All of them were talking when suddenly a chair went flying towards Chan and Hyunjin. Felix and Jisung being the nearest ones, pulled them.
"WHAT THE FUCK-!!!" Hyunjin screamed, terrified as he watched the chair make contact with the wall.
All of the seven turned to Seungmin, who had blood shot eyes.
"No no.. Not now."
"CHAN AND HYUNJIN RUN!!" Changbin yelled, before going to Seungmin to stop him.
Chan towards the stairs, but he felt someone tug on his leg, making him trip on the stairs. It was Seungmin using his powers.
Hyunjin ran towards the main door only to find it locked. He took a step back going int he kitchen, hiding beside the refrigerator.
Chan was pulled down, hurting his elbow on the process.
Jeongin was somehow able to remove Chan from Seungmin's grip. Chan ran and entered a bedroom, hiding inside the closet.
Seungmin let out a growl, before he suddenly pushed all the five aside and walked towards the kitchen. But he was stopped by Minho, who took his hand and pushed them behind his back.
Seungmin struggled against him, before Changbin and Jisung joined him, restraining the younger.
Jeongin went to Hyunjin and Felix went to Chan to check upon them.
"15 seconds more!!" Changbin spoke, trying his best to refrain the boy.
And as soon as the 15 seconds were over, the boy fainted. Minho and Jisung supported him, taking him to the garage, the place where he was locked up in his previous house.
Seungmin jolted up, hearing his name from his mother. He hid the guitar and the musical notes, before getting up.
"Yes mom?"
He spoke only to get slapped by his mother. He held his now reddened cheeks, trying not to cry.
"I told you to focus on your studies, didn't I!? Music won't get you anywhere!!" His mother scolded, throwing the acceptance letter as a singer in an entertainment.
Seungmin's eyes widened he looked at the letter, but soon his hear broke when his mother tore it in front of his eyes.
She slapped him again. Before taking his arm harshly and leading him to his room.
She pushed him inside his room.
"I want you studying right now!! You ungrateful brat!!"
She yelled, before she noticed something under the bed.
A notebook..
She bent down and saw the notebook, along with a pen and the guitar.
She pulled out the guitar, Seungmin panicked. He ran quickly, grabbing his mother's feet, kneeling down
"Mom!! Mom!! Please, don't break it!! I swear, I'll study!! Don't break it!!" He begged desperately.
His mother pulled off going to the garage. He followed with shaky steps, running as fast as possible, still begging his mother to not to break it.
But she didn't listen. She went to the garage and slammed the guitar on the wall, breaking it into two.
Seungmin broke down, clutching the guitar. His mother mumbling 'Ungrateful brat', exited the garage, leaving the boy with nothing but the broken guitar.
He found a blade in the garage, probably for cutting pipes or something. He placed it on his wrist, before cutting his wrist with it.
He let out a strangled gasp, before falling on his knees. The blood flew continuously, before he fainted and died.
After an hour, when his mother entered the garage she was shocked to see the scene. Her son lying on the ground covered in blood.
She called police and ambulance, but the doctor declared him dead, leaving her devastated.
Chan and Hyunjin went to where the rest were.
"Wtf just happened??" Chan spoke up.
"We'll, uhm.. It's like a phase where your evil side takes best of you and started hurting the others. But it lasts only 5 minutes."
"Why does it happen but??"
"Uhm, basically we all are half ghosts. We are basically slowly becoming pure ghosts, and during this process sometimes our powers get out of control and the evil side takes on."
" But we don't want to become pure ghosts that's why we need your help.. "
" Oh okay. I understand."
" But since you both accepted and are now locked up in here. If you both failed, you both will turn into ghosts like us and live like us. Or if you both succeeded, we all might turn into humans."
" Damn, this shit is scary.. "
"We'll, so we have no choice but to help you?? "
" Basically yes.. "
" But how?? We're basically trapped here??"
" Well.. We're trapped too. We get to leave our designated rooms, only either on full moon or no moon."
" And about helping us.. You need to find some things, maybe evidences or maybe clues, whatever you call it."
" Huh??"
" Let me explain.. This house is not a normal one. It's a supernatural one."
" When we get on our evil side, make sure not to make eye contact with any of us. Because if you do, it might get behind for your life. And even if you do caught, don't panic we all might find you and help you."
"During these phase we remember nothing except the faces we see, that too the ones we make eye contact with."
" Okay.."
So, Seungmin's backstory is now out.. Guess who's next??
This might be confusing now.. but eventually you all will understand.
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