3 - Katsuki
"YOU THINK JUST cause you have a flashy quirk now that you're better than me?!" A young Katsuki Bakugou shouted. The small green haired girl curled up in a pair of black and dark green wings shook her head violently trying to make Katsuki leave her alone. Explosions popped in Katsuki's hands as he approached the smaller girl, on a flash a few feathers flew from the small girl's wings and flew at Katsuki cutting his cheek. Katsuki yelped and tried exploding the feathers that were now hovering around him but he didn't cause any damage. "Freak!"
"Bakugou, you're up against Midoriya." Aizawa stated after pulling both their numbers from the box. Katsuki looked towards Izuku who was sitting on the ground, Izuku looked up and their eyes met. Izuku stood brushing himself off before making his way to stand beside Katsuki, Katsuki glaring daggers into the side of Izuku's head. "Make your way to the training grounds, when the tone goes off you may start."
"Who's the villain?" Katsuki growled still glaring at Izuku, Aizawa just rolled his eyes.
"Midoriya can be the villain." Aizawa muttered before ushering them towards the grounds.
Izuku entered at the far side while Katsuki entered at the opposite side, Izuku closed his eyes and though of how he wanted his tech to shift, the tech slowly crawled up his neck and over his face till it settled over the bridge of his nose creating a mask. He shivered sightly as he felt the wind brush against his back from the holes created for his wings, he let his wings grow out, grunting quietly at the weight pulling him backwards. Izuku shook out his wings and stretched waiting for the tone to sound.
He knew Katsuki would take the heads on approach and immediately come looking for a fight, Izuku looked at the buildings surrounding the road he stood on, devising a plan to win this round. The tone sounded and Izuku heard explosions in the distance, quickly coming his way. He stood and readied himself to start off his favorite game, cat and mouse. Izuku grinned as Katsuki landed with a thud about 20 paces in front of him.Β
"Those wings aren't going to get you anywhere!" Katsuki shouted making Izuku grin.
"I know Kacchan, but this will." Izuku held up his hand as it was engulfed in blue flames, He threw up a large wall of flames before taking off and flying into an alleyway. Katsuki shouted in surprise as the flames licked his face, heating up his entire body. He growled as he propelled himself upwards and into the alleyway Izuku had disappeared into.Β
Izuku was using building corners to help his cut corners and zigzag through the multitude of alleyways the training grounds offered. He knew Katsuki couldn't turn as fast as he could and he could lose him quicker like this, giving him the upper hand. Katsuki was shouting at him as the distance between them grew, once Izuku was two turns ahead of him he flew directly up and out of the alley way, making his way towards the next open road. Once he landed safely he pulled a feather from his wing and lit it on fire, it caught quickly but didn't burn it instead held the flame and heated Izuku's palm. Izuku through it up in the air and directed it towards Katsuki who was now stuck in the maze of alleyways still looking for him. Now he waits.
Katsuki was turning building corners looking for Izuku, muttering curses under his breath, since when did Deku have a fire quirk? Katsuki thought it was only the animal transformation quirk. As he made a sharp left turn a black feather with blue flames surrounding it dropped into the alley in front of him. The little dick was just taunting him now. The feather wiggled in the air before flying upward, Katsuki followed, hot on it's tail. It lead hi over roof tops towards an open road before dropping down to join it's master once again, Izuku stood in the middle of the road watching Katsuki jump down from the roof top and landing a nice distance in front of him.
"Don't run again! Fight me!" Katsuki shouted and Izuku hummed unfazed. his wings spread out before dropping down again, Katsuki glared moving towards Izuku.Β
"I'm not gonna run, they were just readjusting." Izuku informed walking to meet Katsuki half way. When they stood face to face Izuku smiled, he always wanted to be heroes with Katsuki even after Katsuki started bullying him. "You know we used to dream of the day we were in the hero course together?"Β
"Shut up!" Katsuki threw a punch which Izuku easily dodged, Katsuki kept trying to attack Izuku just making Izuku maneuver away from him. Katsuki was going to wear himself out if he kept going like this, Izuku knew this and decided to end it.
He dropped into a spiderman stance letting one wing cover him while the other shot multiple feathers towards Katsuki, they gave him multiple papercut sized cuts along his body until he tripped backwards over his own feet. Izuku lit two small feather on fire and the quickly moved to pin Katsuki's hands in place while a few larger ones pinned his costume to the ground. Izuku pulled a large feather from the wing in front of him and walked to stand in front of Katsuki. He knelt beside Katsuki and used the feather to pull Katsuki's face to look at him.
"I don't know how you got the idea that I looked down on you because of my quirk, I always looked up to you, even while you were being a dick. All I wanted was to be your friend." Izuku muttered as the tone went off signaling the end of their round. Izuku's feathers retreated to their rightful places and Izuku pulled away letting Katsuki sit up. "And I'd still like to be your friend Katsuki, that'll never change no matter how much you bullied me."
And with that Izuku left Katsuki alone on the ground with his thoughts.
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