SkyClan Allegiances
❛ VIOLETSTAR ❜ ━━━ large black
tom-cat with yellow eyes,
━ brother to meadowlarkbreeze,
━ mates with hollywing,
━ father of songpaw and hillpaw,
━ male (he/him),
━ formerly named violetbird,
━ sixty-five moons old,
━ three lives remaining,
━ mentoring twilightpaw,
❛ DEERFRECKLE ❜ ━━━ slender
brown-and-white speckled tabby
tom-cat with green eyes,
━ brother to houndfall,
━ male (he/him),
━ fifty-three moons old,
━ mentoring orchardpaw,
small black she-cat with yellow eyes,
━ sister to violetstar,
━ female (she/her),
━ eighty-five moons old,
━ mentoring treepaw,
❛ TREEPAW ❜ ━━━ dark brown
tabby tom-cat with dark green eyes,
━ brother to orchardpaw and
━ male (he/him),
━ seven moons old,
❛ MAGPIESTRIKE ❜ ━━━ black-and-
white tom-cat with amber eyes,
━ brother to hollywing,
━ mates with houndfall,
━ father of twilightpaw and
━ male (he/him),
━ fifty-eight moons old,
━ mentoring songpaw,
❛ HOLLYWING ❜ ━━━ large black
she-cat with amber eyes,
━ sister to magpiestrike,
━ mates with violetstar,
━ mother of songpaw and hillpaw,
━ female (she/her),
━ fifty-eight moons old,
━ mentoring applepaw,
❛ HOUNDFALL ❜ ━━━ dark brown
tabby she-cat with green eyes,
━ sister to deerfreckle,
━ mates with magpiestrike,
━ mother of twilightpaw and
━ female (she/her),
━ fifty-three moons old,
━ mentoring hillpaw,
❛ PRIMROSEGLOW ❜ ━━━ white
she-cat with golden eyes,
━ sister to echorose and waterfang,
━ female (she/her),
━ forty-nine moons old,
━ mentoring mountainpaw,
❛ ECHOROSE ❜ ━━━ fluffy gray
tom-cat with yellow eyes,
━ brother to primroseglow and
━ male (he/him),
━ forty-nine moons old,
❛ WATERFANG ❜ ━━━ gray-and-
white tabby tom-cat with golden eyes,
━ brother to primroseglow and
━ male (he/him),
━ forty-nine moons old,
❛ NETTLEWHISKER ❜ ━━━ long-
furred tortoiseshell-and-white
tom-cat with green eyes,
━ brother to newtscamper,
━ male (he/him),
━ thirty-five moons old,
❛ NEWTSCAMPER ❜ ━━━ long-
legged brown tabby she-cat with
green eyes,
━ sister to nettlewhisker,
━ mates with fognose,
━ mother of treepaw, orchardpaw,
and applepaw,
━ female (she/her),
━ thirty-five moons old,
❛ FOGNOSE ❜ ━━━ small white
tom-cat with green eyes,
━ younger brother to glowingash,
━ mates with newtscamper,
━ father of treepaw, orchardpaw, and
━ male (he/him),
━ twenty-nine moons old,
❛ WOLFBERRY ❜ ━━━ thick-furred
dark gray tom-cat with green eyes,
━ brother to badgerfern and
━ male (he/him),
━ twenty-three moons old,
❛ BADGERFERN ❜ ━━━ dark gray
tabby she-cat with pale green eyes,
━ sister to wolfberry and
━ female (she/her),
━ twenty-three moons old,
❛ MOTHFEATHER ❜ ━━━ gray tabby
tom-cat with green eyes,
━ brother to wolfberry and
━ male (he/him),
━ twenty-three moons old,
❛ TWILIGHTPAW ❜ ━━━ large
black-and-white tom-cat with yellow
━ brother to mountainpaw,
━ male (he/him),
━ eleven moons old,
❛ ORCHARDPAW ❜ ━━━ dark brown
tabby she-cat with a white chest and
paws; green eyes,
━ sister to treepaw and applepaw,
━ female (she/her),
━ seven moons old,
❛ SONGPAW ❜ ━━━ large black
tom-cat with yellow eyes,
━ brother to hillpaw,
━ male (he/him),
━ six moons old,
❛ APPLEPAW ❜ ━━━ brown tabby
she-cat with three white paws and a
white-tipped tail; green eyes,
━ sister to treepaw and orchardpaw,
━ female (she/her),
━ seven moons old,
❛ HILLPAW ❜ ━━━ small black
tom-cat with thick, fluffy fur and
yellow eyes,
━ brother to songpaw,
━ male (he/him),
━ six moons old,
❛ MOUNTAINPAW ❜ ━━━ white
she-cat with black splotches and
green eyes,
━ sister to twilightpaw,
━ female (she/her),
━ eleven moons old,
❛ GLOWINGASH ❜ ━━━ smoky-
white queen with bright yellow eyes,
━ older sister to fognose,
━ mates with waterfang,,
━ mother of glintkit, a gray tabby
tom-kit, and gleamkit, a smoky-white
━ female (she/her),
━ forty-four moons old,
❛ MIDNIGHTSTALK ❜ ━━━ night-
black tom-cat with green eyes,
━ mates with brokenbranch,
━ male (he/him),
━ seventy-six moons old,
❛ BROKENBRANCH ❜ ━━━ light
brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes,
━ mates with midnightstalk,
━ female (she/her),
━ seventy-four moons old,
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