/𝘕 𝘐 𝘕 𝘌- 𝘍 𝘐 𝘍 𝘛 𝘏/
"Marvolo, shut up." Morgana hissed as the snake on her shoulder almost rolled his eyes. She was walking onto the train as it was September 1st and her Fifth year was starting.
Morgana walked to the Slytherin compartments, not looking at anybody as she reached the compartment her girlfriend and friends were sitting at and opened it.
"Woah, Morgana," Regulus immediately started teasing, "Is that a bloody snake on you?"
"Yes." Morgana calmly replied, sitting next to her girlfriend and giving her a kiss, making Leo fake-gag, "His name is..what's your name?"
"How original, Marvolo." Morgana forced herself to smile, "His name is Thomas."
"Isn't that a..human name? Like why don't you call him scales or something?" Regulus questioned. Morgana slowly turned to the said snake, "Don't you dare, Belladona!"
"You know what, Regulus? I believe that might be your best idea yet."
"How dare you betray me this way!"
Morgana ignored the snake and started talking to her girlfriend, making the snake huff.
A knock was heard on their compartment door, making them look at the person who disturbed them. Hermione Granger nervously opened the door, "U-um..Has anybody seen-..Harry?"
"Potter?" spat Morgana, making Hermione flinch, "Why would we see-..Potter?!"
"Hush, Ma Belle." said Amara and looked at Hermione, "What's wrong?" She asked softly.
Hermione visibly relaxed at her warm French accent, making Leo roll his eyes, "I haven't seen them the whole ride. I think they didn't get on the train.."
"We really don't care, mudblood." sneered Leo, earning an eyeroll from Amara.
Amara stood up and straightened out her skirt, holding out a hand to Hermione, "Let's go. I'll help you look for them." She said and left, closing the compartment door.
"Why is your girlfriend so nice?" hissed Thomas. Morgana huffed, "She said that one of us has to be nice."
Thomas held his snort in as he slithered onto the empty seat, making Regulus' eyes narrow, "Your snake is taking a break from you so early?"
Morgana blinked, "Fuck off, Reg."
"Now now, not such good language for a lady." teased Leo, gulping slightly when she glared at him, "Everything is alright for you, though, my lady."
Regulus rolled his eyes at his cowardliness, "We're not in a meeting, Leo."
Leo held up his hands in mock-defense, "I'd like to see you not cower under her glare, Reggie. Those eyes-.." he whispered in feign horror, making Regulus gasp dramatically.
Morgana rolled her eyes as she leaned back and closed her eyes, "You've held meetings already?"
"Yes, only a few. I'm holding more meetings when I gather followers, which I'm sure will happen this year.."
"You know, Belladona.." mused Thomas, "You and I are very alike..Scarily similar."
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