No editing! You have been warned!
Next Morning
"Dani! Dani Dani" my shoulders rocked as Aoki's voice echoed into my subconscious.
"Hmmmm" I groaned, turning to face the colder side of my cotton pillow. She jumped into my bed and flipped me over, pulling my leg to drag me to the floor.
"Aoki!!!" I screamed, fuming at her interruption. I had barely slept since my late-night rendezvous with Emmanuel.
"Where were you Dani! I was worried sick! All last night, I was waiting for you to return" she pouted, sitting down to face me. I looked within her eyes, about to reveal my truth but stood instead to open the curtains. She scoffed and looked at me as I leaned against the clear glass of the french windows. I couldn't tell Aoki... I didn't know how much I could trust her.
"Dani. I thought I was your friend...we're supposed to be able to tell each other anything!"
"You are Aoki. You're honestly my only friend"
"Then why won't you tell me?" she fumed, standing to face me. Her soft brown eyes studied the features on my face then they fell to my neck, where Emmanuel's hickey now showed.
"Dani!" she screamed, gently pressing her thumb against my neck. "Oh my gosh! No! No!" she smiled, jumping up with glee. "Who is it from! Peter?"
"No" I shook my head, pulling my nightgown up to cover the bruise.
"Who is from Dani!" she asked, excited to hear the details of my tryst.
The silence of the room consumed our conversation as I stared at her nervously. "It's from...the president..."
"Come on Dani! Who was it from?" she giggles, thinking I was joking. I walked to my bag and pulled out a picture from the Polaroid. I had snapped it secretly when he was attacking my neck in the elevator. You could only see the profile of his face and my exasperated smirk. Aoki's eyes opened with shock but excitement as she grabbed the photo from my fingers. "Oh my gosh," she whispered beneath a worn breath. I proceeded to walk to the closet to show her his black Gucci jacket, the same one that was displayed in the picture.
"PRESIDENT MACRON! AND YOU!" she screamed. I pulled her into my torso and pressed a palm against her big mouth. "SHH! Aoki you can't tell anyone" I begged.
"Dani! I don't think I can keep this a secret! You're French kissing the president on the Eiffel tower!" she screamed, holding the picture upside down.
"Shhhhh!!" I said, holding a palm over her lips. A loud knock sounded at the door as I tried to coax Aoki into silence.
"I am still in his jacket! Can you answer it!" I pleaded, running to the bathroom as I snatched the photo out of her hand. She nodded and strutted to the door trying to act calm.
"Un delivery for Dani Withers" the bell boy announced.
"Merci" Aoki smiled softly, closing the door. She carried in a huge black box wrapped with a white ribbon and bow. "Do you think?" she asked, smiling as she shook the box curiously. I blushed, gently running a palm against the surface. Maybe it was from the President?
But no, It couldn't be!
Emmanuel and I had just seen each other a couple of hours of go. How could he have possibly had this delivered in such a short amount of time?
I bent down and untied the straps, tearing open the lid, letting out a soft gasp, "It's... beautiful."
I saw a beautiful off white, spaghetti strap gown with simple detailing at the back.
"NO WAY!" Aoki screamed, "That is a Jacquemus gown from the current spring collection. That dress must have cost a fortune. 4,000$ at least" Aoki gasped as she lifted the dress from the box. She was a girl of fashion so of course, she would know.
She unfolded the dress and draped it over her body, dancing in the mirror.
There was a small card pinned to the curve of the box. I snatched it off and read the message therein —
Thinking of you. Always and forever.
"Aww" she smiled, reading the card over my shoulder. "What else happened last night?" she giggled, waiting for every juicy detail. I giggled and told her every steamy clue, making sure I spared no details.
"But why would he give this to me? After one night?' I asked bashfully after I finished my tale. I was not used to being spoiled like this.
"Of course!" she jumped, snapping her fingers as the memory came to her, "the president's ball is this Saturday night. Maybe he wants you to be the belle of the ball?" she winked.
"Maybe" I smiled, thinking of Emmanuel as I looked at the card. How the tables have turned. Here I was thinking of an article to write about for my online website, but I think I had just found the subject of my new series.
"My affair with the president"
A party of black limousines drove us students from our hotel to the Elysee Palace where the 25th annual Presidental ball was taking place. Dignitaries, socialites and parliament leaders of every electorate crowded into the spacious ballroom of the front foyer.
Aoki and I were helped out the limousine and ushered into a line leading into the palace entrance.
Once we were cleared by security, we adjusted our dresses, smoothing out any wrinkles before we went into the foyer. She wore a cute soft green dress with a deep slit at the thigh and matching green heels. Of course, I had the Jaquemes dress in tow that Emmy had gifted to me. I couldn't even lie when I say we looked good. Natural born baddies.
All eyes adhered to us as we waltzed into the palace, making our way through the crowded space to head to the ballroom where Emmanuel would soon speak.
"I wish people could take a picture" Aoki giggled as she waved to a tall man in the distance that stared for too long.
"Let them stare." I shrugged, biting my lip down to tease another man. We continued to strut through the marbled floors until we came to a small group of the UN youth delegets.
"AOKI!" they yelled, waving to her and I.
"Come one Dani" Aoki jumped, pulling my wrist so I could follow her. I smiled awkwardly as they sang their praises, feeling the material of my dress. "Is that a Jaquemes Dani?" a taller girl gasped.
"Yes" I nodded looking at Aoki.
"Thats the Spring collection! It hasn't even come out yet!" Elena fumed, jealous of my attire, "How in the world did you even get that?" she accused.
"Dani got the hookup. She knew a guy of a guy and they insisted Dani get the dress. I mean, she's very connected in the fashion scene. That's why her and I clicked" Aoki beamed.
"Thank You" I whispered to Aoki thankfully. She nodded secretly and continued talking to the group. Aoki was a real one for making that lie up on the spot.
Peter came into the circle and passed Elena a glass of punch. "Thanks babe" she smiled, kissing his neck. He rolled his eyes but just as he was about to watch the crowds, his green eyes cemented onto me.
His mouth curled up into a handsome smile as he inspected me from head to toe, gulping in every curve. Elana saw his excitement and fumed as she watched him, pushing him out the circle to leave.
Once Elena left, the girls acted a little bit nicer to me. I guess they admired my influence and fashion sense?
The night carried on and the drinks flowed on.
"When do you think he's gonna show?" Aoki asked.
"I don't---"
"And now the president of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron!!!" an announcer yelled. The people clapped and cheered as he came down the steps with a much older woman on his arm.
He was so nice including his geriatric mother in his presidential affairs. He was such a great family man!
He looked so handsome as he came down the stairs in a tailored black tux with a matching black tie. He grinned humbly at each person in the crowd, appreciating their company.
"Bonjour, hello, Thank you for coming" he repeated as he greeted each person with a handshake. He finally came to our section of students but stopped just a few feet away as he whispered into a taller man's ear. They laughed in familiarity and patted each other boyishly as he continued down the path.
Finally, his eyes landed on mine and he stopped, guzzling in my figure with greed.
I looked away from greeting the prime minister of Russia and lay eyes on the most beautiful woman to face the world .
My whole world slowed down; my heart arrested in its valve as my eyes settled on her sensuous form. Perfect copper-colored curls rested right above her shoulders and chocolate brown eyes that could strike down the stars.
The elegant glare of her umber skin contrasted against the sea of white; it was breathtaking to say the least.
Although the Jaquemes gown was a designer piece, her body was the true work of art. Her small waist was displayed under the tight ruching of the off white gown. Curvy hips that fit so perfectly in her astonishing physique. How I dreamed of ripping the dress off and letting it fall delicately to her fine ankles.
I could see she was wearing nothing underneath; there was no way, seeing how form fitting it was.
How wonderful for me; it would make my job easier when ripping it off.
Just a visual; same exact dress I was describing.
How my temperance would move me tonight.
I was a strong man, never falling into a woman's stupor, but taking in her sight, I was weak.
She let out a knowing smile as I approached her, extending her hand. "Bonjour...Emmy" she whispered my name against her perfectly lossed lips.
How dare she tease me like this.... in front of all these people.
"Bonjour Ms. Withers" I muttered, trying to control my sensations as I shook her palm. She titled her head to the side and took in my tux, slowly letting my hand go. I pulled her into my reach and pulled her ear next to my lips, making sure to remain calm as to not raise suspicions. "How dare you provoke me like this" I whispered, clutching her wrist harder.
"Mr. President, whatever do you mean?" she whispered before she stepped away and faded into the crowd.
How carelessly I wanted to follow her and entrap her in my arms. I would take her right here if it wasn't for all these people....but no. I couldn't. I had a job to do.
"Emmanuel? You okay?" Bridgette came behind me, finally catching up as she trailed behind me. What a bore she was.
"I am fine" I smiled ingenuously, pushing her arm off mine. I knew I would soon be giving this speech to address the people but my mind would only be on her...
Author Note:
I feel bad for Bridgette. I am treating her so horrible.
Oh well!
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