Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Seven
Troop 02214
The early spring breeze, though warm, provided zero comfort to Ramona, the sound of the police tape whipping in the wind sending chills down her spine.
She sat in between Nancy and Robin, her knee resting against Nancy's, something that, for years, had been their way of silently saying I'm here.
"So.. You're saying the thing that killed Chrissy and Fred, is from the Upside Down?" Nancy repeated, looking to Dustin for confirmation.
"Has to be." Ramona answered, resting her chin in her palm. "Right?"
"If the shoe fits." Steve said, eyes flickering to Ramona, wondering how this information might be affecting her.
"Our working theory right now, is that he attacks with a spell or a-a curse.. Now, whether or not he's doing the bidding of the Mind Flayer or just loves killing teens.. I don't know." Dustin explained, waving his hands around for emphasis.
"All we know is that this is something different. Something new." Max rubbed her hands together anxiously as she spoke.
"It's not like anything we've ever seen before." Ramona stressed, pressing her hands against the old wood of the table. "We're completely goddamn blind here."
"It just-" Nancy cut herself off with a sharp inhale, "It doesn't make sense."
"It's just a theory." Dustin defended, sharing a look with Steve.
"No. Chrissy and Fred." Nancy corrected, shaking her head. "They don't make sense. I mean, why them?"
"Maybe they were just in the wrong place?" Dustin suggested. "They were both at the game."
"And near the trailer park." Max added.
"We're at the trailer park... Uh.. Should we maybe not be here?" Steve's said, clearly on edge as his eyes searched the trailer park.
"There is something about this place," Nancy admitted, shifting uncomfortably, moving closer to Ramona. "Fred started acting weird the second we got here."
"Acting weird as in.." Robin trailed off, brushing the hair blowing in her face from the wind out of her eyes.
"Scared.. on edge.. upset."
"Max said Chrissy was upset too." Dustin directed his attention towards Max.
"Yeah, but not here." Max said quickly, "She was crying.. in the bathroom at school."
"Serial killers... they stalk their prey before they strike, right?" Robin started, "So, maybe Fred and Chrissy say this Vecman-"
"Vecna." Dustin corrected. "Vec-nuh."
"I don't know about you guys, but if I saw some.. freaky wizard monster. I would mention it to someone." Steve put in, wanting to avoid an argument he knew Dustin would win.
"Maybe they did. I saw Chrissy leaving Ms.Kelly's office. If you saw a monster, you.. you wouldn't go to the police. They'd never believe you. But you might go to your-"
"Your shrink." Max nodded at Robin, muttering a yeah.
Ramona's heart sank and a shiver shot down her spine as Max said that, feelings of unease and fear swarming her head like wasps.
She had been seeing Ms. Kelly, too.. She hadn't seen a monster, per se.. No, Ramona had only been plagued relentlessly of flashbacks of what had happened to her in that lab. Maybe that in itself was the monster. Not a physical one, but a metaphorical monster.
Ramona couldn't pinpoint why exactly she'd felt so afraid suddenly, and maybe she didn't want to find out.
"Ramona?" Steve's voice brought her from her daze, "You okay, honey?"
Ramona swallowed, forcing a tight smile and nodding. "Ye-Yes, Yeah."
Steve pursed his lips, extending his hand out to her. "C'mon, we're heading back to the car."
Ramona took his hand, interlocking their fingers as he helped her to step out from the bench.
Steve knew something was wrong, he could see it on her face, on the way she sat straighter than usual, the way that she wouldn't look him, or anyone else, in the eyes. Steve gently rubbed his thumb against the back of her hand and pulled her close to him.
After almost losing her more times than he could count, whether that be physically or because he was too stupid to see what was really going on, he refused to let her leave his side. If he was with her, he could protect her.
Though, part of him knew it was the other way around. That Ramona was there to protect Steve. That she was strong, that she could protect herself. But no matter how strong you are, you could always use protection.
"Nancy?" Ramona pulled her hand from Steve's, stepping forward towards Nancy. "Where are you going? Nancy!"
Nancy turned, brows furrowed. "Huh? Oh! Oh. There's just something I wanna check first."
She shrugged, taking small steps back as she spoke. Dustin's shoulders dropped and he rolled his eyes. "Something you maybe wanna share with us?"
"I don't wanna waste your time, it's a real shot in the dark." Nancy cringed, shoving her hands in her pockets.
"Yeah, okay. Are you out of your mind?" Steve said in utter disbelief, "Flying solo with this Vecna creep on the loose? Alright? No, it's too dangerous. You need someone to stick with you. We'll go with you."
Steve tossed his keys to Robin, who stumbled back, startled from the object hitting her.
"We will?"Ramona repeated, Steve nodding in confirmation.
"Yes. You guys take the car, check out the shrink."
"I don't think you want me driving your car." Robin said, words rushed out.
"Why not?" Steve questioned.
"I don't have a license." Robin answered, tossing the keys back to him.
"Why don't you have a license?" Steve grumbled, raising his eyebrows.
"I'm poor." Robin answered. Ramona chuckled, nodding in agreement with her.
"I can drive?" Max suggested, causing Steve to immediately turn and glare at her.
"No! No. No. Never again! Please. Anybody but you. No."
"What about Ramona?" Dustin pointed to her.
"I'm also broke, kiddo. We've been over this." Ramona stepped forward, tipping his hat.
Dustin grumbled, before straightening his back and looking towards Steve.
"No! No chance." Steve shook his head, "No."
"Come on." Dustin whined.
"No wa-"
"Alright, okay, this is stupid." Robin pushed past Steve to stand next to Nancy. "Me and Nancy will stick together.. Unless you think you need to protect us?"
Ramona couldn't help but laugh at the dumbfounded look on Steve's face.
"Steve." Ramona said, darting her eyes to them subtly. "Let's just go with Dustin and Max. Leave Nancy and Robin alone."
"Hu- Oh! Oh. Yeah, yeah. You ladies can handle it." Once what Ramona was hinting at registered, Steve agreed quickly, rushing his words out. Robin laughed, spinning on her heel and walking towards Nancy's car, shortly followed by Nancy.
"Come on!"' Dustin huffed, pulling on the door of the locked car. "We have things to do, Steve! Chop, chop!"
"Shut up." Steve unlocked the door, "Hey! No. Nuh-uh. You don't get passenger."
"What? Why not?" Dustin paused his actions as Ramona walked over and gently shoved him so he was standing beside Max.
"I get passenger, duh."
"That's not fair." Dustin shook his head, "Fine. Fine. I'll get in the back."
"Wipe your feet!" Steve called to him, closing the drivers side door and turning around to face him. "On the outside! Not the inside! God!"
Ramona laughed, pulling the seatbelt over her body. Steve locked the doors, turning the car on before peeling out of the park. "Anyone know where this shrink lives?"
"I do." Ramona said, "She used to buy the most girl scout cookies from me, so I memorized her address.. before my own."
"You were a girl scout?" Max fidgeted with the sleeves of her jacket as she looked at Ramona through the seat.
"Yeah, troop 02214, it's where I met Nancy and Barb." Ramona smiled fondly at the memory, a hint of sadness at the mention of Barb's name.
She hoped she was happy, wherever she'd ended up in the end.
a/n: the way this was ass
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