Railway Tracks...
People come and leave me
When they reach destination
Sometimes I confuse,
Am I a railway station?
Fall 2023,
"But mom dad I can't go alone, You promised to go with me. I've never been alone anywhere, how will I go to another city by myself and by train?"
"Don't worry love , your cousin Peter has to go there too for some work, he'll accompany you, we are deeply sorry for leaving you alone in between but your brother needs us more right now", said mom
Peter smiled in a pride ,
After that "my family bided me a farewell" , regardless of the promise they did, and I along Peter went to the railway station, waiting for the train.
Our journey started,
"You want some coffee?, I've two cups", I asked
(I actually bought two cups for myself, one ain't enough anymore)
"No, then what will you drink?" , he replied
"But, I've two cups"
"I know you have two ,and I know you drink two......", he replied
I smiled,
The valley we were crossing was full of mountains and was green like emeralds, and we stopped at that green station.
Peter got a call, after that he came to me and said,
"I'm sorry I gotta go, I'm leaving at this station, you have to continue by yourself"
"WHAT? I've social anxiety I'm afraid of people and you are here leaving me in crowds?"
"Sorry....I can't tell you why I'm leaving but it's urgent..... I'm deeply sorry....but gotta go."
He left , with a pinch of embarrassment in his eyes.
Inner voices,
"Don't leave me here"
Me to myself,
"Shut up, he left"
After some time a girl came to take the seat, the one on which Mr Peter left,
She was dressed in the darkest shade of brown , her outfit matched her deep brown eyes.
"May I sit here?"She inquired
"Sure", I replied
"'My name is Ode, and....I was wandering lonely as a cloud (~~W.Wordsworth)
Then I saw you and came..."
"Woahh, you use stanzas while speaking, glad I met you, I also like to rhyme" , I said
"Haha I make myself worthy of my name, by the way where are you going?"
"In the northern city. And you?" I answered
"Okay, so I'm probably going to another state.... and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep"(~~R.Frost)
(I was deeply inspired by her warm presence, she felt like a comforting best friend)
"So why are you traveling alone?" She asked
"Umm.... because..... because like I was not alone....was first with my parents....then cousin....in short, I'm alone because they all left me in-between the journey."
"And you why are you alone?", I continued.
"Well I'm alone because I wanted to be" said Ode
" felt, that she was alone by choice and I was alone as I had no choice." (~~S.Sidrah)
"Loneliness? Do you like it?"
"Yes, I like it....I enjoy the independence...There's a freedom that comes with abandonment" (~~Suzanne.S)
"I admire your thinking ", I said
"It takes a lot to be stoic", she replied
"Remember,good timber never grow with ease, the stronger wind the stronger trees"(Douglas.M)
Said I,
"You are talking in stanzas as well now" she smiled
"Hehe yeah, the peer effect"
(I spent a very beautiful time with her, full of poetry, music and nature, and the shades of brown)
"Okay Ode it's my station, alas I'm leaving", said I
"Take care my friend", she smiled
(I left her when I never wanted to)
(Alone on the track I realized the railway nature of life.)
Life is just like a railway station
New people, old destinations
Some leave the ride, their deaths arrive
New souls take a seat, the train forward drives
Inside the train , begins a game
Different passengers, similar names
My seatmates left, those all I tame
It's okay, this is life, it happens, no blame
I changed my seat, why my memories stayed?
As my station arrived , I gradually fade
"Alone I boarded , alone I parade "
Someone new took my seat, a beautiful trade
~Railway track
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