Seven : C'mon Miya-chan~
𝑵𝒐𝒘 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈
𝐷𝑖𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑒𝑤 - 𝐿𝑎𝑛𝑎 𝐷𝑒𝑙 𝑅𝑒𝑦
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0:26 ─●──────── 3:32
◁ II ▷
The club had played a simple game of tolerance before Yuri had won.
The game was who could last the longest without cumming and Yuri had lasted the longest meaning he would take Miya's virginity.
Miya hadn't been aware of this since she had been home, it was the weekend and she was still sad about the conversation with her mom and she was thinking about all the ways she could fill the the broken crack between her and her mother and it hurt even more when she had realized that she couldn't do much.
"H-Hello?" Miya's voice cracked a little as she had been crying but her mood had been lifted knowing that she'd be able to talk to her father.
"Sweetie, why have you been crying?" Miya's father spoke with tenderness as he had already pieced together that his daughter was crying.
"I-It's nothing I-I....." Miya tried to lie but she broke into tears making her dad frown on the other side of the line at his daughter's sadness.
"what happened? was it Ayaka" Miya's father asked making Miya nod on the other side of the line.
Even though Miya didn't meet her father till she was 13 she was his princess since he got remarried to his boyfriend at the time and they couldn't have children so Miya bonded with them both while her mom was out clubbing.
"She told me that you fully cut her off, I-I didn't mean to stir anything u-up" Miya continued to cry.
"Oh sweetie, I warned her that threatening you would not help her case, if she calls you again let me know" Miya's father spoke making Miya wipe her tears.
"Now I know you love her but, you will get burned in the end and I would be devastated if my princess got burned, so please leave her too me, you should focus on your health and studies" Miya's father spoke making Miya nod.
"Okay, I'm sorry for bothering you with this stuff" Miya apologized which saddened her father.
"No sweetie, it's okay I was the one who called" Miya's father defended.
"Now I'll check up on you later if you want, I've got to get down to the office" Miya's father informed making Miya hum a response before the line cut.
Miya sighed before she got up and made her way to her bathroom to clean up since she had been in bed all day but who could blame her.
She had took her time showering before hopping out the shower and she brushed her long hair before getting dressed and she spread her bed and flopped back into it.
She had finished all her homework so she had nothing to do.
Miya stayed staring at her dorm ceiling before she had revived a call from Kashima which made her quickly answer.
"Hello?" Miya answered biting her thumbnail slightly before wiping it on her peach colored skirt.
"Miya-chan would you like to go to the mall with me and the guys?" Kashima asked making Miya smile at the offer to end her boredom.
"Of course, I would love too!" Miya nodded her head to herself as she dangled her legs off her bed.
"Okay, we"ll come and get you" Kashima informed Miya before the line cut and Miya quickly jumped off her bed and put her white tennis shoes on before she she through on a cream colored oversized shirt.
She had sat and waited a little more over 10 minutes before she heard a knock on her door.
She had checked herself in the mirror tying her hair up in a slight bun before making her way to her door but not before pulling her little bag.
The boys greeted her and Yuri practically jumped on her hugging and kissing her face making her slightly giggle as she fought him off still clinging to her bag.
"Yuri-senpai you can't do that in public" Miya said making Yuri laugh as he moved his head to the music playing on his headphones.
"So I can't do this either?" Tamura licked Miya's neck making her slightly jumped and Kashima had caught her before she tripped on air while they were walking.
"So Miya... have you found out which one of us is gonna take you virginity?" Tamura asked Miya making her face reddened at the question.
"Don't worry if you didn't, we chose" Tamura said annoyingly recalling the events of the contest making Yuri sling his arm around Tamura's shoulders and he started blowing raspberries.
"Who?!?" Miya asked as she and Kashima still walked close, she was kinda upset they didn't consider her feelings but she was nervous too, she would be loosing her virginity and her mother had said that was what kept her pure like an angel but that was bullshit because Miya was pure regardless being a virgin or not.
"Yuri- senpai" Kashima announced making Miya's eyes widen as her face turned red again after she had just got back to normal.
"W-What!?" Miya stared in disbelief as Yuri made sex motions with his hands.
"F-Fine but you have to speak normal" Miya said with her arms crossed, she had looked so cute trying to be intimidating but she was too small and cute to prove her point.
Yuri just nodded before continuing to do sex motions with his hands.
"Good luck with that" Tamura smirked
"Regardless it won't matter since eventually I'll get my hands on you" Tamura stuck his tongue out before laughing as Miya's face continued to turn a shade dark of pink than it was before.
Miya, Kashima and Toono had walked in the mall first while Tamura and Yuri trailed behind them.
Yaachan had been at soccer practice and Itome and Akemi were doing what ever they do and Shikatani was putting Toru through training which really wasn't training and the only one suited to help Toru get comfortable in the club would be Miya since they are both Nekos but Akemi insisted that he started sooner.
Tamura and Yuri both smirked at each other before looking at Miya from behind.
Miya wasn't really over-confident with her body and a lot of people would be confused at it in a way, the boys loved it along with some girls while the rest envied it, even her own mother.
Miya had long wavy dark brown hair which was currently pulled into a messy bun had been inherited from her dad, her tan skin was effortlessly clear and smooth which she had gotten from her mother while her dark blue eyes had been from her dad as well.
Tamura gripped Miya's wrist before whispering something to her making her eyes widen as her face reddened before she gently pushed him away.
"W-What did I say about saying stuff like that in public" Miya spoke as he hid her face in her hands.
"But I didn't, I whispered it to you" Tamura smirked.
"S-Shut up" Miya spoke as she walked away from Tamura and stood next to Yuri who wrapped his arm around Miya's waist and brought her closely to him while sticking his tongue at the other boys before he randomly licked Miya's neck making her face reddened.
The two had split of from the group and Yuri pulled Miya into a lingerie store making her eyes widen.
She looked back to see the group had already left the two.
"C'mon Miya-chan ~" Yuri said as he was now speaking proper English which had shocked Miya even though she had asked for it.
"How long is this gonna last?" Miya asked as she slightly poked Yuri's chest making him drop his head back.
"Only when it's us two" He said as he continued to pull Miya into the store.
"W-Why are we here?" Miya snap back into her surroundings.
"To get you something special~" Yuri said as he went through the arrays of colored lingerie.
"Why, I mean-" Miya started but Yuri knew were she was going with this and finished the sentence for her.
"It's gonna be off, I know, I just want to see it on you for the short time before" Yuri smirked making Miya's face reddened.
A/N - hiii I'm so sorry this took me so long to write but I was working on a mha book so this chapter is just a fuller, the big chapter comes after this 😏 anyways I hope you enjoyed and please check out my new mha book if you have time ❤️
Also thank you guys so much for 14.1k reads ily all ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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