ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

Vampire Money

In a world of meta humans, supermen and wondrous women, how can the average person compare? The answer is simple, the same answer America has been using for the past few decades when confronted with challenge, guns, guns and more guns. If Batman can take down man eating crocodiles and killer clowns surely others can do the same. With enough training, and the right attitude you too can take down anyone you want to, provided you have the guts to kill people, dismember them, maybe kill a few families and violate the Geneva Convention so much you call them Geneva Suggestions. Well, enter our main man, protagonist, and "hero" of our story, Y/N L/N or how he goes by in the industry Red X.Β 

You see Y/N hasn't been given anything in this life, he hasn't the last survivor of a an exploded planet, billionaire with toys or even a meta human. Just a regular you're average guy from Keystone City. Martial arts training from Bronze Tiger and proficient in fire arms thanks to one Robert DuBois and Y/N was simply a guy wanting to make a few million and live comfortably. Is that so much to ask? Turns out it is.Β 

Y/N was currently perched on top of a rooftop, many empty cups of coffee scattered about with a small cluster of food packaging stacked in a corner of the rooftop. He was dressed in custom equipment he had bought from some arms dealers, heavy gear that could tank a few shots. Pouches holding provisions, emergency cash, ammo and a few knifes. Red straps across his chest making the form of an X, and more importantly. A heavy armoured helmet making the form of an X, to protect his pretty face.Β 

(Picture the Red on the chest and helmet making more of an X shape)Β 

One of the big things that set Y/N apart from the competition, was that he was blind. Well, he claimed to be blind at least. Marketing himself as a the 'Blind Gunman' meant more people would come to him, expecting him to do poorly and serve more of a warning to enemies. But when he actually killed his targets, he charged more. More importantly, if the enemy thought Y/N was blind, their guard would be lowered in a fight. The Red X would eventually be seen as an expert in the assassin game. Y/N had already done contacts for Intergang, Black Mask and even a handful for governments. But those ones were classified.Β 

Y/N held a detonator in his right hand, watching and waiting. The Red X had been hired to take out some lowlifes who had gotten their hands on the Venom Drug. A certain masked villain had contacted him, and he didn't want this drug hitting the streets yet. Not until he could be its sole distributor. And Y/N was never one to disappoint a client. So he found out where these lowlifes were gonna meet, and rigged explosives along the walls of the alleyway.Β 

As soon as Y/N heard that magic word of Venom, BOOOM, everyone in that alleyway would be blown sky-high. But the fuckers were late, twenty two minutes late. Both sides were, the dealer and the supplier. Where the hell were they? Sure their criminals, formality goes out the window a bit. But seriously? Twenty two minutes late? Y/N paced on the rooftop, back and fourth, back and fourth waiting for these idiots to show. But, as if by magic, a van and two cars came down opposite ends of the alleyway and stopped a few metres away from each other.Β 

Two exited the front of the van, with two others coming from the back. Y/N back up from the edge, to make sure they didn't see him. Y/N could hear three doors of the car open and then close. By the sounds of things, the van people were the dealers and the car people were hoping to become the supplier of Venom.Β 

Y/N's thumb hovered over the the detonator button, ready to press it the moment he had conformation these guys had the Venom with them. The air grew thin, tense, like the world was slowing down as Y/N waited for the discussions to start. Just then however, Y/N heard a click behind him. A pistol, and judging by what Y/N could make out it was aimed directly at his head.Β 

"Drop it" a female voice commanded, Y/N calmly turning around to see who exactly had caught him in the act. With it being none other than the Daughter of Deathstroke, Rose Wilson, or how she went by in the industry; Ravager.Β 

(Edit byΒ ironboybooks)

Her outside resembled her fathers, in fact she resembled her father down to the smallest details. A dark blue and orange costume, a sword and rifle mounted on her back, oh yeah, and she was missing an eye. No one really knows how she lost it, with the word around the mercenary grapevine that dear old daddy did it to her as a punishment.Β 

"I said drop it" Rose repeated, the pistol not moving what so ever.Β 

"Rose" Y/N said, trying to work the good old L/N charm on her. "How you been? Haven't seen you since the job in Siberia, how's the eye? You know us blind people have to stick together?" he joked, keeping his hands raised but thumb almost touching the detonator.Β 

"You're not blind" Rose shot back, voice signalling she was fed up the claim that the man in front of her was in fact blind in both eyes.Β 

"Now that's just ableist" Y/N chuckled, with his right hand holding the detonator which Rose was focused on. Y/N's left hand slowly drifted downwards towards a knife on his belt. "Just cause you've still got that one working eye doesn't mean you should hate on us poor souls who've got none at all" Y/N went on, slowly unsheathing his knife. "Because you never know when fate might be UNKIND!" Y/N shouted, throwing his knife in Rose's direction causing her to duck and fire off several shots.Β 

One of the shots hit Y/N's armoured hand, causing him to drop the detonator but not destroy it. Y/N turned back to Rose, who drew her sword and and dove at her enemy. With no weapon in his hands, Y/N used his speed and armour to avoid and deflect any oncoming attacks. The mercenary raised one of his metal gauntlets with the sword clashing with it. Y/N could feel the sharp pain but continued to hold his ground. Rose once again fired off a few shots, two clinging off Y/Ns chest while others missed. The shots had such force behind them, that Y/N collided with the floor, with Rose standing over him. Her blade just below his chin, forcing him to look up at her.Β 

"So," Y/N began still holding a smirk. "You're into that kinky stuff" he joked, causing Rose to get slightly embarrassed and pulling her blade back ready to decapitate the man.Β 

"PIG!" she screamed, but Y/N easily rolled out of the way, sweeping his enemies feet causing Rose to fall on her ass. Using the free moment, Y/N reached around to his back, to pull out an M4 Carbine with a M203 grenade launcher attached. Saving the explosives, Y/N unleashed a full magazine at Rose Wilson. But with her inherited super human genes, Rose was just quick enough to avoid a majority of the bullets. With just a handful hitting her armour, and one luckily one managing to slip through the gaps and actually injure Rose.Β 

Rose held her side, only a dew drops of blood leaked out but it was a sign that Y/N had gained the upper hand. Y/N threw the rifle aside, wanting to keep Rose on the back foot, he reached for his second knife. Going in swinging. Both mercenaries engaged in a fierce fight of blades. While Rose's blade was longer, Y/N managed to use his training to keep up the defence. With a kick, Y/N managed to send Rose back, realising where he was Y/N reached down and picked up the detonator.Β 

"So, it seems we're at an impasse" Y/N got out while trying to catch his breath and Rose doing the same. "How about, you give, and I give you saayyyyy" the word drew out as Y/N tried to think of a percentage low enough where the money wouldn't be missed, but also high enough that Rose would take it. "20, no, 15%. How's that sound?"Β 

"What about you go fuck yourself?" Rose countered, getting into a stance ready to engage in another round of combat.Β 

"You know what?" Y/N asked as he also got into a stance, with the detonator raised in the air. "I will, after I'm done here. I will go fuck myself, and I'll enjoy it" and with that sentence finished;


Half the alleyway below was blown sky high. Fire balls that could be seen and heard for miles away. The force of the explosions was enough to knock both Y/N and Rose away, sending them knocked to the floor and weapons knocked out of their hands. Y/N tried to push himself to his feet, he was tired, but he was taught better. As Rose groaned on the floor holding her still bleeding side, Y/N peered down below into the street to see.........that the car and van were long gone. Most likely hearing the commotion above them.Β 

"Oh great, just great" Y/N said, getting frustrated that Rose had cost him a few hundred thousand. "You know, here I was, just trying to make a living but noooooo, life had to take a big old shit over this job too" turning around, Y/N was met with a gun aimed directly at his face. "Well shit" he cursed.Β 

"Sorry Y/N, nothing personal" Rose said rather harshly. But before she could squeeze the trigger;


Both mercenaries were knocked on their asses, something had stirred up such a wind, that both could hear it. Someone landed on the rooftop, and with great speed knocked Rose to the floor, and slammed Y/N in the face with a mace? Golden metal wings spread out, revealing a man wearing golden armour and a ridiculous helmet that still somehow looked cool. HawkmanΒ 

(Portrayed by Aldis Hodge)Β 

"Y/N L/N, Rose Wilson, both of you are coming with. Someone is in need of your services, and you will be coming with me" Hawkman stated, swinging his mace around showing he was skilled with it.Β 

Both Y/N and Rose looked at one another, with the latter speaking out. "Change of plans, let's kill this bastard" receiving a nod from Y/N.Β 

Rose charged forward first, swinging his sword hoping to cut down the Hawk. But as she brought her blade down, it shattered the moment it made contact with the mace. Rose looked on shocked, with Hawkman grinning back.Β 

"Nth metal, you gotta love it" he smiled, whacking Rose in the chest sending her colliding with a nearby brick wall. As Hawkman turned his attention to Y/N, he was met with a grenade projectile slamming into his body creating smoke covering the area. Y/N coughed a little as he entered the smoke, hoping to get another cheap shot in.Β 

"You like that, huh?" he called out, turning around and hoping to spot the hero. "Got a lot more..." he bumped into something. ".....where that..." he turned around seeing Hawkman with his mace at the ready. "...came from.....shit" before Y/N could raise his rifle again. Hawkman slammed his mace into Y/Ns head, cracking the helmet and sending Y/N rolling against the roof and almost falling off. "That all you got?" he called out, although his voice was slightly looney as he was slightly concussed. The last thing Y/N saw was Hawkman's boot knocking him out clean.Β 

(Unknown Amount of Time Later)

Y/N's whole vision was blurry, like he had another heavy night of drinking but without the headache.Β As the criminal slowly opens his eyes, he realizes that something is not right. His head throbs with pain, and he feels disoriented and confused. As he tries to get up, he realizes that he is restrained by some kind of device. The room was dark, water leaked from the corner, but it was clear this was no prison cell. He was strapped to a metal chair by his arms, hands and legs.

Suddenly around the corner, two men entered the area. One seemed serious, straight down to business, and other guy......did he dye his beard?

"Mr L/N, I'm sure you have many questions" the serious man said, crossing his arms ready for a long talk. "My name is Clemson Murn, I'm a representative of Argus otherwise known as theΒ Advanced Research Group United Support" oh shit. "And this is associated John Economos" he gestured to the man with the dyed beard.Β 

Oh shit, Argus, oh shit, shit, shit shit.Β 

"Well, gentleman. Nice to meet you, if you wish to hire my services you can contact me at my number 0800 69420, now if you would please untie me. We can talk this over like civilised-"

"There will be no negotiations Mr L/M" Murn cut off, revealing a folder filled with the many kills of the Red X and he began flipping through them. "You've built up quite the resumΓ© Mr L/N, Markovia, Kahndaq, Santa Prisca, you've been all over" he handed the papers to Economos who took them. "Quite the set of marksman skills".Β 

"Alright I'm gonna cut you off this time, let me guess. Argus, so you want me part of your little kill myself crew where if I succeed I get time off my sentence" judging by the silence Y/N hit it right on the money. "Well, I'll take your job. You know, I've only done a few government contacts but knowing you send bird boy after me must mean that you-"

"Well ummm actually" Economos cut off, his voice nervous but somehow goofy. "You weren't the intended target, we were actually just hoping for Ravager. You were just an added bonus".Β 

That statement caused Y/N's eye to twitch a little. "Excuse me the fuck did you say?"

"You were an added bonus, but since we got you, might as well use you" Economos repeated.Β 

"Well fuck you too" Y/N responded rather angrily. "You know I actually can't do this mission, by blindness might stop me from-"

"We know you're not actually blind" Murn cut off pulling some files away from his colleague. "No medical records, no signs of damage, by our own accounts you can see perfectly" Murn added, knowing he had caught Y/N in a trap.Β 

"Well you know how the waiting lists are, it's so hard to get an appointment these days. #LuthorForPresident am I right? He'll make things better" he joked, trying to get away from the whole conversation of him totally, 100% being blind. "So, since I can't get out of this, who do I have to kill, maim or rob to get outta here?' he asked with a raised eyebrow.Β 

"How familiar are you, with Butterflies? Murn asked, showing a picture of what seemed to be an average man in a suit.

"Da Fuck? Did you Just Ask Me"Β 

Author's Note

There we go first chapter done, it's written a little differently from my average books. I wanted the language used to describe things and general vibe to match the show and Y/N's character so hope it was okay. Next chapter should hopefully start covering the show, but we'll see. I think every original chapter for the Peacemaker will probably have the title of a song, must like this one.Β 

Please Vote and Comment as it does a lot for my motivation knowing you are reading. Β 

Hope You EnjoyedΒ 

See You Next TimeΒ 

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