Chapter One
𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗗𝗮𝘆
4:30 𝖠𝖬
(𝘔𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘯 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝)
I woke up being shaken violently, Steve Rogers basically giving my arms a death grip as he stared at me like I was dead.
"Jeez Steve I'm awake! I'm awake!" I said, groaning from being tired. Steve sighed, letting me go. "It's 5 AM why are you waking me up so early? Doesn't training start at 6?"
"We're starting early today. Natasha has things to do at 6 so you'll be training for an hour today. And you have school, and I can't let Happy get you to school late again... Tony didn't like it last time." I laughed, shaking my hand to tell him to leave.
Once Steve left I sat up, realizing he didn't turn on the light. "Hax, lights please."
"You got it, Megan." A voice said in a speaker on my wall, my lights turning on at just the right brightness. I stumbled to my bathroom, the doors opening themselves as I turned on the water for the shower, grabbing my robe and turned on my speaker. I started dancing around as 'Back in Black' played, a smile on my face as I went back to my bedroom, grabbing my phone before taking off my pajamas and stepped into the shower.
After washing myself, I stepped out of the shower, wrapping my body in the soft white robe, tying it together.
"Hey Megan are you ready to- Oh god sorry!" My dad walked in, quickly turning around and slapping his hand over his eyes. I laughed, sighing. "You're fine, dad. It's not like I walked out naked." I said, opening the door to my closet before rummaging through it to find my training clothes.
"Yeah, right. Uh school starts in about an hour so you and Natasha will train for about 45, then Happy will drop you off at school." My dad said, going to close the door.
"Okay! Be out in a few minutes!" I said, quickly changing. I walked out after putting my school supplies in my backpack, grabbing my phone and walking to the training room, where Natasha stood in the center, waiting for me. She smiled warmly as I returned one.
"Hey Megan, you ready for training today? We're doing more self-defense." She said as I rolled my eyes.
"We do self defense every day, Nat! I want Bucky to teach me how to use a gun!" I said, frowning as Natasha shook her head.
"I don't think your father would take to kindly to that." She said, crossing her arms. She's right about that.
"Fine. I guess we can do self-defense. Where's Clint? I thought he would train with us today?" I said, looking around for Clint.
"He's with his family today. Something about a new family tradition." I dramatically gasped, slapping a hand over my heart.
"He would do a family tradition without us? But we are family!" I said even more dramatically, getting a laugh from Nat as she went into a fighting stance. I did the same, waiting for her first move.
Nat grabbed my wrist, my immediate reaction to spin to face her back, chopping her in the side. She jumped back, barely being touched by my fingers. But she already knew she made a mistake, as I kicked her legs from under her. Natasha fell, releasing my wrist as she quickly stood up. I raised my leg to her face, going to kick her. Nat blocked the blow with her arm, grabbing my leg and spinning me. I used my other leg to make her fall with me, getting a shocked laugh from Nat.
"Nice trick. Never thought you were smart enough to think that." She said with a smile as I shrugged.
"I am Tony Stark's daughter." I said, punching her in the gut. She made a loud 'oof' noise, stumbling back as I jumped at her, pinning her to the ground. Natasha grabbed my shoulders, flipping us over so now she was on top. I shoved my arms between hers that were still on my shoulders, grabbing her shoulders and shoving her off me, jumping onto my feet.
I stood in a fighting stance once more, hearing a knock on the training room door. Me and Natasha looked over, seeing Happy standing awkwardly in the doorway.
"It hasn't even been five minutes!" I said, frowning.
"No. It's been 45. Hurry up or you'll both be late." Happy said. I turned to Nat, who quickly embraced me with a hug. I returned it, sprinting to my bedroom to change into normal clothes. I grabbed my backpack and phone, following Happy out to the car. I shoved my hand in my backpacks pockets, taking out two earrings and putting them in my ears.
"Hax?" I said, hearing a small beep in response.
"Right here, Megan." I smiled, sighing as I hopped in the back of Happy's car. Hax was like F.R.I.D.A.Y, except Hax was just a name I gave my A.I while my dad had an abbreviation for his. It took about two weeks before Hax was up and running, and he has definitely been one of my closest friends.
"School starts in approximately 1 hour and 12 minutes." Hax said as Happy started driving. I went to Midtown School of Science and Technology, also known as Midtown High. The only reason I went to a school about 30 minutes away from home is, well. It's obvious why.
I looked out the window, my phone buzzing as one of my 'friends' texted me.
Lindsay: Hey girl! So how about this weekend I come over to your house, and we can talk about that new kid, Matthew?
I rolled my eyes. Lindsay out of all of the people I have met was always trying to find out why I never invited anyone over. She even went as far one day as to try and follow me and Happy home. My dad was practically begging for me to file a restraining order on her or move to a different high school.
Me: Sorry Lindsay, I can't. I have too much homework to do and I need to start thinking about what I'll do about my science project that's due next week.
Lindsay: You're always coming up with excuses! What are you hiding?!
Me: I'm not hiding anything! My dad likes to have my personal life be kept personal for a reason!
Lindsay: And what's that reason?
Well shit.
Me: PERSONAL. REASONS. I'm going into a dead zone. I'll text you later.
I shut my phone off, slipping it into my pocket as Happy drove up to the school. He turned to me, a smile on his face.
"I'll be here same as always. If you need to be picked up at any time of the day don't hesitate to call me, Megan." I nodded, swinging my bag over my arm before stepping out of the car. Happy drove off, a weak smile on my face as I walked into the school, being greeted by a few staff members and a lot of the students whom I barely knew.
Landon ran up to me, seeming to be out of breath. "Did you run the mile again? Landon the next time you overexert yourself over that boy it will kill you!" I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. Landon laughed, shaking his head no as he inhaled sharply. I walked next to him, my booted heels clicking on the marble floors.
"No. No it's not that. You know Lindsay, right?" He said. I nodded, frowning.
"Yeah. What about her?"
"Well there's a chance I overheard her talking shit about you and saying how she was going to get to the bottom of why you are so secret." He said, whispering into my ear. I had known Landon since pre-k, so there was no hesitation when I told him who I really was last year.
My dad, however, was not fond of me telling Landon, but he trusted him enough to keep the secret.
"I could just tell her that my family isn't very friendly. Hopefully she'll stop riding my ass about it then." I said, groaning as we walked into our classroom. Landon shrugged, taking his assigned seat far away from me as other kids swarmed in.
The bell rang, Mr. Warren walking in, his textbooks cradled under his arm.
"Good morning, everyone. Today we will be discussing the duo project that is due by the end of the month." Everyone started chattering, already picking their partners. I looked over at Landon, who smiled at me, telepathically telling me I'm his partner.
"I wouldn't get your hopes up, students. I'll be choosing your partners." Everyone groaned, some trying to pick a fight about it. I frowned at Landon, already knowing we wouldn't be teamed.
"Alright so we will do.. David and Gavin. Fero and Haley. Matthew and Landon. Sarah and Gabby. Ned and Jacob... and Peter and Megan." Everyone groaned once more, some asking why me and Peter were teamed together since we were both at the top of the class. I looked around to search for him, feeling a pen tap my shoulder.
I turned around, staring into the eyes of a nervous brown haired boy, who gave me a just as nervous smile. I smiled back, leaning over to him to whisper as Mr. Warren continued to talk.
"H-hey I'm- I'm Peter Parker." He said with a stutter. Has he ever talked to a girl before?
"Hey Peter Parker. I'm Megan. DeVoe." I said with a smile. He nodded hesitantly as he crossed his arms, leaning on the desk.
"Y-Yeah. I know who you are. We have homeroom together, and chemistry-" My eyes widened. Oh boy I feel bad.
"Oh. I'm sorry I didn't know. I don't usually pay attention to the kids in my class." I said, feeling my cheeks burn.
"No no no it's okay! I'm pretty quiet anyway." He quickly said, noticing that I had felt bad.
"Is there something you two would like to discuss with the class?" Mr. Warren said, catching me and Peter's eyes. I blushed from embarrassment, shaking my head no. "Then pay attention and stop flirting." I heard Landon snicker, glaring at him with daggers in my eyes.
I glanced back at Peter, who was looking at me. I smiled, buting my tongue as he blushed, looking away at his friend, Ned Leeds, who gave Peter a weird look.
I grabbed my tray which was covered with today's lunch, internally gagging at the smell. I turned around, almost ramming into Peter, but stopped myself before spilling my lunch on him.
"Oh sorry Megan! I should have stayed further back!" I shook my head quickly.
"No need to apologize, Peter! This food is terrible anyway." We both laughed, standing there in an awkward silence before Peter cleared his throat.
"Hey uh, want to sit with me and Ned today?" I looked over at my table, which was mainly a bunch of f-boys and girls wearing too tight of shirts and too short of skirts and the lonesome Landon, who looked over at me, wiggling his eyebrows at me an Peter.
"Uh sure! I'd love to. We can also talk about what we can do for our project." I said as he shoved his hands in his pockets, walking to his table.
I sat down next to him as Ned walked up, stopping in place to look at Peter. Peter looked down, trying his best not to blush.
"Oh sorry Ned. Am I in your spot? I can just move-"
"No no. You're fine. Peter didn't tel me we would have company with us today." He said, eyeing Peter.
"So what am I then, a bag of meat?" We all turned our heads to look at Michelle Jones, who was nose deep in a book. I frowned, tilting my head.
"How long have you sat there?" Ned said, sitting across from me and Peter.
"Since freshman year. You guys are losers." Michelle said, looking at us.
"Then why do you sit with us?" Ned asked again, tilting his head.
"Because I don't have any friends." I frowned again. I'm sure that's not true. I thought, looking at Peter.
"Uh- Anyway." I started, smiling at Peter. "I was thinking that since this is an advanced technologies project, we could use my A.I as our project. But, we both need to work on it together, so we could create our own."
"You mean like Tony Star's A.I F.R.I.D.A.Y?" Peter asked, leaning on the table. I smiled, nodding.
"Exactly like his A.I. It's super simple too. It took me about two weeks to make my ai, but since it's a team project we can possibly get it done by the due date." I watched Peter's eyes light up, a small smile crossing my face.
"You guys are so cute. Talking about your nerd stuff." Ned said, me and Peter snapping our heads to face him. I glanced at Peter, shaking my head no.
"We've only known each other for barely a day! And it's just advanced technology." I butted in, feeling my cheeks burn.
"Yeah, and both you and Peter are REALLY good in that class. It's like you two were meant to be partners." Ned smiled. Peter frowned, trying to hide his blush.
I shoved my face full of the gross food, knowing I would have to work out to burn all the calories I'm consuming. The food wasn't terrible today, but it's definitely not as good as their French toast the school serves on Fridays.
"Anyway. Megan, I was thinking that we could do it at your-" I quickly stopped Peter with a shaking head.
"Can't. My dad is usually a very busy man and also prefers I don't have boys over. But I can bring some over some parts to your place and we can work there. I have a lot of parts that can be used to make an AI system." I said, watching Peter slowly nod his head.
"Yeah, yeah I'll just have to tell my Aunt May we'll be having you over. Do you want to come over today or tomorrow?"
"But Peter- we were going to play Zombie Slayers after school today." Ned said, sounding disappointed. Peter looked at him, raising an angry eyebrow.
"Dude." Peter whispered. I cleared my throat, shaking my head.
"It's alright. I have plans today with Buc- Uh my brother today so I can't come over after school. But thank you for the invite." I said with a smile.
"Why are you lying, Megan?" Hax said, almost making me jump out of my seat. I would have answered, but I don't want Peter and Ned to think I'm crazy.
"Uh, will you excuse me one moment? I need to call someone." I said, snatching my bags and phone as I walked out of the lunchroom and to an empty hall.
["Hey kiddo, what's up?"] My dad answered. From the echo, I could tell he was in his work station, most likely tampering with something on his suit.
"Hey dad. So, I need a few things from you." I said, crossing an arm as I looked down at my feet, pulling some strands of hair away from my face.
["That depends. What do you need?"] He said, a frown in his voice.
"I need some of the parts you used to make Friday, me and my partner Peter-"
["Peter? As in a boy, Peter?"] I heard sorry in his voice, but it definitely was not boy worry.
"Uh yeah. He and I were assigned to work together for an advanced technologies project, and we were thinking about making an A.I. System." I said, furrowing my brows.
["Oh. Yeah yeah I can get you the parts for that. Are you going over to his house today?"] My dad asked, a true hint of boy worry in his voice.
"No, no. He has plans today. I'm going to his house tomorrow." A sigh of relief came from the phone and I frowned. "What you think he and I will f-"
["Please for the love of god do not say it."] My dad pleaded, a laugh coming from me. ["Is that all?"] he asked, seeming to be busier.
"Yeah. Yeah that's all. I'll see you after school. Love you 3000. (Hehe)" I said with a smile. My dad chuckled, sighing.
"I love you 3000." He said, ending the call. I turned around, walking back to the lunchroom, Peter and Ned talking about something that seemed to be such a secret they were barely whispering.
I wonder what they could be talking about? I thought as I sat down, both of their mouths snapping shut.
"So, my dad said he can give me the parts, so now we need to figure out what we are going to put the AI in. My ai is implanted into my earrings, and I don't think you would like to wear earrings." I said with a laugh. Peter nodded, smiling.
"We could do like a small hearing aid? Oh! Or a contact lens!" I smiled, already having been working on something like that for a while. I nodded, pulling out my sketch book full of ideas.
"Hey is that Tony Stark's-" I gasped, flipping past the page of my dads suit and onto a blank one.
"I like to sketch. It was just a sketch." I quickly said, getting a confused frown from Peter. I pulled out a pen, drawing a perfect circle.
"Dude how did you do that- I can barely draw a stick figure." Peter said as I laughed.
"I've had years of practice, I guess." I said as I started labeling how the contact lens would work.
"So, once you put in the contact lens, it will turn on, and basically tell you what's going on around you, who is who, and a bunch of other advanced things." I said as Peter nodded.
"The contact lens should hold everything, allow you to learn how to correctly do something, show you what you are doing wrong, or the answers of a test." I said as Ned laughed.
"That's cheating. Perfect." Ned said as me and Peter nodded, laughing.
"Of course, it will cost a lot, so we might actually be the only ones to carry something like this for ourselves." Peter said as I nodded.
"I have already worked on something like this but I was having trouble making it so it shows you everything. I would ask my dad for help, but he's not very good with this kind of thing." I lied.
"Well, now you got me to help." Peter smiled.
Now you got me to help.
Well here's chapter one. Hope you enjoyed it!
<3 A.
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