Do you know what happens when you fall in love with someone? Jimin knows very well how that feels, it was something you couldn't describe in words but in actions. But Jimin hated every moment of it, loving someone was toxic for him. Jimin and the others had all loved the same person within a day, it was more like a routine.
Someone buys the game, the boys love that person at the exact same time. It was tiring killing people who even looked at their 'lovers' and also it hurt jimin's pride wanting someone you simply couldn't have. Jimin knew it wouldn't happen he's a yandere, a psychopath the others had a different type a yandere symbol of course, all of them were different.
But they do have one thing in common and that is killing, they always have to kill either to cover up their tracks or just get someone out of their way. Your probably wondering what happens to the player? Well they die, they always die and if not they're put into a mental institution because they've gone rouge. "Jimin your thinking about again? Come on you know what happens when you-" jimin's blood started to boil, "shut up taehyung! Like you haven't killed people, I never asked to be a psychopathic yandere! I don't wanna be a yandere at all!"
Taehyung knows how this goes, it has happened every time when a new player comes along. Jimin had always acted like this, first he gets frustrated, then he tries to warn the player not to play the game but as you can see it doesn't go as planned. "Jimin look I get it okay? You're scared and you don't want to hurt people but this is what we we're created to do, I'm sorry Jimin but you just can't stop it"
Jimin knew Taehyung was right, there was nothing he could do. The only way to destroy the Yandere simulator is to have a past player destroy the game, jimin knows this but he's desperate to become normal. Taehyung knows how jimin feels, because all bad starts to happen when the yandere symptoms comes into play, once the player actually plays the game.
The symptoms start to happen when someone plays the game, the players would usually be girls but one time there was a boy. "Jimin she didn't play yet okay? And we haven't officially met her we're just following her around, we have time" Jimin scoffed "Taehyung you do know once she plays the game we're gonna be around her 24/7, most likely our yandere's will take over and she'll probably be dead by the time we take over our bodies!"
"Jimin come on let's just play a game of chess for now okay?" The said boy agreed and sat down at the dining room table, with a blink of an eye taehyung had the chessboard in front of them. The boys all had special powers that benefited them in the real world, you may be wondering how in the hell to men out of a video game have a house?
Well, typically the boys steal money from banks, stores, malls etc. they don't get caught either because their digital which means they can tweak with security cameras. They also don't have any birth records nor a address which makes it even more difficult for police the get them, and even if they did get arrested they could escape and transfer back into their game.
The boys don't steal much, they just steal about 1,000 dollars for each member about once a week. Namjoon plans the whole thing but since they have just arrived a few hours ago Namjoon rearranged the money steal to 20,000 dollars each member. That way they could have enough money for a house and furniture, of course they don't need food because for one their created beings that are meant to be evil and prepared.
Although Jin on the other had eats food along with jungkook, the other members eat food to but only sweets and drinks. "Jungkook would you and Namjoon stop looking and pictures of y/n and help me bake the damn cake!" Jin yelled from the bottom of the marble stairway, a little earlier jin had decided it was time to leave y/n and that strange boy alone and to head home. Which all members were upset about but they weren't furious or anything.
Jin was worried about himself and the other members why? Because the yandere symptoms were starting to show. Jin never knew what kind of yandere he was neither does the members but they have all come to the conclusion that they're insane. The symptoms usually start to come in once a person plays the game but this time it's different, it's unusual for the symptoms to start early which was worrying Jin.
Namjoon on the other hand wasn't just worried he was terrified, he absolutely hated his yandere type. He hated that he killed people who were mostly innocent in every way possible, he sometimes killed his love interest which also terrified him. He absolutely hated being a yandere in the beginning he didn't know that he was a yandere but it sure showed.
Namjoon thought that out of most of the members he was the most 'innocent' he rarely kills people but if he does then it must be something important. "I'm coming hyung!" Namjoon jumped out of his bed and made his way down the large hallway, he made sure to leave y/n's pictures by jungkook's door on his way down.
Namjoon could tell the symptoms were starting for jungkook too because usually he'll be out in the living room playing a game with his hyung's or playing over watch. It was also surprising that jungkook had already took over thirty pictures of y/n when Namjoon was pretty sure none of them had brought a camera.
But Namjoon only hoped that whatever was going on that he and the members would be okay because this was escalating faster than it should've.
BTS Yandere type/symbol:
Sadistic Type Yandere: These yanderes have a strong desire to "break" their love interest. As the name suggests they are sadistic in nature and have a fixation on corrupting or damaging their "pure/perfect" love interest. These types cause physical harm to their love interest because in their heads it's their way of showing affection.
Possessive Type Yandere: These yanderes would like to own their love interest. Literally own them. They treat their love interest as their favorite dolls that they always keep with them. They absolutely can't stand the idea of anyone touching or even making eye contact with their "property".
Clingy Type Yandere: These yanderes as you can tell by the name are clingy. And by clingy I mean super clingy. They can always be found right next the person of their affection and rarely never leave their side. They are usually close to their love interest and they tend to be the most childish out of all the yanderes.
Stalker Type Yandere: These types of yanderes usually never get a chance to win their love interest's affection. They watch at the side lines and admire their love interest from a far. They are usually the minor characters in a piece of work and sometimes end up sabotaging their love interest's life in the background.
Overprotective Type Yandere: These yanderes are usually close to their love interest. They might not realize themselves that they are yandere because they think of their actions as just being protective, not overprotective. They love having their love interest depend on them and might keep them at their side under the excuse that they are protecting them.
Obsessive Type Yandere: These types of yanderes admire their love interest almost as if they were a piece of artwork. They love every single feature of their love interest and would just love to place them like a mannequin in their room. They are similar to the stalker type in a way but not exactly since they usually make contact with their love interest.
Manipulative Type Yandere: These yanderes as their name suggest control the person of their affection. Their love interest might actually love them already or that is what they make them believe. They manipulate their love interest in any way, shape or form. They would be the one to purposely put their love interest in danger in order to save them and make their love interest depend on them. Once they notice their love interest start to fall for them they will use the push and pull method or even be with another person to make their love interest jealous.
Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter!! And thank for 300+ reads it really means a lot soo bye love you my babies🧡❤️
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