Chapter name: plans
Y/n always liked school, which was so weird because she always remembered about the way she absolutely hated school. Although this time it was different, because she had Chaoze and the guys. They really helped over the past two days and slowly y/n started liking school more. But there was one thing that threw y/n off which was jooheon, the said boy was so sweet and he asked to be official friends which y/n accepted with a bright smile and she hasn't figured out what sets her off about him.
But in the back of her head she thought it was quite strange for jooheon to want to become friends with her but of course she pushed that thought away. "Y/n! Y/n noona!" You jumped up when you heard your name, "y-yes did you need something?" You looked at chaoze with wide eyes, a sense of guilt floated through your body because you were ignoring Chaoze. You two were currently studying at the local library around town, you both had a huge test coming up and couldn't afford to fail.
"Your zoning out, I've called your name three times already." He pouted which immediately made you feel even more guilty, "I'm sorry chaoze but—I don't know I guess I'm just a little worried about the test" y/n knew she was lying but she was also telling the truth. She was worried about her test in math because it was a fairly big part of her grade and report cards were coming up soon. Even though her parents won't see them she would still feel like in her heart that she could've done better.
"Don't worry your gonna ace that math test okay?" You look at him and smiled wide, "thanks, I really appreciate it" he nodded his head and got back to his studies, and you did the same trying not to think about other things.
Jin sat on his bed looking at pictures of his beautiful wife, y/n. Jin had snuck out the house at two am to get these pictures which he was very proud of, because he wasn't the best at sneaking around during the night. He wanted to cause mischief and get himself hurt just to have you pamper him the next day, but he knew that you two weren't close enough for you to pamper him all day long.
But luckily Jin had a plan formed with Namjoon, the plan was simple 'kill jooheon and Jin will comfort his beautiful 'wife' at the loss of her dearest friend'. The plan was simple but it's more harder than it sounds, because firstly jooheon and y/n weren't even that close they were just mere classmates so jin and Namjoon would have to force them together.
Which both of them didn't like the idea at all, but it had to be done. Jin smiled at his wife before putting his pictures away in his box, the box had all sorts of fucked up shit in there that could give you nightmares, but to Jin these were all of his accomplishments in his life. Things that he had to work for months of waiting for his plan to finally take action.
It was all of his hard work shoved into one tiny box. Jin thoughts were cut off when a hard knock came to his bedroom door, "yah! Stop knocking so damn loud—" Jin was cut off when a young boy walked into his bedroom door. Jin scoffed at his other roommate, "What do you want taehyung? I'm busy" The said boy chuckled softly and put his hands on his hips. "Busy my ass, I know you were looking at that sinful box of yours when are you gonna get rid of that damn thing?"
"Oh shut up taehyung, cut to the chase you want something from me"taehyung smirked as he shut the door behind him. "Listen I have a plan—and I know you've already made one with Namjoon but trust me mines is better" Jin hummed and sat more sturdy on his bed. "Well I'm listening" the older ushered the younger to continue his so called 'plan.
"Your original plan was to kill jooheon right? But let's be honest what would be the point of it, you would have to force them together in order to kill him which a challenging job—" taehyung took a breath and smiled gracefully, "how about we just kill that boy Chaoze instead?"
Haeun walked slowly in the isles of endless rows of books not looking for anything in particular, but she was looking at someone in that bookstore. "There she is—ugh what is she doing with him?" Haeun pouted slightly, angry
Of the presence beside y/n. "She's always with him— god I wish she would pay attention to me" Haeun looked at her soon to be lover, with sad eyes.
"That damn Chaoze I wish I could just—" "kill him?" At that moment Haeun stopped breathing all together. Dreading each moment of the silence, someone has heard her and seen her stalking y/n which could get Haeun in a lot of trouble. "Who a-are you?" She spoke in a low tone still not facing the person who had seen her, "oh well I'm your best nightmare!"
Haeun turned around only to be met with a young boy, this man was attractive you could even call him a beautiful creature of some sort. He had a cheshire smile painted on his lips with a seductive look as well. "Do I know you from somewhere?" Haeun questioned the male as her pale skin was becoming paler each second.
"Well I see that you hate Chaoze, and might've came up with a plan to get rid of him for you." The boy with smirked playfully at Haeun's reaction "I d-don't know what you're talking about" Haeun splurged out nervously. She had no idea who this man was and how he had know she wanted Chaoze dead.
"Look, I want Chaoze dead too but I need you to cooperate with me." Haeun nodded her head thinking she was in some type of danger slowly advertising in this plan. To her senses killing Chaoze wouldn't be such a bad idea that way she could have y/n all to herself, without anyone getting in her way.
"What do you want me to do?" Haeun wished that she didn't want to do this but in the back of her mind this was just a way to get her first love, and she was so scared that she was desperate for just one girl who simply didn't know she existed. "Here's my number I'll text you details later on" the male walked away but before he could get far Haeun shouted out silently.
"What's your name?" The man turned around and grinned softly, "call me...Mr. jeon"
I'm sorry y'all, but I had to do it. I'm also thinking about writing another story whatcha think? I love you💜
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