/𝘚 𝘐 𝘟 𝘛 𝘠- 𝘔 𝘈 𝘙 𝘒 𝘌 𝘋/
It was finally the day that Morgana was planning to go to Hogwarts with Leo and Regulus. They all apparated just outside of the barriers of Hogwarts and charmed themselves invisible, nobody could see them but they could still see each other, a spell Morgana had created weeks prior and had taught them.
The three walked through the corridors of the castle with no problem and took off their invisibility charm once they walked into the room of requirement, where there was a rectangular table in the middle filled with the students Harry had talked about.
After about an hour of talking and stuff, they all watched as Morgana stood up and was about to mark them. She took Regulus' arm and put two fingers on his inner left forearm, visioning her mark on her head.
They all watched in awe as the mark started appearing. It went on for about 30 minutes until Morgana was done with each of them and watched as they all left. The only people who stayed were Regulus, Leo, Hermione, Harry (who was marked with Morgana's mark, even though he was supposed to join Voldemort-He chose Morgana, not that Tom actually cared.), and Luna?..
"Is there something you need, Lovegood?" Morgana questioned.
Luna smiled dreamily and spoke in a soft voice, "You should be careful next year." and was about to leave when a shocked Morgana stopped her.
"Are you a seer?"
Luna merely hummed a tune and skipped out of the room. Morgana frowned as she thought about what she said, but snapped out of it and looked at Hermione and Harry, "So, how's Hogwarts?"
"Do you know Umbridge?" Asked Harry.
Leo sat up straighter, "I do. She works for Fudge."
"Not anymore." Hermione said in disgust, "She's our DADA teacher. She isn't even teaching us any spells."
"You shouldn't worry about that, Granger." Morgana said, "Training for my followers shall be happening soon."
Hermione's eyes lightened up, but Harry immediately spoke before she could ask further questions, "My lady, Fred and George Weasley have found out about everything and they requested to join.."
Morgana frowned, "Weasleys?" She sneered.
"Yes. The two are actually really smart. They've created potions and spells for making prank toys and stuff since they're planning to have a business."
"In 7th year? Impressive." mused Morgana, making Leo frown.
"You're forgetting that they're Weasleys, Morgana." Leo said, paling when the girl glared at him.
"I think I know that, Leo." She said coldly and looked back at the two fifth years, "Potter, keep an eye out for Draco Malfoy for me. Which also reminds me, Leo, why didn't your brother join the meeting an hour ago?"
Leo blanched and looked ashamed. Regulus spoke up for the first time, "He's too scared to join, my lady."
Morgana rolled her eyes, "Typical Malfoys." She mumbled, earning a muffled snicker from Regulus, "Granger, keep on with your spying, you've done well..even if you are a mudblood."
Hermione merely nodded, not even caring for her last comment. "Dismissed. Leo, Reggie let's go."
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