Chapter Fifteen
I played the silent treatment on my dad for a few days after finding out about Peter. He played it too, but he was the first to break.
"Okay I'll let you fly around in my suit if you at least say 'hi''' he exclaimed as my eyes lit up. I pumped my fists in the air as I shot up from my bed, running to my dad as I wrapped my arms around him.
"Hi! Now take me to your suit!" I said as he groaned, rolling his eyes as I ran to his lab, staring longingly at his iron man suit.
"Can you make me-"
"Absolutely not!" My dad cut in as I frowned.
"Worth a shot." I mumbled as I stepped up onto the platform.
"Registering." Friday said as she scanned me. "Register complete. Hello, Megan Rose Stark." There was a buzzing as I looked down, watching as my fathers suit rose up from the ground, connecting to my body.
"This is WAY lighter than I thought it would be." I said as it connected to my chest, the helmet being the last thing to attack to me.
"Woaaaaah." I said as everything lit up. "There so much shit in here!"
"Steve doesn't like that language!" Tony yelled as a distant yell of annoyance was heard. We both laughed.
"IT WAS ONE TIME." Steve yelled from far off as I looked at my body, frowning.
"This isn't your suit." I said, looking at my dad who shrugged.
"I knew you would ask one dad for a suit, so I built you one." I looked at the dark navy blue suit in the mirror, the biggest grin on my face.
"I thought you said no."
"Well had to bring your hopes down before I could lift them up." He said with a laugh as he pressed a button. "Flying isn't that hard. All you have to do is-"
"I know how to, dad! I've watched you enough times to see how to fly." I said as I stretched my hands, the boosters igniting as I started to hover in the air.
"This is awesome! OH I BET PETER IS ON WATCH DUTY!"
"Hey no don't-"
"BYE DAD!" I interrupted as I blasted out of the compound, flying to Queens.
Flying had to be the most amazing thing in the world. I'd give anything to be a bird, feel the wind in my feathers as I passed under bridges and through trees.
I spotted Peter sitting down, eating a churro. I giggled as I flew up into the alleyway, landing on the ladder and climbing over to him.
"Boo!" I said loudly in a deep voice as Peter flinched aggressively, dropping his nearly finished churro.
"No my churro! An old lady bought me that..." he said as he looked at me before frowning. "Iron Man? Is that a new suit? You look smaller than usual-"
"It's not Tony, Peter." The helmet's face moved up, revealing mine as Peter's eyes widened.
"Megan?! You're dad made you a suit?!" I smiled and nodded as I sat on the ground.
"Cool isn't it!? Of course, I'm not going to be a superhero like you, saving girls whose purses are snatched or anything." I gasped, gently slapping him.
"Maybe I can become an Avenger! I already know how to fight and stuff, and I've been doing it since I could walk, and I was practically BORN an Avenger!"
"Megan I don't think that's a good idea-"
"What? Why? Of course it's a good idea! Why do you think it's a bad idea?!" I said, frowning.
"Well. I'm not even really an Avenger anymore. And they go up against really dangerous things!"
"Peter. I survived nearly being killed by Ultron. Like, he literally was holding my 13 year old neck in the air. I saw my life flash before my eyes in that moment but I was able to blast his face off! I can fight against Avengers level threats, Peter! I can handle things like that! I have fought through every Avenger fight, even though I didn't actually fight. But I still managed to be kidnapped by whatever was happening and fight my way free! I can be an Avenger!"
"Megan, I don't want you being an Avenger. I mean, I nearly died fighting a guy with metal wings. Who knows, the next threat could be someone trying to kill half the universe!" Peter said with a frown. I looked between his eyes before I sighed.
"You're probably right. And, we are still just kids, we have years before I should even consider becoming an Aven-"
"Megan I am detecting a presence of someone watching your conversation." Hax said as my helmet closed. I looked around, finding someone running off. I zoomed in to see their phone had a photo of me and Peter talking.
"No!" I jumped down, flying at the person. I snatched their phone, looking at the photo. It was too grainy to see Peter's face, but I'm not taking any chances. I crushed it in my hand as they yelled. "You'll pay for that Iron.... GIRL!" He yelled as I dropped their phone into the lake, flying back to Peter.
"What was that?!" He said with worry.
"They got a photo of us." I said. My mind had been solely worried about Peter's identity being revealed that I had completely ignored the danger I had put myself in.
"That isn't good. Did you get rid of the evidence?"
"I may have crushed their phone. But they can't get it now!" Peter's mouth dropped open.
"Megan you can't just crush someone's phone!"
"I can if it's revealing your identity!" A message popped up on my screen, my dad texting me to come home. I sighed, removing the face so I could clearly see Peter.
"My dad texted me. I need to go home." I gently patted Peter's head as he squinted. My mask covered my face as I waved goodbye, flying back to the compound.
I landed on the platform as my suit was quickly removed, jumping off it as my mother ran down.
"Honey you weren't supposed to get that until your birthday next week!" Pepper exclaimed as I smiled.
"You can blame dad. He broke the silent treatment with a promise." My mom looked over at my dad, who turned away as he rubbed the back of his neck, sipping his coffee.
"I'm just glad you're home safe. Nothing bad happened, right?" She said as I nodded.
"Also that suit will be in your closet by the time you get back with some minor upgrades." My dad added as I looked back at my mom.
"Yep. Nothing bad at all. Oh and Peter says hello." My dad coughed on his coffee as my moms eyes widened.
"What?!" She yelled as I flinched.
"I thought dad told you Peter knew-"
"He did not say anything about Peter knowing!" She said as she crossed her arms, glaring at my dad.
"O-oh.. Well I'll just um..." I slowly backed up to the glass door, pointing between the as I scrunched my nose. "I'll let you two talk this out." I awkwardly laughed before turning around and running out the door.
I sighed in relief after slamming my door shut, pulling out my phone to search for a specific Spider's number.
Me: Hey Peter! You want to go get a drink with me?
Pretty Boy: But we aren't 21...
Me: Not that drink.
Pretty Boy: oooh then sure!
Me: Great I'll meet you in an hour!
I searched for my secret closet, pressing a button that was hidden on the wall, the closet that held my least valuable items sinking back and sliding to the side.
I smiled for a moment, grabbing the bracelets that were displayed on the mannequin, putting them on and tapping the circular dots on them as the suit integrated onto my body. The helmet was the last thing as I opened the window in my closet, flying out towards Peter's apartment.
I landed on the stairs outside of his bedroom window, the suit disintegrating back into the bracelets as I tapped on his window.
Peter looked around, his brows furrowed in confusion before he noticed me and gasped quietly in surprise. I quickly averted my eyes when I noticed he was shirtless, my cheeks burning.
"Hey. Hey you're Uh.. here early." Peter said as he slipped on a shirt, cracking the window open.
"By 3 minutes." I said, slowly looking back to see him climb out of the window and land in front of me. I squinted as the sunlight hit my eyes once I looked up to see him staring down at me.
"Well, you ready?" He said as I frowned.
"Yeah. But-" Peter smirked as he grabbed my waist. I yelped as he shot a web onto a building, jumping off the stairs.
"JESUS PETER WARNING NEXT TIME." I yelled as I clutched onto his shirt, his laughter echoing into my ear.
I quickly noticed that we were swinging away from all the restaurants, and I frowned, looking around.
"Peter where are we-"
"Just wait!" He said as he jumped. I yelped, feeling the ground as I slipped off of him. I cracked an eye open, noticing we were in a roof.
"Peter why are we here-?" I slowly turned around to see Peter standing awkwardly with his hands in his pockets, a blanket next to him with an assortment of fruits and food on it.
"You did this in under an hour?" I said as he blushed, nodding.
"It's uh... really cheesy but you know I'm kinda broke after our last dinner and I didn't want you to pay for us-" I cut Peter off with a hug as I dragged him to the blanket.
"It's okay Peter! To be honest, this seems better than our last date." I said with a wink as I bit into a grape, crossing my legs as he laughed awkwardly.
"So, how did you actually get your powers? I assume you weren't born with them or something." I said as I ate a sandwich, Peter looking out at the setting sun.
"Uh you remember that field trip we took at the end of the year in freshman year?" He asked as I nodded. "The case of 15 genetically modified spiders, one was missing. We walked to the next area, and I must have not felt it, but the spider fell onto my hand and bit me. I woke up with all my powers the next day."
"Wow. That's actually really cool. And you fought against Cap with my dad?" Peter nodded as I set down my sand which, pushing all the food to the other side of us as I shuffled to sit next to Peter, resting my head in his shoulder.
"I want to assume that Ned already knows. I mean, he is your best friend and either he found out or you told him." I propped my chin up on his shoulder as he glanced down at me, nodding.
"He found out... the night before Liz's party." Peter said with a sigh. "I'll be honest, I don't know if I ever would have told Ned. With all of the super villains that come and go, one of them were bound to find out who I was. They are probably going to use you or Ned against me." He said with a frown.
I furrowed my brows, shaking my head as I rested it on his shoulder again. "I can fight back, Peter. The only person you should worry about is Ned." I said as he breathed in sharply.
"Yeah but you know how I am. I feel the need to save everyone." Peter said as I pushed off him. We both looked at each other, and I had no clue if it was a bad idea to look at his lips.
But he looked at mine.
I slowly leaned closer to Peter, jumping as his phone went off. He jumped up, running his hand through his hair as he blushed, answering his phone. "H-Hello? Oh hey Aunt May um... No no I'm uh. I'm with Megan. Yeah no I can come home.. Yeah. Yeah okay bye." Peter hung up, looking down at me as I frowned.
"Do you need a ride home?" He asked as I sighed, shaking my head. I stood up, tapping the bracelets as Peter audibly gasped. "DUDE THATS SO COOL!" Peter said as I laughed.
"We should go. I'll see you tomorrow Peter." He nodded as he packed his blanket away while I blasted back to the Compound.
"Why didn't you kiss him, Megan? You had the chance." Hax said as I rolled my eyes.
"Because he looked like he didn't want to. He didn't lean in while I did. He probably only thinks of me as a friend." I said as I flew over the river with a sigh.
"I'm not a real person, but I can tell he likes you too. If I'm being honest, he's liked you since last years homecoming." I frowned.
"How do you know that, Hax?" I said, stopping before I slammed into a duck. "SORRY! why did I apologize to a duck."
"Because, last year he wouldn't take his eyes off you while he was with Liz. He realized she wasn't the girl he really liked and ran off on her." I froze, my frown staying.
"Hax, that's impossible. We hadn't even met until over a month ago."
"Megan, Peter took one look at you for the first time that night and he fell in love. I know you did the same thing the day you looked into his eyes. You fell in love when he said his name." My mind raced as Hax continued to talk and point out everything Peter liked about me.
"OKAY! Okay Hax... Maybe... Maybe you are right. I-"
"Don't be shy, finish your sentence." Hax said as I groaned, continuing to fly home.
"I think I like Peter Parker."
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