter. Holiday, holding the signature weapon, and wearing a thick coat, bandana and hat to conceal their identity. Another shot, this one on the other side of Alberto's chest and Batman moving to protect Selina. This shot caused Alberto to fall backwards into the water. Batman and Selina looked on, seeing blood leaking as they lost sight of the body as the water was lit up by dozens of fireworks.
Batman turned around, gritting his teeth and eyes fixed on Holiday. As Holiday raised his gun again, Batman threw a Batarang out which clanged off the gun knocking it out of the murderers hands. The vigilante then grappled up and chased after the now running Holiday who brought out a back up gun he kept on his person. Holiday ran threw the upper deck of the Yacht with Batman gaining, people looked on frightened and ducking as more gunshots rang out. The people made it difficult for Batman to catch up to Holiday, who was now running down the stairs to the lower decks. As Batman also got to the lower decks a few moments later, hr realised that Holiday was long gone. Having escaped on single person speed boat he had ready nearby.
The Holiday Killer had struck again. Leaving behind the signature gun with a baby bottle nipple on the barrel, next to a glass of champagne.
Thirty Minutes Later
The Falcone Yacht had docked, GCPD officers ushering the party goers off in an orderly fashioned. Carmine was devastated at the news, for the first time looking weak and showing genuine emotion in public. Seems he did actually care for his son.
Jim Gordon and Harvey Dent met up close by, both walking down a nearby alleyway as they knew he would be waiting for them. Batman stepped out of the shadows, head down slightly as he felt exhausted.
"The divers are doing their best to fish Alberto's corpse out, but no luck so far" Dent informed as they began to brain storm ideas.
"I thought Alberto was Holiday, I was wrong. He wasn't the murderer, hr was the target. Him being Holiday was the simplest solution, but the simplest solution isn't the correct one" Batman noted as he stepped out of the alleyway slightly and looked at the people being escorted off the Yacht. "He was innocent, I was supposed to save him. And how he's dead" he saw Selina, and his eyes fixated on her for a brief moment. "I needed to be better".
"We all did" Gordon added. "All of us", both Gordon and Dent stepped out to join Batman.
"You have to put a protective detail on Carmine Falcone" Batman stated, it was only logical. His life was at risk, and even though he was a criminal. They needed to protect him, if Holiday were to kill him a power vacuum would be created. Then all of Gotham would be purged into civil war.
"If he'll even let you" Harvey butted in. "Do you realise we started out trying to take down The Roman and now we're trying to save him?" he asked, voice sounding angry and frustrated. "When did that happen?".
"I have a better question" Jim spoke up. "If Alberto Falcone wasn't Holiday, then who is?"
"And who's next?" Batman asked as he called the Batcycle, a sense of dread washing over him. Feeling defeated.
One Hour Later, 1:37AM
Y/N returned to his apartment penthouse, feeling physically and emotionally drained. The fight with Joke, being tossed around on a plane, Selina, and now Alberto Falcone's death. It was all too much for the man. He was dressed in what nothing but a white button up shirt and suite trousers, which he had picked up from the Belfry.
'Pathetic' the voice came back, as Y/N moved into the kitchen and brought out a whiskey glass. 'You're hunch was wrong, you're theory was wrong, and you let Alberto Falcone die tonight'
"Shut up" Y/N whispered as he brought a bottle of single malt whiskey. It was New Year's, and he allowed himself this one night to engage in a tradition. The bottle was labelled 'Penderyn' a whisky brand Y/N found on a trip to the UK.
'At least you broke things off with the Cat, seems the only thing you're good at is breaking skulls and hearts. Does that make you happy?'
'Good, Batman can't be happy, Batman can't be-'
The doorbell? At this hour? On New Year's? Y/N was on guard immediately, he poured his glass but didn't drink it, simply leaving it on the table as he moved to the front door. Y/N had fists at the ready, expecting to be some criminal seeing if anybody was home as they often checked by ringing doorbells. As Y/N looked through the eyehole, he was surprised as he was met with the red dress and hair of-
"Pamela?" he asked, unlocking and opening the door seeing her worried face. "What are you doing here?" he asked, she knew where he lived. He had told her during one of their meet ups.
"I heard you left the party earlier, people said you weren't looking well and I thought I'd check how you're doing" she said as she looked into his eyes.
"Sorry, I think I mixed a few too many drinks" he lied, but she seemed to buy it.
'Turn her away idiot'
"Come in, I was about to celebrate New Year' myself" he joked causing a smirk to grace her lips and Pamela walked in, seemingly inspecting the apartment.
"This is fancy" Pamela remarked glancing at a piece of art that was hung up. "Is this an original?; she asked pointing at it.
"Oh yeah" Y/N responded. "I bought it off auction, cost me a pretty penny" he chuckled. That was a lie, he had no idea where the painting had come from. Probably something Bruce left, it showed a lone fisherman, braving a storm in the middle of an endless ocean. Both made their way into the kitchen, where Pam took notice of the bottle of alcohol.
"You felt ill because of the stuff now you're drinking more of it?" she asked, inspecting the bottle then putting it down.
"Can't I keep at least one tradition" he said, grabbing the glass and moving to his end of the kitchen counter. "Besides after the night I've had, I need something to help me forget" he remarked, it was stupid. He let himself slip up.
"And what kind of night has the luxurious playboy had?" Pamela asked, placing an elbow on the counter, but when she looked into Y/N's eyes she saw sadness and despair.
"People coming up giving their regards" he swirled the amber liquid around. "People making comments about how this is all a lot for someone, how I'm doing soooo well given my circumstance" he drank a bit of the whisky. "Glasses are first shelf if you want one" he gestured and one of Pamela's hands went underneath the counter and grabbed one. "Just a lot" he repeated, watching as Pamela poured herself a drink. "Hey just a single, you know how much this stuff costs?" he asked in a joking way, trying to brighten the mood.
"You run a billion dollar company and you're worried about about fifty dollar whisky?" Pamela retorted in a similar tone his own.
"Would I see like a rich ass hole if I said yes?" he spat back with a smirk. "Cheers, and Happy New Year Pam" he said holding out his drink.
"Happy New Year Y/N" Pamela said back, clanging their glasses together and both taking a drink.
Both stayed in silent for a brief moment, both basking in the moon light and taking small sips from their drinks.
"Things have really changed haven't they?" Y/N asked leaning forward. "Things used to be so simple, Christ I sound old" he chuckled to himself and Pamela giggled as well, herself leaning forward.
"That's just how life is, sometimes things change for the better or sometimes for the worse" Pamela noted.
Y/N looked from his drink to the woman who's face was close to his own. The fiery red hair dripping behind her like a waterfall, her dress and her glossy red lips.
'You fool, she's too close, you're letting yourself get too relaxed. You're Batman, Bruce would never' before the voice could finish Y/N sent a through echoing through his head silencing it.
'SHUT UP!!!!'
"That doesn't look like a single?" Pam teased, her eyes darting to Y/Ns drink then back to his eyes.
"My apartment, my rules" their heads moved closer towards one another.
"So, what does a girl need to do get a drink like that?" she whispered.
Slowly, their heads moved closer together. Lips puckering as Y/N could feel her hot minty breath. Y/N allowed himself to close his eyes, a hand reaching out to cup her left cheek. Slowly, but surely, the lips of Y/N and Pamela met, both breathing their noses. The moment their lips made contact, Y/N felt like all the troubles of today vanished. She tasted like sweet berries with an undertone of coconut. Y/N felt his hand fall from his cheek as their lips part, both leaning their foreheads together as they realised what they had just done.
"Looks like somethings don't change" Pamela remarked. Y/N gave a confused look. "You're still a mediocre kisser" she teased.
Pamela then moved around the kitchen counter, Y/N standing to his feet, both maintaining eye contact the whole time. He wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her closer. Her own arms wrapping his neck pulling him closer. There was no real love here, more built on lust. Just 2 people attracted to each other, acting on that attraction.
Y/N didn't know why he was doing this, he cared for Pamela, but not as much as he did for Selina. But he needed this, he needed something to unwind. Something to help him forget about tonight, something outside of business, outside of Batman. Y/N didn't love Pamela, but he needed some form of love in his life at his moment. Just something.
(Adult Scene Beyond this Point)
Y/N pressed his lips against Pamela's with a sense of eagerness. He breathed out as he felt his mouth open on instinct, almost begging for entrance into hers. His grip on her waist tightened as his felt her tongue wrap around his, Pamela letting out a low moan as she explored his mouth. Y/N felt the taste of her lips enhanced ten fold. His legs feeling as if they would collapse under his own weight. Y/N felt like he was melting under her mouth alone.
Y/N was drunk of her scent, part of him wondered if this was a good idea. But he needed to relax, to have a moment to feel alive. And these two adults, are now finally reunited after so much time apart.
As the rapid tongue battle continued, Y/N moved his right hand to feel her bare leg and smooth skin. Pulling at it so out wrapped around his hip. Pamela tried to separate her lips from Y/N's, but he bit her bottom lip in an attempt to make her stay in place. Pam smiled, breaking away as both caught their respective breathes. She brushed her knee passed his crotch then back to his hip, making him know exactly what she wanted.
"Bedroom" she breathed out. "Now"
Both moved through the apartment, exchanging kisses and whispers as they stumbled their way to the bedroom. At one point, Y/N pinned Pamela against the a wall, kissing her harshly, as if she was only thing in this world. His lips moving from her lips, to her jaw, to her neck. Pamela moved one of her arms free of her dress, and allowed one of her breasts to become free and attacked by Y/N. The man brought the breast in his mouth, sucking on it like a newborn. Pam flung her head against the wall, breathing heavily as her hands went to keep Y/N in place. He flicked his tongue over the nipple sending a ripple of pleasure through the red head.
Pamela brought Y/N to meet her lips once again, both continuing to the bedroom. Y/N opened the door with much force it almost knocked the thing off the hinges. Pamela's hands went to his shirt, unbuttoning it quickly revealing much of his toned body. Pamela licked her bottom lip, not knowing Y/N had become this ripped during his time away. Y/N did the same to her red dress, revealing each curve of her body. Soon enough, both were naked standing front of each other.
Pamela practically leaped onto the bed, laying down and propping herself up with her elbows, teasing Y/N to follow her. Like a man in a desert stumbling towards a water, Y/N crawled towards the red head. He settled where the tip of his cock was teasing her entrance, their faces close together as her arms once again went behind his neck and legs wrapped around his waist locking him in place.
"I don't have a-" before he could finish she silenced him.
"It's okay" she whispered bringing his head down towards hers. "I'm on the pill" she finished locking lips. Having the all clear, Y/N thrust his hips downwards, sending a shock of pleasure through his body as he filled her up. Her folds wrapped around him, gripping him tightly as he separated from the kiss to breath into her neck and catch his breath. He could hear and feel her soft moans in his ear, as both got accompanied to the other.
Slowly, Y/N began to move his hips at a pace. He was tired, but he did his best to keep up with the former villain. As Y/N did his best did his best to move his hips and keep chasing that peak of pleasure, he began to kiss and suck at Pamela's exposed soft neck. Pamela let out a loud moan as she felt pleasure spike in 2 regions, a hand gripping the back of Y/Ns hair and squeezing hard.
"M-more" she moaned and Y/N did his best to comply. His teeth dug into her pale skin, not enough ton hurt but enough to leave his mark on her, and he found the exact spot causing her whole body to shake and squeeze him like a vice. Both stayed in that position, moaning into one another feeling themselves reaching the peak.
With her grip on him, Pamela flipped them so that she was on top. Pamela unwrapped her arms and allowed to back to straightened, she put herself to work, working her hips in a way he hit every spot she wanted him to. Y/N moved himself up, giving the breast he left out earlier the attention it deserved.
"I'm almost-" Pamela breathed out as she felt him sucking on her breast rapidly.
Y/N let the breast go as he laid down pulling her with him so their faces were close. Her red hair cascading around them, so they could focus each only. "Same here" he breathed as his hands moved to help her hips, in lifting her up only to drop her down on his cock.
"Yes right there" she moaned as Y/N felt himself hitting her deeper. "Yes, yes" she repeated until she flung her head and hair back. "YES!" she screamed, Y/N feeling her core tighten as covering his cock with her juices. Y/N leaned into the pillow as he felt himself release, shooting his load up into Pamela as their bodies became covered in a light layer of sweat.
(Adult Scene Over)
Both Y/N and Pamela settled on the bed, bringing the blanket over to cover themselves as they felt sleep taking hold. Y/N wrapped and her arm around Pam bringing her close with her leaning her head on his chest. Y/N didn't know why he did that, didn't know how he felt about it. Part of him regretted it, but part of him didn't basking in the feeling of having someone close to him. He knew he didn't love Pamela, maybe. But for the voice had shut up, that had to mean he was doing something right. Right?
Author's Note
There we go, longest chapter yet at 7.8K words so hope you enjoyed that. We're past what was Part 1 of the movie so we're gonna get into some more original stuff from here. I've got some stuff planned so can't wait for you to see it.
If you're a Selina fan, don't worry she is gonna be endgame.
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