"Why isn't my steak being yummy?"
"Well at least it's not natto..."
I was having dinner with Yoichi as usual. I looked at my food. I felt like having dessert, not meat...
"You want some?" I asked him, cutting about 2/3 of the steak and gesturing it to him.
He looked as though he had been starving for days before nodding with some drool.
"How is this not yummy?" He turned to face me, his mouth full of steak.
"I feel like... sugar. Strawberry cheesecake. I'll put a request in with Ego."
"You have a sweet tooth?"
"Not really. I only get cravings for sweets once a month." I stared down at my phone as I viewed my managers messages. She sends me "Suggestions" about my diet. Maybe it won't be so bad if I just cheat a little...
"What's your favourite food?"
"Huh?" I wasn't paying attention so I looked at him confused. "Where did this come from?"
He shrugged. "You're my friend, this is standard information for me."
"I like Macaroons, although I don't have them much since they're expensive and quite hard to make."
"Aren't you rich? Since you're famous?" He looked over my shoulder at my phone as I texted my manager informing her of the small cheat on my diet.
"I don't buy frivolous things..." I looked down at my phone since my manager just sent me a '👍' before going offline.
"It's not something big and it's only occasional so why wouldn't you treat yourself."
"Treating yourself becomes like a drug so I don't do it."
"When was the last time you bought something for yourself?"
"I don't... I don't remember. My professional football career started when I was 15 so around a year ago? I'm not sure but thats my guess."
"Then... I'll treat you!"
"Like a lover?"
"No- You're my friend so it's right I treat you to things you like!"
I blinked with a straight face before it twisted into a smirk as I saw his blush.
"Most people would think that's flirting."
He seemed surprised, his eyes widening. "It's not! Maybe it is? I don't flirt with girls because I've never had any interest in dating..."
"Really? You're attractive so I would have thought at least you've been flirting with. No ones even tried?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Well I've been told my looks are average and girls would talk to me as in a sort brotherly way... do you view me like that?"
"Not really, just doesn't feel right." I look at that thing on his head, that also doesn't feel right. "I mean... if I viewed you as a brother it'd be weird to date you right?" I smirked.
"Why do you keep suggesting that?!"
"Are you uncomfortable with it? I'll stop."
He sighed and put a hand on his forehead. "It isn't that it makes me uncomfortable; infact I find it quite funny. I'm just not used to it."
I sarcastically gasped in offence. "You find my flirting attempts funny?!"
"Wait did I offend you?! I'm sorry!"
My face contorted into a deadpan expression. "I was joking. Do you not joke or something?"
"I didn't realise. Maybe it's your accent."
"I think my scoff was very telling it was sarcasm."
"You scoffed?"
"I want to eat your hair." I stated randomly. No matter how many times I looked at that thing on his head I couldn't get used to it. I wanted to eat it.
"What?!" He jerked back in shock. I understand it was a random thing to say but why he move so far.
"The thing on your head." I flicked the sprout as he stared at me in confusion.
"That makes no sense."
"Can I though? It looks healthy." If the sprout had eyes we would be in a staring contest at how hard I was staring at it.
"No you can't!"
"Aww bummer."
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