Dent's Days
It was the fourth of July, and Gotham was celebrating, well a fraction of the city was celebrating. Fireworks constantly going off, kids out, enjoying themselves with American themed clothes, and the adults watching on with smiles. Jim Gordon looked around, normally there are hundreds of people in attendance for these fireworks, but now looking around. You'd be hard pressed to count barley fifty people. Jim went to join Harvey and Gilda, leaning on a rail looking over the fireworks.
"I expected a low turnout after the New Year's fiasco, but this is really pathetic" Harvey scoffed, placing his hands in his pockets.
"Fine by me" Jim said, taking a smoke. "The more people stay hime, the easier my job gets" he explained, it's true. The for every person present there was 2 police officers. "Speaking of jobs getting easier" Jim pondered looking over at Harvey. "Is it trie you got Maroni?" he asked.
"It's not a done deal" Harvey replied. "My office is working out the details now. But if ol' Sal tells a judge what he's told me...." Harvey held a hopeful expression. "Let's say today's a good day for the Roman to celebrate what's left of his freedom" this statement caused Gilda to smile, hope slowly returning to her face.
Although her eyes drifted to the side, seeing the man of conversation coming their way with his police escort. "Speak of the devil" she spoke out getting Harvey's and Jim's attention.
Carmine held a cold expression, his eyes holding on a Dent then drifting to Gila. Harvey placed an arm around his wife protectively. Soon however, Carmine stood in front of the three, police officers practically encircling them.
"I'm supposed to find you outdoors on a holiday" Jim noted, but he didn't get the Godfather's attention. That was fixed solely on Harvey Dent.
They exchanged, although the Roman turned slightly. "Actually I was speaking to your wife" he corrected, obviously he wasn't but he always liked to outwit the law. "Mrs Dent" he offered a hand.
"Don't touch her!" Harvey barked getting in the Roman's face, there was something in his voice. Something dark, and twisted.
"I never took you for a patriot, Carmine" Jim interjected, trying to ease the tension between the two.
"Oh, I wouldn't miss fireworks like this for all the world" he answered, looking past Gilda at the fireworks. "Good evening Mrs Dent" he finished, walking away with the officers in tow. The three watching him walk away.
'Nice woman' Carmine thought. 'Too bad about her husband' his eyes darted to a nearby lamppost. A man leant against it, reading a newspaper, but his eyes met the Roman. Both giving a subtle nod to one another.
"I tell you Harv" Jim stated placing his hands on his hips. "If I could I'd every cop in the city here tonight" he finished. But the rest of the city needed protecting, Batman couldn't be at two places at once. Jim then had to leave the Dent's as he went off to join his wife, leaving the two alone to gaze at the fireworks.
The silence was eventually broken as Harvey spoke up. "I've been thinking about, and maybe you're right" he said, causing Gilda to turn to him.
"Uhhh, about what?" she asked nervously.
"About kids" Harvey answered as if he'd never been happier. Her own face soon matched his own, like the planets had aligned and answered all of Gilda's prayers. Their hands joined together. "Having kids" he repeated, causing her to smile brightly.
But soon enough, the man from before came up a few metres away from the Dents. Reaching into his coat, he pulled out a standard handgun, and aimed it towards Harvey. As the gun fired however, it was none other than Catwoman who came up and flipped Harvey out of the way. Both of them avoiding the bullet with Harvey falling to the floor.
"Stay down" Catwoman ordered, as she ran towards the hitman. The hitman flipped over the side of the peer, down below trying to escape. Although Catwoman was in hot pursuit.
"Get to Gordon" Harvey ordered as he too prepared to follow the hitman. "I'll be back" with that, Harvey went below trying to find the Cat and Hitman. He saw the two, the hitman on top of Catwoman trying to choke her out. But she simply used her claws to scratch his chest, forcing him off of her with him attempting to run again. As she ran towards the man, he pulled out a knife, causing Selina to be on the defensive. Using her legs to flip and kick the man back, he skit along the sand with blood dripping down his mouth.
"Get out of here" Catwoman ordered Harvey as he joined her side, both prepared to face off against the hitman who was breathing heavily.
"Not till I know why this scumbag is trying to kill me!" Harvey roared pointing at the hitman.
"If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already" the man got out between his beaches. The man pulled out his gun, but Catwoman was quicker. Pouncing on the man, delivering a one-two punch combo with a roundhouse kick to his face sending him away and falling to the ground laying down. Catwoman leaped at the man while he was down, punching, swiping, she unsheathed her claw ready to slice half the mans face off but Harvey grabbed her arm before she could.
"Enough" he said, which somehow managed to clam her down with her standing up fully.
"Someone's trying to provoke you Dent" Catwoman explained to the district attorney.
"Into doing what?" he asked angrily.
"Good question" Catwoman pondered, looking down in curiosity. Before more words could be spoken, the man waked Catwoman with the barrel of his gun, knocking her with Harvey catching her. The man running under the peer yet again into some nearby tunnels. Harvey placed Catwoman down gently, and before he ran after the hitman, he could've swore, there was something about the woman that seemed familiar.
But that would have to wait, as Harvey raced after the hitman into the tunnel. Harvey came to a stop, seeing numerous tunnels in front of him, but he was eventually socked in the face as the man came around the corner. But Harvey quickly turned the tide, as he delivered a powerful blow to the mans face knocking a tooth out. He then grabbed the man, punching him several times in the gut, over and over again. The man fell to the ground, with Harvey on top of him. More punches, bloodying the mans face, but he then kicked Harvey away with him rolling to the floor. The hitman kicked Harvey in the face, knocking the DA out. The last thing Harvey saw as his eyes closed was the man beginning to walk away.
'Get Up'
A raspy, growling like voice called out to Harvey in his mind. Harvey awoke, coughing up blood as he pushed himself to his feet as he remembered what had happened. He scanned his surroundings, spotting the man......who was dead. Shot in the chest, with the gun of Holiday in front of the corpse. Harvey panicked, backed up, looking down at his hands he saw them covered in blood.
"No" he whispered to himself, his worth thoughts coming to the front of his mind. But those thoughts quickly faded as lights began to shine through the wooden floorboards above. Police officers, Gilda had gotten to them and they had to try and find him now.
That growling voice whispered, and that he did. Harvey ran through the way he came before the cops could spot him, he tried desperately to recover the memories of IF he killed that man.
1 Week Later
Today was the day the GCPD and the District Attorney's office had been waiting for. The day Sal Maroni would give evidence against Carmine Falcone in court, under oath, and hoping that it hopefully lead to his arrest. But as Gotham gathered in and outside the Court house, the Dark Knight was on a different quest. As the Dents were out of the house, Batman was in their house, the basement to be precise. Many members of the Falcone family had spoken out on television, spreading the tale that Harvey Dent was in fact Holiday, and that fuelled the fear growing in Y/N's mind.
The lock on the basement door was simple, and as he enter he saw mountains of dust on tools and paint. But the worksop was clean, only a light blanket of dust, it been used recently. Moving over to the worktop, Batman saw something underneath a white sheet, something metal. Picking it, Y/N's eyes went wide, it was a gun, a very familiar gun.
The Court House
The court was full, members of the press, citizens, GCPD officers, all wanted to hear the criminal sing. Sal Maroni had taken the stand, awaiting questioning from the district attorney. Harvey himself was shifting through his papers, trying to get them all in order before he began.
"Mr Dent" the judge called out, trying to get DA's attention. But Harvey didn't pay the judge any attention whatsoever. "Mr Dent, are you ready to proceed?" the judge called out again, finally get his attention.
Harvey cleared his throat, "Ah yes, yes, your honour. Thank you" Harvey said, standing to his feet.
That growling voice whispered into Dent's head yet again.
"What?" Harvey said out loud, turning around to look at someone who was not there. Causing whispers to erupt in the Court.
"I asked, if you're ready Mr Dent" the judge repeated his tone of voice coming across as if he was slightly fed up.
"Ah yes, of course" Harvey assured, walking towards Sal Maroni with a walk that displayed confidence. "Mr Maroni, you have confused to 19 counts-" Harvey was cut off as the voice whispered yet again.
This was louder, echoing through his mind. This caused Harvey to whip around with wide eyes, trying once again to find the origin of the voice. Causing even more members of the Court to whisper.
"What the hell is he-" before Jim could finish, Montoya spoke into his ear.
"He's here captain" she informed. "The roof" hearing this, Gordon arose to his feet to meet his ally.
"Mr District Attorney, we are all waiting" the judge said, sounding very angry with how Harvey was tackling this.
Harvey staggered, trying to compose himself. "Uh yes, yes. Sorry your honour" Harvey then began his argument that lead to the Roman being put behind bars.
The Roof
Commissioner Gordon opened the door leading to the roof of the court house, seeing Batman standing there, waiting for him. "Rooftop really necessary?" Gordon asked.
"I thought you'd want privacy" Batman responded as Jim stepped closer to him.
"Harvey's starting to lose it down there" Jim informed. "I think all this Holiday speculation in the press is starting to get to him-" Gordon thought of the wording Bats used. "Privacy why?" he questioned. Batman then reached for something attached to his belt, unveiling a gun similar to the Holiday killer in a clear bag. "Where'd you find them?" Gordon asked, his eyes narrowing with fear.
"You're not going to like it" Batman responded.
The Court Room
"Uh yeah" Sal Maroni confirmed a few questions. "I hit Frankie Gazzo and his brother Lenny. Tossed their bodies in the Gotham River. Lots of wise guys you're looking for are in there" he chuckled looking up at the judge. "Maybe that's why I got an ulcer, you know? From drinking the water?" he joked, causing some members of the court to begin laughing.
Dent turned around, his eyes glossed over with rage and frustration. "And didn't you commit these murders and felonies, under the direct orders from Carmine, The Roman, Falcone?" he asked to Sal. This was it, the big moment, the moment that would begin the downfall of the Roman and his Empire.
The air was tense, a moment of brief pause as they waited for Sal's answer. "Felonies? Nah, guy's a saint" he laughed.
Harvey stepped back, his whole world seemed to shake. Then Harvey began to hear them, echoing in his mind. The laughing, they weren't laughing at the joke, they were laughing at him. The voice slowly crawling its way to the surface. Harvey held his face as he tried desperately to control his thoughts.
"You okay Dent?" Sal asked, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a little bottle of medicine. "What is it heartburn? Happy to share" he offered holding the bottle up.
But Harvey composed himself, walking over calmly to Sal trying to get answers. "Now Mr Maroni, may I remind you that your immunity is contingent upon your truthful testimony during these proceedings" he laid out, getting closer to Sal.
"I already told you the truth, guy's clean as a whistle" Maroni smiled, he knew what he was doing.
That growling voice laughed in the back of Harvey's mind, Harvey got directly in the mobsters face to whisper. "Sal, what are you doing?"
"What I'm told" Sal answered back coldly.
"Okay" Harvey said, stepping back for all the court to hear. "Um your honour, in light of the witnesses..."
'Double Cross'
"...Change of heart, I need to request a continence" Harvey tried to reason.
"Continence?" Sal questioned speaking up. "What is that? Like uh, a holiday?"
"What?" Harvey said, wide eyed.
"You know, like Father's Day" Sal Maroni then began unscrew the cap on the bottle he was holding. "Luigi Maroni sends his regards!" Maroni said, throwing a green hissing liquid onto half of Harvey Dent's face. Harvey screamed out, falling to the floor, holding his face as a burning sensation engulfed his whole body. Scream, that's all he could do.
"You're dead Holiday!" Sal Maroni laughed as officers held him down.
On that day, Harvey Dent Died.
Author's Note
Holiday as been revealed.....or has he? Next chapters should be out soon, I'm hoping to wrap this story up as soon as I can.
Tell me what you liked, didn't like, criticism is always welcome
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Hope You Enjoyed
See You Next Time
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