Chapter Three
"Megan, it is 3:14 AM. I suggest you head to bed." Hax said quietly as I slammed my head on my desk, snapping it back up to look around, wiping away the drool dripping down my face.
"You sure? My phone says— 3:14...." I cleared my throat, putting away my sketches as I crawled over to my bed. "Hax, kindly play the sounds of my screaming inner demons." I said, snuggling under my bed.
"Playing rain and thunder for you." Hax said, his voice being drowned out by the ambiance of rain and thunder. I smiled, the thunder lulling me to sleep.
"It is 5:30 AM. School starts in 1 hour and 30 minutes. Happy will arrive in approximately 27 minutes and 17 seconds." Hax said. I groaned, falling out of my bed and slipping off my clothes, walking to my closet to change.
I put on a blue flannel and white tank top, along with ripped black jeans and my favorite vans. I rubbed my eyes as I put one of my sketchbooks in my bag, unaware it was the sketchbook I used to draw the avengers and spider-man instead of my blueprints sketchbook.
I slipped my book bag over my shoulder as Bucky walked in with a waffle in his mouth. I smiled, a small smile crossing his face as he gestured to my rats nest I call hair.
"Oh right." I walked into my bathroom, grabbing my brush as Bucky leaned on the bathroom door frame, munching on the waffle as I brushed my hair.
"So this 'Peter' kid... He cute?" He asked, sounding like he already knew the answer. I dropped my brush, staring at Bucky with a shocked look. I threw my hand towel at him, a laugh escaping his throat.
"Bucky!" I said, frowning.
"What it's just a question!" He said, finishing off his waffle as he stood up, winking. I frowned as he left, my phone buzzing.
"Hey Landon!" I said, picking up my backpack again and walking out of my bedroom.
["Hey Megan! So I saw what you did yesterday. I would ask how you learned to fight like that, but then I need to remind myself your family is literally the Avengers and you have a former Russian spy as a sister."] I snorted, walking to the kitchen to grab a waffle Bucky left.
"Well Flash WAS beating someone up. So I had to return the favor." I said, biting into the waffle.
[" Yeah but it was Peter Parker. Literally one of the cutest guys at this damn school.] I rolled my eyes.
"He's not THAT cute." I said, trying to hide the lie. Peter was pretty cute, and his personality definitely helped with it, but I highly doubt that we will become a thing.
["Bitch please. Peter is a nerd, handsome as HELL, and to top it off, he's got muscles like there is NO tomorrow."]
"He does not." I said, frowning.
["Honey. Honey honey HONEY. Me and him have P.E together. That nerd is RIPPED."] I almost dropped my waffle, choking on some of it as a thought of Peter shirtless flashed past my vision. I coughed, the bite sized waffle piece shooting out of my mouth.
["How many times do I have to tell you? You aren't allowed to die without me by your side."] Landon said as I laughed, hearing a honk outside.
"Oh. That's Happy. I'll talk to you at school, Landon. Love you bye!"
["Love you more!"]
"Not possible."
["yes it-"] I hung up with a sly smirk on my face as I walked out to the car, sliding in the back.
"Hey kiddo." Happy said, smiling at me.
"Hi Happy! Are you alright with driving me and Peter to his place after school today?" I said, setting my bag down next to me. Happy shrugged, nodding.
"Sure I guess. Just no funny business." Happy said as my jaw dropped, frowning at him.
"Like that'll happen."
Landon snatched my bookbag, causing me to yelp as he dragged me into the janitor's closet, shutting it behind me and clikcing on the light.
"Jesus Landon you could have just told me instead of choking me!" I said, rubbing my neck that still had a faint bruiss from last night.
"Pfft get over it. I wang to know why you ditched me yesterday to sit with Peter. AND why you helped him when he was getting beat up yesterday, too." I frowned at Landon, crossing my arms.
"Thats what this kidnapping is about?" I said as Labdon smiled, nodding. I groaned, looking up at the light.
"Well for starters, he was being beat to shit and I can't let that happen. SECOND, me and him are partners for the project so we were talking about what we were going to do and settled for an AI contact lens." I said, crossing my arms. Landons eyes widened, shaking his head. "What?"
"Don't you think people will be suspicious on how you got the materials for the lens?" I sighed, shaking my head.
"I've been making things like this for projects since I was in 7th grade, Landon. No body suspected anything then, no one will suspect anything -" the door swung open, Peter and Ned pausing in front of the door.
Me, Landon, Peter and Ned all stared at each other for a while before I broke the silence with an awkward laugh. "We were just Uh.. talking about nothing!" I said, grabbing Landon's wrist and yanking him out of the closet, leaving Peter and Ned in confusion.
"What do you think they are going to talk about?" Landon said curiously. I frowned at him, shaking my head.
"I am not using Hax for your own amusement, Landon. Last time I did he got fried faster than Delmar's Deli French fries." Landon snickered as we walked to our first class.
Peter and Ned walked in, both loomibg a bit nervous when they saw me and Landon. I frowned as Peter sat down behind me.
"You okay?" I said, turning around to face Peter. His eyes widened slightly as he nodded. I frowned once more, shrugging as I grabbed my book bag, standing up and sat in the seat next to Peter. The kid that sat next to him walked in, frowning before shrugging it off, sitting in my seat.
"W-What are you doing?" He asked quietly. I shushed him, sitting down as I pulled out my sketchbook, opening it up and gasping. Peter quickly looked down before I slammed it shut, a small smile on his face.
"So. I see you have a thing for Spider-Man." He said, smirking at me. I laughed awkwardly, cursing to myself about grabbing the wrong sketchbook.
"W-well I mean I-I've seen him swing around a few times. I saw him yesterday in the car. He was swinging by Delmar's Deli. I just think his suit is really cool and the things he can do are even cooler. D-definitely favorite." I said, shoving the sketchbook into my bag.
"Really? Y-you're favorite hero is spider-man?" I turned to Peter, pulling away a strand of hair out of my face as I nodded. He blushed lightly and smiled, turning to face the teacher as the bell rang. "So uh.. you think he's pretty cool, right?" He asked.
I quietly chuckled, nodding. "Sometimes I question if he goes to our school. I think it's cool that there is a chance a superhero could be so close to us and we wouldn't even know." Peter's eyes widened as he awkwardly laughed, nodding.
"Yeah. Yeah of course. That'd be super... cool." I pulled out a pen, ripping a piece of paper, writing my number down and handing it to Peter. He stared at the paper before looking at me.
"I assume that since we are now friends and partners you would like my number so we can talk if either of us come up with an idea." I said with a whisper.
"Ohhh right yeah." Peter pulled out his phone, punching in my number, seeming to try his best not to smile. My phone buzzed.
Unknown: Hi :P
I held back a smile as I added his number to my contacts, hiding the name I gave him.
Me: Hi :)
"Put your phones down, Mr. Parker and Miss DeVoe. Unless you would like me to take them." Mr. Warren said. I looked up from my phone, smiling nervously before slipping my phone into my bag.
"So Parker, whose your favorite superhero?" Peter turned to me as he leaned on the desk, smiling as he looked up in thought.
"Definitely Iron Man." I smiled, nodding in agreement.
"My d- Iron Man is definitely my second favorite." I leaned over, whispering in his ear. "If you ever meet him, don't tell him I said that." Peter burst out laughing, slapping a hand over his mouth as everyone turned to look at us, Landon giving me a wide smile.
"Is there something funny you would like to tell us, Mr. Parker?" Mr. Warren asked, Peter's face turning red as he held back laughter while shaking his head. I snorted quietly as I looked at Peter, who gave me a cute angry look.
Peter pulled out his phone, texting me quickly.
Pretty Boy: I am SO getting you back for that.
Me: A little embarrassment never hurt anybody ;)
Peter glared at me while I gave him a cheeky smile as the class continued.
"Hey Megan!" I turned my head, seeing Landon walk up to me, a smile spreading on my face as we walked to the cafeteria.
"Hey Landon." I said, ignoring the food as today was mystery meat. Never get it.
"Are you sitting with me today?" He asked. I turned to Peter and Ned's table, where they were both laughing. I had caught Peter's attention, the smirk still on his face. I turned back to Landon, shaking me head.
"You can sit with us though." I said, walking over to Peter. Landon followed behind. I sat next to Peter as Landon sat next to Ned.
"Guys this is Landon. The greatest person to ever exist." I said, causing Landon to roll his eyes.
"The greatest person to ever exist is Tony Stark." He said, my eyes widening as he realized what he said, before laughing. "You know because he's just so cool and smart and a superhero." Peter nodded in agreement.
My phone rang, quickly snatching it up as "IronDad" appeared on the screen. I stared at my phone, standing up.
"Excuse me a moment, my dad is calling me. Landon, please be nice to them." I said, glancing up at Landon, who was rolling his eyes.
"No promises, sweetheart." I chuckled, answering the call and walking away.
"Hax, please record what Landon says to Peter and Ned."
"You got it."
["Hey kiddo. I need a favor."] I frowned, crossing an arm as I held my phone up to my ear.
"Yeah of course. What do you need?" I said quietly, looking around.
["When you leave school, I need you to get me some gold metal at the mechanics store."] I frowned again.
"Why can't you get FRIDAY to order some?"
["Because they aren't allowing me to shop there anymore."] I rolled my eyes, snickering.
"Of course they aren't. Yeah I'll get you the metal." I said quietly, walking back to the cafeteria.
["Thanks kiddo. I love you."] my dad said, hearing a smile in his voice.
"I love you 3000." I hung up the phone as Hax replayed what Landon told Peter.
"She likes old movies. Specially Grease, Star Wars, and any horror movie you can think of. She also likes very fuzzy blankets, and M&M's. Loves forehead kisses, cuddles, all that shit-"
"Landon. I've only known her for two days— And I don't even like her that way.."
"Shut up for a minute. Now, if you hurt her in any way, or lie to her about something... I'll take your kneecaps and feed them to my cat." I snickered as I headed back, noticing that Peter looked at Landon with a terrified expression.
"Dammit, Landon you broke Peter. I told you to be nice." I said, frowning.
"I was! I was just threatening to take away his kneecaps of he hurt you!"
"He kinda needs those, Landon." I said, frowning. Landon shrugged, sipping on his iced tea. I glanced at Ned, who was smiling nervously at all of us.
"Well. I need to go to class early to hand something in." I placed a hand on Peter's shoulder. Peter tensed up, looking at me. "I. Will see you after school. Happy will pick us up. My dad needs some metal from the mechanics store so we will head there and then we will go to your house. Kay?" I said to Peter.
"Yeah. Yeah okay." Peter said as I smiled, grabbing my bag, completely oblivious to the fact that my sketchbook fell out of my bag. I stood up, walking out of the cafeteria.
Hehe Peter's P.O.V is next.
<3 A.
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