Chapter name: is he the one I love?
Jungkook felt guilty, he did for awhile. Chaoze 'died' weeks ago and he didn't say anything although he didn't have to because yandere's aren't suppose to care for someone who got in their way but jungkook just felt different somehow. Before jungkook wanted to destroy your life, he wanted to make you his no matter the drastic causes. But now he wanted to care for you and make you the happiest person in the world, and he hated it.
He was suppose to be a yandere, cruel and dangerous. He wasn't suppose to be soft and caring but unfortunately he was and it upset him a lot. What was he gonna do? It's not like he can confess his feelings and expect you to love and accept his heart after all he did kidnap you. What was he gonna say to you after all that hurt he caused you and not to mention pain.
So that's why he told you that Chaoze was alive, the man of your dreams. Yes it was true, Chaoze was actually alive but how? Jungkook gave that dead girl temporary death poison which meant Chaoze did die but only for a certain amount of time. The girl who temporarily killed him didn't know any of this information and neither did the guys.
Before the autopsy was given to Chaoze jungkook had him removed, to a private and expensive hotel room and bribed the police force and made them write a fake autopsy report. He had to keep you busy along with his older brother, so he bribed the police even more and made them ask you questions.
Of course no one knew about this because if what happens when you to tell the boys that the one person y/n loves is still alive? Boy you would be in big trouble. Chaoze luckily woke up after jungkook made it to the hotel room and things took an unexpected turn, jungkook actually liked him.
He was funny and sweet even though he didn't know where he was or how he even got into a hotel room. Jungkook then explained to him that Chaoze had to leave in order to keep him and y/n safe leaving out a few details, about the yandere stuff. Although Chaoze didn't leave so fast, he wanted to see you so jungkook smuggled him into your house and watched you sleep.
It was the only way, and Chaoze didn't question it. The process was way longer than put into words, "so where i-is he now t-then?" Y/n sniffed as her eyes turned red from crying silently. "He's in Thailand I can keep tabs on him and keep him safe, he's going to school and has a job" y/n smiled softly and sniffed again getting emotional.
"Thank you, jungkook so much" y/n cried as she hugged jungkook tightly. He tensed up, slowly his heart gradually raced (if he had one) and he didn't know what to do, how should he react? Slowly jungkook wrapped his arms around your chubby figure scared that he may hurt you by the slightest touch. "You may not be a good person on the outside but deep down, your amazing" y/n whispered and slowly let go of jungkook and proceeded to sniff some more.
"Thank y-you y/n" Jungkook released you quickly and stepped back. "You should go to your room, I'll see you tomorrow" Jungkook said nervously. He had never seen you like this nor had he ever heard you say such kind words to him, but in his mind you were always kind because he never seen the other part of you. You and jungkook never really communicated ever since that night were jungkook panicked.
Even before that you two weren't close, but somehow jungkook fell in love with you. He didn't know how or when it happened but he just fell in love, and it's not a good thing at all because he's supposed to be obsessed with you and he is supposed to torture you but after years of doing the same thing to different people why can't he do it to you?
Jungkook doesn't want to end up like Jimin, the poor boy is soft and sad. But jungkook can't help but feel sadden by the way he treated y/n after all these months he just decided that he loved her? It's unfair. Jungkook slowly watched you walk upstairs with a saddened look on your face as you went, at that moment it was almost like jungkook could read your mind. He could sense the way you felt in every aspect of your body, he could tell that the one you truly want was Chaoze.
Blue hugged you with a worried look in his eyes, he had never seen you so emotional before. "So you mean this is the little pretty girl we're helping big brother?" Jinyoung looked over at the beautiful chubby girl with puffy eyes and pink puffy lips. Ren nodded not listening to his little brother because it seemed like he was put in a trance. "It's okay b-blue I'm fine now" you pulled away from blue and instantly jumped into Justin's arms once you saw jinyoung and ren.
"How a-are t-they?" Your arms were wrapped around Justin's waist as you stood behind him like he was your shield. "They're here to help you get out of this place, don't be scared" you slowly stepped in front of Justin and looked at the two tall men before you. "Well aren't you a cutie pie? Why did they pick someone so fragile I could break her with one hand" jinyoung protested as he looked at the much smaller girl in front of him.
"Little brother now is not time to pick on her, we need to focus on more important things" ren said. "Uh h-hello my n-name is y/n I'm t-the girl they told you about?" You spoke in a soft voice mainly because of your recent crying and the fact that you didn't know who these people were. "Well hello there beautiful my names jinyoung but call me oppa for short hmm?"
The tall man waltzed up to you with a soft smirk planted on his lips, he grabbed your hand and lightly planted a small kiss on it. You squealed and pulled your hand back blushing, "your so fragile Jesus" jinyoung backed away as he muttered those words softly against your hand. "Well do you have any plans in mind on how to get her outta here?" Blue stepped forward and put his arm around your waist protectively when he saw ren staring you down.
Justin stepped up also and stood next to you in a protective manner, "we were thinking about killing them-" y/n's eyes widened as she stepped forward. "No! No killing of any sort" ren stopped in his tracks and looked at you with and interested look. "Why not? It's either kill or be killed" although ren was right for many reasons y/n didn't want any extreme violence. You wanted to escape in the arms of peace not prude violence and gore.
"Y/n this may be the only way for you to escape you know that right?" Blue looked at you with wary eyes. He was worried about you lately and you wouldn't tell him anything which made him frustrated to the maximum. "I don't care, I want to escape peacefully and calmly for the sake of Chaoze and my parents" Blue went silent, he remembered your deceased parents and how you never got to see them,
"What are about your parents sweetheart? Are they dead?" Ren watched you with curious eyes, you seemed like a girl who had it all. A young beauty who had parents with a younger sibling in a nice middle class home, "my parents died in a car accident when I was kidnapped. I didn't find out until I managed to escape for a short amount of time" y/n spoke softly as she shook her head. She didn't want to think about that day where she escaped.
The day she had felt betrayed by Hoseok and the day she also learned how to trust Jimin. It was a heartbreaking day for her along with many reasons why, "that's sad I'm sorry sweetheart" jinyoung cutely pouted But it instantly changed into a smile. "It's fine, I promised myself a long time ago that grieving won't help me escape" ren nodded at that.
Y/n was indeed smarter than he thought, removing feelings to get out of this bottomless pit. "Well what's the plan then?"
Omg babies pls forgive meeee! I'm soo sorry for updating lateee I missed you soo much!!! Anyway byeeee see you in the next chapter!!!!😭💜
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