1.| 𝙋𝙞𝙡𝙤𝙩
The Ark
Alec was in his room, as he was looking down at his fathers watch, as he held it in his hands two guards walked into his room alongside his guardian, Callie Cartwig and his mother Abigail. "Alec we need you to come with us." Abby told her son, as Alec stood up from the floor.
"Why what's happening?" Alec questioned as he stepped closer towards his mother and Callie.
"You will be joining your sister..you're both going to Earth." Abigail told him.
Alec followed behind his mother and Callie, "I have to speak to Raven." Alec stopped walking as he turned to his mother.
"Alexander there's no time," Abby told him.
"Mom please.." Alec pleaded, as Abby shook her head at him with an sad expression.
Alec looked down, and took out another necklace and looked up at his mom. "Can you give this to Raven?" he showed the matching ravened necklace in his hands as he kept his gaze at her. "tell her I love her..." He gave his mother a small tipped smile.
Abigail looked into her sons palm, and looked at the necklace and nodded her head then taking it from her sons palm. "I will," She smiled at her son, before she looked behind him, and one of the guards shoots him with an tranquilizer, making Alec fall into his mothers arms and falling asleep.
The Dropship
Alec awakens to see that he has a wristband on his wrist and looked to see that he is next to his sister and his childhood friend Wells, sitting next to them. "Alec," Clarke looks over at her brother, and gave him a small smile.
"Welcome back," Wells told the siblings.
Both of the siblings look at their childhood best friend, "Look guys."
"Wells, why the hell are you here?" Clarke questioned him.
"When I found out they were sending prisoners to the ground, I got myself arrested." Wells said as he kept his gaze at Clarke and Alec. "I came for you both," the ship started shaking.
"What was that?" Alec questioned.
"That was the atomsphere." Wells replied.
Suddenly chancellor Jaha was on the screen in front of the ship. "Prisoners of the ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable."
"Your dad is a dick, wells." a male spoken up.
"Those crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean."
The Ark
All woman and men were gathered together, "I saw a ship launch. Not more than 20 minutes ago." one of the men said.
"Who was on it?" a man questioned.
"Was it the prisoners? They're just kids." a woman now spoke up.
"Are they going to earth? Has something changed?" another woman questioned.
"Folks, as I said, at this time, we cannot confirm or deny anything." Callie Cartwig stated, before she walks away.
"Come on, lady!" a man shouted.
"My son is on that ship."
The Dropship
"The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, mount weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non perishables to sustain 300 people for up to two years."
"Spacewalk bandit strikes again."
"Go, Finn!"
"Check it out." Finn crosses his arms as he looked at the three in front of him, "Your dad floated me, after all." Finn said to Wells.
"Finn you better strap in before the parachutes deploy," Alec warned the boy.
"Hey, you two, stay put if you want to live." Clarke warned as she looked across the dropship to see two boys unstrapping their belt.
"Mount Weather is life. You must locate those supplies immediately."
"Hey, you're the traitor who's been in solitary for a year." Finn said as he looked at Clarke and then at Alec. "And you're the idiot who wasted a month of oxygen on a illegal spacewalk." he continued. Alec glared at the boy in front of him, and Clarke looked to her brother.
"Your one responsibility is stay alive."
Suddenly, the ship started shaking and Finn and the other boys who got out of their seats, got thrown to the wall.
The Ark
Callie walked up to Marcus Kane who was a councilor of the Ark. "Not now." Marcus told the woman, as he walked away from her.
"Total system failure, that's what we're looking at. All we know for sure is that they were off course when we lost contact, so--" Sinclair tried to explain.
"Tell me about communications." Kane questioned.
"Other than the telemetry from their wristbands, we got nothing--no audio, no video, no computer link. Everything that we programmed in to help them is gone. They're on their own." Sinclair explained further.
The Dropship
"Retrockets ought to have fired by now." Alec said, as the dropship continued to shake.
"OK. Everything on this ship is 100 years old, right?" Clarke looked to her brother. "Just give it a second."
"Guys, there's something I have to tell you." Wells told them both, making the twins look at him. "I'm sorry I got your father arrested."
"Don't you talk about our father." Alec raised his voice, slightly.
"Please, I can't die knowing that you both hate me." Wells pleaded.
"They didn't arrest our father, Wells. They executed him. We do hate you." Clarke looked at Wells as tears brimmed in her eyes.
The lights on the dropship started flickering on and off, as it crashed down onto what felt like the ground.
''Listen, no machine hum.'' Monty said from across the drop ship as he was strapped to the wall still.
''Woah, that's a first.' Jasper said, glancing around the ship. All the buckles clicked off of everyone and they got out of their seats.
Alec checked over his sister, "You okay?" He questioned.
"I'm fine," Clarke said, as she gave him a small smile, before the twins went over to Finn who was checking over one of the boys who went into the wall. "Finn, is he breathing?" Clarke asked.
"The outer door is on the lower level. Let's go."
"No." Clarke stood up, as Alec followed behind her. "We can't just open the doors."
''Hey, just back it up, guys." a male said, who was wearing an guards uniform.
Both Alec and Clarke climbed down the ladder, "Stop." Alec walked over to him. "The air could be toxic." he told him.
"If the air is toxic, we're all dead, anyway." the male said, as he turned around.
"Bellamy?" Alec turned around to see a brunette climbing down the ladder.
The brunette walked over to the male. ''My god, look how big you are.'' Bellamy smiled as she stood in front of him, both of them embraced.
"What the hell are you wearing, a guard's uniform?" the brunette questioned.
''I borrowed it to get on the drop ship.'' Bellamy told her. "Someone has got to keep an eye on you." He smiled at her. The brunette embraced him, again
"Where's your wristband?" Clarke questioned, as she looked over at the scene in front of her.
"Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year." the brunette turned her head, towards Alec and Clarke.
''No one has a brother.'' making Clarke and Alec share a look.
''That's Octavia Blake, the girl they found hidden in the floor.''
Octavia lunged towards, whoever made the comment but didn't get far when her brother stopped her.
''Octavia, Octavia, no.'' Bellamy started, as he held her back. ''Let's give them something else to remember you by.''
''Yeah? Like what?'' Octavia questioned, as she turned to her brother.
Alec stepped forward, "How does being the first person on the ground in 100 years sound?" He said with a smile.
Octavia turned to look at him, as she stared at him and a wide smile appeared on her lips. Bellamy nodded towards him.
"Yeah just what he said," Bellamy agreed.
"Name's Alec.....Alec Griffin..." Alec smiled, some people behind him were shocked to find out not only was Bellamy and Octavia siblings but also Alec and Clarke were.
Bellamy nodded then turning around and walking over to the lever and pulled it towards him.
The door opened, making the fresh air hit everyone's faces. He stepped closer as he smiled as he looked around. Octavia slowly walked down and dropped down onto the ground. She inhaled and then exhaled. "We're back, bitches!"
Everyone cheered as they walked out of the drop ship. Alec smiled at his sister then looking over at Octavia who was still in the same spot, before Clarke grabbed her brothers arm as they walked away from the drop ship. Alec followed his sister into the woods, who had a map in her hands. She looked up from the map confused, Alec walked over to her. "What's wrong?" He questioned her.
Before his sister could answer, Finn joined their side. "Why so serious, guys?" Finn placed his arm around Alec who looked at him, with his brows raised. "It's not like we died in a fiery explosion."
"Try telling that to the two guys who tried to follow you out of their seats." Alec spoke up, as he moved away from Finn.
"Do you guys see that peak over there?" Clarke questioned, as she looked at her brother and at Finn. The two of them looked over to where Clarke nodded her head towards.
"Yeah," Alec and Finn say in unison.
"Mount Weather. There's a radiation-soaked forest between us and our next meal. They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain." Clarke says, before looking over at the peak again, making the two boys share a look.
The Ark
"There it is. We know they've landed, but communications are down, which means we're still blind thanks to Abby's wristbands, at least we know how those conditions affect the human body, which is more than we've had for 100 years. So nice work. Now, what are they telling us?" Councilor Kane questioned.
"Two dead kids, dark tiles. Dr. Jackson, please share our theory with Councilor Kane." Abby said, as he looked over to Dr. Jackson.
"Of course. Granted, they've only been on the ground for 7 minutes, but as of now, we believe the fatalities are due to the landing, not the radiation levels." Dr. Jackson explained.
"Both boys died at the same time that we lost contact with the drop ship." Abby explained more.
"Rough landing? That's your theory?" Councilor Kane questioned.
"The dots connect." Abby said.
"Would you agree if that it was radiation, we'd see fatalities climb fairly quickly now? Because I'm noticing a lot of red on that board." Councilor Kane says, as he pointed towards the screen.
"Spiking vital signs, two possibilities--one, injuries sustained during landing." Abby explained.
"And the other?" Councilor Kane questioned.
"They'd be excited to be there." Abby says, as she looked at her son and daughter's heart rate on the screen.
Wells and Clarke were by the drop ship looking down at the map. Alec walked out of the dropship and walked over to his sister and wells, "Sis we got a problem." Clarke look up at her brother. "The communications system is dead. I went to the roof. A dozen panels are missing. Heat fried the wires." Alec said, as he crossed his arms.
"Well, all that matters right now is getting to Mount Weather." Clarke says, as she kept her gaze on her brother. "See? Look." Clarke pointed towards the circled location, Alec got closer to have a look. He watched her draw a line across the map. "This is where we need to get to if we want to survive."
"Where'd you learn to do that?" Wells questioned her. Alec glanced down. "Your father."
Jasper walked up to the three, "Ah, cool, a map. They got a bar in this town? I'll buy you a beer." Wells grabbed him by his arms and moved him away from Clarke and Alec.
"Hey, hey, hey, hands of him." Murphy walked up to them. "He's with us." He told Wells.
"Relax," Wells said, as he looked back at the twins then back at Murphy. "We're just figure out where we are."
"We're on the ground. That's not good enough for you?" Bellamy says, as Wells looked behind him.
Alec walked up to Wells, "We need to find Mount Weather." He informed Bellamy.
"You heard my father's message. That has to be our first priority." Wells spoke up beside Alec, Clarke walked beside her brother.
"Screw your father. What you think you're in charge here, you and your little princess?" Octavia said, as she looked towards Wells and Clarke.
"Do you think they care who's in charge?" Alec spoke up, in defense of his sister. "We need to get to Mount Weather not because the chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we'll get and the harder this'll be. How long do you think we'll last without those supplies? We're looking at a 20-mile trek. OK?" Alec told them.
"We need to get there before dark, we need to leave now." Clarke informed them.
"I got an better idea." Bellamy spoken up, "You two go, find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change."
"Yeah!" people around Bellamy agreed with him.
"You're not listening. We all need to go." Wells told them, and while Octavia was looking over at Alec with a sparkle in her eyes.
Murphy walked up to Alec and pushed past him to get to Wells. "Look at this, everybody--the chancellor of the Earth.
"Think that's funny?" Wells said.
Murphy pushes Wells to the ground having him injury his leg, making Alec stand off with Murphy while Clarke tried to get to Wells. Alec pushed Murphy back, "He's got one leg. How about you wait until it's a fair fight?"
Octavia walked over to Alec, "Hey," She smiled at him, making him look at her. "Rescue me next." Alec smiled at her, as Murphy walked away with his crew.
Alec turned and followed his sister, as Octavia checked him out, while Bellamy joined her side. "What? He's cute."
"He's a criminal." Bellamy told her.
"They're all criminals." Octavia argued.
Bellamy grabbed her arm and pulled her away, "Look, O. I came down here to protect you." He told her.
"I don't need protecting." Octavia yanks her arm, out of his grip. "I have been locked up one way or another all my life. I am done following orders. I need to have fun, Bell. I need to just do something crazy just because I can and no one, including you, is gonna stop me." she told him.
"I can't stay with them, O." Bellamy tells her.
"Now what are you talking about?" Octavia questioned.
Bellamy pulled her away again, as he faced her again. "I did something, OK, to get on the drop ship, something that they will kill me for when they come down. I can't say what it is just yet. But you have to trust me. You do still trust me, don't you?" Bellamy asked her.
Octavia nodded, "Yeah."
Alec and Clarke were checking up on Wells. "Alec thank you," Wells said, as Alec nodded at him.
"So Mount Weather. When do we leave?" Finn walked over to them.
"Right now." Clarke stood up, as Alec placed his hands into his pockets. "We'll be back tomorrow with food." Clarke turned around and told Wells.
"How are you three of you gonna carry enough food for 100?" Wells questioned.
Finn turned to Jasper and Monty bringing them both to the siblings and Wells. "5 of us. Can we go now?"
Octavia walked over to Alec, as she clapped her hands "Sounds like a party. Make it 6." she said as she looked up at Alec with a smile.
"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" Bellamy walked over to his sister.
"Going for a walk." Octavia told him.
Clarke walked over to Finn, grabbing his wrist. "Hey, were you trying to take this off?"
"Yeah. So?" Finn said, as he looked at the blonde in front of him.
"So this wristband transmits your vital signs to the ark. Take it off, and they'll think you're dead." Alec told him.
"Should I care?" Finn questioned, looking between Clarke and Alec.
"Well, I don't know. Do you want the people you love to think you're dead? Do you wan them to follow you down here in two months? Because they won't if they think we're dying." Clarke informed him. "OK. Now let's go."
Alec started to walk away with his sister, while Octavia looked to her brother, "Go on," Bellamy nodded his head towards the 5. She quickly kissed her brother on his cheek, before quickly following behind Alec and sending him a wink.
Alec smiled at her before he could follow behind, Bellamy had grabbed onto his arm. "Alec," he turned to him. "Protect her okay?" Alec nodded his head, before Bellamy pats him on the shoulder before Alec followed behind the boys, as Octavia and Clarke were walking together.
"Is your brother single? Even if he isn't he's mine," Octavia said, as Clarke looked at her.
The Ark
Callie walked over to Abby, "Hey, Darling, how's Alec and Clarke?" She asked.
Abby points towards the screen, "their vitals signs are strong, blood sugar is low. They haven't eaten." the phone rings beside her, she picks it up. "This is Dr. Griffin. On My Way." She put down the phone, before rushing out. "Jackson, put it out there we need blood--'A' Neg. And a lot of it--And then get your ass to the O.R." She instructed him.
"Abby, what's wrong?" Callie questioned.
"The chancellor has been shot." Abby told her, before rushing away.
Alec was walking beside his sister, as Octavia watched him. Alec stopped in his tracks before grabbing a flower, and turning around to see Octavia behind him with a smile, which he returned, he moved strands of her hair behind her ear, and placed the flower behind her ear. Before he walked away, as Finn, Monty and Jasper watched.
"Hey, guys, would you try and keep up?" Clarke says, as she turned to face everyone.
"Come on, Clarke. How do you block all this out?" Finn questioned her.
"Well, it's simple." Finn stepped closer to her, as Alec crossed his arms. "I wonder, 'why haven't we seen any animals? Maybe it's because there are none. Maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us. Sure is pretty, thought. Come on." Clarke turned around, as she continued walking, followed by everyone.
Alec and Clarke came to a stop when they seen a deer, in the middle of the forest. Alec turned his head to see everyone else approaching them, he motioned for them to come over to them, which Octavia quickly and quietly goes over to them. Alec placed his finger to his mouth as Finn, Monty and Jasper joined the three.
Clarke smiled as she pointed towards the deer. "No animals, huh?" Finn smiled as he watched the deer.
Alec quietly moved closer, before he steps on a twig, making the deer turn their head towards the noise, it had 2 faces. Which startled the group, Octavia had grabbed onto his jacket. "Uh.." Alec and the other watched as the deer ran away.
The Ark
O.R. Room
"Chancellor has lost a lot of blood. If only they found him sooner, damn it." Abby says.
"He's waking up." Jackson informed her.
"Increase the anestesia." Abby said.
"We used way to much blood and anesthesia." Jackson told her.
"We're way over the line," Abby says. "Your chancellor is going into shock." Abby informed them.
"You're asking me to break the law." Jackson said
"Fine. I'll do it myself. Let them come after me." Abby says, as she went to get the anestesia.
Commander Shumway approaches Councilor Kane. "Excuse me, sir. You asked to be notified if there was news, the chancellor is still in surgery, but we have I.D.ED the shooter." He pulled out the pad, showing Bellamy Blake face on it. "Bellamy Blake is the only person on the ark unaccounted for."
"Who is he?" Councilor Kane questioned.
"He's no one, a janitor. We're still working up a profile, but his motive for going to earth is clear.
"Sister. I remember." Councillor Kane says as Shumway swiped across the screen, showing Octavia Blake. "Her mother kept her hidden for almost 16 years, nearly a record. What is it, Commander Shumway. Spit it out."
"We could start now, as Chancellor Pro Tempore, you can give the order to start reducing the population." Shumway says.
Councillor Kane glanced down, "Not yet."
"Sir, we're wasting time." Shumway told him. "Removing the 100 from the population only buys us another month. Engineering needs more than that to fix those systems, if they can fix them at all." He continued.
"You have my answer, Commander. Enough. If we're gonna kill hundreds of innocent people. We're gonna do it by the book. Is that clear? In the meantime, I want to know who helped this janitor get on that drop ship because sure as hell didn't do it by himself. Seems like we have a traitor in our midst, Commander, and the 100 have an assassin in theirs." Councillor Kane informed him before walking away.
Octavia was walking in front, "Hey, you know what I'd like to know? Why send us down today after 97 years? What changed?" Finn questioned.
"Who cares? I'm just glad they did. I woke up rotting in a cell, and now i'm spinning in a forest." Octavia says, as she grabs onto the tree and spins around it, then bumping into Alec.
They both shared a smile, as he walked past her. "Maybe they found something on a satellite, you know, like an old weather satellite or--"
"It wasn't a satellite, the arke is dying." Clarke correctly informed, making them all turn around.
"At the current population level, there's roughly 3 months left of live support, maybe 4 now that we're gone." Alec added.
Finn approached the siblings, "So that was the secret they locked you up to keep, why they kept you in solitary, floated your old man?" Alec walked ahead, as he got by water he pretended that he wanted to tie his shoes.
Octavia looks back, and slowly approached him. "You okay?" She gave him a small smile.
Alec nodded his head, and looked away from her. Octavia knew he was lying, and she embraced him, which had him surprised by the contact, they both pulled away and Octavia gave him a smile. "I'm gonna go for a swim.."
Alec watched her walk away, as Jasper joined his side, "Oh, damn. I love earth." Jasper smiled as he watched Octavia pull down her pants.
Clarke joined her brothers side, "Octavia, what the hell are you doing?"
Octavia turns her head, before jumping into the water. "Octavia..." Alec says, as he looked over at her with a smile. "We can't swim.." He added.
"I know, but we can stand." Octavia smiled, as she stood up in the water.
"Wait. There's not supposed to be a river here." Clarke stated beside her brother.
"Well, there is." Alex looked at his sister, with a smile. "Let's get into the water."
With that they all started to undress, until Alec seen something in the water, approaching Octavia. "Octavia., get out of the water." He told her, with fear in his eyes. Octavia looks behind her, "Get out of the water now!" the sea serpent pulls her under the water, "Octavia!" Alec approached the end of the rocks, until Octavia up to the water and screamed. He jumps into the water.
"Alec!" Clarke cried out.
Alec swam over to Octavia, while the other four were distracting the serpent as they pushed a rock into the water, Octavia grabbed onto Alec's arm and Alec pulled her onto the rocks. "You okay?" Alec cupped her face, as he checked her over to see that her leg is wounded. Octavia just stares at him, as Clarke rips some of his shirt and wraps it around her wound.
Later that night, everyone was asleep. Alec wakes up and slowly got up placing his jacket around Octavia, before he got up and went for a quiet place to sit down and watch the sky. "Hey.." he turned to see Octavia there, as she held his jacket.
"Hey..sorry i didn't mean to wake you..." Alec looks up at her, before looking back up at the sky.
Octavia carefully sat beside Alec, as she watched along with Alec. "I just wanna say thank you...for what you did...." Alec turns his head to her, and smiled.
"You don't have to thank me..." He told her.
Octavia glanced down at his lips, but instead placed her head on his shoulder. "We should get back to sleep.." Alec stood up, and helped her up. They were close enough to feel each others, breathes, as they both looked into each others eyes. Alec cleared his throat as he motioned for them to go back.
The next morning the group was now trying to get across to the other side, "You wanted to go first. Now quit stalling." Clarke says as she looks up at Finn and Jasper. "Mount Weather awaits."
"Just hang on till the apogee, and you'll be fine." Jasper told him.
"The apogee like the indians, right?" Finn turned to Jasper as he questioned.
"Apogee, not apache." Jasper corrected him.
"He knows. Today, Finn." Clarke says.
"Aye, aye, captain. See you on the other side." Finn saluted her.
"Wait." Jasper says, as Finn stops. "What?"
"Let me." Jasper says, as he looks at Octavia. "I can do it."
Finn nodded as he passed him the rope. "Knew there was a badass in there somewhere."
"Jasper it's okay to be afraid." Alec spoke up, as he looks up. "The trick is not fighting it."
"See you on the other side." Jasper swings across to the other side. "WE ARE APOGEE!"
Everyone cheered, "You did it Jasp!" Alec shouted.
"Come on, guys! You got this!" Jasper shouted.
Meanwhile Alec and Octavia were stealing glances from time to time, until Jasper's shouting brought them back. "Mount Weather! Whoo! Whoo!" until a spear thrown across and got Jasper in the chest.
"Jasper!" Clarke called out.
"Come on. Come on." Alec took a hold of Octavia's hand, as they went in for cover, as they looked around for whoever had thrown it. "We're not alone..."
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