Better Goff Dead
It was the next day, Y/N and Rose had suited up and met up with the rest of the team at an old office they were using as a base to scout out potential Butterfly locations. Turns out, Peacemaker had broken one of the core rules, never stick your dick in crazy. As according to Enconomos Christopher stuck his dick in someone who tried to kill him, well it's not crazy. Y/N has been in that situation more than once, or twice, to three times. But turns out this woman Peacemaker stuck his dick into, was possessed, or was a butterfly? And Chris managed to find some tiny spaceship or something. Y/N was still a little blurry on the details. But Murn was stood off to the sidelines, the team was gearing up to take down the first target on their list. Some fancy US Senator and his family. Y/N, Rose, and Chris were all suited up but none of them wore their respective masks or helmet.
"She came like four times" Peacemaker clearly lied as he threw a case onto a van. Adebayo, Economos, Rose and Y/N all looked at Chris with the biggest 'you bullshitter' face.
"We know who she is, we don't need to know how much she enjoyed having sex with you" Adebayo replied with a hand on her hip, unimpressed.
"What if it's a clue?" Chris shot back.
"Why would that be a clue?" Rose asked, loading up her swords onto the van.
"Fair I was just trying to slip it into conversation. Still, fucking hate homunculi" he added calling back to an earlier part of the conversation Y/N was too lazy to listen into.
"Where is this tiny space ship now?" Murn asked.
"Adebayo's desk, under my lunch" Chris replied.
"John" Murn ordered, with Economos moving back into the building and cursing under his breath.
"Hey I want it back when you're done with it Dye Beard" Chris said pointing towards the tech support. The nickname causing Y/N to chuckle as he still found it funny. "Shit, is Project Butterfly homunculi that team up with hard bodied sluts that wanna control us?"
"The fuck is your thing with homunculi?" Y/N asked as he threw some laptops onto the truck like he was shooting into a trash can. "And no woman could control me, I am untameable" Y/N said as Rose looked down in annoyance. "Except Poison Ivy, she could control me any day" he added with narrowed eyes, thinking of the many stories he's heard of the red head.
"I'm sorry but what the actual fuck?" Rose asked with an alarmed face, looking shocked and that she wanted to slit Y/N's throat. "And who is that asshole?" she said, directing towards some weirdly coloured suited man with a red visor peaking behind a nearby trashcan as Harcourt joined them looking out.
"Fuck it's, it's Vigilante, he's trying to be helpful" Chris responded as his friend continued to peak.
"Hey, get outta here!" Harcourt barked like a dog trying to scare away another dog.
"What?" Vigilante asked stepping out. "I'm just looking from behind a trashcan. It's a normal thing to do" he tried to justify.
"The hell it is!" Harcourt shouted back, looking like she was reaching for a gun.
"Are you a psychiatrist?" Vigilante shouted back.
"Then don't tell me what's normal. Maybe my secret identity is a psychiatrist, and I know what's normal" he tried to argue back, although it sounded like a child arguing with a parent, Y/N couldn't help but smile.
"I like this guy" he whispered to himself.
"If you're a psychiatrist we're all screwed" Harcourt shouted back. "Get the fuck outta here"
Right as Vigilante looked like he was about to turn and move away, he spun right around. "I was about to go, and then you had to say that. Now if I acquiesce, I'll look and feel small" he said with folded arms.
"Vij" Chris spoke up. "Come on be cool"
"I just wanna make sure you're okay, I don't trust these people" Vigilante tried to reason.
"I'm fine"
"Just remember, even if they end being okay to work with. They're still not gonna be good friends. AND NONE OF THEM IS THE TYPE TO BE A BEST FRIEND!" he shouted that last part quite loudly. He really was a child. "I'm just chuckling even thinking about it".
"Okay bro" Chris replied, sounding he was a little fed up.
"If one of them does become a friend, it should be her" Vigilante said, pointing towards Adebayo. "Cause there's rumours going around about you being racist, and it's a little embarrassing for me. As if I become a racist by osmosis even though I mostly kill white people so....." he dragged out making everyone else annoyed and confused.
"This guy's a fucking idiot" Rose whispered tom herself.
"Catch you guys later" Vigilante waved, then booked it outta there.
"Isn't that guy wanted on multiple counts of murder?" Economos asked stepping out, as if three of the people present weren't also wanted for murder.
"We have bigger fish to fry, we have a United States Senator to assassinate by the end of the day" Murn said, grabbing a nearby bag and loading it onto the truck. With that, the team were off.
The team were in the van, Economos was driving as Murn was in back briefing the rest on the mission. Adebayo held a tablet displaying an image of the Senator while Murn explained away the needed information. "Our target is Senator Royland Goff, he's a radical proponent of climate change".
"Okay so we're gonna kill him cause climate change is a hoax" Chris started off.
"Bet you think WWE is real too don't you superstar?" Y/N said with a raised eyebrow, how could someone deny climate change in this day and age?
"Next you know he's going to think Keeping up with the Kardashians is real" Rose joked causing Y/N to smile.
"It's not a hoax" Adebayo tried to reason with Peacemaker.
"Hmm, okay. Facebook's lying to me everyday for no reason" he scoffed back causing eyes to roll.
"Senator Goff is a butterfly, and we need to take him out" Murn stated. "Next photo" he said to Adebayo who swiped on the tablet. Revealing a picture of a woman's, shall w say private area with some fingers poking it. This picture caused everyone in the van to burst out laughing, with Economos turning his head to try and snap a peak.
"My wife sent it to me" Adebayo tried to justify clearly embarrassed by this.
"Why is it on your tablet, keep on your phone" Rose said, holding in her own laugh.
"It's fucking What's App, you know it saves automatically" Adebayo said trying to defend herself. Peacemaker wouldn't shut the fuck up, and just kept laughing and laughing. Both he and Adebayo exchanged in back and fourth banter, while the others just watched on.
Eventually however, one again Murn was fed up. "Just continue Leota" he said with her flicking to a new picture, one that wasn't inappropriate and showed the Senator with his family. "Goff maybe travelling with his family, we don't know yet whether his wife and children are Butterflies. If so, you'll have to kill all of 'em" Murn clarified.
"What?" Peacemaker said snapping out of his laughter.
"I didn't sign up to kill any kids" Rose snapped rest an elbow on her knee.
"Yeah, killing and mutilating is one thing, but professionals have standards" Y/N agreed.
"I don't care about you two" Harcourt began motioning to Y/N and Rose. "But I thought you loved peace with all your heart no matter how many men, women and children you needed to kill to get it?" she asked Peacemaker.
"Yes I said that I say that" Chris quickly corrected himself. "And I....I mean it. It's, that's the vow I took" he stumbled over his words, looking at the photo. "Kids?" he asked with genuine sincerity.
"We aren't sure yet if they're Butterflies" Murn clarified.
"Okay easy, this is where you tell us, what in the name of Lex Luthor's bald ball sack a Butterfly is?" Y/N barked as he too had concerns about what exactly this job entailed.
"We're not here to answer your questions L/N" Murn said, still calm and collected.
"So what is it? We trust you and shoot kids?" Chris said, getting upset at this situation. "To be honest those kids are kinda freaking me out, one of them is giving me children of the corn vibes. Are you sure the kids came out of those parents? That's an attractive couple, that one looks like it come out of them, but the other looks like a butt baby".
"A freaking what?" Rose asked, even more confused now.
"My older brother told me there's two types of babies. One that comes out of a woman's vagina normal. And then butt babies, worse in every way"
Y/N had to blink hard before he could even think of a response. "Peacemaker, you weren't dropped on your head or weren't a butt baby. But it sounds like you fired from a fucking canon into a brick wall and somehow lived" he replied.
"What does this have to do with anything?" Murn asked, still trying to get people to focus on the actual mission at hand.
"It's an unattractive kid, and just because it is doesn't mean I-" Peacemaker then looked to Y/N and Rose. "-We wanna kill it".
"Your feelings are noted" Murn said leaning forward looking Chris in the eyes, he had wrestled control of the meeting once again. He leant back, and looked to Adebayo who flipped to the next image revealing Goff next to some green prick. "This is Goff's bodyguard, Judomaster".
"Oh that prick" Y/N cursed holding his face and wiping away any sweat or grease. "That fucking green puckered asshole beat the shit outta me last time I fought him".
"Seriously?" Rose asked as Judomaster didn't seem to all that intimidating looking and wasn't really that tall. "That guy".
"We'll be on sight in 10 minutes" Murn cut across making sure the conversation didn't deviate again. "Peacemaker and Harcourt will take out Goff, Red X and Ravager, you'll work security. Make sure if it turns into a firefight your ready to handle things, meanwhile Leota, John and I work remotely" he explained the plan. "Don't terminate the kids or the wife until we tell you it's okay".
While the rest of the team unloaded the van and all the weapons that were in it. Y/N and Rose were tasked with surveying the surrounding area, making sure it was secure with no foot patrols. They weren't far from the mansion Goff was staying so you never know. Despite their mutual dislike for one another, they couldn't deny the need for cooperation.
As they walked through the woods, branches and tress, Y/N glanced over at Rose, trying to break the ice. "So, Rose, any idea what we're looking for here? Or are we just wandering aimlessly?"
Rose rolled her eye, her white hair falling over one shoulders. "Trust me, idiot, I know exactly what we're looking for. I don't need your clumsy ass assistance."
Y/N smirked, not one to back down easily. "Clumsy? I almost won that fight of ours we had before fucking bird man showed up" he tried to argue,
Rose let out a snort of disbelief. "Won?" Rose almost laughed. "Trust me X, I could've won that fight anytime I wanted. Plus you got your ass beat by that little green guy, I can take you" she said with much confidence.
Y/N chuckled, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. "Is that so? Well, I guess we'll just have to see who makes it out of here in one piece, won't we?" he spat out as the two continued looking for any sign of Goff's security detail. Eventually both stepped back, seeing exactly they were looking for, a footpath leading straight to the mansion. Meaning security patrolled this area as the footprints were clearly visible. "So what now?" he asked he got the other side of the footprints.
"Now-" Rose began reaching into one of her pockets. "We make sure if they use this to follow us, it'll at least delay them" she said, bringing out what appeared to be an anti personnel mine. She planted it into the ground, digging up a small hole to insert it into. "Here" she said, throwing one to Y/N. "Place it just between there" she pointed towards part of the path where it was narrow, one tree had collapsed almost boxing the path in. And Y/N went to it, making sure the mine was well secure and not noticeable, even scattering some leafs and branches over it gently to make sure it didn't go off, and it was out of sight.
Both Y/N and Rose soon began walking away, returning to the group. "Smart move" he commented to his fellow mercenary. "Never would have thought of mines".
"Would you have used then?" Rose asked, wanting to understand the way Y/N operated.
"I don't know" he whispered, eyes briefly looking up the sky in thought. "Maybe sentry guns?" he suggested. "Pin the bad guys down, giving us enough time to move?"
"Smart" Rose nodded with a smirk. "But with mines, it not only kills a few fuckers. But also scatters the rest, busts they're hearing, throws them all over the place. Takes them normally a few minutes to group up after being hit with a few"
"Huh?!" Y/N said, putting both his hands into his pockets pondering what Rose had just informed him. "Not such a bad idea" he added, both going off to join the rest.
"Stick with me X" Rose said, walking forward. "You might learn a thing or two"
Later, Night Time
Y/N, Rose, Harcourt and Chris were perched up on a ridge overlooking the mansion where Goff was pulling up to. The plan was, Chris takes the shot, he and Harcourt pack up while Y/N and Rose provide covering fire to mask the escape. Chris watched through a sniper rifle while the other three had binoculars. Y/N watched as he saw Judomaster exit one of the cars.
"Cheeto munching asshole" he cursed under his breath causing the others to smile and Rose to giggle.
"Kids not as ugly in person" Chris said as he saw them too leave the cars. "Still looks weird though".
"Is your target in sight?" Murn asked over coms.
"He's playing with the kids" Harcourt informed.
"Is Goff in sight?" Murn pressed.
"No" Chris whispered back as taking this shot would kill the kids as well.
"Now?" Murn asked as Goff began to move to go inside the mansion.
"Take your shot when he's clear"
"Yeah I know dude shut the fuck up okay?" Chris shit back in annoyance.
"They're about to enter the house"
"I still don't have a goddamn shot!"
"If you don't get him now Smith we'll probably have to wait till morning"
"That's not helping make the mother fucker in front of him disappear okay? You want me to take him out too?"
Goff disappeared inside the house, but just as everyone was about to settle in for a night stake out.
"In the window, hallway" Rose informed with Chris raising his gun to look through the scope.
"What the actual fuck?" Y/N said as they watched the family, they all walked. Single file, all identical to the other as if they were zombies.
"I think the whole family is Butterflies" Harcourt informed Murn over coms. Y/N held his pair of binoculars tighter, not liking the direction this was going.
"Why?" Murn got back.
"The second they were out of sight, their demeanour changed. They dropped the pretence of being a playful family" Harcourt informed.
"They're politicians right?" Adebayo butted, sounding as if she had a slight smile on her face. "Maybe the whole happy family thing is just what they do in public" she suggested.
"I don't that's what it was. Did you three see them?" Harcourt asked the team that were present.
"I don't know, maybe they're just weird. I'm not cool with any of this shit anyway. I don't know why we're fucking killing these people okay. A Sharpie dove of peace isn't a legitimate dove" Peacemaker began to panic, he showed the two mercenaries that he had badly drawn his dove symbol on his sniper rifle.
"Do you really need that?" Rose asked, slightly confused.
"Yeah you clearly never took art in school did you?" Y/N agreed.
"So how can you see that if you're blind?" Rose asked turning her attention to her comrades disability that seemed to come and go.
"Not the fucking time" Y/N snapped back.
"Everyone calm down, we're not killing anyone who doesn't deserve it" Murn spoke up through coms, once again trying to maintain control of the mission. "I'm not Amanda Waller" he added, a moment of silence drew out through the air. Almost as if the name of the devil had been spoken. "Guess we'll just have ti wait until morning" with that, the team knew they were in for a long night.
As the night wore on, their resolve remained unshaken, knowing that their vigilance and patience would eventually lead them to their mark. Y/N felt himself almost fall asleep, but Rose gave him a small cup of coffee to keep him going. It was incredibly boring, one of the worst things about assassinations was the waiting. Chris and Harcourt even had a small heart to heart talk. Y/N and Rose had their guns at the ready, if any guards came from the mansion in front of them, they'd deal with them. It all seemed quite dull, until;
"Psst! Hey!" a voice rang from bushes behind them. Y/N and Rose insanely brought up their silenced weapons, ready to start blasting.
"Put those fucking things down" Peacemaker ordered, turns out, this bush person was none other than dip shit Vigilante. "What are you doing here?" Chris asked his friend. "And a lot of good you two fucking are at security!" he snapped at Y/N and Rose.
"Oh those drip mines? I disarmed them. And I followed you guys in my Vigilante-mobile" Vigilante answered, sounding as if he was smiling behind his mask. Y/N and Rose put their guns down, looking at each other and rolling their eyes in annoyance.
"I'm sorry you disarmed he mines? We fucking needed those" Rose argued.
"When'd you get a Vigilante mobile?" Chris asked insanely changing the subject.
"You've been in it"
"The Sebring?" Chris asked confused.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Rose asked, still holding her gun, unsure of the idiots intentions.
"And why in the fuck would your car of choice for your alter ego be a fucking Sebring?" Y/N asked, almost offended by the choice. "Make it a sleek motorcycle so there's some style".
"Motorcycles are dangerous" Vigilante countered.
"Don't you use guns and swords?" Rose asked.
There was a rustling of leafs behind them, and Vigilante retreated slightly away. It was Harcourt, who just came back from doing whatever the hell she was doing.
"We know he's there everyone" Murn said over the coms.
"Alright tweetle dumbass you can come out now" Rose let out to the bushes, little annoyed at Vigilante.
"I don't know what you're talking about" Vigilante said from behind the bushes.
"What is he supposed to be a talking bush. I don't even understand what he's trying to do" Harcourt added.
"Besides we know he's there, three out of four people know he's there so why is he hiding?" Y/N asked the others.
Vigilante came out from behind the bushes, sighing. "Aw fuck" he let out.
"Vigilante needs to stay there with you, I don't want him going out and fucking this up" Murn ordered, making Rose sigh knowing she has to deal with three idiots now.
"You're a fucking clown" Harcourt insulted idiot three.
Now the group of five settled in, but it was only just a few minutes later did Vigilante decide to open his mouth.
"Why don't we just take out the bodyguards and storm inside" he suggested.
"The bodyguards are probably innocents hired to protect them. Red X and Ravager's job is simply to delay them when they pursue us, not kill" Harcourt answered. But both Y/N and Rose looked to each other, gritting their teeth over the many trip mines they placed. "Shit" Harcourt mumbled as she saw movement inside the house, with everyone moving to their places.
Inside the mansion they saw Goff and his family, all acting like emotionless zombies once again. All in the dining room, laying out bowls ready to feast,
"Contact, dining room" Rose said over coms to the rest of the team.
"I don't have eyes" Economos replied.
"Peacemaker do you have a shot on Papa Bear?" Murn asked, calling to an argument Adebayo and Economos were having over the Berenstain Bears.
Chris aimed down his rifle, eyes twitching. "Not, quite, yet" he replied slowly.
The team watched as Mama Bear poured some golden liquid into the bowls, all the other bears starred at the liquid as it poured slowly.
"What the actual shitting, pissing, fuck?" Rose asked, her and everyone else very confused by what was happening.
Harcourt raised her walkie talkie, "They're during some sort of honey-coloured goo into the bowls" she reported.
"They're Butterflies" Murn got back, sounding slightly alarmed.
"How do you know?" the A.R.G.U.S agent replied.
They watched, as the family sat down each with a bowl filled with fluid in front of them. Almost like a horror movie, these weird purple and dark red tongue, tendril things came from the families mouths. Each family member then began to slurp up the liquid.
"What the fuck?" Peacemaker cursed.
"There's some sort of purple thing growing out their mouths" Harcourt replied, unnerved by the sight.
"Peacemaker, take 'em out!" Murn almost shouted over the coms.
"Even the kids?"
"YES! All four bears, NOW!" Murn roared over the coms. "If you have a shot, terminate them immediately" although it Peacemaker was having trouble with this order. His hands were shaking, breathing got heavier, he was freaking out. "FUCK PEACEMAKER GODDAM IT! THE THE SHOT" Murn shouted.
"I don't know if I can hit them" Chris tried to reason
"They're clear take the shot" Harcourt ordered but he still didn't.
Y/N and Rose looked at each other, both knew the situation Peacemaker was in. Neither had never killed kids in their line of work, and they preyed they would never have to.
"Should've put a dove on the gun fuck" Chris cursed.
"Take a breath Smith, steady yourself" Harcourt tried to reason. She looked to Y/N and Rose, hoping one of them would step up, but both looked at the agent with a definitive look of defiance.
Eventually however, as it seemed Peacemaker was having a mental episode, his friend came to his rescue. "Hey dude, move over for a sec" Vigilante he suggested tapping Peacemaker's shoulders. Chris fell back, almost losing control pf his body as his eyes went wide.
Y/N and Rose looked on, Vigilante taking the rifle and aiming down the sight.
"Mama Bear Out" Harcourt called out as the mother fell dead with the family looking down scared.
"Billy Bear Out"
"Susie Bear Out"
Throughout all these murders, Vigilante simply hummed to himself. One last target. Chris arose to his feet, still breathing heavily trying to compose himself. Y/N and Rose looked on, their faces grim and awaiting the final bullet to be heard.
"And now" Vigilante began as he lined up his shot. "Papa Bear, ou-" before Vigilante could take the shot, the green Cheeto munching asshole from earlier, literally dived in. Kicking Vigilante in the face, rolling off, kicking Harcourt's gun away, and kicking Peacemaker in the groin.
Y/N ran in, drawing his blade and swinging. Prepared for this, Judomaster easily flipped Y/N who landed on his back while Judomaster landed perfectly.
"KIAI!" the green prick yelled out.
As his focus was on Y/N, Rose raised her SMG ready to kill the martial arts expect. Although being as agile was he was, Judomaster spun around and brought his fist to Rose's abdomen, sending the mercenary back and causing her to drop the gun with Judomaster kicking it away.
Y/N picked himself up, looked at Harcourt and nodded. The agent went for the gun while Y/N would distract Judomaster. Y/N charged at Judomaster, only to be met with a kick right to the crown jewels causing Y/N to fall to the ground holding them.
"Not again" he said, biting his bottom lip in pain as he felt like he was about to die. Even Chris reeled back slightly, almost as if he could feel the kick himself.
Harcourt went for her gun, but Judomaster was quicker. Kicking the gun away, and delivering a clean kick to Harcourt which sent her away into the bushes knocking her out.
Now it was Peacemaker and Vigilante's turn, but neither faired any better. Judomaster was easily making quick work of them, Vigilante was more of an annoyance as he wasn't a well trained fighter. Peacemaker was holding his ground, using his superior size and strength to try and turn the tide of the fight. But Judomaster was too well trained, and managed to redirect an attack from a knife wielding Peacemaker into Vigilante's arm stabbing straight through. And Judomaster managed to knock Peacemaker out just as Y/N was recovering.
Vigilante stood to his feet, holding his arms high and stepping back. "Uh, no, no, fuck this. It's over, you won, fair fight I gotta go, FUCK!" he cursed trying to run. But Judomaster was too quick and caught up to Vigilante and knocked him out with a few clean punches.
"Oi, fuck face" Y/N cursed, unsheathing his gleaming sword, eyes focused on his opponent. "Come and get some" he said getting into a stance, and prepared himself.
With lightning-quick reflexes, Y/N lunged forward, aiming a powerful slash at Judomaster's midsection. However, Judomaster effortlessly sidestepped the attack, smoothly grabbing hold of Y/N's sword wrist and twisting it, causing the blade to clatter to the ground.
Before Y/N could react, Judomaster spun around, using his opponent's own momentum against him. With a swift kick to the back of Y/N's knees, he sent him crashing down to the floor, momentarily stunned. Y/N fought to regain his composure, but Judomaster was relentless.
In a fluid motion, Judomaster shifted his weight, pinning Y/N to the ground with one hand while delivering a precise strike to his temple with the other. The impact resonated throughout Y/N's skull, and darkness engulfed his vision as he succumbed to unconsciousness.
Rose quickly rejoined, and saw the whole ordeal in front of her. All of her allies knocked out or missing in Harcourt's case.
"You gotta be kidding me" she said to herself, ready to enter the fight.
The two combatants circled each other warily, their eyes locked in a deadly stare. Rose Wilson, was a skilled fighter in her own right, but she knew that Judomaster was a different level of threat.
Judomaster made the first move, lunging at Rose with a flurry of punches and kicks. Rose was able to block most of the blows, but she was forced to take a few hits. Judomaster was stronger and faster than her, and he was starting to wear her down.
Rose knew that she needed to change the momentum of the fight, so she threw a punch at Judomaster's head. Judomaster ducked the punch and countered with a kick to Rose's stomach. Rose doubled over in pain, and Judomaster took the opportunity to land a few more punches.
Rose was on the ropes, but she refused to give up. She rallied and managed to land a few punches of her own. Judomaster was surprised by Rose's newfound strength, but he quickly recovered.
The two combatants continued to fight, neither one able to gain an advantage. They were evenly matched, and the fight was starting to become a stalemate.
Judomaster knew that he needed to end the fight quickly, Rose was good, and her allies recovered then he'd be at a disadvantage, so he made a move. He lunged at Rose, grabbed her by the arm, and flipped her over his shoulder. Rose landed hard on the ground, and Judomaster was on top of her in an instant.
Judomaster straddled Rose and raised his fist to deliver the finishing blow. Rose closed her eye and braced for impact.
All four came were in some creepy cave system most likely under the mansion itself. Legs tied together, and hands behind chairs. Except for Vigilante, who's hands were tired to the ceiling. Rose was the first to wake up, but remained silent, not wanting to give the watchful eye of Judomaster anything.
Then came Y/N, slowly opening his eyes and landing on Judomaster. "You gotta be fucking me" he groaned.
"So we meet again Mister X" Judomaster joked, putting another Cheeto into his mouth.
"You fucking green, ball kicking, piece of shit" Y/N snarled, trying to shake his hand free.
"You know I thought you were gonna be a challenge, turns out you still don't guard your balls well" the martial artists noted, throwing one bag of Cheetos away and opening another. "Thought you hung out with Condiment Pussy and Kite Fucker, why you with these idiots?" he asked, leaning against nearby wall.
"We're trying to fuck your mom that's way" Y/N tried to insult.
"Jesus Christ" Rose groaned rolling her eye, he was really a child at times.
Both mercenaries were then silent, as Peacemaker soon came to. His eyes narrowed on Judomaster. "You're fuckin' adorable, I want to put you in my pocket" he insulted, focusing on his enemies height. "I want to take you home, play with my GI Joes. Just don't fuck Chewbacca. Here's a well known fact Wookies have teeth on their asshole" he went on, Rose once again rolling her eye.
"Fuck you" was Judomaster's only reply, putting another Cheeto into his mouth.
"You remind me of a shit I took last night, only Asian" Chris went on.
"Oh, big man" Judomaster replied.
Y/N and Rose looked at each other, knowing they should probably keeping their mouths shut. Simply watching the two go back and fourth.
"Nice costume bro, real tight. You can count the veins on your dick"
"Big swell man, so tough"
"You know why I'm gonna keep you around?" Chris insulted. "In case I snap my Achilles tendon I'll replace it with your whole fuckin' body. That way you can help me flex my toes for the rest of my life"
"Remember when I fucked you up, and you, and you" Judomaster replied, pointing to Chris, Y/N and then Rose.
"What you eating Flamin Hot Cheetos?" Chris asked, what was that the fifth bag Judomaster has had now.
"Yeah, want some?" he offered.
"Yeah" Chris then opened his mouth ready for Judomaster to throw one in. Although the martial artist threw it and enough, flicking off Chris' cheek hurting him slightly. Y/N and Rose smiled at the sight, as Judomaster kept flicking Cheetos at Peacemaker.
Suddenly the air grew stiff, as Goff entered the room. He held a shotgun over his shoulders, moving to the many torture devices in front of Vigilante. Judomaster moved to the top holding the enemy up, and lifted it so Vigilante was pulled upwards off his seat. All the whole Goff went to a car battery, holding the clips in both hands. And attached them to Vigilante's balls, although covered by the suit. Y/N and Chris gulped, now wanting to feel that.
Goff ordered Judomaster to leave, telling him to go somewhere and alert the rest of the Butterflies. As he left, Judomaster gave a middle finger to Peacemaker and Y/N, the latter narrowing his eyes. Goff moved to unmask Vigilante, much to his protest. But as the mask was pulled off, Vigilante made a load of strange faces.
"Jesus Christ he really is mentally deficient" Rose grumbled to herself.
"What are you doing?" Chris asked.
"If i keep changing my facial expressions he won't be able to recognise me in a lineup!" Vigilante responded, still making faces.
"You need to tell me what you know, how you know it and who sent you" Goff began. "Otherwise, you will know pain unlike before"
"We ain't singing bitch" Rose spoke up, her voice speaking for everyone.
In response, Goff turned on the car battery. Vigilante then yelled in pain as electricity shot to his balls, Y/N even closed his legs as best he could as he felt like he could feel the pain. "Does that change your mind?" Goff asked the three.
"Sorry pal not for sale" Peacemaker spoke up, much to Vigilante's pain and shock. "Give it all you got" he added.
"No, no, no!" and more pain shot through him.
"How do you like that?"
"Fucking love it" Rose spat out, some blood mixed in with her spit from earlier wounds.
"You're not gonna break us bitch" Y/N snarled
"Oh please, no, no, no" Vigilante begged, but he was silenced as the battery was turned on once again. As his friend was in pain, Chris looked nervous, knowing he couldn't give up knowledge but hated seeing his friend in pain.
"Hey" Chris said, thinking he recognised Vigilante somewhere. "Aren't you Gut Chase's younger brother? The one playing D&D all the time"
"The hells wrong with D&D?" Y/N spoke up, a little bit insulted.
"You were the fucking bussboy as well?" Rose added.
"Don't worry, we're not giving this guy anything" Chris assured the now identified Adrian Chase.
"Maybe just give him a little" Adrian begged.
"So" Goff cut everyone off, showing up a pair of tweezers. "Pure pain couldn't get you to talk, what about the fear of losing something more permanent" he threatened holding the tweezer up. "Like a toe? I'll start with his pinky" he said, nodding to Adrian.
"What why me again?"
"These ones are obviously higher ranked than you are, more likely have more knowledge. And humans are, above all, creatures of empathy. The best way to get them to talk is to hurt the ones they love most" Goff finished.
"We just met him" Y/N spoke up.
"Yeah he really means nothing to us" Rose agreed.
"Go for it, we don't care" Chris added.
"Guys, of someone doesn't;t have their pinky toe, they fall over!" Adrian protested as Goff began to peel off his right shoe and sock. "It's the most important toe in the human body!"
"Where the flying fuck did you hear that?" Y/N screeched.
"I read it on the internnnnnnneeeettttt!" Adrian screamed, just as the toe ripping began. "GOOOODDDD!" he continued as Goff kept ripping. It was really a bloody, bloody shit. Chris looked like he was about to be sick, Y/N looked away, seeing the bone rip apart, and Rose simply closed her eye. Just as the toe was coming off.
An explosion rocked behind Chris, Rose and Y/N shattering the chairs they were strapped to, freeing them and disorientating Goff. It was most likely the rest of the team, coming to rescue them. The three killers sprang into action. Y/N threw an end of a rope to Rose who caught it with both running towards the confused and dizzy Goff. Both mercenaries wrapped the rope around Goff, tightening it around his neck trying to choke him out Goff tried to throw them off. But he was met with a click in front of him.
"Peace out mother fucker!" Chris said, firing off the shotgun Goff had used earlier. Blasting apart Goff's whole skull blood splattering everywhere and onto Y/N and Rose. Who both fell to their knees exhausted. Taking in deep breathes. Chris meanwhile went to trying to free Adrian.
"Wilson, L/N, Smith" the voice of Adebayo called out from in the cave, probably the entrance.
As Chris helped up Adrian, helping him walk and such. All their attention was on the corpse of Goff as they saw something leave what remained what remained of his skull. It was a small winged creature, with it flying upwards.
"Oh, Project Butterfly" Peacemaker let out, identifying what the creature seemed to look like.
Y/N stood up, his legs shaking slightly. His eyes looked up the creature, and he only had four words to say;
"What the actual fuck?"
End Credits Scene
The team were in the van, on their way to Goff's target location not long after the tablet image incident.
"So" Y/N began, trying to break the silence. "What was the inspiration behind all this" he pointed to Chris' whole outfit. "The whole peace agenda?"
"There's no agenda" Chris scoffed. "Just gotta bring peace to the whole fucking Earth" he stated, rolling his shoulders. "What about you?" he asked. "You based yourself around the thing pirates use to bury their treasure? Real creative aren't you" he joked, causing everyone else to smile at the joke.
Y/N remained silent, "Fuck you" was all he had to say.
Author's Note
And there we go, another GPAC chapter done, hope you all enjoyed. This was defiantly a lot longer than I thought it was going to be, so hope the extra time paid off. Episode 3 of the show done, this was defiantly more action orientated, a few small character moments. Hope it all worked.
I recently made a little questionnaire, it's mainly to gauge what people are interested in from my account in the future. It's not gonna influence this, or any other story. Just a way for me to see what people want to see in the future. Takes less than a minute to fill in, so if you could it would be very much appreciated.
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Remember to leave a vote and comment as it does a lot for my motivation knowing you are reading.
Hope You Enjoyed
See You Next Time
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