ShadowClan Allegiances
❛ DOGSTAR ❜ ━━━ enormous dark
brown tabby tom-cat tinged with
silver around his muzzle and green
━ brother to crookedtalon,
gingerflurry, and frostflower,
━ father of honeyfur,
━ male (he/him),
━ formerly named dogleaf,
━ eighty-two moons old,
━ two lives remaining,
━ mentoring finchpaw,
❛ HONEYFUR ❜ ━━━ long-legged
dark brown tabby she-cat with green
━ female (she/her),
━ thirty-five moons old,
━ mentoring peachpaw,
❛ SOOTPUDDLE ❜ ━━━ ash-gray
tabby tom-cat with a white blotch on
his nose and pale amber eyes,
━ brother to mapledusk,
━ male (he/him),
━ sixty-three moons old,
━ mentoring stingpaw,
❛ STINGPAW ❜ ━━━ jet-black
tom-cat with piercing yellow eyes,
━ brother to finchpaw and
━ male (he/him),
━ seven moons old,
❛ CROOKEDTALON ❜ ━━━ three-
legged red-brown tabby tom-cat with
a brutally scarred face and green
━ brother to dogstar, gingerflurry,
and frostflower,
━ mates with crowfang,
━ father of drownedkit, deathkit,
deadkit, decaykit, and doomkit,
━ male (he/him),
━ eighty-two moons old,
❛ GINGERFLURRY ❜ ━━━ ginger-
and-white tabby she-cat with green
━ sister to dogstar, crookedtalon, and
━ mother of stingpaw, finchpaw, and
━ female (she/her),
━ eighty-two moons old,
❛ FROSTFLOWER ❜ ━━━ elderly
white she-cat with dark green eyes,
━ sister to dogstar, crookedtalon, and
━ female (she/her),
━ eighty-two moons old,
❛ KINDLINGFLARE ❜ ━━━ very dark
ginger tabby she-cat with long fur and
amber eyes,
━ sister to springscorch,
━ female (she/her),
━ eighty moons old,
❛ SPRINGSCORCH ❜ ━━━ small
white she-cat with pale tortoiseshell
patches and amber eyes,
━ sister to kindlingflare,
━ mates with silverbranch,
━ female (she/her),
━ eighty moons old,
❛ SILVERBRANCH ❜ ━━━ silver
tabby tom-cat with shadowy-black
stripes and green eyes,
━ brother to crowfang,
━ mates with springscorch,
━ male (he/him),
━ seventy-one moons old,
❛ MAPLEDUSK ❜ ━━━ dark gray
tom-cat with amber eyes,
━ brother to sootpuddle,
━ mates with frolicblossom,
━ father of mushroomkit, fireflykit,
and dewdropkit,
━ male (he/him),
━ sixty-three moons old,
❛ BATSTRIKE ❜ ━━━ muscular black
tom-cat with amber eyes,
━ brother to plumcloud and
━ male (he/him),
━ fifty-one moons old,
❛ PLUMCLOUD ❜ ━━━ black she-cat
with a white muzzle and amber eyes,
━ sister to batstrike and echodrift,
━ female (she/her),
━ fifty-one moons old,
❛ ECHODRIFT ❜ ━━━ small black-
and-white tom-cat with yellow eyes,
━ brother to batstrike and
━ male (he/him),
━ fifty-one moons old,
❛ LITTLEBEE ❜ ━━━ brown tabby
she-cat with a twisted forepaw and
golden eyes,
━ younger sister to frolicblossom,
━ female (she/her),
━ forty-six moons old,
❛ FINCHPAW ❜ ━━━ dark ginger
speckled tabby tom-cat with dark
green eyes,
━ brother to peachpaw and stingpaw,
━ male (he/him),
━ seven moons old,
❛ PEACHPAW ❜ ━━━ soft-furred
ginger tabby she-cat with three white
paws and green eyes,
━ sister to stingpaw and finchpaw,
━ female (she/her),
━ seven moons old,
❛ CROWFANG ❜ ━━━ very large
black queen with green eyes,
━ sister to silverbranch,
━ mates with crookedtalon,
━ mother of drownedkit, a black
tom-kit, deadkit, a small, very dark
gray tom-kit, deathkit, a black tom-kit,
decaykit, a very small, fluffy black
she-kit, and doomkit, a three-legged
black tom-kit,
━ female (she/her),
━ seventy-one moons old,
❛ FROLICBLOSSOM ❜ ━━━ brown
tabby with white splotches and green
━ older sister to littlebee,
━ mates with mapledusk,
━ mother of mushroomkit, a small
brown tabby she-kit, fireflykit, a dark
gray tom-kit, and dewdropkit, a gray
tabby tom-kit,
━ female (she/her),
━ sixty moons old,
❛ SYCAMORESTAR ❜ ━━━ very old,
frail, dark gray tabby she-cat with
milky green eyes; completely blind
and deaf,
━ sister to runningdoe,
━ female (she/her),
━ formerly named sycamoresmoke,
━ one hundred three moons old,
❛ RUNNINGDOE ❜ ━━━ long-limbed
brown-and-white former queen with
a graying muzzle and green eyes,
━ mother of batstrike, plumcloud,
and echodrift,
━ female (she/her),
━ ninety-eight moons old,
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