Long chapter alert.
Un-edited so I apologize in advance. Bone apple teeth!
The Parisian sun gleamed against my rich umber skin, its heat coaxing me to rise. I let out a frightened yelp as I opened my eyes. Aoki's bright brown eyes greeted mine as she sat in my bed, hovering over me.
"Ahh!" I screamed, tumbling over my bed, onto the floor. "AOKI!" I screamed, glaring into her eyes as she watched me, "What are you doing!?"
"Waiting for you to wake up" she grinned casually, jumping in my bed joyfully, "YAY! You're awake!" she clapped, rolling off my bed to help me up. "So, how was your meeting with Mr. President? I want all the juicy details" she winked, eagerly waiting for my early morning tea.
"Well... he called me to his office to discuss my dismissal" I informed her.
"What!" she gasped, standing to open the curtains of our room, "No one's ever been dismissed from the youth summit! Why?" she frowned, gathering a pile of clothes from the floor to begin tidying up.
"Apparently, someone sent the video of me in the pool to a few delegates. It caught traction and was sent all the way to some of the employees of his board" I confessed, watching her as she folded her tiny crop tops and shorts.
"I am so sorry Dani" Aoki whispered softly. I could tell her heart ached for me. She could relate, after it happing to her.
"Ms. Lepeuit called the meeting at the palace where she proceeded to yell at me, telling me how much of a disgrace I was. The president had to interrupt her and deal with me alone."
"But did you tell him it was a trap and it was Elena who set you up and recorded you without your consent?"
"Yes! He said my face was the only one visible in the video so I was the only one in trouble" I sighed.
"Bull sh*" she cursed. I shrugged, pulling my blanket over my head in defeat.
"Welll...who do you think could have sent it?" she asked innocently, "I mean, I was there and Peter made everyone delete it"
"Who knows? Maybe Elena! Maybe another guy? It could have been anyone."
"So what now? I don't want you to go" she frowned, resting her head against my thigh as I rested beneath the covers. I pulled off the white duvet and sat up straight, looking at her as I thought of last night's events. "The funny thing is... he said I could stay." I muttered.
"What!" she sprang, watching me to see if she had heard me correctly.
"He said he corrupted the video file, so if someone still has it, or can't be played. Then he said he wouldn't dismiss me because his word is final." I smirked, still remembering how natural his warm palm felt around my waist.
"See! I knew it! I KNEW IT! He is your good luck charm!" she clapped excitedly then running to start the showers. She flipped her head upside down and packed her long golden locks into a messy bun to shower.
"!" I whined, shutting down her delusions of grandeur, "I think he just felt pity on me being put in that situation. Plus, favoritism prevailed since I'm from the USA."
"Whatever you say Dani" Aoki shrugged, pushing her way through the pile of blankets on the floor and walked to her closet to find an outfit for the day. I purposely neglected to tell her the part where the president had pulled me into his torso. I thought it best to limit my encounters with him, just in case it was mistaken for something more then it was.
I think he was just tired and flirted a little. There was no way the leader of the French Republic would take up an interest in me. But still...his shameless words replayed in my mind.
"Try not to get in any more trouble Ms. Dani. I don't know if I can control myself seeing another video of you like that"
"Dani! DANI!" Aoki yelled grasping me from my fluid imaginations. "Yea?"
"I said, what are you wearing today. I have nothing!" Aoki pouted as she went through another suitcase of clothes. She certainly was a character.
"It's just a scavenger hunt today. Wear something comfortable." I suggested but Aoki immediately scoffed at my simple-minded suggestion and pulled out a pair of pink leather pants that tied at each thigh and paired it with a cropped white sleeveless shirt. She loved wearing bold and unique fashion pieces.
I pulled out a classic dark peach slip dress with my trusty white converse all stars, matching it with a dark brown lippie and gold hoops.
We both were ready once the clock read 10am and started the trek down to the lobby. Our group of delegates gathered in the front of the lobby, waiting to hear the speech from Ms. Lepuit.
"Good morning delegates!
Today will be an all-day scavenger hunt so I advise you to change into comfortable clothes and shoes" she smirked, looking at Aoki as she towered over the crowd in her platform boots. "Fashion waits for no one" she shrugged unapologetically. A few giggles from the crowd sounded as they heard her statement.
"Continuing. You have each been given a polaroid camera with a long list of things to do before the end of the day. Whoever comes before the clock strikes 8, wins a special prize."
"What's the prize!" one student yelled.
"The prize" she continued, "is an one on one meeting with President Macron. You may discuss anything with him. Have an interview, run by a few ideas, or simple just talk" she hinted. The crowds oohed and awed as she revealed the unique opportunity.
"Please be mindful when traveling the streets of Paris and be back by curfew. Have fun!" she finished and then we were off!
Aoki and I walked arm in arm, going to the famous cafes to eat and drink. The first item on the list was a picture with the chef at the famed Cafe Du Mont. We each took our pictures and continued on, exploring the city and taking silly pictures near street performers and historic statues.
We had so much fun, sightseeing and doing some light shopping. Once we got to item 10 the clock struck 6pm.
"I'm so beat." I sighed, leaning against a wall to relax.
"Same, but we only got a few photos left" Aoki frowned, unfolding the paper from her pocket. "The last thing on the list is a picture with the president on top of the Effiel Tower! How would we ever get that?" she scoffed, looking to the sky in exhaustion. I giggled and shrugged, running to an open bench and sitting down as an elderly couple left. "Not everything on the list is meant to be completed Aoki. See number 27? It said a picture at the palace of Versailles but that is 50 miles away. It would take days to get there."
"So why put it on the list?" she asked, folding the sheet and sliding it back into her pocket.
"They just put things to do so we had a choice to pick what we wanted. I guess they'll rate more actions higher than others"
"Bummer." she pouted. Looking around to examine the shops. "Oh! A gelato shop! Let's get some dessert!" she screamed, running to an ice cream shop in the distance. I smiled and followed after her. The loud bell of the shop sounded as we entered and soon enough, the delicious aroma of chocolate and vanilla filled my nostrils. I was starving.
We came in and ordered, turning to see a group of people from the program. Peter was at the side of the table, along with his stupid girlfriend and some friends. The mood instantly changed once I walked over with Aoki.
"Hey" I said awkwardly, scanning the faces of the crowd.
"Hi" "Hi" they greeted us politely. I stood their awkwardly as they watched me. Aoki was oblivious to this as she skipped to get her ice cream in her cone.
"They just let anyone in these days" Elena muttered beneath her breath to the chuckles of the crowd. I quickly gathered my things, taking my ice cream and ran out of the shop, trying to let my tears stay in place. It wasn't worth it to stay there and be ridiculed. Besides Aoki, I had no friends.
"Dani wait!" a voice yelled after me. It was Peter. What did he want?
"What" I fumed, trying to find any place away from his group of sheep.
"Look come back. I'm sorry for my girlfriend...she's just" his voice trailed off as he tried to find the words to describe her. I rolled my eyes and continued on, shoving my cup of gelato into my mouth.
"Would you just, wait a minute!" he yelled after me, trying to catch up.
"Who sent it?" I asked, stopping dead in my tracks and turning around to face him. He furrowed his brows and inspected my features as I waited for his answer.
"Someone sent the video to the President. I was almost expelled from the program because someone decided to circulate it to some old men in the French parliament"
"What! Dani! I didn't know?" he responded.
"Oh really? Cause it had your girlfriend's name written all over it"
"Dani, you really think I had something to do with this?" he asked, stepping closer to me. I looked away not knowing who to trust or believe.
"Dani!!" Aoki yelled, her screams interrupting our conversation, "They have Nutella syrup!" she shrieked, waving for me to come back.
"Tell Aoki I'll see her at the hotel," I muttered, quickly running away before he could object.
I found myself running far. I didn't recognize the unfamiliar streets of the city but I didn't care, I just needed somewhere to be alon. I turned a corner and found myself in a small and quiet park, it was adjacent to a tall, iron tower that gleamed with flashing lights.
It was the Eiffel Tower.
I couldn't contain my excitement as I saw the modern marvel of the world. It was beautiful yet massive. Looking up at it made you realize the length it took to build it so high, and I hadn't even realized it was so close to the hotel, about a 30-minute drive.
I wanted to go up but I thought of Aoki and the promise I made to her. I would have to lie if she asked me where I had been! She was supposed to take my Eiffel Tower virginity.
I chuckled to myself as I thought of the ludicrous thought and continued on, bracing myself to be amazed at the top. A tall man, probably the gatekeeper, stood at the entrance, ushering people in and out.
"The tower is closed for early renovations," he said.
"Please..." I begged, trying to look behind him, "I just need a place to escape everything. I heard the Effiel tower solves all your problems?" I confessed to the stranger. I don't know why, but I felt like all my troubles would disappear if I climbed to the top.
"Sorry lady, it's beyond my control" he shrugged, ushering more people out. I began to tear up and turned around to start the long walk back to the hotel.
Just before I passed a light pole, he called me back. "Come on madam. But don't tell anyone I let you up. And stop crying" he smiled warmly.
"Thank you sir!" I nodded and quickly went through the gates before he locked it. The iron elevator took me all the way up to the top, revealing the lower floor of the tower. A few steps to the left of the floor led to the highest most point and bravely I stepped up. My hands shook with fear as I stood tall and faced the sprawling views. It was magnificent!
My body shook with fear as I tried to warm myself against the violent winds of the air. It was a cold and chilly and I had no jacket. I looked to my left as the last couple of bodies loitered around the circular path. After a few moments, only a man with a tux was left.
I pulled out my pictures and flipped through them smiling at all the pics I took with Aoki. It was a wonderful scavenger hunt; we probably wouldn't win but at least we built memories.
The day was so perfect until I was reminded of the video. I wished I could just...turn back time and erase that memory forever. As I thought of the past few days, I began to cry, discouraged at my tumultuous time in Paris.
All the delegates hated me, the president probably thought I was some cheap whore and Aoki was my only friend.
I continued to cry wiping my tears away in silence as I thought of my life. If it wasn't for that stupid video this trip would have been perfect. Just as I pushed them away, the same man in who was in the black tux came to the other side and grabbed the cold iron gates. "Est-ce que ça va??" the man asked.
"Oh...I don't speak french" I sighed, trying to hide the shakiness in my voice. I couldn't meet the stranger's face.
"I asked, are you okay" his soft yet authoritative voice sounded. I thought it sounded familiar but thought nothing of it.
"Yes. I'm fine I'm just...I don't know" I admitted. I turned around to face him and my heart stopped as I saw his face.
It was him...
I knew I needed to come to the tower to escape my crazy reality and fast-paced life of the palace.
"Take a detour to the Eiffel Tower"
"Yes Mr. Macron" my driver answered. Louis sighed and held up his schedule to his eyes. "Sir, we need at least two hours in advance for clearance and closing up. You simply cannot visit the Effiel when you see it fit"
"Come on Louis, just loosen up a little" I teased him, "It's the dead of night. No one is there."
"Fine" he grumbled rescheduling a conflicting meeting to free up my time. We finally pulled up and I eagerly stepped out the car.
"I won't be long men." I directed them. My security knew to wait for me in the car while some stood guard at the entrance. I clicked the cold iron button to send the elevator up.
The shaky doors opened wide and I stepped out, cautious to watch my steps. The cold air blew violently into my face as I thought of my long and strenuous day. Being the president had it perks, but it was a tiring job. No one had prepared me for this life. I was a simple student from a humble village. The jump in my social class was uncommon and I was still finding it hard to adjust. On top of that, I had no one to talk to not even Bridgette.
I retreated to the steps in the corner, making sure to reach the highest point possible. The iron gates that locked the stairs flew open and I stepped out, admiring the display from above. It was beautiful.
The land I loved.
And only a quiet calm filled my eardrums.
Silence. It was even the richest man's greatest luxury.
I smiled, letting the wind blow through my brown hair but my attention was soon captured by a girl that was resting against the iron fence of the tower. She looked as if she was crying, wiping away her tears and looking down at something in her hand.
I wondered if it was best to ignore her but my conscience wouldn't allow it. I couldn't let her grieve all by herself, especially in this cold climate.
Cautiously, I stepped forward, standing at a distance as not to startle her. "Est-ce que ça va?" I step to face her.
"Oh...I don't speak french" she lamented, trying to hide the shakiness in her voice. She refused to meet my eyes.
"I asked, are you okay madam" I repeated again.
"Yes, I'm just—" she turned around and my heart stopped as I saw a beauty transcended before my eyes.
It was her....
My muse.
My goddess incarnate.
Author Note
WOW! Another encounter with President Macron!
The next chapter is ...something else! STEAMY and that's on french revolution, so let's get these reads up! Can't wait!
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