8: Maquillage Man
AFTER SUCCESSFULLY RETRIEVING the magestone, Crowley had taken Juliet to go shopping as promised.
The human girl awed and wowed at every single thing, for it was a whole new world that she was exploring! Though the mall was quite similar to the one in her world, it was more...magical here.
"Please tell me you're finished, Juliet. My wallet is now seething in anger and wretchedly crying for help", Crowley sighed.
"But we just started!! Oh come on, Mr. Crowley! Just be my sugar daddy for the day", Juliet pleaded.
"Do I look like—"
"Ehhh?? You guys have cameras here too?? I forgot how modern this world is", Juliet gasped, holding Crowley's gloved hand, as she dragged him towards the magical photo-takers.
"These are Ghost Camera. When you take a photo of someone, it captures a part of their soul, called Memories. If the photographer's bond is strong enough with their subject, the Memories will start to move", the headmage explained.
"C-Can you get me one?🥺", Juliet pouted, aggressively fluttering her eyes, though Crowley did not seem affected in the slightest.
"I have an my old one in the office. You can use that one instead. Kind, aren't I?", the dark-haired male smiled.
"But Crowleyyyyy!!"
"I don't tolerate toddlers at my school", the headmage replied.
Crowley instantly covered Juliet's mouth, as he sternly shook his head.
"There are lines you do not cross, Juliet — such as calling your instructors and principal by their first names, no matter how benevolent they may seem".
The eighteen year-old obediently nodded, whilst Crowley had finally let the girl go and guided her towards a makeup shop.
"Now, you may pick out one last thing before we return. After all, the school won't do without me", Crowley bragged.
"But I thought you said I couldn't get any girly things because I'd expose myself..."
"One won't hurt", Crowley slightly smiled, picking out a gentle fragrance from Félicité Cosmetics.
"Smells like a mixture of vanilla, apple, lily, and amber! Refreshing indeed", Night Raven College's headmage proclaimed.
"Mm...guess I'll get that then, but don't forget about the Ghost Camera!!", Juliet reminded.
"Of course not! After all, I'm the kindest, isn't that right?"
"Yes yes, Mr...Dire", Juliet grinned, fully expecting Crowley to reprimand her once again, only to feel the man's knuckles gently knock against her mask.
"Call me that again and I'll have you wiping a hundred windows", Crowley softly said, his tone seemingly to contradict his statement.
"Anyways, let's pay and go. My entire schedule has already been pushed back twice".
Juliet stood there stunned, gently grazing her fingers against the spot that Crowley had flicked.
On their way back to school, Crowley went back to pridefully explaining to Juliet why Night Raven College is the best school of all times.
"Our prestigious school has seven wonders that would make even a raven's feathers stand on end! ...Or was it nine? They come and go every year, so I'm afraid I can't quite remember where we're at now".
Juliet partially zoned out, as her eyes were staring at the unfamiliar land through the carriage's window.
'I wonder how mom's doing. Does she know I'm gone? Or is this one of those things where time hasn't passed while I'm in this world?'
"By the way, where do you plan on residing for the summer? School will be closed for a whole month and—"
"Oh dear...How do I nicely put this...Umm...I'm actually going on vacation, so I cannot watch over you".
Juliet's mouth dropped, as she just stared at Crowley in disbelief.
"B-But...What about me?!????"
"Hmm...I can discuss with the other professors and see if someone would be able to take you in. I shall get back to you about it soon", the headmage casually answered.
"Ah look! We're here!", Crowley announced, exiting the carriage first, as he lended his arm for Juliet to balance on.
Upon arriving back on campus, Crowley had excused himself, whilst Juliet managed to carry all her new belongings back to the Ramshackle Dorm.
"I'M BACKKK!!", the eighteen year-old announced.
"WELCOME BACK!", Grim greeted, zooming out of their bedroom, as the three ghosts had also appeared.
"Heyyy! So, whatchu got there?", Ghost B questioned.
Sighing, Juliet pulled out three funky hats for the ghosts, and a new bow for Grim.
"I saw this and thought of you. Hopefully you like purple", the human girl smiled, holding out the elongated piece of fabric, as Grim's mouth slightly widened in shock.
"F-For me?", he asked, placing his paw on the blonde girl's palm.
"Yeah! Do you like it? There's even some gold brimming the edge of it", Juliet smiled.
"Ye—PFT, NO! I-It's alright as a gift for the soon-to-be greatest mage. I-I suppose I could accept your humble gift", Grim harshly replied, though his eyes were slightly watery.
"Hehe, someone's not being true to their own feelings", Juliet teased, widely grinning, as Grim simply huffed and continued denying his happiness of receiving a gift for the first time ever.
"S-Shut up!"
"Fine. Anyways, I'm going to meet Vil and convince him to advertise for the Monstro Lounge. Do you wanna tag along?"
"Nahhh! I'm meeting up with these two losers from Heartslabyul and dueling with them!", Grim proudly announced.
"Oh?? You made friends with them?"
"MYAH! WHO SAID THAT THEY WERE MY FRIENDS?!", Grim embarrassingly retorted, crossing his arms, as he quickly flew out of Ramshackle Dorm.
"Tsk! What a tsundere", Juliet snorted.
"Anyways, can you guys hang up my new clothes and organize my stuff please? I'll be back soon~", the masked girl waved.
"What are we? Her ghost maids?", Ghost C scoffed.
"She did get us presents...", Ghost B reminded.
"I wonder when she'll find out...", Ghost A mused, "...that she's got magic in her".
"Villll~ Are you ready yet?? You've been doing your makeup for two hours already", Juliet whined, as she rolled around on the House-warden's bed like a child.
"I said give me five more minutes", the blonde male responded.
"That's what you've been saying for the past hour!!"
"Do you still want me to help your little sketchy friends or not?", Vil sharply questioned, causing Juliet to immediately shut up.
Sighing, the girl tumbled off Vil's bed and scooted towards the Evil Queen's descendant, who was focusing on his eyeshadow.
Laying her chin on top of Vil's head, the girl accidentally messed the male up by brushing her hand against the latter's forearm.
The two stared at their reflections, as Juliet suddenly felt the air around her turn hostile.
"I-I didn't—"
"It seems that I've been spoiling you too much lately, Potato...", Vil darkly chuckled, harshly gripping onto Juliet's face, before the girl could dash off.
"V-Vil, listen!!! You're already so pretty, you don't even need makeup. Here! I can fix it!!", Juliet panicked, grabbing a random brush and dipping the tip in what she thought was the same eyeshadow color.
Painting it across the boy's lid in a brash manner, Juliet froze in place as she noticed the male's lavender eyes boring into her soul with great disdain.
'Don't laugh, Juliet. He's going to bust your ass if you laugh. I swear to the Great Seve—'
Vil raised a brow, as Juliet hastily slapped a hand over her mouth, trying to contain her giggles.
"You think this is funny? I'll show you what's funny", Vil menacingly stated, as he pulled the girl onto his lap and trapped her so that she couldn't escape.
Using his thumbs, the male had started to smear random colors across Juliet's cheeks and nose, causing her to look like a clown (as if she already wasn't one).
"S-Stop it, Vil!!", Juliet laughed, trying to slap the male's hand away, though the House-warden of Pomefiore maintained a strong grip.
"You troublesome Potato", Vil teased, cracking a slight smile, even though he wished to stay angry at the human girl.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!", Juliet struggled to breathe out, as she attempted to wipe the powder off her chin, only making it worse.
Vil softly chuckled, as he sighed, relishing in his revenge.
"Fine. Since you've apologized, I suppose I shall let you free just this once", Vil smiled, taking a makeup wipe and helping Juliet clean up first.
"Your skin's been getting better ever since you've been doing my morning skincare routine with me. Have you noticed?", the House-warden questioned, grazing his knuckles against Juliet's rosy cheek.
"Yes! Even Tsunotarou says I'm glowing!", the eighteen year-old girl exclaimed.
The corner of Vil's lips unintentionally twitched, as his attention was suddenly shifted to the masked girl who had taken a new makeup wipe and started to clean up his face.
"What are you doing?"
"Fixing my mistake", Juliet answered, as she leaned a little closer, placing her free hand against the side of Vil's flawless face.
The Pomefiore leader lowered his lids, as he relaxed into Juliet's gentle touch. His lilac eyes glazed over the crow mask down to the girl's naturally peach-pink lips, making him almost wish to bite down on them and see whether it'd taste as sweet as said fruit.
Vil's brain suddenly slapped itself internally, as he wondered when he had fallen into a trance, and even dared to think of his underclassman in such a inappropriate way.
"You look beautiful", Juliet complimented with a genuine smile.
"You think so?", Vil mindlessly uttered out, as his eyes darted back towards Juliet's lips, flickering up towards her brilliant eyes that were surrounded by darkness.
"Of course! Vil's most definitely the prettiest person I've ever seen!! Sometimes it feels like I'm looking at a pretty lady strutting down the halls in six inch heels", the eighteen year-old girl chuckled.
Vil's brows slightly furrowed.
"A lady?"
"Ah, well I didn't mean it in a—"
The blonde male instantly stood up, which caused Juliet to stumble back into the Pomefiore student's makeup desk in shock.
With both arms on either side of the human girl, Vil had then untied his usual braids and let the lower half of his hair fall upon his sturdy shoulders.
"I hope you don't forget, that despite maintaining the qualities of a woman's passion for maquillage, I am still very much a man".
Ace is still a lil sus to me,, maybe a lil fruity😗
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