Father's Day, Time to Pray
Outside Falcone's tower the police presence was absurd. Five cruisers in total, upwards of fifteen men on the ground all armed to teeth and a SWAT team on stand by if any trouble were to come knocking. Soon a red Volkswagen began to pull up, the licence plate was recognisable to the officers as they had been informed of its arrival. Out stepped a woman who took the officers by surprise, she hasn't been seen in Gotham for some time, and it was quite visible she was concealing a few weapons under her jacket for good measure. This was Sofia Falcone, Daughter of the Roman.
Portrayed by Cristin Milioti (Really just wanted to use her cause of the Penguin show which looks awesome)
Her face seemed to be miserable, she never wanted to come back to this dreadful city. But a small smile was on her face, tomorrow was fathers day after all, and she got to actually spend it with her own father after so many years.
"I'm here to see my father" she explained to the officers standing outside, who's hands inched over their guns if she were to try anything. Sofia revelled something in her hands, and one officer even gripped the handle of his weapon, but it was revealed to be a small white box with a red bow tried around it. "It's a tie" she explained, causing some of the officers to loosen their guard but some didn't seem convinced, this caused Sofia to sigh wearily. "And yes, my parole officer knows I'm here" she added, her eyes rolling. The sergeant in charge seemingly less than convinced.
Minutes later, Sofia exited the elevator with her finding herself outside her dad's office with him there to greet her.
"Sofia my little girl" Carmine welcomed, embracing his daughter in a hug and planting a kiss on her forehead as they broke away. "Heat give you any trouble downstairs?" he asked.
"There's more cops here than I ever saw in five years on the inside" Sofia summonsed, calling back her time in the slammer. Her eyes drifting downwards.
"Holiday Detail" Carmine explained making air quotes. "For my protection, or so they tell me" he chuckled, the irony. For years the GCPD tried to bring down the Roman's Empire, and now they had to defend him. "Listen" Carmine began, making sure the door to his office was shut behind him. "I've very busy, could you-"
"That's why I came up here" Sofia argued back, cutting across her father. "I need to talk to you" she added, trying to look at father with respect and hopefulness. "Papa, I want to be in room, a seat at the table" she pleaded. While she had success running smaller operations in Keystone, Central City and Midway City, she wanted to be here. In Gotham, her home.
"Sofia, we have already discussed-" before Carmine could respond he was cut off yet again.
"I tracked down that freak Crane for you like you ordered without question. Things heating up with Sal Maroni, I think-"
"BASTA!" Carmine yelled at his daughter, cutting her off. His face slowly being filled with rage, he would not be questioned, he's the Godfather for Christ Sake. Sofia stepped back, she had always feared her fathers temper. But when Carmine realised his tone of voice, his face softened. "Things are....strained" he said glancing back to his office. Carmine then placed a hand on his daughters shoulder. "Half our top earners have been taken out by either Holiday, or Maroni's freaks. I chance to use that old friend of yours L/N, but he's out. And now we have to restructure" he explained.
Sofia knew the plans her father had for Y/N. She and he, had a past one could say. But what the Falcone's didn't know, even to this day. That Y/N wasn't exactly being truthful during the short relationship the two had. He was acting as an informant, feeding Bruce whatever intel he could find. But when Carmine wanted to initiate Y/N into the organisation, he had to break things off before you could say they got serious.
"Which is why you need me" Sofia responded, trying to get through to the ageing man in front of her.
"I do not" Carmine replied, and it seemed to almost break her heart. "Sofia, if I bring you in now.Our new earners will think I am lining up a successor, and that will make me look old......and weak" he always hated that word. Weak, is described those without power, without influence.
"You are neither" Sofia tried to argue.
"Nevertheless" Carmine shot back and this seemed to get through to Sofia. As she looked down in defeat, knowing she couldn't say anything to change her fathers mind. "Good, end of discussion" Carmine said with a smile digging into his pockets and pulling out a roll of hundred dollar bills. "Now go buy something" he ordered. "Big, flashy, a dress, a car. I don't really care. Just make sure everybody sees it" he listed, opening the door to his office and entering inside.
As the door closed, Sofia saw him. The man Carmine was having discussions with, the man she tracked down. Johnathon Crane, the Scarecrow. Dressed in his full costume.
The costume consisted of a tattered, brown overcoat with a high collar that covers his entire neck. The coat was adorned with patches of burlap fabric that are crudely sewn onto the material, giving it a ragged appearance. Underneath the coat, was aa dark green shirt and pants that are also frayed at the edges. The most frightening detail being the mask, which was made out of a burlap sack that covered his entire head. The sack had two eyeholes that are stitched shut with black thread, and a jagged, toothy grin is painted onto the front in black paint. The sack is tied at the back of his head with a thick rope that is knotted at the base of his neck.
Sofia looked on in concern, she knew turning to the super villains of Gotham was one of the only options her family had left. But she didn't like it, he saw how desperate her father was getting, and that meant he was going to be reckless. "Happy Father's Day Poppa".
The Next Day, Father's Day
Sal Maroni was on the outskirts of Gotham, around fifteen miles from the city to be precise. On this special day of celebration he was walking through an estate that looked to be straight from Italy. He held a box of what appeared to be pastries, with a very elderly man waiting for him sitting next to a table. There was a half an empty bottle of win at the table. Sal Maroni was visiting his father, who was well into his mid nineties. Luigi 'Big Lou' Maroni.
Sal placed the box on the table in front of his father, opening it to reveal the present he had bought. "Your favourite cannolis papa" he said with a smile, even now wanting to impress his dad.
"Cannoli" his father corrected going to grab one from the box. "Cannolo for one, cannoli for a box" he went on, sounding jokingly ashamed of his son. "Your Italian is sterco" he added as his son looked down at him.
"I know, papa, I'm sorry" Sal apologised, his smile fading ever so slightly.
Luigi groaned. "You bring cannoli on Father's Day, I forgive. Sit" he commanded with his son following his order, Luigi lifting up his glass of wine. "So...." he was waiting for his son to begin speaking.
"This little cold war with Falcone, it's killing us pop" Sal said, laying out the families situation with the current climate in Gotham. "Carmine thinks we've got something to do with this.....Holiday jerk, and I know Holiday is hitting our guys. I've been forced to take action" he reasoned, the funds of his criminal enterprise had been drained significantly.
"Sciocchezze" his father warned. "Carmine's paranoia is not do with Holiday, but with the new DA. Unless these two are one and the same" Luigi theorised holding up his hands at equal levels.
"Dent's a crusader, but I can't see him getting his hands dirty" Sal countered, looking down at his wine then back to his father. "More likely the Bat, he has been acting differently lately".
"You want advice?" Luigi asked. "Win or lose, the only thing that ends war is peace" he informed shocking his son who went wide eyed.
"Make peace with Carmine?" he asked quite shocked, he looked once again. "Papa I don't know" just then a sound could be heard, resembling a cat sneezing. "Maybe I could-" Sal looked up shocked, seeing his father holding his throat as blood flowed through a bullet wound staining his white shirt. "Papa!" he yelled, getting up ready to help. But it was too late, Luigi Maroni slumped over, dead. "Papa!" he repeated in vain. Looking around, Sal'e eyes narrowed as saw the killer, Holiday. Wrapped head to toe in a large coat, bandana around his face and fedora.
Sal screamed, digging into his inner pocket and pulling out a handgun, firing wildly at the fleeing Holiday. Sal was catching up to Holiday, the murderer loosing steam and momentum as they ran. So in an attempt to lose Sal Maroni, Holiday ran into a nearby forest to escape. Sal tripped on a root sprouting out of the ground, allowing Holiday to get further and further away. Sal emptied his entire magazine in the direction that he Holiday escape in desperate hopes of killing the bastard. But it was no use, Holiday had escaped.
Luigi Maroni, former head of the Maroni Criminal Enterprise was dead.
Later That Night
It was a dark night in Gotham City, and the streets were empty, except for the occasional patrol car. With Luigi Maroni dead, people didn't know who could be next. Batman was perched on a rooftop, scanning the area for any signs of trouble. Suddenly, he heard a loud explosion and saw smoke rising in the distance. He quickly swung into action, heading towards the source of the disturbance. Quickly moving to the direction of the explosion, seeing come from one of the smaller banks in Gotham. A bank which was in the pocket of the Maroni's, and none other than Scarecrow was robbing it. A truck being filled up with bags of cash by some men he paid off.
Batman leaped from the rooftop and landed in the midst of the bank robbers. They turned to face him, but before they could react, he took out several of them with quick, precise strikes. The rest of the robbers quickly backed away, but the Scarecrow stepped forward, his canister of fear toxin at the ready in one hand, and a scythe over his shoulders.
"Well, well, well," he said, grinning maniacally. "If it isn't the Dark Knight. You've finally decided to join the party."
"Why are you working against the Maroni's?" Batman asked, kicking one thug who tried to get up but he stayed down. "They've always paid you good money" he added.
"Oh the times" Scarecrow whispered as he brandished his scythe in both hands placing the canister down. "They ARE A CHANGIN!" he sang, swinging wildly at the Dark Knight. Batman easily dodged the first swipe, striking Scarecrow in the face with the villain staggering backwards. Scarecrow then leapt forwards, swinging wildly trying his best to even to scratch the Dark Knight but to no avail. This became a pattern, Scarecrow swinging, while Batman dodged delivering several hits to the face. But eventually, Y/N could feel it. The gas, the canister was open, slowly leaking fear gas into the air. His movements slowed, blinking hard.
Batman staggered back, feeling the effects of the toxin almost immediately. His heart raced, and his mind began to spin with terrifying thoughts and images. He stumbled, trying to regain his balance, but he was too disoriented.
The Scarecrow took advantage of Batman's weakness and struck him with a powerful blow to down his chest, ripping apart parts of his armour but luckily not cutting all the way through.
The Scarecrow laughed triumphantly. "You see, Batman?" he said. "You're not so tough without your gadgets and your fancy armor. You're just a scared little boy, like everyone else" Scarecrow scoffed, looking the Bat up and down seeing his different, less equipped suit.
Batman struggled to get back to his feet, but his legs felt like rubber. He knew that he had to fight back, but the fear was too overwhelming.
The Scarecrow circled him like a predator, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Batman could feel the villain's eyes on him, taunting him.
"You're nothing, Batman," the Scarecrow said. "Just a figment of your own imagination. You're mad just like the rest of us" he insulted. Scarecrow watched with gleaming eyes, while he could finish off the Bat here, knowing he had dosed him with toxin was even more delicious. As Batman fell to his knees, violently, Scarecrow went to the drivers seat of the truck. Easily making his escape.
While maintaining a small glimpse of his sanity, Y/N tried to pursue Scarecrow. Grappling to the rooftops, he tried to run across them, but his legs gave out. The world around Y/N was distorting, the ground roof beneath him breaking apart. Concrete becoming streams as they drifted into the orange lit sky.
"You're a fool" he knew that voice, the voice that had plagued him for months. It was demonic, gaining much strength and the voice had now found a physical form.
Suddenly, he found himself standing face to face with Bruce Wayne, the man he had once looked up to and admired above all else. The man he and many others had seen as a father. But the image of Bruce was twisted and distorted, his face contorted into a sneer of derision and scorn.
"Y/N, you fool," the apparition taunted him, "you've always been a failure. You could never live up to my legacy, and now you're just a pale imitation of the real Batman."
Y/N felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead as the words hit him like a physical blow. He had always struggled to measure up to Bruce's expectations, and now the man he had admired and loved was telling him that he was nothing but a failure.
"I did everything I could," Y/N protested weakly, "I tried to honor your legacy, Bruce. I tried to be the Batman that Gotham needed."
"Ha!" the vision of Bruce spat, "you think that by wearing my cape and cowl, you can become me? You'll never be the Batman, Y/N. You're just a sidekick, a follower, a disappointment."
Tears began to stream down Y/N's face as he struggled to maintain his composure. He knew that the words weren't true, that he had accomplished great things as Batman and as Nightwing, but the fear toxin was making it hard for him to think clearly.
"I'm not a failure," he muttered to himself, more to convince himself than anyone else.
"Oh, but you are," the illusion of Bruce said, moving closer to him until he was looming over him. "You couldn't save Jason, you couldn't save Barbara, you couldn't save me. You're just a weak, pathetic failure."
Y/N felt a surge of anger and frustration welling up inside him. He knew that the voice wasn't real, that it was just a product of the fear toxin, but the words cut him to the bone nonetheless.
"I'm not weak," he growled, balling his fists at his sides. "I'm not a failure. I'm... I'm Batman."
The illusion of Bruce laughed mockingly. "You? Batman? Don't make me laugh. You could never be the Batman. You're just a boy in a costume."
Y/N felt the fear and doubt creeping back in, threatening to overwhelm him. He knew that he needed to fight back, to resist the toxin and prove that he was worthy of the mantle he had taken up.
"I am Batman," he said again, more firmly this time. "I'm not Bruce, I'm not trying to be Bruce. I'm Y/N L/N" he declared proudly. The illusion of Bruce sneered at him, but Y/N could see that it was starting to fade, to lose its grip on his mind. He took a deep breath and tried to focus on his training, on the years of experience he had gained as a hero. "I'm not a failure," he said again, more confidently. "I'm a hero" in this nightmare world, locked inside his own mind Y/N stood to his face "I am Vengeance, I am the Night. I AM BATMAN!" he roared, a shockwave exiting his mouth, echoing through the whole nightmare world.
During this time in the real world, Batman was slumped over, muttering to himself. A figure loomed over the knocked out Batman, Selina Kyle, Catwoman she knelt down, shaking Y/N trying to wake him. "Batman, Bats" she said out loud, but she got closer to Y/Ns ear. "Money Bags" she whispered. "Y/N, please" she could hear him, muttering to himself, something about Bruce. Just 'father please' over, and over again.
Catwoman knew she had to do something. It took over an hour, but she managed to slug Y/N back to his apartment through a window while he was still in the Batman costume. Selina did her best, peeling off and unclipping what bits of armour she could as she lay Y/N on his bed. He was freezing, so Selina took in a sharp breath, she knew Y/N needed someone. So, she slithered into Y/Ns bed besides him. Selina held Y/Ns head, steadying her own breathing with him unconsciously matching hers.
She could hear him, muttering something about night, vengeance. And he was calming down, Selina would leave within the next hour when she knew Y/N was safe. But she left a note, explaining everything. Selina knew Y/N was going through a lot, and even though she remembered what he said. She would be here for him, whether he wanted her or not.
Across Gotham, Harvey Dent, District Attorney was stuck in his office. Looking over every piece of evidence related to the Roman. There had to something, he held his double sided coin in his right hand. With it weaving between all his fingers. Harvey took a swig from his coffee, looking at a picture of Carmine with his son Alberto taken months prior.
"Working late?" a voice asked, Harvey turned to the doorway seeing none other than Sal Maroni standing there with a shit eating grin.
"How the hell did you get through security?" Harvey shot back, but Sal didn't answer. Closing the door behind him, Sal looked around Dent's office, Harvey could read the expression on the mob bosses face. It was solum, stern. "You were with him, right?" Harvey added, knowing what had happened earlier that day.
"I needed to put an end to the stupid phoney war with the Falcones" Sal stated, looking at photos of Gotham's said criminal family. "My father's last words to me, was that I should make peace with my enemy" he went on, hand tracing a photo. "At first I thought he meant Carmine, but Luigi Maroni would have never wanted that" Sal added, turning to look in Dent's direction. "There's only one other thing he could have meant, so...." Sal then stepped towards Harvey. "I'm here to make peace with the law cut a deal. You want Falcone, and I got plenty on him, used to work for the man for Christ sake. Enough to put him away for good" Sal informed, looking out a nearby window which had the shades down.
"In exchange for?" Harvey asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Dropping all outstanding warrants against me and my men" this caused Harvey to scoff and cross his arms. "You want Falcone? That's the deal, take it or leave it".
"Tell you" Harvey said, reaching for and pulling out his signature coin. "Heads I'll take it" and then, he flipped.
Author's Note
Boom, another chapter bites the dust. Y/N finally confronting the literal personification of the voice that has plagued him for so long and putting it in its place. Things are heating up, Sal and Dent working together? Selina being there for Y/N yet again. It's all coming together. And soon my dear readers we shall reach the end.
Tell me what you liked, didn't like, criticism is always welcome
Please vote and comment as it does a lot fo my motivation knowing you are reading
Hope You Enjoyed
See You Next Time
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