halloween special
"Do I have to?"
I let my (insane) lover drag me into the clothes shop, dragging my feet slightly.
"I don't do Halloween." I repeated since I had told him this around 8 times now.
"Now you do!" He smiled at me, not listening to my words.
I paused for a moment before I frowned once more. "No... I've only been trick or treating once and I hate how people look at you like you're a puppy." I cringed at such a thought.
"But you'd be so cute." He pulled at my face, making my frown weird.
"That's why I dislike it, halloween is supposed to be scary instead of this childish version we've evolved it into."
"You can dress up scary!" His stubbornness didn't falter, his smile widening.
"I prefer to make myself look flattering, I don't even think you'd like me if I made myself look scary." I sighed, placing a hand on my forehead.
"I LOVE YOU!! IM NOT SHALLOW!" He yelled, making me cover my ears slightly.
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine, but what would I even dress up as?" I crossed my arms over my chest.
"You could be a vampire like me? Or you could be other traditional things like a mummy or a witch or a pumpkin... you'd be a cute pumpkin." He gave me a toothy grin, making my resolve crack.
"No. I'm not dressing up as a fruit."
He furrowed his eyebrows. "Pumpkins are vegetables right?"
"Oh. Well maybe match me by being a vampire! You'd be so prettyyy."
"I find that I'd prefer to be a witch... witches are beings that have power beyond belief which is why humans in many places drowned people they perceived to be witches." I explained, basically making a decision.
"You'll be so pretty!" He pinched my cheeks, making a vein bulge in my forehead.
I smacked his hands off. "Okay okay you'll see on Halloween."
"Isn't this stuff technically edible?" Ryusei asked, ripping the pumpkin to pieces.
"You mean the pumpkin guts? Yeah, they're edible." I nodded, hollowing out my own pumpkin.
He used a knife and cut out some of the core since it was difficult. "They're so disgusting though, how do they even make sure to get all the seeds out."
"I'm not a cook Ryusei... nor am I all knowing." I pushed my own pumpkin to him since I was too weak to cut the core myself. "Can you do this...?"
"You act all knowing and of course my sweet." He spoke in a high voice, I couldn't tell why though, maybe he was mocking me? I have no clue.
He cut it and threw it away to the bowl beside us, or more specifically, me.
My lips formed a thin line. I was covered in pumpkin guts and he turned to see that.
"You still look pretty..." he tried to soften me up, although knowing flattery did not work on me.
I grabbed the bowl from beside me; grabbing some of the guts myself. I threw them at him, hitting him right in the face.
He spat it into the bin.
"How would you ever get sick?"
"It's a fruit; it's not like you're eating raw beef. You don't eat cooked apples." I sighed, wiping the pumpkin off of my face.
"I do in pie." He seemed to have forgotten about the guts (lucky for me I guess) and focused on the fact I had said something he could correct.
"I don't like apple pie..."
His look of shock confused me. I found the consistency of apple in pie disgusting so I feel its reasonable. "It's mouth feel disgusts me."
"Who are you calling a weirdo with that hair?"
"How do I look?" I pulled the witches hat steady on my head. It was traditional black with hints of purple on the dress.
"Oh wow..." he was in awe, although he was also looking good in his costume. Average vampire outfit with the red accents and white button up shirt, he even had fake fangs on. I had also noticed he kept his hair down without any hair gel which I did find quite attractive on him although having seen it many times.
I sat down next to him on the couch. "You look good Ryusei."
His arms snaked around my waist and pulled me close to him, chest against chest and all. "You don't look bad yourself girly..."
"Mhm? Isn't that a pathetic compliment?" I raised an eyebrow, moving closer to him so that he could probably feel my breathe on his face.
"You're gorgeous..." he whispered, not moving away at all in hopes something would happen.
"That's better..." I smiled, pecking him on the lips. I then pulled back from him; grabbing a bucket to gather treats in.
"You should kiss me more often... you're practically starving me of affection and giving me just enough every once in a while so that I don't die." He complained, leaning his head back on the couch.
"You get kisses when I feel you deserve 'em." I dusted off my dress and grabbed his hand to pull him up. "But... I am feeling generous so you might get more today."
He stood up, following my lead. "Oh? Lucky me."
"C'mon let's get going."
"Yes of course my darling future wife."
"Trick or treat!"
That very phrase was said over and over and It was starting to become infuriating. "Jesus that gets annoying." I gritted my teeth, my patience wearing thin.
"Well you'll be saying it." He grinned, dragging me to the first house on this immature journey.
He knocked on the door with his free hand, his other intertwined with mine.
"Trick or treat!"
"Trick or treat"
I looked down at my shoes, I was practically swallowing my pride and begging a stranger for candy. It was so embarrassing.
The elderly woman gave us what we had asked for though, my sad empty bucket having some weight now.
The woman shut the door and Ryusei turned towards me with a toothy grin. "See? That wasn't so bad."
"I guess it wasn't so bad..." I whispered, lifting my head up with a small smile of my own. I couldn't keep to myself that childlike wonder I had obtained from that small interaction.
"Next house!"
He lead me to the neighbour of the old woman before and we repeated the phrase which ended up with the same result.
After a few blocks my bucket was half full and I was smiling like a kid. I have no idea why I loved it but I did...
"See you do like Halloween! Maybe the reason you were miserable last time you did it is because you weren't with me." He smirked, chuckling proudly.
"Ryusei..." I looked up at him, my voice was soft in neither an angry or bored tone. "I love you."
He pulled me closer to him, bending his head down to meet mine. "I love you too, now may I get a kiss or are you going deprive me?"
"Deprive you."
I kissed the side of his lips, not giving him enough time to respond since we were in public although no one was looking. "Joking."
"AHH THATS NOT FAIR!" He yelled, not really angry like he tried to make it look like.
"Yes it is and let's go!" I pulled him along the streets, a smile adorning mine and his face.
Maybe I did like Halloween? Or maybe I just like him.
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