What do you want?
You managed to get a date?
With a REAL girl?
Are you sure she's real?
Something casual but not too casual
Button down? Black jeans? That's the most fancy thing I have 🥲
I guess it'll do
He grabbed the shirt and put it on. It was odd. He mainly wore t-shirts.
He looked at himself in the mirror. He cringed. Despite how confident he acted he was nervous. He only gets one chance and he was going to make it count.
"Why did I say today without having a plan?!" He hit his head with the palm of his hand.
"I know I'm hot but Jesus What if she doesn't like it."
'20 minutes early...'
I was early, I ordered myself a frappe. Despite the chily weather I could never order another drink.
"Helloooo~" I felt his arms wrap around me from behind which made me swing a fist at him but he caught it. "Wow, you're so strong."
"You scared the crap outa me!" I yelled at him, my expression still in shock.
He was about to say something before his eyes looked my figure up and down. "You're so gorgeous."
"You can't get away from this by flirting."
"Yes I can~" He kissed me on the cheek and took my hand. He lead us to a window seat while a small unnoticeable blush spread across my cheeks.
"I hate you." I bit the inside of my cheek as my nervousness overtook all my senses. My palms were sweaty and I kept averting my eyes.
"Helloooo? I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?" He cringed. He didn't wanna do that.
"No! I'm fine. Its just I've been alone for so long it's weird to hang out with someone." I give him a closed eye smile.
"Don't you remember? This is a date. Also your pretty."
I was silent for two solid minutes. "I don't date."
"I know you do not which is why I tricked you." He smirked like he was proud of himself, I didn't get it.
"I don't really care. Oh my frappe." I stood up to get my drink, once I got it I sat back down.
"Oh yeah, you were early." He rubbed the back of his neck kind of embarrassed he wasn't the first one here. But to be fair he did get lost on the way.
"I'm always early, i don't really mind it means I get my order when they arrive. I find it hard to know what to pick off the menue so I find it easier."
"This is awful."
I raised an eyebrow. "What's awful?"
"This is awful. I'm awful at dates." He groaned and pressed his face to the table.
"I don't think it's awful, just talk about things you like. That's how you get to know people right?" I smiled at him and took one of his hands into mine.
"Your hands are so soft..." He squeezed my hand. His hands were calloused and I'm assuming that's because of his career.
"Well I like your hands they're very warm." I smiled at him again, I didn't notice his flustered expression because I was looking at his hand.
"And they could be warm inside y─" I glared at him which made him stop talking.
I just sighed and handed him the menue on our table. "You haven't ordered yet."
"Oh yeah, well what do you recommend?"
"I'm a simple person so frappe or a mocha. I like both." I pointed to the options on the menue as I spoke.
"So they do hot chocolate?"
"You're like a child."
He frowned. "You won't be calling me a child when your screaming my name."
I pressed my lips together in a thin line with a look that says 'really?'
"It's my instincts!"
I raised an eyebrow. "To say dirty jokes?"
"Yes." His voice was so serious that I almost believed he wasn't able to stop them.
"Do you want me to make them back then?"
"You have the humour of a 12 year old boy."
He frowned and pinched my hand. I pulled my hand back and squeaked at the little pain. "That's mean." He pouted. That makes him even more childish but okay...
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry but don't do that. It hurt." I rubbed my hand with the tiny red mark. It didn't really hurt anymore but I was being petty.
"I'm sorry, but I can show you what else my hands can do~"
"Mhm? Oh, really? Would you like to give it a try?" He paused at my words. He didn't seem to be able to understand.
"Are you being serious??"
"About as serious as a person telling you not to drop them off a balcony."
"Why are your similes so weird?!"
"So you reject my offer?"
"No! I'm just surprised... you're warming up to me!" He moved to my side of the table and hugs me.
"You're so affectionate aren't you?" I raised an eyebrow and patted his back.
"Yes. You smell good."
"Thanks? You also smell... okay."
He sat up but kept one arm around my waist. "You're alot more smiley now."
I paused with a surprised look but after around 2 seconds a blush coated my cheeks. His face lit up like a kid in a candy store. "I knew it! I knew I could make you blush!"
I realised and covered my face with my hands. "That's so embarrassing..."
"Noooo, you look adorable~" He poked my cheek with a smirk.
"Fuck off before I break your finger." I took my hands off my face and glared. At my scary glare he took his finger away quickly.
"Sorry doll, you're just so gorgeous."
"Oh shut up."
Note: A date chapter as promise for 50 followers hehe. It's 1007 words long and shows their dynamic pretty well. I would like some help with other date ideas since I don't go on dates. Please suggest some!!!
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