Chapter 20 - The Chamber of Secrets
Seriously? Can't we just have a normal school year? At least one?
"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened...." Hermione read the the message out loud in fear. Enemies of the heir....beware. It's written completely in blood."
Out of instinct, I grabbed her hand and we intertwined our fingers together.
"Oh no." Harry said. It's Filch's cat. It's Mrs. Norris.
He was not wrong. Mrs Norris was floating in front of the message. Still and motionless.
Other students made an entrance and began mumbling about the message. At the head of those students was Draco Malfoy.
"Enemies of the heir beware!" He announced. "You'll be next Mudbloods!"
"You f*ck-" I said before being pulled into a side hug from Hermione. She shook her head and continued to hold me tightly before I relaxed and hugged her back.
"What's going on here? Go on, go on, make way!" Filch arrived and cried out to the students.
"Potterโwhat are you....Mrs Norris?"
"You've.... murdered my cat."
"No, no." Harry said.
Filch pinned Harry and strangled him against the wall
"I'll kill ya..." He said. "I'll kill ya!"
"Oi!" I yelled at Filch. "Nobody killed your damn cat!"
A voice boomed as Dumbledore and some other Professors made their presence known.
"Everyone will proceed to their dormitories at once. Everyone except you four." He said gesturing to us.
The other houses left the corridor, going to their respective common room areas. The four of us followed Dumbledore and the other professors. Unfortunately, a certain pompous arse had to be among them.
"It was definitely a curse that killed her." Lockhart said feeling very proud of himself. "Probably the Transmogrifan Torture. I've seen it many times, so unlucky I wasn't there, I know the very counter-curse that would have saved her."
"She's petrified you dumbarse." I replied to the pompous Professor.
"Mr. L/N is quite right." Dumbledore said. "She's not dead Argus. She's been petrified."
"Ah, I thought so." Lockhart said.
"No you didn't." I replied bluntly. "Run along Lockhart, your services are no longer required. Nor were they ever in the first place."
Lockhart looked at me scared while Hermione had a look of shock on her face. Like she wasn't expecting me to talk to a "Professor" like that.
A/N: Again, how is this man a Ravenclaw?
"But how she has been petrified, I cannot say." Dumbledore continued.
"Ask him!!" Filch yelled while pointing at Harry.
"No second year could have done this. It would take dark magic of the most advanced-"
"HE DID IT!!! HE DID IT!!! HE DID IT!! Filch yelled.
"It's not true, Professor, I swear!" Harry said. "I never touched Mrs Norris."
"Then again who would?" Ron muttered as Filch sent him an angry look.
"Rubbish!" Filch yelled.
"If I may Headmaster," Snape injerjected. "Perhaps Potter and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time."
Is he actually defending us?
"However the circumstances are suspicious. I for one don't recall seeing Potter at dinner."
I stand corrected.
We began to tell our story about the Death Day party and how we had been in the dungeons during dinner. But Snape didn't quite believe us.
"Why not go to the feast afterwards? Why go up to that corridor."
"Because- because we." I stuttered.
"Because we were tired and wanted to go to bed." Harry suddenly blurted out.
"Without any supper?" Snape asked with an evil, creepy smile on his face. "I didn't think ghosts provided any food fit for living people at their parties."
"They do not." Hermione informed, causing Snape to narrow his eyes at her. "We didn't have the need for any supper because death day parties are not the most lively, never mind the food."
"We weren't hungry." Ron said agreeing with us. His stomach did not agree however, and made a loud rumbling sound.
That nasty smile widened.
"I suggest Headmaster, that Potter, L/N, and Granger are not being very truthful. It might be a good idea if the three of them were deprived of certain privileges. For Granger, I believe the worst punishment would be her grades go down. For Potter and L/N....maybe a few vacation years from Quidditch will do the trick."
Did I mention how much I really hate this man?
"That's completely unfair! You can't bring down Hermione's grades because of something she wasn't involved in. That's completely unjust!"
"Watch your tone L/N." Snape warned.
"Really Severus," Mum said sharply, "I see no reason to stop the boys from playing Quidditch or having Ms. Grangers grades go down. This cat wasn't hit over the head with a broomstick. There is no evidence at all that they have done anything wrong."
Snape looked absolutely furious. As did Filch.
"My cat has been petrified. I want to see some punishment!" He shrieked.
"We will be able to cure her, Argus," Dumbledore said patiently. Professor Sprout recently managed to procure some Mandrakes, as soon as they have reached their full size, I will have a potion made that will cure Mrs. Norris."
"I'll make it." Lockhart butted in. "I must have done it a hundred times. I could whip up a Mandrake Restorative Draught in my sleep."
"Gilderoy." Mum said with a pointed look. "Didn't my godson tell you to leave? We never needed your assistance."
I have a badass Godmother.
"Excuse me." Snape said icily after Mums comment. "But I believe I am the potions master at the school."
For once I actually agree with Snape. Lockhart probably knows nothing about potion making. Absolutely nothing!
"You may go." Dumbledore told the four of us.
"It's a bit strange isn't it?" Hermione asked us.
"Strange?" Harry asked.
"You hear this voice, a voice that only you can hear, and then Mrs. Norris turns up petrified."
"Can't be a coincidence." I said.
"You think I should have told them?" Harry asked. "Dumbledore and the others I mean?"
"Are you mad?" Ron said.
"As much as I think you should." I said "I don't think it's the smartest idea. Even in the wizarding world hearing voices is not a good sign."
"He's right you know?" Someone said in a painting, startling us."
Hermione's POV
The next day, Professor McGonagall was teaching us something new in Transfiguration.
"Could I have your attention please?" She asked us. "Right, now today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets. Like so."
She then took her wand to a bird resting on a post right next to her, tapping it with her wand as she spoke. "One, two, three. Vera Verto." A stream came out of her wand and the bird perfectly turned into a Goblet.
"Now it's your turn. Who would like to go first?" She asked us before her eyes turned to Ron. "Ah! Mr. Weasley. One, two, three, Vera Verto."
"Ahem" Ron cleared his throat and slightly tapped Scabbers, his rat, three times.
"Vera Verto." Ron said. Suddenly Scabbers contorted into a goblet shape. However, it now was as furry as his skin, had a tail and was squeaking. The class laughed at this, myself included.
"That wand needs replacing Mr. Weasley." Professor McGonagall said as I rose my hand. "Yes, Miss Granger?"
"Professor." I said. "I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets." I was still thinking about what we had seen yesterday, and I was still very frightened.
Professor McGonagall looked around the room to receive eccentric and curious looks from all of our classmates. "Very well. As you all know, of course that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Now three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously. One did not."
"Three guesses who." Ron said to Harry, who was sitting behind me and Y/N.
"Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. In other words pure bloods."
Draco turned to glare directly at me. Y/N glared back with an angry look. Draco's glare turned to a look of fear and he sat back down and continued listening to Professor McGonagall.
"Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now according to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in the castle, known as the Chamber of Secrets. Well shortly after departing, he sealed it, until that time when his true Heir returned to the school. The Heir alone would be able to open the Chamber, and unleash the horror within, and by doing so, purge the school of all those, who, in Slytherins view, were unworthy to study magic."
"Muggle-borns." I added sadly. Y/N looked at me with a look of concern. He took my hand in his and interlocked out fingers together. I smiled and gave his hand a squeeze as thanks.
If this was true and the Chamber was in fact opened, every Muggle Born in Hogwarts, including myself was in grave danger.
"Naturally, the school has searched many times." Professor McGonagall continued. "No such Chamber has been found." She then turned to me again as I still held Y/Ns hand.
"Professor." I asked again. "What exactly does legend tell us what lies within the Chamber?"
"Well the Chamber is said to be the home of something only the Heir of Slytherin can control. It is said to be the home of a monster."
As mum finished up the legend, I could feel Hermione's hand shiver with her body. I squeezed her hand for comfort and brought her in for a side hug.
Moments later, class was dismissed. Most of the Slytherins did not even try to speak. Well all except a certain self centered prick muttering to himself.
"Do you think it's true?" Ron asked. "Do you really think there is a Chamber of Secrets?"
"Yes. Couldn't you tell?" Hermione said. "McGonagall's worried. All of the teachers are."
"But if there really is a Chamber of Secrets." Harry said. "And it really has been opened, then that means..."
"The Heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts." I said. "Only question is, who is it?"
Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Carolyn Bitterwood walked by as Ron glanced at them.
A/N: Carolyn Bitterwood is an OC I made who is taking the place of Pansy.
Faceclaim: the exceptionally talented Lily Collins.
"Let's think." Ron said. "Who do we know who thinks all Muggle-Borns are scum?"
"If you're referring to that jackass." I said.
"Of course!" Ron exclaimed. "You heard him: 'You'll be next-"
"Do not finish that sentence." I said while glaring at him.
"I heard him." Hermione said. "But Malfoy, the Heir of Slytherin?"
"Well maybe Ron's right, Hermione." Harry said. "I mean, look at his family, they've been Slytherins for centuries."
"Crabbe and Goyle must know." Ron said. "Maybe we can trick them into telling."
"Come on." I said. "They are both stupid, but not that stupid."
"There must be another way." Hermione said. "Mind you, it would be difficult, not to mention, we'd be breaking 50 school rules, and it'll be very dangerous, very dangerous."
"So basically what we do anyway." I said. "I'm in."
"I might have something that would work." She continued. "It's a very secretive formula, but it will work. Polyjuice Potion."
I really hope we can get started on the Polyjuice Potion quickly. Because if not, all the Muggle-Borns in school are threatened.
And that means Hermione as well.
And I don't want to lose her. I care for her so much.
Hermione's POV
The following day, Y/N and I were in the library looking for the book, Moste Poltente Potions". This book contained the recipe used to make Polyjuice Potion. It was in the restricted section so we had to get a teacher to sign us a note. We decided to get permission from Professor Lockhart to sign the note.
It was a bit strange because he didn't even look at what book we were looking for and just signed the note immediately.
Lately, I've been thinking a lot about what Y/N says about him being a fraud. He did write books on all the things he has accomplished, but I do have to admit the things he does in class are very concerning. Maybe Y/N is right.
"Here it is. 'The Polyjuice Potion.'" I said while reading the page. "Properly brewed, the Polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to transform themselves temporarily into the physical being of another."
"Do you mean, if Y/N, Harry, or I drink that stuff, well turn into Crabbe and Goyle?"
"One of us could go as Bitterwood." Y/N said.
"Wicked! Malfoy will tell us anything!"
"Exactly but it is very tricky." I said. "I've never seen a more complicated potion."
"How long will it take to make?" Harry asked.
I looked in the book and my eyes widened. "A month."
"A month!" Harry exclaimed. "If Malfoy really is the Heir of Slytherin l, he could attack half the Muggle-borns in the school by then."
"And I don't want to lose you anytime soon." Y/N continued.
I flushed a heavy red and stuttered on my words.
"Well, I-I it's the o-o-only plan we've got."
Y/N then looked down at his watch 'Oh, s*it Harry, we have to get ready for our match. Time to go kick Slytherins arse."
Harry then nodded. Before any of them could leave, I pulled Y/N over to the side.
"Are you ok?" I asked. "Are you nervous at all?"
"Honestly." He said. "A bit nervous, it is my first game as a Chaser and I just want it to go well."
"Well maybe this will help." I said.
I hugged him and as I let go, I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed the other. Causing both of us to blush.
"Ok, now I know we are going to win." He said while smirking. "Thank you so much Mione."
He then left to go join Harry and get in his Quidditch uniform.
Credits to the artist! Found this online and colored it in!
We were now in the middle of the Quidditch match against Slytherin. Me and Ron were in the Gryffindor stands cheering on Y/N and Harry as well as the other Gryffindors.
"Another goal for Slytherin! They lead Gryffindor 90 to 40!" Lee Jordan announced. Gryffindor was doing very well. Y/N had gotten nearly every Quaffle that was thrown his way and he scored them all for Gryffindor. George was batting away one of the bludgers with his club.
That is, until something very unexpected happened.
The bludger changed its course. It was now zooming towards Y/N and Harry.
Harry noticed the bludger flying towards him and moved quickly out of the way, this bludger however, happened to have a mind of its own. It's like it was focused directly on Y/N and Harry.
The bludger was now aiming for Harry, but before it could bash into him, Y/N flew in the way and the Bludger collided him in his place, hitting him as he fell to the ground."
"Y/N!!!!!!!" I yelled while running down towards the stands. I did notice that Harry flew off and took his chance to find the snitch. While I ran down with Ron, Lee's voice boomed "Harry Potter has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Then another thud came after that.
I feared the worst for my best friend that I've grown to care so much for. As we got down to the pitch, I saw Professor McGonagall rushing down with a worried look on her face as she was next to Y/N. He was awake, but looked like he was in a lot of pain.
The Bludger was still zooming around in the air, so i decided to get rid of it. I pulled out my wand, pointed it at the Bludger, and shouted "Finite Incantatem!" The Bludger detonated into lots of little pieces as we ran towards Y/N and Harry.
"Thank you." Harry said.
"Are you okay?" I asked. "What happened to Y/N? Is he ok?"
"No, I think my- I think my arm is broken." Harry said.
"I think I broke some ribs." Y/N said while laying on the ground.
"Thank heavens you are alive." Professor McGonagall said. "You both need to rest in the hospital wing immediately."
"I'll help you up." I said to Y/N. But before we could leave,
"Not to worry." Professor Lockhart announced. "I will fix both of your broken bones straight away."
"No, not you." Harry said.
"Anyone but you." Y/N continued.
"Oh, poor boys don't know what they are saying." Lockhart said while leaning down towards Harry's arm. "Now this won't hurt a bit. Brackium Emendo!"
The spell didn't fix Harry's arm
In fact, it made his arm quite worse.
It had removed all the bones in Harry's arm
"Well you can no longer feel pain." Lockhart said while taking Harry's arm and folding it to Harry's bafflement. "And heh-heh very clearly, the bones are no longer broken."
"Broken?" Hagrid shouted. "There's no bones left!"
Y/N was right. This man has no idea what he is doing and is a complete fraud. Y/N was right all along.
"Much more flexible, though." Lockhart said ignoring him. "Now to Y/N."
"No, please, anyone but you." Y/N said.
Before he could make his way towards Y/N, I stood in front of him, protecting Y/N from anything he could try.
"No." I said to him. "I'm not letting you anywhere near him."
"Ahem, I think I know a little bit more about fixing bones than you do Miss Granger." He said. "Now stand aside."
Did he just forget about what he did to Harry?
"Miss Granger is absolutely right." Professor McGonagall said. "You clearly do not know how to properly heal a students arm, what is it to say that you would remove my godsons entire rib cage?! If you dare try to do anything like this again, Gilderoy, you will face Professor Dumbledore. I can assure you that."
Lockhart looked almost scared as he sulked away.
"Thank you." Y/N said while smiling.
"Anytime." I said while smiling back
Professor McGonagall then had us take Y/N and Harry to the hospital wing so that Madam Pomfrey can heal them properly.
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