A/N: Bold
Flashback: Bold-Italic
Thoughts: Underlined-italic
I started working at the mystery shack because bill wanted me too, including my mom, and Mable. Very coincidental huh? Mom doesn't even know Mable. Kinda ironic considering she was the one who wanted to make their welcoming happy.
But it wasn't that boring, well it was still boring, but I worked there with Dipper and Mable, so it wasn't unbelievably boring. Until one kinda faithful day.
★★★1 week later★★★
I was sweeping the floor, until I saw a guy pick up a random piece of paper that was thrown at him, I wonder where that "suspicious" piece of paper came from.
"Y/N look! He's looking at it! HE'S LOOKING AT IT!" Mable whispered too me "Okay, Okay I'm looking." I murmured.
The guy decrumbled the paper, and read
"Do you like me? Yes, definitely, absolutely?" I heard Mable chuckle a little bit before quietly say "I rigged it!!" I rolled my eyes but smiled at her regular daily antics.
"Hey Mable, I know you are going through your boy crazy phase, but I think your kinda overdoing the "Crazy" part." Dipper pointed out. He wasn't wrong, any guy who comes in here would have to deal with Mable.
"What?!" Mable gasped in shock, then started sticking her tongue out and spit "No I'm not, this is the first summer where we're not staying in the house! This is my chance to finally get a boyfriend!" Mable said with sparkle in her eyes, she's very cute, but she needs to chill a little bit.
"Okay fine you can have your "Epic summer romance" but do you HAVE too flirt with every guy you see, sometimes you even scare them away." I snickered at Dipper's claim, Mable sometimes scare guys away. Is she ashamed of it? Maybe, Maybe not. I have no idea.
First try- "Hi! My name is Mable! But you can call me the girl of your dreams~" Mable flirted to a guy who was apparently looking at cards, until she roughly pushing him. "I'M JOKING! HAHAHAHAHAH!"
Second try- A guy was smiling at his turtle until he felt breathing on his neck "What?! You like turtles?! I like turtles too, what is happening here?" The guy just looked at her like she was the craziest and most desperate girl ever.
Third try- "COME ONE! COME ALL! TO THE MATTRESS PRINCESS OF SAVINGS!" A guy yelled "Take me with you~~~" Mable whispered.
"Mock all you want brother, but I got a good feeling that this will be the best summer yet! And I will get a boyfriend! I wouldn't be surprised that if the man of my dreams walked through that door right now." Mable said with a smug grin.
Shockingly, That man of her dreams who walked through the door was. . . . Stanley pines, Me and dipper laughed at the inconvenience and Mable screamed in horror and disgust. I won't lie but that had too be one of the worse times too come through a door. At least for Mable's side.
"Okay everyone, look alive, I need someone too go hammer these signs to the spooky part of the forest." Stan said "Not it." "Not it." "Um, also Not it."
"Nobody asked you soos." Stan pointed out. "I know, and I'm comfortable with that. Mmm this is some good chocolate." Soos states. Guys, Soos is amazing, and he's cool, he's also telling me silly stuff that makes me laugh all the time!
"Wendy! I need you too put up these signs!" Stan shouted to the red headed teen at the front desk. "I would but, Urg, it's just too far and I'm all the way over here." Wendy said. She wasn't trying, she wasn't even giving him the time of day.
I looked away and was going to walk off until stan called out for me. "Y/N, would you and dipper mind putting the signs up in the forest?" Stan asked. What- why me and dipper?
"I- You know what, fine, I'm bored here anyway." Dipper spoke up and said "Grunkle Stan, whenever I'm in those woods it always feels like something is watching me." Stan only rolled is eyes. "Oh my gosh not this bull crap again." he said
"I'm serious! I swear there's some weird stuff going on here at gravity Falls, and I'm gonna prove it! Just watch." Dipper spoke. "Look! Mosquito's marked my arm saying, beware!"
Stan look at his arm. Pretty curious. "That says bewarb. . ." he stated. "They have good aim. . ." clearly, I believed dipper, this place isn't normal at all. . .
"Well Y/N has been here her whole life and I haven't ever heard her or no else that there's something wrong with this place. Anyway quit stalling and go with Y/N!" Dipper grunted and walked away while mumbling probably curse words.
It's been about 10 minutes since we left we shack, I was going to put up the last sign until I heard something open, And I was going to run away because I'm not a dumb person in the movies he follows sounds. But then I heard dipper call my name. "Oh boy. . ." I thought about the consequences of going there. . .
I reluctantly went followed dippers voice and I saw him holding a strange book with a shocked and confused face. "What? Why you called me?" I asked him. "Check this out!" I walked towards him. He immediately opens the book to the first page.
"Woahh~" I wowed at the journal. "I can't believe that it's only been 6 years since I first figured out the secrets to gravity falls." Dipper read the first line and then started skimming through the pages.
"Oh my. . ." I trailed off on my own words. "What is all this?" Dipper looked at me like I was supposed to know. "What?" I looked at him. "Your the genius! Your literally the prodigy!" He looked at me. "Meh. Looks like I finally met my match. I should be heading home. Tell me when you find something suspicious or interesting in that journal." He nodded and continued reading parts of the journal.
I didn't actually need to head home. But if there was one person or creature, who knew everything about everything and everyone, then it's likely a certain demon.
As soon as I got home I went to bills room. Surprising the triangular demon was there. Looking pretty bored. "Bill, You will not believe it! Unless you was spying on me. . ." I looked at him. Dead In the eyes. . . Or eye. "I didn't spy on you . . . Today. Anyway. I already know what happened, you found the journal. Perfect!!"
"What do you mean, perfect?"
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