Chapter name: You'll never leave
After Jin gave you a little house tour, he finally told the members you were actually here. "Guys come downstairs y/n is here!" Many footsteps were heard as the seven boys came downstairs. Jungkook was the first to come downstairs and you instantly greeted him with a warm smile. Jungkook's face flushed and he waved.
"Hey jungkook, it's nice seeing you" he waved once again and sat on the large couch that was a few feet away from you. At the moment you weren't paying to much attention to this because you realized he is a bit shy. "Y/n you're finally here!" You look away from the blushing jungkook and faced the staircase.
Taehyung ran up to you and hugged your chubby figure lightly, you felt a bit awkward but hugged back into the warm embrace. "Okay love birds we get it" You pulled away from taehyung slightly and looked at Hoseok in the slight distance. "Oh hobi!" You pulled out of taehyung's grasp and went over to Hoseok.
You had to admit Hoseok was your favorite, besides Jimin of course. You felt comfortable and safe around Hoseok, and Jimin was just such a cutie pie not to mention a sweetheart. "Hey little one, how's it going?" Hoseok lightly patted your head and smiled, "I'm fine how are you oppa?" You look up at the junior with a soft smile.
Before Hoseok got to speak, Jin interrupted. "How about we put on a movie whilst Namjoon and Jimin are getting ready to come down hmm?" You look over at jin and sat on the couch which was right next to jungkook. Although the couch was extremely huge and you could've sat anywhere else you chose to sit next to jungkook.
To you jungkook looked really lonely, oftentimes you thought he was sad. Maybe you sat with him out of pity but as for now you were the only one who was getting pitied on. "Why a-are you s-sitting here?" Jungkook whispered in a hushed tone while the others chatted near the kitchen entrance. "Because you seemed lonely and plus I wanted to speak with you!"
You smiled at jungkook again which made him blush. He look over at his brothers before leaning in huddled over your ear. "You need to leave right now, somethings bad about to happen I can feel it" You pulled away from jungkook slowly, "what do you me-" Your question was cut off by the sound of an excited Jimin. "Oh y/n I didn't know you were here yet!" Jimin sat next to you and pulled you in a shoulder hug.
You smiled and hugged him back, trying to ignore what jungkook had said. "So we're watching a movie right?" You nodded at Jimin's question and look up at the big screen. "I never knew you guys were so fortunate, I thought you would be going to a private school or something" you added looking around their beautiful house. "Yeah we get that a lot but we just kinda want to fit in you know?"
You nodded at Jimin but then adverted your gaze to jungkook, he looked nervous and flustered at the same time. You were slightly worried about him even though he literally doesn't even know you, "jungkook are you okay?" The young boys head shot up and so did all the others, they now were all paying attention to jungkook and you.
"Yeah I-I'm fine don't worry about it" at the moment jungkook became more nervous, his eyes were watering and he fumbled with his hands. You instantly pulled Jimin's hand off your shoulder and rushed to the ground in front of jungkook. You could tell already, jungkook was having a panic attack.
You had no idea what was wrong but you knew that he wasn't okay, you gently grabbed his face with your chubby hands and looked into his eyes. "Jungkook just breathe, it's okay no ones gonna hurt you" the guys stopped what they were doing and watched you. You felt odd helping someone you barely know with six people watching you.
But at the moment your only focus was helping jungkook calm down, "just look at me okay?" You faced jungkook with a worried expression, he was slowly calming down which made you sigh in relief. "Y/n what are you doing?" Jimin looked at you with an unreadable expression. You shivered at Jimin's deep voice and look up at him.
"Your brother was having a panic attack and this was a way to calm him down" You became flustered and sat on the couch. Everyone was looking at you and jungkook with strange look, it was almost dangerous and it kinda made you scared. "I'm o-okay now l-let's just watch the movie" Jungkook interrupted, you slowly got up from your position and sat next to jungkook again.
Things slowly started to get more lively and perhaps everyone forgot what happened earlier but you didn't. As you were sitting next to Jimin helping pick out the movies your train of thought always focused on what jungkook had said earlier. Was he that scared that he had a panic attack? You didn't know what to think but at the moment you needed to act normal.
"Alright! We picked one it's an American movie called the titanic!" Jimin said as he pressed the movie option. You always liked the movie considering it was a classic and it had always made you cry, it was a sweet movie and you could only dream to have a lover like jack was in titanic. "I heard it's a good movie, y/n have you watched it?"
You look over over at Namjoon and nodded, "it's a really good movie! Although I hate what happens at the end" you said with a slight pout but instantly smiled when Hoseok came over. You didn't notice Namjoon's and Jimin angry looks because you were so immersed in Hoseok. "Y/n can you tell me how to calm my brother down in case he has a panic attack again?"
Hoseok asked, he was eager to start a conversation with you and was desperate to protect you from those..brothers of his. You smiled once hearing how considerate he was, "well your brother might've been very scared...or anxious about something.." you stopped momentarily to look at jungkook, he wasn't paying any attention to your conversation.
He looked lost, or in a type of daze which made you worry more. "I've never seen a person act so..distressed in a panic attack before, y-you should take him to a doctor this isn't healthy!" You raised your voice slightly making everyone look in your direction again. Jimin who was sitting between you and Hoseok spoke up, "he'll be fine, he often stares into space so this isn't really a surprise" Jimin gestured towards jungkook as cutely as possible.
You looked at jungkook again with sad yet curious eyes, he was warning you leave and suddenly he had a panic attack. "Guys I n-need to go.." you placed the pastel cookies on the table and stood up. Suddenly yoongi took a step in front of you, "you're not going. Sit down" You look up at yoongi shocked. The said boy barely speaks to you and now he's giving commands?
"No I'm leaving? Please move oppa.." you try and slide your way past the taller boy but he blocked you. "Y/n let's just sit down and watch a movie hmm?" Hoseok now stood in between you two giving yoongi a stern look, he grabbed your hand softly giving you a gentle smile. "Hoseok move I wanna go home" you forced your hand out of his and moved your chubby body towards the door.
You didn't feel any one behind you, and sighed in relief. You stalked towards the door silently, anxious about leaving. You were at the door and fumbled with the handle but a strong hand stopped you. "I'm sorry y/n but your not leaving" you turn towards taehyung with a shocker expression. "Taehyung-ah let go you're hurting me.."
His grip was deadly strong, You hissed in pain as you tried to pull away. Suddenly his hand wrapped around your face covering your mouth and nose, in a reflex you tried to bite his hand and struggled against him. "Mhmph!" Your voice took its last pecks before you were knocked out cold, without escaping.
Hi my beautiful babies! This is another chapter, so I'll see you soon!
I love you! (I won't force you to say it back this time😂💜)
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