Chapter One
Chapter One:
Bitchass Bowers
( possible trigger: sexual assault featured near the end)
"Are you seriously coming with us?" Stan rose an eyebrow as he watched Felicity adjust her worn backpack straps.
"Yup." Felicity nodded, turning toward the group of boys."
"Who said we wanted you there?" Stan bit back, crossing his arms.
"Well, no one. But I don't have anything to do.. so.." Felicity rolled her head, "Also, no friends so.. My schedule is open! For the entire summer... huh."
"Oh.." Eddie mumbled, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
"Shit! Right it's because you-" Richie started, being cut off by Stan smacking the back of his head.
"Sh-Sh-shut up, Richie!" Bill turned to her, "Y-You can come if you h-he-help."
If he was being honest, he felt bad for her. What happened to her wasn't her fault. Bill felt bad when all her friends left her, and he saw how she looked sad eating alone at lunch. He knew Felicity thought she could hide her sadness about being alone, but when someone thinks no one is watching them, the facade they've created comes down.
Felicity smiled at the stuttering boy, "Thanks, Bill."
Bill's face flushed, "Y-Yeah, no p-prob-prob-problem."
Stan scoffed at this interaction, un-crossing his arms as he rolled his eyes.
"Oh, they're totally gonna fuck." Richie nudged Stan as he pushed his glasses up.
The group rolled their eyes at his comment, although they weren't surprised.
"Shut up, Richie!" Stan groaned, rolling his eyes. "This is why no one talks to us."
"No, Stan, no one talks to us because we're fucking losers."
Felicity let a laugh slip past her tinted lips, "I don't think ya'll are losers, y'know."
"Well, when you hang out with us, you're one too." Richie explained, throwing an arm around her shoulders, nearly knocking her over.
"I already am." She tried to joke, smililing, although it didn't quite reach her eyes. No one noticed this action, though. She shrugged off his arm.
Bill watched this action in silence, confusion covering his face. He didn't understand why she was so willing to join them. Hell, she didn't even know them!
He shook off his thoughts, continuing to empty out his backpack.
"Best feeling ever!" Stan sighed out happily.
"Really? Try tickling your pickle for the first time." Richie pushed his glasses up, winking at Felicity.
Felicity gagged, "Your hands better have been clean when you touched me."
"I can touch you in other ways, if you'd like."
"Ew. No thanks, I'm good." Felicity threw her final notebook into the trashcan, keeping her sketchbook close by her side.
"Your loss." Richie shrugged.
"Hey, what're you guys doing tomorrow?" Eddie piped up. Felicity hoped he'd been asking her, too.
"Probably the sketch photo project thingy with Stanley the manley." Felicity pointed to him. Stan rolled his eyes,
"I'll start my training." Richie said, his tone sarcastic.
"Training? Training for what?" Eddie pulled the now empty backpack straps over his shoulders.
"Street fighter, duh."
"Is that how you wanna spend your summer? Inside of an arcade?"
"Beats slinging inside your mom!" He raised his hand for a highfive, but Stan slapped his hand down.
"We can go to the quarry the day after that?" Stan suggested, briefly glancing at Felicity. "And we can get that picture."
"Oh, a picture of Felicity practically naked? I'll take one! You know, for my alone time. If you know what I mean."
"Gross. That's gross. You're gross." Felicity stuck her tongue out at the perverted boy.
"Woah, woah, woah, wait a minute!" Richie went to protest, "Stan is the one takin' the thing!"
"Guh-Guys!" Bill interrupted, "We gotta go to the b-b-barrens."
"Right.. sorry Bill." Stan mumbled, frowning at Felicity.
Felucity bit her lip, suddenly felt as if she were intruding on them. Guilt flooded her heart as she began rubbing her arm.
When she turned to look at Stan, she put on a confident face. "It'll be okay, Bill."
"Betty Ripsom's mom.." Eddie trailed off, looking at the woman standing by a police car.
Felicity felt bad for her. Her daughter had been missing for months now.
Betty was dead. The chances of her coming back alive were slim, if there was any at all.
"Does she really expect her to come out?"
"Do you think they'll actually find her?"
"There's no way." Felicity crossed her arms.
"Yeah! All decomposed in a ditch... fuckin maggots and worms and shit. Smellin' like Eddie's mom's underwear." Richie laughed, gently shoving Felicity.
"Hey, ow."
"Shut up, Richie."
"She's not de-dead! She's m-m-mi-missing."
"Right.. sorry, Bill. She's missing."
Bill nodded in confirmation, "Besides, who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water."
Felicity flinched as Henry motherfucking Bowers grabbed Richie by his backpack. He yanked him back, knocking Richie over, which knocked over Stan.
"Nice frisbee, flamer!" Patrick Hockesseter laughed, stealing Stan's hat and throwing it into the passing school bus.
Felicity didn't know the name of it.
"Why, hello there, baby. Miss me?" Henry smirked, shaking an arm around Felicity's waist.
"I'm- I'm not... I'm not your baby, Bowers!" Felicity hissed, trying her best to escape the crazed teen.
But she couldn't.
She felt so weak when he touched her. Like she couldn't do anything to prevent him from hurting her. She felt helpless when he set his sights on her.
He smirked, pressing himself against her. "You like that, don't you?"
Felicity managed to free herself after Henry loosened his grip. He knocked the blonde girl over, then the deranged boy walked away with Belch and Patrick, all laughing.
"You s-s-s-sss-suck, Bowers!" Bill shouted, pointing at him.
"Bill! Sh!" Felicity hissed, thanking Richie for helping her up.
"Shut up, Bill!" Eddie muttered, rolling his eyes.
"You s-s-s-s-say something B-b-buh-buh-billy?" He mocked, getting into Bill's face. "You got a free ride this year, 'cause of your little brother. Ride's over, Denbrough."
His eyes drifted off onto someone behind him. Felicity turned her head to see what it was.
His father.
"Summer's gonna be a hurt train. For you and your faggot friends."
He licked his hand, smearing it across Bill's face, before walking away.
Felicity wiped her dirt covered hands on her shirt as she stood next to Stan and Eddie.
"Wish he'd go missing." Richie shook his head, pushing his glasses up.
"He's probably the one doin' it."
"Bitchass Bowers." Felicity muttered.
"Oh," Felicity's face flushed, "That's what my friends and I call him, er, what we used to call him."
The group nodded in silence, staring at the girl in pity.
Felicity cleared her throat awkwardly before speaking, "So, uh, to the barrens?"
{ Word Count: 1191 }
{ A/n: I hated writing that F word.
ALSO as you can see!! the timeline is slightly different bc I'm a dumbass who didnt realize that the barrens and the last day of school were different days.
Also i feel like the group let her in too easily but I'll figure it out- }
{ Edited: no }
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