Chapter 2:: The Visit
Crona's Views::
It was already near the end of the day, almost dark even! And better yet it looks like a storm is coming its way! Great kill me!
I sighed and sat down on my soft, medium sized, black couch with my long black like dress on as always, and of course Ragnarok was attached to me, as usual. He was pounding on my head as he normally does, which DOES get annoying after a long period of time. But all he wanted was food, so as I normally would have to do, I got up and walked into the kitchen to grab some food for him. "HURRY UP!!" Ragnarok shouted angrily and annoyed. "Just give me a few!" I shouted as I had a pouty face a little. God Ragnarok is annoying and mainly an ass, but it can't be helped, he is stuck with me and I am stuck with him, saddly.
Soon after I finished making a sandwich for him, him and I parted our ways, well as you could say he went back to hibernation inside while I just simply took a small nap and ignored the fact he was still here. I sighed and leaned back as Ragnarok went and disappeared once again. I sighed, even tho he is attached to me, he can't hear what is going on when he is inside, well that is if he wants to or not. It only depends if he really wants to listen, then he can.
I fell asleep for at least a few minutes or so to clear my head, the stalker was not really revealing itself anymore, but when I go to school or even walk inside the halls I feel as if someone is watching me from every corner, but I could be still paranoid by that one incident.
I was now about to get up to take a shower until I heard a knock, eight knocks at that! I turned my head and sighed, knowing how Kid always knocks at least with even numbers, eight being the main one, I knew it was most likely him. I sighed and looked side to side at first, as always I am nervous when someone knocks, I always am. I walked up to the door and grabbed the handle quickly. I looked up brushing my hair out of my face and sighs as I open the door to see a very symmetrical, skinny, some what shorter, boy who goes by Death The Kid, stand in my doorway, but why is he there and what business does he have here? I mean I don't mind the fact he is here, I am more than happy he is! But the fact I dreamed of him being the stalker, and him touching me? Well it was some what akward in some senses. I breathed in quickly then out to make sure I can breathe while I talk, I tend to go on and on but I hope I can keep it cool around the boy I moaned over in my sleep. I looked up and cleared my throat as I looked at him and into his eyes "m-may I help you Kid?"
Kid's Views::
I looked at my precious pink haired Prince, Crona, up and down and smiles with a tint of red appearing through my pail cheeks as I began to open my mouth to speak from the question my beloved Prince spoke "I just wanted to see if you were ok, you seem very off edge." I smirked.
''W-Well I am getting better now but I-I am still skeptical and all. But things are getting b-better." Crona said while stuttering.
~I love when he stutters!
"I am glad to hear."
~I need to step up my game..
I looked at him and began my daily bow every time I get close to ending a conversation and said "I hope things get better and I hope you plan on going to school this Monday." it's been a whole weekend and I just wanted to say hi before we head to school on Monday, which is tomorrow. I sighed and looked up then back to my pink haired Prince and gave a light smile.
"O-oh I am going don't worry. I plan to not skip school." said Crona with a bit of pink spreading. I noticed of course, and with that I couldn't help but step closer and just admire his girly features that consume my heart.
"W-What are you doing!?" Crona had noticed I got closer and more I did the more he blushed. "Oh my bad, you have some dirt on your face." I said as I pulled my arm up and lifted my hand on Crona's cheek, there was no dirt, and pretended to sweep off the dirt on his cheek. His soft smooth, warm, skin felt nice against my cold ones.
Crona's Views::
My eyes widened at the touch of Kid's cold hands rub against mine to get the dirt off of my face, aka cheek. I looked at him as my cheeks began to flush into a pink and red color, why? I don't know.
~WHY am I so flustered? its just dirt and his hand!
I looked down then back up to Kid and could feel his breathe against my face. I clutched to my dress and backed away as my heart was beating faster then a train or cheetah for bloody sake! "I-I am sorry! T-Thanks for getting the dirt off!" I spilled out nervously. Kid pouted but smiles at my reaction and gave a reassuring gesture "why don't you go relax and I'll see you at school, Ok?" Kid tilted his head and chuckles "maybe later we can go get a hair cut for you, Crona. Your hair is not fully symmertical to the other side. All you need is to even it up a bit" Kid smiles "how about it?" I shrugged at first "sleep sounds good...and m-my hair?" I looked down "um I suppose...I did want to get my hair done but I don't have much money to sp-" I was about to finish my sentence until Kid said "I'll cut it for you! Maybe at my place?" Kid asked, hoping I'd say his place, which doesn't sound to bad "s-sure...t-thanks Kid." I said and waved my hand to say our goodbyes, until tomorrow. Kid smiles and nodded, bowing, this time actually ending the conversation.
After that nice little talk with Kid and getting food for Ragnarok, I had fallen asleep on my bed, tired as all hell and wanted to sleep so tomorrow I'm up and ready.
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