He tasked Neuro with showing me around the monastery. However, we barely made any headway as we stood at the entrance. I noticed how she never showed her evil side (well voiced her evil side in thoughts inside my head) since we stepped foot inside. Jay had wandered off to god knows where while Neuro and I stood at the gates awkwardly.
“Jay must like you. He's never brought a fan home before. Well, I don’t even know if he’s brought girls home before.” said Neuro.
My face lost all sort of emotion to create a stoic look. At the mention of home. I've never had a home before. She never let me have a home. Or a normal life. Wait. A fan home before? A girl home? I don’t know why I was so embarrassed by that fact.
“I-I-I-I'm not a fan.” I defended myself. Darn my nervous stutter.
Neuro turned to me and raised an eyebrow. “Really? Then who are you?”
How was I supposed to tell him I was the one that injured his friend? There was no telling what his reaction would be. But I had no choice with what I would end up saying. I didn't want to, but the words just flowed out of my mouth like word vomit. I tried to hold them back, but I failed.
“I'm the one that injured him.” I said. But the blue ninja did not back down, even after knowing that fact.
“Oh! So, you're the girl that attacked Jay?” Neuro mused. “Well, that's going to be an awkward situation.”
“What will be?” I asked. Curiosity will do my cat in with much zero time to spare.
“I think it's best if you don't know.: Neuro told me. That confused me to no end. I was about to ask more questions, but the man beat me to it. “Anyway, what part of the monastery do you want to see first?”
Ah! He's trying to divert my attention from the topic that enticed me. Like distracting a moth going to a light with another light. I did not know where I wanted to go in the monastery. I had never been in one before, nor did I ever think I would be in the ninja's monastery. I didn't even know what could be a part of a monastery. My only knowledge came from watching Kung Fu Panda when I was younger, and I only saw the first one.
“I don't know where I want to go. I… I…” How was I supposed to speak to the Master of Mind when I knew I should not be here? I had injured one of his friends. Yet, that same friend wanted to be friends with me. Jay Walker wanted to get rid of my darkness by being my friend. He should not be my friend.
“We can just go on a full tour of the monastery if you’re unsure of where you want to go.” Neuro suggested.
A tour? So I could run into another elemental master? One that had a potential grudge against me for hurting their friend? You know the rest of the ninja team? I knew that the elemental masters all lived under this roof and were students or senseis to martial artist students. I did not want to run into the ninja team that would have a word or two to say with me for that.
“I don’t want to cause any more harm than I already did.” I really did not want to cause any more harm. I could only cause harm. That is all I have done in my entire life: cause harm to those around me.
“You won’t cause anyone harm here, [Y/N]. It’s why Jay brought you here. He told me about the voice in your head and, also, your powers you have no control over.” Neuro told me.
I do not know why, but I felt betrayed that Jay told this complete stranger (to me) about my condition. He should not have done that. Even if he was trying to help me. It did not feel like help.
“Don’t be upset with Jay. He means well. He wanted to help you. It’s just who he is. Granted, all the ninja want to help people. So about that tour?”
Neuro took me on a tour throughout the Monastery. We had run into a couple of elemental masters, but not the ones I was afraid of running into. Well, that was until we arrived at the kitchen because my stomach rumbled. The ice ninja ― Zane Julien ― was in the kitchen, and I would soon learn that this was his turf.
No one was allowed to move his utensils, use any of the appliances, or touch any of the food without his approval. Only one person was banned from the kitchen indefinitely: Cole Brookstone the earth ninja.
“Good afternoon, Zane. [Y/N], here is a little hungry. Do you have anything ready that she can eat?” Neuro asked him.
“No,” Zane looked at me, and I averted his gaze, “but I can make something for her to eat. What would you like?” I gave him what I would like to eat. “I can have that ready for you shortly.”
Neuro sat down at the counter of the kitchen, and he pulled a chair out for me to sit. I sat down, and I was waiting for the grilling. I knew that the ice ninja was going to ask me questions.
“So, [Y/N], what brings you to the monastery?” asked Zane. And there it is.
“Jay brought her.” I could have answered that for myself.
“And how do you know Jay?”
Oh, this question. I hate this question. “I’m the one that injured him, and he wanted to be my friend, I guess.” I said it so softly that a normal person would not have been able to hear it. I am pretty sure Zane did if the rumors about the ice ninja being a robot were true.
“That sounds like Jay. If you want to see him, he normally comes in here when he is done with his appointment with Mystake.” Zane told me.
Mystake? Who was Mystake? I wondered what his appointment with the mysterious person entailed. I wondered how long it would be before Jay would come here. Not that Neuro wasn’t good company. It was because I felt weird here, and Jay made me feel less weird. For some reason, I feel like Jay made me feel less awkward in situations like this.
I had some form of bravery if we were to run into one of the ninja. Jay Walker-Gordon had some effect on me I did not know what to call it. We hadn’t even known each other that long, anyway. Soon enough, the food I requested from Zane was done, and I ate it. It was calming me. The first time since I stepped foot into this place, I felt serene, at peace.
That ended as soon as I heard a couple of voices down the hall. One I recognized as Jay’s voice, but the other two I recognized as belonging to a couple ninja. If I were to guess, I would have to say Kai, the Fire Ninja, and Cole, the Earth Ninja. My shoulders stiffened to my ears as they walked into the room.
Please don’t see me. Please don’t see me. Please don’t see me. Please don’t see me. Please don’t see me. Please don’t see me. Please don’t-.
“Who’s the girl, Zane?”
“Brothers, you are making her uncomfortable. Can you give her space?” Zane, you don’t have to mother me. I’m not a child.
Jay sat beside me and placed a hand on my back. “You okay there, [N/N]?” I nodded at him. I do not think he believed me though. “Thanks for looking after her while I had to do that thing with Mystake, Neuro.”
“It was no problem.” Neuro said before he left the kitchen.
Zane passed Jay some food. My guess was this is what he normally ate after his “appointments” with Mystake. He did not stop before devouring it right before my eyes. This caused one of the boys he came in to smack him on the back of the head.
“Use your manners. There’s a lady present.” Ah, the Casanova of the ninja team, Kai Smith.
“Sghedoeshnbmikjd.” Jay mumbled out, his mouth full of food. This caused Kai to smack him on the head again.
The other boy, Cole Brookstone, argued with Jay about his poor table manners. Zane urged me to continue eating while the two ninjas were distracted. I continued to eat my food. The atmosphere was a lot more calm to me now. I had no idea why I felt calm right now, but I did.
“Jay, you wanna show [Y/N] your room? She is your guest afterall.” Zane said after Jay was done eating his food.
“Zane, we’re not children anymore. We’re in college now, so stop mothering us.” Jay told them.
They were in college. I have not been in school since I dropped out of high school my sophomore year. I became too dangerous too fast to be around anymore people after my fourteenth birthday. I should be in college right now, but I couldn’t risk hurting all those people. I was a danger to society afterall.
That was why the ninja came for me.
That was why I ended up in this mess in the first place.
“I would like to see your room.” I murmured.
“Show her your room, Jay. She seems to be at ease in your presence.” Why did you have to sell me out like that, Zane? I was perfectly fine without him knowing that.
Jay nodded, and I followed after the lightning ninja to his room. We did come across a female with short black hair with the same amber eyes as Kai. It was an awkward exchange as Jay hid me from her presence. I doubt it did anything seeing as she was also one of the ninja. We finally made it to his room, and it was a vibrant blue all around.
The lightning ninja must really love blue that much. Now that I think about it, Jay always had a blue hoodie on with blue jeans. How the hell did the citizens of Ninjago not realize that he was the blue ninja? He only ever wears blue.
“Well, this is my room. Please, make yourself at home.” I sat down on his bed, finding it was quite pleasant to be in here. Much like him. Jay sat down beside me on his bed.“I’m sorry if my friends made you uncomfortable. Or it was probably you were trying to keep her under control. I thought that you would be safe from her here. There’s a magic field around here that makes it so the darkness element cannot come in. We’re still afraid that the overlord is still there and wants to target Zane, Lloyd, Garmadon, and the rest of us for defeating him.”
“She hasn’t made an appearance yet.” I said.
“Do you want to play video games? Maybe watch a movie or something? I also have every issue of Starfarer if you’re interested? I have a lot more than that though if you’re not into it. But how could you not be? It’s great.” Jay suggested.
Starfarer was great. I had no idea what I wanted to watch or if he even had anything I would want to watch. But… “I’ve never played a video game before.”
“What? Really?” Jay grabbed two controllers and brought over a giant case. He opened it and started to flip through it. Was this his video game collection? “Then, we’re going to have to start with something old, but also fun and easy.”
Jay held up a disc, but before I could register what it was, he placed it into his xbox and the game loaded up. The Halo theme played as Jay manuevered his way through the game menu.
“I thought we could do capture the flag, but just the two of us. That way you could get the hang of the controls, and when you’re ready, we could actually play the game.” The words that came out of his mouth next, I did not understand. I tried to, but it was like he was speaking a foreign language to me.
I should have been paying attention to his words, but instead, I could not help, but admire his features. His ginger hair that looked like he hadn’t brushed it in awhile. His blue eyes that looked like they were brighter than the electric blue that darned his room, his gi, and his actual powers. The freckles that danced across his face in random places.
What intrigued me was the little scar that went through his right eyebrow. I wondered how he got it. Did he acquire it during one of the more tougher ninja battles? I have heard of the ninja getting injured here and there, but very far in between. Maybe he had acquired it before his days of becoming a ninja.
After he was done explaining the controls to me, I snapped out of my daze as he asked me if I was listening to him. He was probably used to girls fawning over him along with the other ninjas. He was probably sought after along with the rest of his friends in high school. He probably thought I was another fangirl.
Except I was not another fangirl. I was the girl that injured him. The girl that felt guilt over what she had done. The girl that had trouble sleeping at night because of the guilt she felt. I was the girl that should not be his friend even if he wanted to be my friend. I was a girl that did not have any chance with anyone, whether they were a ninja or a civilian.
I was the girl that had to keep her emotions in check.
Which is why I should stop fawning over the boy.
I should not be this close to him.
But an afternoon of fun, something I have not had in awhile, was a good idea. Tomorrow I will be out of his life for good. It is for his own good. Even if it was not for my own good.
2413 words.
I am sorry for the wait, but you have this lengthy update to make up for it.
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